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Is there are list of decent young players

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that are not retained on the large database? I'm thinking of adding some extra files to my Russian save, so preferably players from around that area would be ideal. No need to add players from France, England, Italy, Spain or Germany as they most probably wont transfer to Russia.

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Sorry you've misunderstood what I meant. I'm after players who are NOT loaded on the standard large database with no additional countries loaded. Granted, a few of the players on that list are not on the standard db, but most are.

Basically I'm after players not from the major European countries that you have discovered on your travels. Players that might not have great CA or PA but have got a good set of stats.

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Ah okay, well I'd try asking in your club thread, if there is one, if not look here http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=54852 at the Player Discussion Threads, there may be a few players there.

Your best bet would be scouting for yourself in game really, send your scouts to the smaller EU countries, look through the regens to find a gem etc.

My big recommendation however would be Victor Irineu and Hugo if you're looking for any player in specific right now.

Also what season are you on?

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Well I'm going to start my save again specifically to load some major clubs from Eastern Europe (instead of loading up all players of a certain nationality and causing my game to run at a snail's pace). However, each time I download a new .ddt file I find myself thinking that perhaps I've missed a gem that plays in Kyrgyzstan or some obscenely talented youth that plays in the 2nd tier of the Serbian league. I know this is preposterous because if a player is that talented he will automatically be loaded in the db, but I've loaded players from Saudi Arabia before (on FM08) and found a 14 year-old with unbelievable stats.

I think the problem is that I start need to playing the game more and thinking about it less.

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Even if you miss a gem there's always newgens coming through with loads of CA/PA who will be just as good, probably better than a lot of current players. So it's probably worth not worrying about it and concentrate on making the players you do have turn as a best they can.

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