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  • Move to Reserves

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    When choosing this option, a window pops up to let you choose what you intend to do with the player. That’s not the bug. The bug is when you opt to send player to reserves for next match only. They appear to be stuck in reserves unless you go and bring them back manually. One of the players I sent to the reserves this way is actually mad that they’ve already learned all they could from the reserves and wished they’d be back to the first team.



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    I have since loaded back a week or two and done the same thing and got the same result after the reserves game finished. I then moved my player back into my first team manually.

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    Jake. I'm seeing a random effect. Sometimes, the player gets transferred right back after the game... some times, the player stays and I have to manually move them. I guess after the fact, I reported this, I saw more players get moved back if they're from the first team being sent to the reserves for one game. You may mark this ticket as completed at this time since I can't reliably recreate it at this time... I'll try to capture the moment better going forward.

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