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"*Your Assistant* doesn't think any advice is needed"

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When responding to a transfer story you often have the assistant tell you to whether issue a hands off warning as there a great player, or say you'll only sell at a certain price, but what does it mean when they say "doesn't think any advice is needed" i've always though of it as they are a very good player and so should laugh a bid off, but recently a very poor striker of mine, he's declared this about, so is it about a quality player when they say this, or a poor player?


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In my experience the assistant does sometimes say this when you have an interest for a very poor player. I suppose he thinks it's common sense you should sell him. I get this alot when I have an average or worse player when I get a story saying someone is interested in them when they are transfer listed. Could this be the case for the player you mentioned?

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Matthew2 i believe it is the case i rate him poorly and money badly spent, so he will be leaving just wondered what people's views on the meanign to this, Earmack i believe you could be right seems that it is the assistant saying it's common sense.

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This has always annoyed me. I don't get why my AM would ever say that. If I'm asking him - then I obviously want an answer! I think it works both ways but sometimes it isn't clear.

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I think it only applies to bad players. I've never come across it when there's interest in one of my star players.

Contrarily, I get it a lot with star players. My take is that he means 'Don't ask stupid questions when the answer is so obvious!'.

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Does this response correlate to the players squad status?

When the player is listed the AM will always say "no advise needed"

So if theplayer is backup for first team for example and a team want to buy them, will the assitant manager offer no advice because the player is not considered inportant, therefore why not let him go

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I don't personally pay any attention to what the ass man says as I will already know whether or not I would invite an offer or say not for sale, I remember one of my ass mans telling me to listen to offers for a player that was in his prime and my top performer, I guess his CA or PA wasn't very high.

But the no advice needed statement is a bit dumb and a little sarcastic.

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I've always taken it as the answer's so obvious that you should know yourself, but I don't really think there's any point having it in the game, I'd rather SI just patronise us and tell us what the AM thinks!

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