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Leeds - Return to The Promised Land or Mid-table Misery


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I woke up and wondered if the phonecall had been just my caffeine fueled imagination. I checked my phone records, yes it was real. I, Christopher Marsh was set to have a meeting with the legend that is Mr Ken Bates, the saviour of Chelsea and Leeds United. I wasn't entirely sure why though, he seemed very cagey as to what the meeting was actually for, which wasn't like the Ken Bates we all know. He just said an opportunity had arisen and that he wanted to meet me. I was hardly going to turn down the chairman of Leeds United now was I?

I made sure i was well dressed and well groomed as first impressions are everything and i didn't want to ruin my chances, whatever they may be as soon as I walked in the room. Travelling down the A64 to Elland Road from my home in York I kept replaying the conversation in my mind, trying to pick out any hints of what could be in store for me.

I pulled into the car park and parked next to the only other car in the place, it happened to be a rather luxurious Merc, I got out and suddenly froze as the rear passenger window buzzed and went down to reveal the familiar face of the chairman. I stood dumbfounded and all I could manage was

"Good morning Mr Bates, pleased to meet you."

"No you're not your almost bloody wetting yourself, I bet you'd rather of stayed in bed eh" He smiled as he said it, so I guessed it was his attempt to put me at ease.

"Let me cut to the chase Mr Marsh, I've arranged for this meeting today because we need a new manager!"

I wondered why he was telling me this, then it dawned on me. I immediately froze and wondered what i should say, should I ask for time to consider it or ask why me but I found myself already saying..

"I'm your man!"

"Excellent Mr Marsh!, report to the board room 9am sharp tomorrow. You'll be filled in on the whys and wherefores then, I'm sure you have a lot of questions and don't you worry you'll have them answered. Good bye Mr Marsh"

With that the window went up and the car rolled out of the car park leaving me wondering what the hell I'd just taken on.

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I woke up and wondered if the phonecall had been just my caffeine fueled imagination. I checked my phone records, yes it was real. I, Christopher Marsh was set to have a meeting with the legend that is Mr Ken Bates, the saviour of Chelsea and Leeds United. I wasn't entirely sure why though, he seemed very cagey as to what the meeting was actually for, which wasn't like the Ken Bates we all know. He just said an opportunity had arisen and that he wanted to meet me. I was hardly going to turn down the chairman of Leeds United now was I?

I made sure i was well dressed and well groomed as first impressions are everything and i didn't want to ruin my chances, whatever they may be as soon as I walked in the room. Travelling down the A64 to Elland Road from my home in York I kept replaying the conversation in my mind, trying to pick out any hints of what could be in store for me.

I pulled into the car park and parked next to the only other car in the place, it happened to be a rather luxurious Merc, I got out and suddenly froze as the rear passenger window buzzed and went down to reveal the familiar face of the chairman. I stood dumbfounded and all I could manage was

"Good morning Mr Bates, pleased to meet you."

"No you're not your almost bloody wetting yourself, I bet you'd rather of stayed in bed eh" He smiled as he said it, so I guessed it was his attempt to put me at ease.

"Let me cut to the chase Mr Marsh, I've arranged for this meeting today because we need a new manager!"

I wondered why he was telling me this, then it dawned on me. I immediately froze and wondered what i should say, should I ask for time to consider it or ask why me but I found myself already saying..

"I'm your man!"

"Excellent Mr Marsh!, report to the board room 9am sharp tomorrow. You'll be filled in on the whys and wherefores then, I'm sure you have a lot of questions and don't you worry you'll have them answered. Good bye Mr Marsh"

With that the window went up and the car rolled out of the car park leaving me wondering what the hell I'd just taken on.

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I left my car at a relatives and thought it would be best to walk down to Elland Road, give me time to think about what was going to happen and also because I thought it would be slightly embarrasing turning up in my old battered Astra. I wondered if there would be any press conferences or interviews, I mean this is Leeds United, still a big club by anyones standards. What would I say to the fans and gathered press. I noticed that I'd stopped walking and was seriously considering going back to the car.

I remembered what it was like when we were relegated and how the fans, I included were in tears and how it hurt when the players left for pastures new. I didn't want it to happen again, alright we had a team now and we were relatively sound finacially, but I still felt the tingle of apprehension at the prospect of getting relegated if I'm not up to the job. I wanted Leeds back in the Premiership not mid table obscurity and boy was I going to give it a shot.

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I stand outside the ground staring at the statue of Billy and wonder what he'd make of all this. There seems to be no one around at this time, the press surely wouldn't have heard about this yet and the fans would all be at work. Still it's probably for the best.

My day dreamings broken when my phone burbles into life, its Ken.

"Oi, you bloody coming up then or what?, we don't have all bloody day" he chuckles.

"Yes Mr Bates, I'll be right there"

I get directed to the board room and find Ken is there waiting for me, he looks calm and collected, the complete opposite of how im feeling.

"Right, good you're here, I want you to be honest in there, no talking bull, we've had enough of that already from previous managers. Just be perfectly honest and you'll get on fine."

We walk in together and Ken goes and sits down at the head of the table as I stand there looking awkward. I walk towards the only empty chair and venture "Good morning"

The board stare...

"I take it, its straight onto business then" Sensing that Ken was right and no point engaging in niceties.

"Yes, Indeed Mr Marsh, Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to present to you our hopefully newest member Mr Christopher Marsh. I'd like to take this opportunity to officially offer him the job of Leeds United manager.

A board member looks me up and down sceptically "You done this before then?"

"No this is my first time..." I look at Ken and he nods his approval.

"...but!, I love Leeds and like you want whats best for the club. It is going to be a big challenge getting us back into the Premiership, but I do believe it can be done and thats what I am going to do. We should be the biggest team in Yorkshire, second to no one, we should be enjoying derby games against Manchester United not against the likes of Hull City and I aim to bring that back to the club."

Silence, no one utters a word and I feel as though I've just been hit by a steam train. Then I notice the board are smiling and nodding to each other, they like'd it, oh thank god they like'd it.

The board all introduce themselves to me one by one and we all chat about past Leeds glories and we all agree that we want to be back in Europe one not too distant day.

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The board made their excuses and left one by one shaking my hand and welcoming me on board. I feel like I've been accepted which is definately one of the first hurdles successfully negotiated, I'm going to need the boards full support if I'm to move Leeds on, the fans however are an entirely different prospect and it will take some time to win their support. They've had it tough and its about time they had something to smile about.

Ken walked up and patted me on the back.

"Well, that went rather well didn't it Chris?, like I said, "Honesty is always best." They certainly left in a better mood than when they came in, you've given them something to look forward to."

"Well I hope I can deliver Mr Bates..."

"Ken, call me Ken, all this Mr Bates nonsense can stop now son"

"...I hope I can deliver Ken, this is definately going to be the biggest challenge of my life."

"Well your next challenge is scheduled for 10 am, its a press conference I'm not entirely sure what you can expect Chris, I would imagine that there will be most of the national broadcasters there, local news, sports press etc. It seems that someones heard about Kevins departure and that we've got a complete unknown ready to take the reigns. They will take what you say out of context, so be careful with what you say and try not to give them too much fodder. As you know this clubs been in the tabloids for all the wrong reasons in the past, its time to get us some good press. ok?!"

