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Looks like it did the trick thanks TBH.

Anyway you'd know what Closing Down is? It's the only part of tactics I'm not 100% on.

I mean is it sort of like a circle around the player that dictates whether a player should press the more the closing down the bigger the circle?


Is it a line on the pitch that's basically when under attack you stay up and defend at this line?

Second one is confusing but I didn't know how to describe it.

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Closing Down is roughly the distance to engage the opposition ballcarrier in front. So generally they need to be behind the man in possession for it to trigger (although the intelligence on that has been improved)

Defensive line/mentality play a role too as they will determine how far a player drops back which affects separation and consequent potential for a close down to be triggered.

Don't really get how max closing down helped unless he went to close down a defender and then 'stuck' to him. Any chance of a pkm of the match?

Setting him to specific man mark a CB can work as he'll immediately drop off once you win back possession. This has it's obvious downsides though and is only based on very limited testing rather than multiple matches, so I may have missed some of the subtler effects of doing this.

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Actually TBH, the solution you gave me didn't work.

Something I forgot I did was max out the Mentality slider. I found that my AMCs are ignoring oppo attacks but the high closing down works great in tandem. They intercept attacks higher up the pitch and they're set up nicely for counter attacks.

Should've been obvious to me I can't believe I missed it.

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