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Players that are better or worse than their ca/pa imply

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If you are one of those who monitor ca/pa with an editor or scouting tool, you know what I mean. I already know the argument of attributes vs ca, but I still find this interesting.

Here are some that I've noticed (lower to mid leagues):

dl Jason Talbot is a young ca90/pa110 player who performs at a much higher level. Calin Cristea is another dl/wbl/ml who also performs much better than his ca.

dc Alo Bärengrub (22-23yo) starts off with ca around 125, but his performances are not matching the ca. Still a good signing since he can be signed very cheaply.

fc Juan Carlos Arce starts at ca 120-125, same as Bogdan Stancu, but can never perform as well.

dmc's Jonathan Bru, Benjamin Laurant, Da Mota, Yuma all start at ca around 90-99, but performs almost as well as Nengomashe (130).

amc Zeman (ca~100) very often outperforms Piatti, Buonanotte & Mihelic (ca~120-125).

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Good points about ca. But doesn't a high ca also mean that they could be good at other things than their key attributes, like centre backs with good ball control and long shots or strikers who can help win the ball back?

guess after they maxed out their potential on their keys attributes and with lots of points to spare before they reach their PA and consider they are still young and developing then yea~ icon14.gif

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