"Yes of course Ken, I'll make sure of it. Oh and by the way, why did Kevin leave?"

Ken straightened his tie and gave a quick look of consternation. "Well he'd decided to take time out of football for a while, he'd been of ill health recently. High blood pressure, stress of rebuilding the club etc has taken its toll on him and he felt he needed to leave and get himself sorted out. Put us in a bit of a predicament really, no one wanted to take over from him as people seemingly feel that Leeds are an uncertain prospect and want a more stable club. Thats where you come in Chris"

God, what had I let myself in for. High blood pressure, stress, ill health it all sounded like a right barrel of laughs. But I resign myself to the fact that any job can have high amounts of stress and that I'd rather be doing this than any office job. As i left the board room I tried to prepare myself mentally for the next challenge, the media. Are they going to try to catch me out, are they going to try and make me promise things that I can't deliver. Of course they are, but I'm not going to let them.

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Sky Sports Breaking News

A totally unknown manager has today been appointed as the new manager of Leeds United. It is believed that the new coach, Christoper Marsh, has no previous management experience and his appointment will come as a huge shock to Whites fans.

Ken Bates the chairman of Leeds United issued this statement "Everyone involved with Leeds United would like to wholeheartedly thank Kevin for all he has done here. We wish him all the best for the future and hope he comes back to football in the future. However the club will move on regardless and I feel that Christopher is the man for the job. Thank you"

I'm starting to get a headache from all the flash bulbs and camera noise. I have to at least look like I'm in control. I'd rather be out on the training pitch or in the office than here with all the media sniffing for a juicy quote or mistake. Ken wanted me to get it done as soon as possible, no need to give them too much of my time.

"Chris, Chris will you get Leeds promotion this season?"

Oh god, the worst question possible. I know the fans want Premiership football but I don't want to over promise. "It's going to take some time before the players and I get to know each other, we have a more than capable squad and I do believe that with a combination of hard work and a little luck we will be in the thick of the promotion battle come the end of the season."

"Will you be making any major changes to the squad you've inherited"

Another question probably designed to cause unrest before we've even kicked a ball."Of course I have my own way of doing things, and as such all the players will start off on an equal footing. If I feel that a player isn't pulling his weight then I won't hesitate to tell them. If a good transfer prospect comes up and its in the interests of bringing the club forward then I'll do my best to bring them to the club. However bear in mind that you will not be seeing the extravagant spending of previous regimes. The clubs stable financially now and I won't be looking to jeapordise that. And no I wont be bringing any gold fish to the club" I laugh and the press seem to accept what I've said. I bet the press won't hesitate to mention the gold fish quote"

"Whats your personal goal"

"To look to the future. The club has a great past but its time to look to the future and make a new history for ourselves. I want Leeds challenging for trophies and European honours again. Thats my personal goal and I'm sure the players will agree that Leeds are a club that should be up among the elite again."

Ken answers a few of the presses questions, mostly about finances and rumours of takeovers. He's a natural unlike me and manages to not give a straight answer or say anything inflammatory. The press finally give up and Ken and I pose for pictures as the press conference draws to a close.

My first day at the club and the roller coaster ride I've just stepped on is in motion.

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I get the keys to my office and go on up. The first thing I do is sit down and let it all sink in. I am the new manager of my favourite team. What the hells the world coming to!? This only happens in dreams doesnt it?

I glance at my desk and notice all the player files are out and neatly stacked ready for my perusal along with a selection of newspapers. I immediately recognise the name Duberry and have a quick scan of the article. Poor guy I think to myself. Hes only just got his career back on track with Stoke and now they're been linked with Mikele Leigertwood who's apparently unsure about his position at Palace. Looks like his days are numbered. Then I remember that we paid £4 million for the guy from the Chelsea scum and how he was useless and overpaid. Hmm Mikele Leigertwood I've heard about him, pacey right back, could be a good replacement for Kells, I'll get him scouted but I'd better find out who the scouts are first.

Theres a light tap at the door and I look up to see a young girl who introduces herself as Rose the PA. I get up to shake her hand and she looks shocked. "Don't worry I don't bite." I smile.

"Pleased to meet you Rose."

"Is there anything I can do for you Mr Marsh?"

"Yes please Rose, call me Chris and also could you get the assistant manager up here, I believe he's called Sam?"

"Certainly, I'll back ASAP"

10 minutes later Sam knocks and I go and shake his hand. "Morning Sam, I'm Chris as I'm sure you already know, pleased to meet you and I look forward to working with you.", "Likewise Chris, expectations are high this season and we're going to have to work hard". I immediately set about finding out who the pre-season friendlies are against as I want to assess the squad that I've been left. Sam also fills me in on whos doing what, transfer rumours and other bits of information that he thinks I might need to know about. He informs me that although Rose is a really nice girl she has a habit of speaking her mind and being blunt. I'm going to like her I think.

I look at the list that Sams handed me and it has some team names neatly written on it:-

Motherwell -[A]

West Brom -[H]

Nottm Forest -[A]

Shrewsbury -[A]

I raise an eyebrow. "Bloody hell, Motherwell thats a bit of a trek isn't it?, whoever booked those fixtures obviously likes to travel."

Sam smiles "Yes, its only 4 days away mind so we've got a bit to do before we go up there. You've yet to meet the lads and I can safely say they're anxious to meet you."

"Oh don't worry I'm sure they'll be sick of the sight of me soon enough!" I joke. "Seriously though, I'm sure that some of the lads won't be happy at my appointment and I'll need all your support to get them onside and pulling in the same direction. Can you get Rose to arrange for me to meet the players one on one please?, oh on second thoughts would you mind being there with me"

"Yes not a problem chief"

Sam walks out and I set about reading the collection of papers. Theres some interesting rumours flying around, the normal "I'm bigger than the club" outbursts that you come to expect from overpaid prima donnas although I didnt expect Steve Sidwell would be considered a prima donna but hey you live and learn. I glance at the various statements of intent from premiership players and managers and imagine myself doing the same when we get back there.

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My phone doesnt stop all day, friends and relatives expressing their surprise and/or dissapointment at joining a rival club. Mostly texts consisting of "What the hell have you gone and done now Chris?!" I grin at the screen and put the phone back on charge.

Rose walks in and informs me that theres a gathering of fans at the main entrance and that they'd very much like to meet the man who's just been put in charge of their beloved club. Hmm my first meeting with the fans, this'll be interesting.

Half an hour or so later I'm back in the office. I drop into my chair and think about what just happened, that went as well as I could have hoped. The majority of fans seemed optimistic and joked that I couldn't do worse than Vegetables and Reid. I agreed with them and asked them on their views of what was happening at the club, most agreed that the club had turned a corner and that Premiership football was going to happen but maybe another season of consolidation in the championship would be best. That surprised me greatly, but also reduced the pressure on me. Fine that was only 100 or so fans I had 20,000 plus to please come matchday, hopefully 40,000 when we get back to where we belong.

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13th July 2005 (Thorpe Arch Training Ground) 2nd Day in the job.

I roll up at the training ground and Sam's stood there waving a clipboard at me and smiling. "Right, I've written a brief schedule for you, you'll be meeting the players in order of position."

