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Midfielders in 4-4-2

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Could be my first post in this forum.

I'm setting a 4-4-2 formation to begin my career with Juventus in FM 2009, and I'm a FML beta tester so that I know the tactical tips and frameworks or whatever it's called. I'm an avid fan of counter-attack systems, but I want to set up my tactic quite differently with what I do in FML.

I want two central midfielders and two wingers. The problem is that I have no idea what I should do with the central midfielders. I like one to be a ball-winning midfielder and the other one to be a box-to-box midfielder. My question is: Is there any defensive midfielder who plays as a box-to-box midfielder?

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I might be completely missing the point/question, but can you not just go to FML, use the wizard gizmo for box-to-box/ball winning, switch to the sliders, copy the settings and use them in FM?

don't understand the second part either. A defensive midfielder can't be a box to box midfielder (going by their strict definitions). You can throw in a DMC and give him FWR runs often, he'll head for the box with his mentality having the main influence on how and when he gets there. You could give a flat MC mentality 1 and FWR runs often and he'll behave reasonably similar in terms of where he places himself on the pitch (from memory).

I'm a little slow so you'll need to explain what you mean more clearly :D

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I'm looking for a box-to-box midfielder, but so far, I could only see a defensive midfielders who acts as a box-to-box one.

Basically, I come to a conclusion that a box-to-box midfielder must or can be a defensive midfielder actually while a defensive midfielder isn't a box-to-box midfielder.

I want one defensive midfielder and one box-to-box midfielder in my tactics, but if I play two defensive midfielders one of which acts as a box-to-box midfielder, will I play two defensive midfielders actually?

Is there an advanced playmaker who plays as a box-to-box midfielder?

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Sorry mate, completely lost. None of that makes sense to me in footballing terms so I can't really 'translate'. Maybe try the FML forum or hope that someone who has used the FML wizard and has FM can help you here.

On a sidenote can someone reading this with FML post the settings for a 'box to box' midfielder as recommended by the wizard, please.

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A box-to-box midfielder, with standard match strategy and all other team settings on default, has the following instructions:


Key attributes:


First Touch


Long shots





Work rate




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Thanks RT-- :thup:

Not what I was expecting. I wouldn't have thought Normal mentality plus mixed FWR would see a 442 MC actually in the opposition box that often (from my testing on 09 it seemed to be the exception raher than the rule). Maybe the free role does it? (but I'm not sure about that based on seing free role MCs tending to go wide to look for space rather than into the hole (ment/FWR not withstanding)

what does box-to-box > attack give? No need for a screenshot, just ment/FWR/marking will do, please and thanks.

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No worries.

Box-to-box players only have the option to be 'support' players, which kind of makes sense if you think about it. I haven't tried out those settings to see what would actually happen, but I guess the free role, the bit of creative freedom and the tight man-marking are the key parts to what they're trying to achieve with the settings.

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Thanks RT-- :thup:

Not what I was expecting. I wouldn't have thought Normal mentality plus mixed FWR would see a 442 MC actually in the opposition box that often (from my testing on 09 it seemed to be the exception raher than the rule). Maybe the free role does it? (but I'm not sure about that based on seing free role MCs tending to go wide to look for space rather than into the hole (ment/FWR not withstanding)

what does box-to-box > attack give? No need for a screenshot, just ment/FWR/marking will do, please and thanks.

I tend to agree, some settings there that seem strange if you want a box to box midfieder.

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