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What are the key attributes to a "good" assistant manager.


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I'm interested because my team is going to start looking for one in the next month or two in season 2 2009-2010. His contract is about to expire in 2-3 months. should i resign him?

Wolfgang rolff

| Coaching | |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Attacking | 17 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Defending | 14 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Fitness | 10 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Goalkeepers | 5 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Man Management | 13 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Mental | 14 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Tactical | 14 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Technical | 14 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Working With Youngsters | 11 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| | |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Mental | |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Adaptability | 9 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Determination | 12 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Judging Player Ability | 14 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Judging Player Potential | 14 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Level of Discipline | 5 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Motivating | 10 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Physiotherapy | 7 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Tactical Knowledge | 13 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| | |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Tactics | | | |

| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Preferred Formation| 4-4-2 | Playing Mentality | Adventurous |

| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Pressing Style | Mixed | Marking Style | Man |

| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Coaching Style | Attacking | | |

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depends what you want from an ass man

i look for my assistant to have good man management and good judging pa/ca attributes.. anything else for me is a bonus..

massimo neri is usually my ass man whatever team i play as..

or if im a bigger team i get baldini who is world class

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Man Management - handle egoistic players

Tactical Knowledge - pretty straight forward

Motivating - if you want him to handle team talk

Determination - helps in giving positive team talk

Level of Discipline - no one fools around lol

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