"Brilliant, good job Sam, if you feel like you have anything to add please don't hesitate to butt in I know you have more knowledge of the guys that me and any input would be greatly appreciated."

We go into the training ground office and I'm keen to make sure the atmosphere's as informal as possible. I'm going to be as up front as possible so no point in giving the ambience of an interrogation room. I keep the door open as Sam and I await the first player.

First in a recent addition Ian Bennet "Hi Ian, come in and take a seat. Right I'm going to tell you what I'm going to be telling everyone, you do well in training and friendlies and you'll get game. You and Sully are both brilliant stoppers, I'm aware that you both have vast experience and I'm sure that theres gonna be some intense competition between you. Just make sure that you channel your energies into taking the club forward and we'll get on fine."

Ian smiles and nods in acknowledgement. "Fair enough boss, sounds good to me, I'll do my best you can be sure of that"

"I'll look forward to seeing you in training mate, see you later"

Ian leaves and Sam looks at me, "Whats up Sam?"

"Nothing chief, just thought you handled that well, you sure you've not done this before?" he smirks.

I laugh just as the big Scot Neil Sullivan strides in. "Morning Chris, how are you"

"I'm brilliant thanks Neil, Im glad to see you have signed a new contract with us. I believe you have a lot to offer the club and as I said to Ian, you're both brilliant keepers and you'll both feature heavily in the clubs drive for promotion this season."

"Thanks Chris, I'll try my hardest to repay your faith in me. I hope we can get some Premiership footy next year boss." With that we shake hands and I turn and nod my approval to Sam as the bulky frame of the scots exits the room.

The meeting with the keepers has been successful, next up the defenders and I hope the meetings keep going well.

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Gary KellyThe one remaining player from our time at the very top comes in. "Hi Gary, good to see you. I've seen enough of you over the years to know that you'll be in the first team. However I'm looking to integrate some of the younger players into the side, so I'll tell you know you'll be pushed to keep your place in the team. You're a model professional and I know you'll play and train your heart out, but as you know our home grown players saved the club in the past and I'll be looking to build for the future."

Gary takes it suprisingly well. "Yeah boss I totally understand, I'll work my arse of for the team and all I want to do is play games so i'll try and give you as little reason for leaving me out as is possible."

Kells goes out to get ready for training and me and Sam consult the clip board, next up a recent addition Rui Marques. I've never really seen him play but I've heard he's a good team player and has been unlucky to loose out on his place at former clubs. At 27 I hear that he's wanting to resurrect his career and I'd like to give him an opportunity to prove himself. "Good morning Rui, I just want to put your mind at ease. I know that you've only just got here and I want to assure you that everyone is starting on an equal footing, if you play and train well then you will get a place in my squad. I can't say fairer than that. How are you settling in the area?"

Rui responds in his recently learnt English. "Ah yes boss, It is going well I feel, I also would like to thank you for giving me this chance. I wont let you down" He gets up shakes my hand and wanders out.

Stephen Crainey the red headed scot comes in. "Welcome Stephen, I'll cut to the chase, you had a bad injury that cut your season short last term. I want you fully fit and ready to go this year, you and Dan will be both pushing each other for a place at left back and I want you both match fit and ready for action, ok?!". Stephen nods his approval and walks out looking pleased at what I said.

Paul Butler was one of the first signings made last year and did well to encourage the lads and make us look more solid in the back four. I tell him that no-one has their place guaranteed and that people will have to work hard for a place in the team. Being the professional that he is, he smiles and nods and lets me no in no uncertain terms that he'll work his socks of for Leeds. What more can I ask for?

Big Sean Gregan sits and welcomes me to the club. He mentions last season and how some fans can be pretty fickle when things don't go right and I let him know that we'd both best not give them something to moan about. We both chuckle. "I know you're a hard worker Sean and I'll tell you now that I've heard we've got some promising youth talent looking to push some of the old hands for their first team places. I want you to be on your toes mate and giving me no reasons to leave you out."

"Consider it done chief, oh and pleased to meet you Chris"

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My mobile bleeps into life and I wonder who it can be, I wave youngFrazer Richardson in and he comes and takes a seat patiently.

It turns out to be one of the scouts I sent up North. "Hi Chris, Its Jason Griffiths here, I've checked out their team and watched em train...they ain't anything special, pretty average if you ask me. I also noticed that they lack pace going forward, anyway gotta go I'm driving...."

The phone goes dead and I make a quick mental note on their striking ability. Hopefully shouldn't cause us too much trouble."Welcome Frazer, nice to see you at last mate. I'm aware that you can play pretty much anywhere on the right except upfront so, I'll be looking to put you in a midfield role as much as possible as I know you like to make runs and beat players with your pace. That ok son?"

"Yes boss, sounds good to me, I've usually been brought on as a sub for midfield, so I don't mind it. Hopefully I'll get some more first team matches under my belt and prove myself worthy." Richardson smiles and salutes jokingly as he strolls out.

Dan Harding a young left back recently signed from Brighton comes in. I'm quite anxious to see if he's worth the compensation we paid for him. Sam informed me that he couldn't really let me know anything as he's a new lad and we've not seen a lot of him, yet!

"Hi Dan, how are you finding it here mate?" He looks surprised that I'm asking and suddenly a big grin appears on his face.

"I'm loving it here boss, the guys are brilliant and the facilities here are like none I've ever seen before. I want to thank Leeds for bringing me here to further my career and hopefully win things with the guys."

I let Dan know that him and Crainey will be battling it out for a first team place at left back and that fitness and correct attitude are going to be key in getting a first team call up. He politely accepts what I've told him and he thanks me before telling me he won't let the team down. After speaking to him, I believe the money we spent was justified.

I hear someone come thundering down the corridor and the squeaking of trainers, just as I'm wondering who it is I'm greeted by the out of breath face of young free signingDanny Pugh. "Sorry boss, I forgot 'bout the meeting, I was just starting the car when "the general" tapped on my window and said he was next and that it was my turn now. Soz boss."

What a brilliant start I think, punctuality or lack of really bugs me, but I'm new here so I let it go this time. "Don't worry about it Danny, happens to the best of us. Right I know you played well last year and that it was pretty tough, but this season I have to be honest and say that you have a lot of tough competition for your spot from Harding and Eddie. I want you to know that if you play well then you'll stay in the team, someone else plays or trains better then the same for them, ok?" Dan nods in acceptance apologises again for being late and runs out.

The midfield general Shaun Derry enters and shakes mine and Sams hands. I know he's a good, hardworking team player so I'm sure he'll get in the side. He tells us that although the previous manager brought him here he still wants to thank us for giving him a shot at first team football again. "Don't worry about it mate, I saw a bit of you last year and I'm glad to find you here, lets just hope that the good performances continue eh?".

"Yeh totally boss, I'll be looking to take control of midfield again, its where I like it. I know that I ain't guaranteed a place, but I'm gonna make it bloody hard for you to leave me out."

I thank him and he says he can't wait to see how things change under a new manager. I can't wait either, I hope its change for the better. I turn to Sam "How do you think it's going so far?, am I being too harsh or not saying enough or what?". Sam smiles and shakes his head "Don't worry about it boss, they know you're new and you've got to adjust too, I think you have done pretty damn well so far. I've heard past managers weren't exactly approachable. But don't worry about it."

