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  • Problem with Average Rating calculations

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    this takes a lot of the realism out of the game: a player plays 90 minutes of a game, plays well, scores 10; then they come on as a substitute for 5 minutes in the next game (or they get injured after 5 minutes), scores 6; average rating for the two games is 8. This seems intuitively wrong, and it means I don't bring on any substitutions after half-time so as to avoid ruining my players' average ratings. In real life, a player's season wouldn't be undermined by a handful of late substitute appearances to wrap up the game, so this feels odd. Not sure of the best solution to this: ideally their average rating would be weighted by how many minutes they played, or maybe a short appearance just wouldn't count?

    (I was really impressed by how FM have fixed a previous bug - where player ratings were disproportionately based on second-half performance - so I know you can do it!)


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    • SI Staff

    Hello @devonchris.  Again, thanks for separating these bugs out into individual posts. This bug is going to be a bit more difficult to pinpoint exactly what is going on. What we will probably need here is a series of saves from before and after matches where the issue has been occurring to determine exactly what is going on. That should give us enough information on what is going on to give the development team a solid start to work from.


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    You don't need a savegame upload for this - the average of 6 and 10 is still 8... It's not a bug at all, it's a feature of the game that player ratings are calculated this way. I can't show you any more with an upload - it's literally how the game works...

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