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  • Online game won't let more than 2 people join

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Known Issue

    Description of issue

    A group of seven of us are trying to play our online career save but when we try to join it only lets the host and one other join. When anyone else tries to join the game, it says joining online server but will never let anyone join. We all play on Xbox series S/X, but that dosen't seem to be the problem as people who play on Xbox One can join when it decides to eventually let us play.


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    • Administrators

    Hello, @SamReynoldsand @matty123this is a known issue we're currently investigating.

    Could you please provide us with the following information.

    Which online game mode are you trying to play? (online career, draft or versus)

    How many users are trying to connect to the online game?

    How many users connect before it stops letting people join?

    What console is the host using, and what console is the person using who can’t connect?

    Can you all connect to an Xbox Live Party together?

    What NAT type does the host user have? (Go to your Xbox Settings > Network Settings > Test NAT type)

    What leagues/nations are loaded within the save?

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