"Sam, can you give me a couple of minutes to myself?, I need to make a phone call or two before the next few lads come in." Sam says its not a problem and goes off to make sure the lads are sweating for the cause.

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I get on the phone and get through to Danny Fleming our scout who I've just sent to look for promising talent in Holland. "How's it going mate, anything of interest so far?" Danny sounds excited and I have to slow him down, I guess that he's excited to be looking for new foreign talent after having to search for bargains last year. "You betcha boss, I think I've found a few decent prospects that I'm going to study further. I don't want to comment on them too soon boss but if you call back in a few days I'll let you know what I've found."

I get a tingle and a shiver, what if I, Chris Marsh manages to bring a future world class player or even players to Leeds? I'd be a hero, the fans would love me. My day dreams shattered when Sam knocks at the door and coughs "Next set of lads are here Chris, sorry but they're all eager to see you mate."

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Liam Miller a very recent loan signing and also recently injured, Steve Stone and Rob Hulse all come in one after the other. They all express their concern about their respective injuries and how they hope they'll be given a chance to prove their fitness. I sit them all down and re-assure them that they all have a future at the club and we'll need everyone to pull together and fight for the team. We all share a joke and I send them off to their physios hopefully happier men.

Jermaine Wright our experienced midfielder enters. "Hi Jamma, I know injury cut short your season but I hope that you're back to peak fitness now. I need everyone fit and raring to go and everyone will have their part to play this season." Jamma nods and lets me know that he's as fit as he's ever been, I get up and show him the door then sit back down to contemplate jammas future. Ok i might not have been perfectly honest with the lad, he's on a fairly high wage and I reckon I could get a few more players in that would come and be less than him. If he plays well then I'll reconsider or maybe offer a lower pay contract, if not then I guess it'll be the transfer list. I share my thoughts with Sam who also concurs but suggests that we give him a chance to impress.

"Hi, how's it goin mate" comes from recent loan signee Jonathan Douglas. Ellis has told me all about this player and believes we should try and get him here permanently as he has a great future ahead of him. "I'm pretty good thanks John, glad to see you here. I know you're a talented individual who'll do his utmost for whoever he plays for, so do well for us and we'll see." I smile and give him a wink and he laughs "Yes boss, thanks for the big up, I hope I show my talent on the pitch and bring a few cheers from the fans. Oh and a few goals would be nice too!"

A player who I'm very looking forward to seeing in action is Robbie Blake a recent expensive signing from midlands club Birmingham. He has an impressive record and hope he continues it here. "Look Robbie, we need goals and lots of them mate, do you think you can deliver 18 plus this season?", he leans back and puts his hands behind his head, "Definately boss, I'll make it a priority. I'll try for me but 18 plus sounds easy to me". I like his confidence and hope it rubs off on the other lads. "Ok Robbie, that will be all thanks."

Someone I think is going to be a very important asset this year is American Eddie Lewis one of a clutch of players recently joined from Preston North End. I believe he'll be most useful in setting up our strikers and hope he grabs a few too.

"Morning Eddie, good to see you. I have to say it's good to have you aboard. This season is going to be tough, expectations are high and there's some promising youth who'll be wanting your place. You keep the assists rolling in and you'll keep your place, it as simple as that." Eddie opens his mouth and I expect a really strong American accent, but its actually quite subtle. "Yes Chris I believe I can do that for you, I'm looking forward to playing for such a well supported club and hope I can make you and the fans proud." I let him go as I turn to Sam and give him the thumbs up, that went well I feel.

I'm gettin slightly weary of seeing the players so I cave in and get myself an instant coffee. "You'll not do yourself any favours drinking that crap boss, it's stressful enough without caffeine." I nod but for the moment I don't care, I can quit later. The tall Icelander Gylfi Einarsson strides in and I motion him to the chair. "Good afternoon Gylfi, I've seen you a couple of times and believe you have a lot to offer the club. However you're really going to have to earn a spot in my first team, as I've said to the other lads, no-one is guaranteed" He looks calm and relaxed, he politely tells me that he's going to make me and the fans proud to have him. I thank him for his time and send him off but again like with Jermaine I feel that he's on a very high wage and hope he can give me reasons to keep him.

Sam suddenly remembers that the strikers were working on extra shooting in training and they'll be a few minutes yet. Ah at last a reprieve, I start to think about what other people will be doing, nothing as exciting as this i'll bet. I wonder how my mums getting on at work, she doesnt know yet as I somehow forgot to tell her when I shambled in last night. I hope she takes it well, she's always saying us young lads take football much too seriously. "Its not life and death you know?"

Hmm we'll see.

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I switch on the tv in the corner.

Sky Sports News Flash

Today Leeds United's new manager Christopher Marsh is believed to have demanded to meet his new squad at their Thorpe Arch Training facility. Further sources predict Marsh will be wanting to stamp his authority on the team from the start and will not hesitate to tell the players exactly what he thinks of them. I blink and wonder how they knew I wanted to meet the players, just as I'm pondering that another surprising report comes up.

Leeds have also just been linked with a move for Crystal Palace defender Mikele Leigertwood who is currently listed and attracting bids from several major premiership teams. Leigertwood who recently moved to Palace has found himself out of favour at the club and was put up for sale this pre season. I stare at the screen dumbfounded, how the hell could they know I was considering looking at Leigertwood? I didn't even register an interest or send a scout, plus we dont't have much to spend, not the £975,000 they want anyway. I put it down to the fact that we're still a big club and we're bound to be linked to major transfers in the championship.

Finally the biggest shock so far appears at the bottom of the screen.

- Pompey table a bid for Leeds United youngster Richardson-

Since when, why had I not heard anything? I glance at my mobile and there are no missed calls or messages. Maybe it's just speculation nothing more, this kind of thing happens all the time. Still I'd better find out about this before any of the players hear of it and send an e-mail to Rose to check the faxes,e-mails and phone messages.

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I pick up my case and hastily scribbled notes and walk out of the office. I'm going to get to the bottom of this, I ponder whether it will be an offer too good to refuse or whether it will be a laughable bid. Leeds don't have to accept a pittance for their players anymore and neither do I, that's all in the past and I'm not about to let my potential stars go for nothing.

"Hi Sam, can you inform the strikers that regrettably I'll have to meet them tomorrow. Apologise to them for me will ya and let them know I look forward to speaking to them. I've got some urgent business to attend to back at the club and need to attend to it fairly quickly."

"Can do boss, it's nothing serious I hope?"

"Well it could do player morale a bit of damage but anyway I'll say no more till I know more information." I give a nervous grin and dash off to the car. The bloody thing won't start, brilliant! we have some transfer activity, my very first in charge and my bloody Astra's protesting. Hopefully it's trying to tell me something, it's not worth rushing back like a mad fool for a bid thats probably contemptible.

Hmm I think I'll look into a new car sometime this week, "you're not on £100 a week now you know Chris" I tell myself.

