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We'll let me first say, this game is one of my favorite games, and very, very addictive... yet... I get more frustrated every single day.

I (and a friend of mine) tried every single thing possible, and read several posts here. So this is basisly my last cry for help. I seriously dont

know what we're doing wrong.

Here's an example of my Counter tactic using right now. And underneath ... the rar file with the 3 used tactics. Would anyone please be so

kind to help out 2 desperate FM players :D ?





Thank you so much in advance, if you need to know anyone, please let me know. I'll post whatever is needed.

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I have seen your individual instrcution. Try to post your team instruction and write down any problems that you faced.

Don't give up, this is a game and the difficulties can be overcome.

I have seen that you set your passing to high mixed, direct and even long and yet the assistant manager said the players misplace too many SHORT passes.

Try my suggestions below:

1) Set last notch of short passing for your fullbacks and centre defenders. First notch of mixed passing for wingers. Last notch of mixed passing for MCa and FCa. First notch of direct passing for MCd and FCd.

2) Use 1st or second notch of wide and also quick tempo.

I have post my team screenshot in Man Utd thread, post number 4574 which you can take as an example. I used mixed forward run for all my players except my DC with rare. And my players have high passing completion. Take a look at that.

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I've tried it. Seemed to work ... only still: Short passing terrible ... my players have low rating for passing/creativity. I've won matches against Utrecht and AZ (titlecandidate) but then I suddenly lose against teams who ONLY score shots from distance (30 yards :()

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Arghh I hate conceding goals from long distance. Therefore I have tried some experiment to avoid this and I think I have done it.

I have checked your players mentality and there should be no big gap between your midfield and defence. However you set forward run rarely for fullbacks which may give spaces for opponents have time to ctreate something.

So I would suggest:

1) Forward run RARELY for DCs, and OFTEN for your FCd, and MIXED for the rest.

2) MCa with 1st notch of whole pitch closing down. MCd with two notch before whole pitch closing down.

3) Increase your DC's, MCd, MCa, FCa, and DRL's mentality by one notch and two notch for your FCd. (based on the screenshot you have post.) Increase gk mentality as well till as high as DC.

4) Set defensive line as high as DC's mentality.

5) Give your fullbacks run with ball MIXED, cross ball OFTEN and cross from MIXED while your wingers with run with ball OFTEN, cross ball MIXED and cross from BYLINE.

6) Focus passing mixed.

The purpose of doing steps 1 and 5 is to avoid forward run which is not needed. Your wingers will run with ball down the flanks (run with ball often)and may not cross the ball (cross ball mixed) which you let him stop and pass backward to your fullbacks and FCd. In this situation, your fullbacks and MCs will only run forward (forward run mixed) as the whole team is ready to attack (attack and defend as a unit is essential.)

Hope this help as I play so. Good luck and tell me the result.

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Yeh. I've tried everthing you said. Played a little better. Still... long shots and terrible passing. (We're misplacing way to many SHORT passes) ... pffff :( ... I thought: "I just want my defenders to give the ball to the midfielders ... thats all. Why cant I do this in FM ? :(

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How much creative freedom you give to your DC? I would suggest you give maximum of "little" so that they will just pass to the MCs.

Give a high normal of creative freedom to your fullbacks.

If you have a MCs with rare and mixed forward run, then they should draw back to support your DCs.

If you still concede long shots, man and tight mark the opponents MCs with your MCs instead of closing down that recommend by your assistant managers.

I am wondering why your assistant manager kept saying the same thing. Lol.

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Well, first of all: Thank you so much for all the help so far.

And I've noticed that the Short passing comment by the assistent goes away when I raise the Passing to almost Direct for my defenders sometimes, but then they just start hooving it upfield, which I totally hate (only in emergensies its ok) ...

Another question... Is FM as simple as raising everything by a couple of notches for Counter?

For example, I feel like my tactic is slowly better and better, is it now just a case of for example:

Lower everyone's Mentality 4 notches and raise everyone Passing 4 notches (more Direct) and Tick Counter Attack? And there ya go. Counter tactic? :D

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Lower the mentality and increase the passing? I have never tried them before. If the last notch of short passing doesn't work, then you may try to lower the short passing until you think it is good enough. Low passing stats for players is disadvantage I think.

Basically I have set exactly the same as I suggest you above. If they still kick the ball up front, lower the MCd mentality a bit so that he stay nearer to DCs.

I have high passing completion from my defence players. http://community.sigames.com/showpost.php?p=3556862&postcount=4574

maybe one of the reason is the players that I have.

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