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Problems with my 1920x1080 monitor


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Everything is so small when running 1920x1080, I have tried lower resoulutions but they are either blurry are jaggy. In windows i have increased the dpi and every thing else looks fine, it's just fm09 causing me problems. Can anyone help me?

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Everything is so small when running 1920x1080, I have tried lower resoulutions but they are either blurry are jaggy. In windows i have increased the dpi and every thing else looks fine, it's just fm09 causing me problems. Can anyone help me?

Use a different monitor? There's nothing you can do other than that, Im afraid (I assume you've set the screen resolution to 1920x1080 in the display options)

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I play 1024x768 windowed @ 1920x1080 and it's fine for my eyes. It does get rather ridiculous playing in full screen at that resolution though, lots of blank space.

With how cheap large res LCD monitors are these days I really think SI need to add support for them in FM10 (along with lower resolutions for netbooks). 1024x768 as a default resolution is just old hat these days. It wouldn't be overly difficult to produce a 'HD' version of the default skin and release it with the game (especially if they included some resolution specific settings so you could specify a minimum resolution before the skin would show up).

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Yeah I hope they include support for 1920x1080 in the next game. Xbox 360, videos etc look amazing on my monitor but when it comes to fm2009 everything is so small and unplayable.

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