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I get back to my office and slump on my chair, god I shouldn't rush around like that, people will think I'm more nuts than I quite clearly am.I glance at my correspondance and find that my old banger was right. It Was a contemptible offer. Rose had left a fax on my recently polished desk, bless her. The fax read


Dear Chris,

We have recently been monitoring Frazers progress and we have decided that he is the kind of player we would like to bring to our club. We have tabled what we feel is an acceptable bid for a player of his age and calibre and look forward to your response.

Bid: £250,000 +25% next sale clause.

You have till the 25th of this month to reply.

Signed: Alain Perrin, Portsmouth.


I consider what I've just read a moment. He's only just signed a new contract and he's worth £250,000 anyway, I'm not going to accept a crap bid like that even if they are a Premiership team, well for now anyway. I decide to call Alain personally and get Rose to bring me his number, I dial and a distinctly French female voice on the other end answers "Good afternoon, Alain Perrins office, Kate speaking", I figure it must be his PA. "Hi this is Chris Marsh, Leeds United manager..." boy it feels special saying that, "...I'm phoning with regards to the bid Alain placed for one of my players earlier today".

"Ah yes, just a minute Mr Marsh he's just arrived at the office now, I shall put him on."

"Hi Alain, it's Chris Marsh here, just wanted to reply in person to your bid. I thank you for your bid but I'm sorry, I won't be letting Frazer go so early in the season and especially for a fee that, and I'm not being disrespectful, is ludicrously small for a player with his ability and talent. If you want to take you interest in Frazer further in the future I recommend you enquire at the end of the season."

"Ok Mr Marsh, I'm sorry we couldn't come to some arrangement. I feel that the bid reflected the players worth and unfortunately I won't be sweetening our bid as I'm sure you're aware we're not the richest club around."

We politely say our goodbyes and I hang up feeling rather proud of myself. Well my first conversation with a Premiership manager and I had the upper hand, brilliant!, I won't be letting clubs higher up take advantage now we're back on our way up.

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I sat reading through the e-mails and other correspondance and noted that there must be a lot of viagra retailers about, I hit the delete key and decided to have a quick flick through the local rags. As I turn the page I take a quick glance at my watch. "Bloody hell its 5:00, time to go home."

I got home about 6 ish and immediately decide to get a cold beer and take it to the conservatory and sit and chill for a while. Perhaps a brief toast to my first bid rejection, I give a weary sigh as I feel the smooth cool liquid find its way down, ahh thats the stuff.

Its silent in my empty house, no signs of like except for the fish tank bubbling away. I'm still single but I'm young so I don't really mind, probably wont have time for anyone now anyway. I go and stick the computer on, think I might check the club message boards, see if anyones got anything to say.

I have to say I'm quite surprised at what I read and almost choke on my beer, the fans are apparently split down the middle as to whether my appointment was the right decision for the club and are arguing amongst themselves. It heartening however, to see that many of the fans are sticking up for me and trying to get the rest onside.

I'm replying to an e-mail when the phone rings, wonder who it could be at this time? "Hi Chris?, yer its Gavin Rothery here, I was just wondering whether you've had any loan enquiries for me yet?"

I feel slightly bad for the lad as he's obviously enthusiastic and just wants to play. I lie and tell him that there have been a few calls but none that would help his career or improve him as a player, as a consolation I let him know that he may get a first team chance or two. This cheers the lad up no end and he says goodbye, happy for now at least.

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14th July (Coach outside Elland Road)

I get to the ground nice and early, we've got a long trip up north and I also want to make sure I give a good impression to the players and possibly have a word with some before we go. They don't know who I've picked or what formation we'll be playing and I'm sure they'll be eager to find out. I fumble around putting the immobiliser on and finally get it done at the 3rd attempt, bloody contraption, I take my case and travel bag out of the boot and slam the rusty lid shut.

I decide to go over to some of the lads who are talking and laughing amongst themselves. David Healy is teasing young Matt Kilgallon about his hair and the rest of the lads are having a giggle. "Good morning lads, hope you've got everything you need for the stay in Motherwell." A few of the players turn from what they're doing, look at each other and laugh out loud, a chorus of "Yessss bosssss" follows by more laughter. I make a mental note, its me thats not done this before not the lads.

It's a fairly uneventful trip up North to Fir Park the home of Motherwell, the lads seem in good spirits and quite talkative so I decide to have a little Q&A session with them. "Lads as you're no doubt aware, I am the new manager, my name's Chris Marsh and I'm pleased to meet you all." A collection of whoops and cheers goes up from around the coach and I wonder if they're taking the mick."I, like you all, am a Leeds fan and I want the very best for this club. Last year was tough, we showed signs of being able to play good football and this season we're pushing for promotion to the Premiership, we belong in the top flight and I don't believe there's a player here today who doesn't want to stick it to Mourinho and Fergusons boys, however any players not working for the team will be replaced with those who want to succeed, do I make myself clear?"

Theres a deathly silence on the coach when suddenly I hear a chant of "Leeds, Leeds, Leeds" go up from Derry, suddenly there isn't a single player or staff member not chanting or cheering and clapping, it almost brings a tear to my eye, they wholeheartedly agree with what I just said and I feel like something wonderfuls begun. "Any questions lads?". I shouldn't have asked as I suddenly get the whole coach shouting questions at me.

"Whats the formation?"

"Where are we going again?", followed by fits of laughter from sections of the coach.

"Is training gonna change?"

"Whos the captain?" and other relevant questions soon follow and an hour later I feel that I and the team are satisfied with what we found out about each other. I feel cautiously optimistic as we approach lovely Lanarkshire and Motherwell former home of Leeds legend Gary McAllister, lets hope the match is an indication of where the club are going.


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Sat 16th July (Fir Park, Motherwell V Leeds, Friendly)

After getting here on the 14th I decided to let the lads go and do what they wanted for a couple of days. I organised for a team meal to be arranged as a get to know you event. I shouldn't have let them eat too much or relax as their performance in the match the next day left a bitter taste in my mouth and what I hoped would not be an indication of things to come.

I looked out of the coach window at the the lovely Lanarkshire scenery passing by and remembered it was only a 10 minute trip to their ground, I got up ready to tell the team my plans and hope the players not in the 11 won't be too dissapointed, they'll get their chance soon. "Right lads, the news you've all been waiting for..." Everyone looks up expectant."....We will be playing a diamond attacking 4-4-2 and I'm expecting a comfortable win guys. I've have also been reliably informed their team is distinctly average and lacks pace in attack so strikers whoever you may be, I want you looking sharp and you lads at the back, well, I'm expecting our defense will be able to cope well tonight.

I let the lads know who's in the starting eleven, theres a few dissapointed faces but you can't please everybody.

Starting Line Up:

Bennet, Harding, Kilgallon, Butler, Marques, Lewis, Blake, Douglas, Healy and Cresswell

Kick off,

The lads look sharp today and they haven't even kicked a ball. The attendance seems pretty small, I guess not many of our fans wanted to make the long journey here, and as I was about to find out they didn't miss anything. In the first 5 mins Eddie Lewis fires in a beautiful free kick but unfortunately the keepers looking sharp and keeps it out, is this a sign. A lovely ball gets played through 5 minutes later, Cresswell leaves the ball for Healy who takes a touch forward and chips the keeper, what a beautiful goal, the team goes mad but oh no, the linesmans flagging. What a blow! We keep up the pressure and look dangerous some good balls are coming through to Healy and Cresswell. Suddenly disaster strikes, a seemingly innocuous challenge from Dan Harding sends the ball through to Henderson who threads a ball through between Butler and Kilgallon, Butlers marking their 30 year old striker Scott Clark but his pace lets him down as the striker gets a step ahead and slides the ball neatly past Ian Bennets left hand side from just outside the area. I can't bloody believe we're behind to their only shot of the half so far after we'd had so many chances that were missed. Can it get any worse? I soon find out and Paul Butler gets into my bad books yet again, a poor deflected pass from douglas finds its way to their scorer and sprints into the penalty area only to be brought down by Butler. I put my head in my hands, I don't want to look, I look up to see Ian Bennet make a brilliant save to keep us in it till the end of the half.

I make 4 changes at half time in an attempt to liven things up, the rest of the half pushes on without any major incidents besides Ian Bennet almost getting lobbed from outside the area which I was extremely displeased about, we look sharp but never threaten to equalise and I make another 5 subs with 10 minutes to go and the final whistle goes.

I am not a happy chappy!

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"What the hell happened there lads?, we should have won that by half time. I know this is the first game you've had in a few weeks but for gods sake we have to be winning against teams like that. I have to say I will be making changes for the next game." I calm down slightly, I don't want to get too annoyed with the lads, after all it was only a friendly.

"Right get yourselves showered and ready to go, we'll go through what went wrong on the way home"

I know what went wrong, the strikers couldn't score, the midfield didn't get into it and hardly made a telling pass or move. Don't even get me started on defense, they couldnt even cope with Motherwells rare forays into our half as their second rate strikers who couldn't run to save their lives had about 6 shots. Paul Butlers lack of pace was highlighted again and again so something needs to be done. The only plus was that none of our fans were there to see it and that the scoreline wasn't any worse.

The lads file out to the coach, some are laughing and joking but a few are quite reserved. They shove their bags into the storage bays and go find their seats to slump in, they're right to look dissapointed. A few of the players apologise for their performances and that of their team mates, I accept and let them know that I'm prepared to let this one go, but I want a much tighter performance against West Brom.

"Lads, I want a much more polished game from you lot next time, we have West Brom at home and I want you to give the fans something to smile about. I want you to think about what went wrong today, right thats all I have to say."

I notice Paul Butler looks rather sheepish as it was his individual mistakes that almost cost us more than once. He'll have to do better if he wants to retain the captains armband.

Its a long drizzly journey back to Leeds.

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I gather the lads together quickly as we disembark the bus, I want to make it quick, the lads are probably tired and the weather looks set to turn. Its looks fairly black on the horizon and the odd spot of rain makes me blink like I have an odd twitch, ah lovely English summers.

"Right you guys, we have a game on the 21st, for those of you who don't know your calendar, that is a Thursday, ok?", the lads faces crack a brief smile and it's the first time I've really seen them look happy since before the match. "I want you all to get some rest, and you young lads keep your boots clean as you'll all be called back. You senior players know what I expect of you, we're going to go all guns blazing next week and I want to see some fire and passion, ok you can all get home".

I walk back to the knackered Astra and stick my head in the boot, Now where is that damn folder?", suddenly I sense that theres someone behind me, I turn to see the grinning exicted looking trio of Howson, Parker and Rothery, youth team players who I decided to give a chance to. Howson seems like a quick little striker, good out of the blocks but lacks a little bit of pace but he did ok when he came on. Ben Parker a player in the Danny Pugh mould is one I'm currently considering for the transfer list, he's lightning fast but I feel I'm looking to bring in another attacking left winger as a replacement for Eddie when he retires. We have an abundance of defensive wing back cum midfielders already so unfortunately I don't believe he'd get a game unless he improved dramatically. Gavin Rothery on the other hand is a different prospect altogether. Not sure he has as much raw talent as Lennon and Milner had at his age but I think he's got the potential to be a pretty good footballer. Some loan football would do him good I reckon and he's keen as he showed the other night.

"Cheers for giving us the chance boss, we didn't think we'd get a look in the other night. Shame we lost though, thought we deserved a win."

"Yeah, Gavs right, I reckon we should have got a goal or two, Healy and Cresswell better do better than that or I'll be in." Howsons grinning like a madman, I think the sub appearance has gone to his head.

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself Howie, you only came on for a bit and you didn't score either. Anyway, thanks Mr Marsh for giving us a chance." I thank the lads for coming to see me and leave the ground feeling I have at least some of the team who like me, even if they are under 18s.

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Monday 18th July (Decisions Decisions)

I roll over in bed and smack my hand on the bedside cabinet, I knew I should have moved it further away. The pain immediately brings my drowsiness to a close so think I may as well get up. I look at the notepad next to my bed and look down the scrawlings to see if I wrote anything of any sense. Several things are underlined and I remember what it was I wanted to do.


Chris's Notepad, Touch at your peril 17/07/05

Request meeting with chairman and assistant manager - Eirik Bakke

Call Danny Fleming for an update on scouting

Check for more scandalous bids

Beat West Brom convincingly


Ah yes I remember now, it took me a while to get to sleep last night. I spent hours deliberating what to do with the Bakke situation, a few hours too many. He's a good player no doubt but we're paying him £24,000 plus a week and he's not even playing for us. He's worth a couple of million at least so should I keep him and try and get him to take a pay cut or do I try and sell him on to the highest bidder? Thats why I wanted to have the meeting with Sam and Ken, see what kind of package I could offer him and to discuss whether keeping him or letting him go is in the best interests of the club.

As soon as I got to my office Rose pops her head around the corner and greets me. I smile, she always seems so cheerful, I get her to go arrange for a brief conference with the chairman and assistant manager, I hoped I might be able to keep a good player and also save the club some money. If not then I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I snatched up the receiver and dialed for Fleming, I do hope he's got some good prospects for me, ideally I'd like to bring in some of my own players as I feel that some tweaks need to be made here and there, mainly in the pace department. I want my team to be mobile and getting end to end quickly without being caught out.

"Hi Chris, hows things? I take it you want an update yeah?"

"Certainly do mate, things are doing ok, didn't win our first friendly as I would have liked but anyway."

"Right, I thought you might, well I've found about 4 players so far. All left footers, most have some good pace and good first touch and seem to be pretty good prospects. Look I can't talk long so I'll fax over the details of the decent ones I found ok? Talk soon Chris, bye."

I get a fax through seconds later with the details of 3 hopefully promising Dutch players on.


Dear Chris,

Please find below the details of the players I've found so far and also my report on them,

I hope it makes for good reading mate.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Patrick Ax

Club: De Graafschap

D.O.B: 1/12/1979

Pos: AM LC


Now this guy is a real find mate, I think he would make a brilliant replacement for Eddie as

and when he retires or even if hes on international duty. Hes pretty bloody quick up and down

the flanks,one of the fastest guys I've seen in a long while, in fact he reminds me a little of

a young Harry Kewell. With a bit of work I reckon he could be a good player, I recommend

making an enquiry as even if he's a flop we can probably sell him on for a profit. If I was

hazarding a guess I reckon you could get him for about £200,000.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Jos Hooiveld

Club: Zwolle

D.O.B: 22.4.1983

Pos: DC, DM


Another decent defensive prospect for your perusal mate, reckon he'd make a good replacement

for Butts, he's got an abundance of pace and hes already got decent enough skills to build upon,

I reckon you should put in a bid for this guy as hes definately a Stam in the making. He's

an excellent team player and works none stop for the team, got a good tackle on him too. Reckon he's

valued at around £45,000. Enjoy!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Giorgio Berkleef

Club: Willem II

D.O.B: 6/04/1986

Pos: AML


Now I'm not too sure about this guy, could be a gamble but I think hes got shed loads of potential. He's

only 19 and already has some decent skills to build on. I reckon you could get him pretty cheap and like I

said before, if he turns out to be crap then we can always sell him on for a profit. However I don't think

that would be neccessary and I feel you should make an enquiry for the lad.


His fax definately makes for interesting reading and I feel particularly positive about the first two players he mentioned, especially as he compares them to Stam and Kewell. I make the neccessary arrangments and submit enquiries for both players, it is a gamble if one turns out to be a money grabbing lazy git and the other one makes comments about his manager but it's one I think will pay off.

I await the response from their respective clubs, I've set them a deadline for tomorrow. I notice that I've had a new e-mail since before I sent these so it can't with regards to my enquiries.

Burnley Want Young Jonny Howson

I can't believe it, another bid and I've only been here a few days. Well he's a young lad and I need to bring it up with Sam Ellis before I make a decision as I wouldn't want to let a future Alan Smith go for a pittance, especially as it's another Lancashire club.

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12.00 (Transfer Activity)

Transfer Action At Leeds United.

I'm browsing on the computer when I get a new message alert. It's an e-mail through from Robert Masskant at Dutch side Willem II.

I hope its something promising, as I'd like to bring in some new raw talent. I find I'm not to be dissapointed, it turns out they want to do business with us.


Dear Chris,

With regards to your enquiry for Giorgio, I am pleased to say that we would like to do

business with your club.

We will require a fee £16,000 to complete the transaction of aforementioned player.

On completion of payment and acceptance of contract they players will be signed with

immediate effect.

I look forward to your response.

Signed, Robert Maaskant, Willlem II


My first transfer opportunity and its someone I actually want to bring to the club! I e-mail back straight away to submit my bid, I may seem over keen but i don't care a jot. I want new players in as soon as possible to assess them personally, plus it's only £16k and I reckon he'll be worth it. I look back to the sports headlines on google news, apparently Palace fans are going mental at the sale of

Mikele Leigertwood to Villa, they considered him to be good young talent and deem his sale uneccessary. I'm now very glad I decided to keep Frazer as even if it hadn't of bothered the players it would have ruffled the fans feathers.

Sam Ellis knocks at the door and lets me know we're to go meet Ken in the conference suite. On the walk there I tell him of my agenda and he says that he'll back me up on any decision I make, I feel slightly better about meeting Ken now. We sit down in the plush leather seats as we prepare to attend to businsess, when rose walks in to bring us all a drink. "Sorry gentleman, I thought you'd all like a drink." Ken looks incredulous but doesn't reprimand her, she means well really.

"Right gentleman, I've asked for this meeting today to discuss the situation with Eirik Bakke. I'm aware he's still here on an extremely high contract for a club in this division especially as he's not playing and am looking to find a satisfactory solution to this problem."

"What is it you want from me Chris." Kens straight to the point, I should have known he would be.

"Well hes a very good player and I believe he could still do a job at the club, I'd ideally like to offer him a new contract, obviously on a much lower wage, however I believe that I need to find out what sort of deal we can allow for this player given the clubs new financial stability and also would like to get Sams input on the player too.

Ken consults a sheet of paper lying in front of him and studies it a moment or two before letting me know. "Right, according to the figures I believe we can allow you up to £12,500 a week for this player with a max signing on fee of £500,000. I'm sorry we can't allow anything higher than that, we're trying to limit the wage spending after the carelessness of previous boards."

"What about you Sam, do you think I should offer him a new contract, or do you think we should give him a clean break and list him?"

Sam pauses in thought for a second "Well boss, I actually agree with you, I believe we should give the player the opportunity of a new deal and if Eirik doesn't feel its good enough then I guess we'll have to seek alternative ways to resolve the situation."

I thank Ken for his co-operation and I get Sam to walk with me as I go back to the office, "Look Sam, I've just had a bid for a player, Jonny Howson and wondered what you thought about him?"

"Well boss he's a good enough talent, but if a good bid comes in for him then I'd give it some serious consideration. Bear in mind we do already have some good strikers here already, he may never get a game."

I thank Sam for his time and let him go back to his duties elsewhere, I want to go check back at the office to see if there's an update on the Berkleef transfer and also possibly review the Howson bid.

I sit at my machine and see there's another fax from Danny in Holland


Dear Chris,

Sorry to bother you again but I've found another player I reckon could do it for us



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Joris Van Rooijen

Club: Volendam

D.O.B: 11/03/1985

Pos: ST


Just found this striker, looks pretty good for a young'n. Pacey and good skills when on

the ball, I'd recommend this guy as a future star, like I've said before I'd make enquiries

if I were you. Short and sweet I know, but hes GOOD take it from me.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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Thursday 21st July (Elland Road, Leeds V West Brom, Friendly)

I stand in the changing room with the lads and singing and shouting getting themselves psyched up for the match against perennial Premiership relegation strugglers West Brom. I tell them we'll be playing 4-3-1-2 attacking today and announce that I've made some changes to the squad that lost to the Scots. Jonny Howsons the only notable absense as I find out he was injured in training yesterday, nothing too serious, Liam Millers his replacement now he's back from his injury. I write the starting l1 up on the whiteboard and give the lads encouragement as they file out to march down the tunnel.

Starting Line Up:

Bennet, Harding, Kilgallon, Kelly, Marques, Lewis, Blake, Einarsson, Healy and Cresswell

Kick Off:

Disaster after only the 4th minute, we immediately look dodgy at the back as a wild clearance is collected and a cross from Greening clears our entire back line and falls to Watson to easily slot the ball home, fortunately Steve Watsons goal is disallowed for offside and I can breathe easy for now. The rest of the half goes on and I'm proud to say Leeds have had the better of it, our defense has looked solid repelling all attacks and finding the midfield well, who as it happens are playing brilliantly, Lewis and Blake have looked dangerous while Douglas and Einarsson have put in some solid tackles. We're unlucky not to find the net, but I'm pleased for now and I let the team know at half time. I get Eddie by himself and let him know that I'm very pleased with him in particular and I that I want him to get some more quality crosses in, I also get Blake and Healy over to offer some words of encouragment, hopefully it'll make the difference.

A Reckless tackle by Darren Moore gets him the first booking of the day and also signals West Broms intent for this half, they soon follow with a good build up play and ends with a brilliant save from Bennet thats unsuccessfully followed up by Kamara who nods the rebound wide. 76 minutes pass and I see some of the players are beginning to tire, I signal the ref that I want to make some changes. I bring on 5 fresh players, I don't want to make too big a change as it may upset the balance of the squad. 4 minutes later a GOAL a bloody goal and its us. A brilliant tackle from Harding on Kanu is followed up by a fantastic link-up play between Pugh and Moore, Moore fantastically threads the ball through the entire midfield and backline of West Brom and finds the brilliant run of Cresswell who controls the ball brilliantly, brings it forward and fires the ball in the far bottom corner of the net and the keeper didn't stand a chance. Fantastic!

West Brom throw everything they have at us in the last 10 and our defenders are fantastic, again and again the faultless Kilgallon breaks up the attacks as they rain down, suddenly theres a break, Rothery finds some space in the 90th minute,looks up and fires a ball ahead of Danny Pugh who takes the ball on and runs past a stranded defender and slots the ball past the keeeper at his near post, sublime. The final whistle goes and I have to say I'm over the moon, we looked a different team to last week and I don't hesitate to tell the lads.

Confidence is high in the dressing room and I congratulate every player present. If we keep this kind of play up the Premiership won't be too far away.

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10:00 PM (More Transfer Activity Beckons)

The lads have gone home after a job well done and I retire to the office to check up on paper work. Rose is there waiting for me and informs me that there's been a flurry of activity while we we're playing, "You've had a loan bid from Bristol City for young Simon Walton, they want him for 6 months, an enquiry from Millwall for Jonny Howson come through and also you've also got permission to offer Giorgio Berkleef a contract." I scratch my head and wonder how all this can happen in just one day, people must think we're a 24 hour market place or something, "Oh yes Chris, almost forgot, you've had some faxes through from some scout or other. They're all on your desk.

Lets have a look then..


Dear Chris,

Glad to hear about the good win over the baggies, just got a message through from Sam.

I have some more players here that you may be interested in, just thought I'd give you

the opportunity before you go home.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Lasse Schone

Club: Heerenveen

D.O.B: 25/07/1986

Pos: AMC


Right then,I'm quite excited about this lad, he's 19 pretty skillful for a lad of his

age, he can play on either side and I've witnessed him do some brilliant passing in the

matches I've been present at, I've also noted his creativity, he's very good at creating

something from nothing. Only thing I'm worried about is his strength and pace, may need

developing a bit. He's currently valued at £150,000 take a look.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name: Heinz Muller

Club: Lillestrom

D.O.B: 30/05/1978

Pos: GK


Chris, you absolutely must sign this player, he's absolutely fantastic and he's available

for nothing, his contracts almost expired. He's an ideal replacement for Sully and Benny

get on the blower to his agent and make a deal before someone else snaps him up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Right I think it's time I went home to bed, I don't want to make any rash decisions as I'm tired and I'm still buzzing from the win. I make sure everythings as it should be in the office, I think to myself, everything seems so quiet at this time of night as I pull the door shut. I stroll, whistling to the car park to greet my beloved Astra and remember that I still haven't looked at a replacement. As I get closer I can see that someones stuck something under the wiper blade, I reach over and lift it out careful not to rip it, it reads.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chris Marsh,

I and the other guys that showed up

tonight would like to say that we

loved the performance and hope its

the first of many. M O T!

The Fans.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The perfect end to a perfect night. I smile all the way home and I probably even sleep with a smile on my face.

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Monday 25th July (The City Ground, Nottm Forest V Leeds United, Friendly)

4 days have past and I'm sitting in the opposition changing room at The City Ground, I'm slightly fractious as I've not heard anything back from any of the enquiries I've recently made. The enquiries for my players can wait however.

Confidence is high as I predicted it would be, I give the lads a little speech about fallen giants which seems apt as we're playing Nottingham Forest. The lads are up for it and just want to get on with the game, I write the team on the white board, there's only minor changes with Rothery coming in for Blake and Ian Moore replacing a rested Healy. I'm going to stick with the formation that served us so well in the previous match and see if it does the trick.

Starting Line Up:

Bennet, Harding, Kilgallon, Kelly, Marques, Lewis, Rothery, Douglas, Einarsson, Moore and Cresswell

Kick Off:

We look sharp from the start and threaten their goal in the first 5 minutes, the 1930 fans look worried already, they attempt a few through balls but the defense cuts them out and we restrict play to their area, suddenly they manage to get hold of the ball in space and Padula sets a lofted through ball into motion its a lucky break and the defenders are caught short going forward and nowhere near their two breakaway players, their striker dallies on the ball and is punished for it, the wonderful Kilgallon takes it off him and clears. The ball comes back down our right flank and some more solid defending gains us posession and Douglas latches onto the ball and sends it forward to Cresswell who's got it all to do, he brings the play forward from the halfway line and runs at the defender,he brings it into the area and shoots,the keeper manages to finger tip save it onto the bar and the defense clear the resultant deflection. Some more decent play and Cresswells put through in the area but the keepers quick to close it down. The half draws to a goaless close.

I let the lads know they're doing very well but that I feel if they push a bit more then they'll crumble and we'll take the win. I wait to see what affect this has on us.

The effect is plain to see as we immediately attack, Douglas has some brilliant vision drawing 3 players onto him and then unleashes a ball to Cresswell unmarked on the right wing outside of their area, he chips in a lovely cross which is dealt with ineffectualy by the keep and bobbles to Gavin Rothery who's on hand and grabs his goal with aplomb. 10 minutes later Forest seem to spring alive and Bennets forced into a brilliant save which falls to their striker whos quickly dispatched by Kilgallon and co, we look set for a second consecutive clean sheet I think. I decide its time to ring the changes and bring off the impressive duo of Cresswell and Rothery, and also the slightly dissapointing Moore. Healy, Blake and Pugh replace them and I look for a 2nd goal, it almost comes a few minutes later when after a corner from Forest is punted upfield theres a race on as Blake beats Padula for pace and races through on goal, he squares it for Healy who can't fail to miss, however he thunders it into the side netting leaving both me and him with our heads in our hands. We fire shot after shot but their keepers not to be beaten again, Healy incurs my wrath when he inexplicably passes a ball back to our defenders who arent there and their striker gladly accepts and chips our keeper, luckily for David it goes wide. With 5 mins left I make 4 more subs and its Richardson who makes an impact, the catalyst for the final goal, in the 91st minute he plays a quick one two and then threads a ball through to Pugh to set up Blake who takes a touch before firing it past the keeper. I tell all the lads they were brilliant as they come off the park. Another clean sheet is very welcome.

Final Score (Nottm Forest 0-2 Leeds United)

My man of the match: Its a tough choice, Bennet, Marques and Kelly were all outstanding, but I feel Kelly pips them to it as he was consistent last game too.

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Tuesday 26th July (Transfer News..I Hope)

I enter the office to find that Rose has left me a message, Giorgio Berkleef has agreed terms and apparently can't wait to begin playing for me.He'll be coming across by ferry this afternoon to sign on the dotted line, Brilliant news, I look forward to seeing him on the pitch.

After I finally had my enquiries replied to I've decided to make private bids for Patrick Ax, Jos Hooiveld and Van Rooijen, hopefully they'll be agreed upon. I've also been in touch with Heinz Muller's agent and managed on my little German I've picked up to hopefully get across an acceptable offer for his client, I just hope I've offered thousands and not millions.

Simon Walton has agreed to go to Bristol City on loan after me and him had a little chat. We decided it would be good for him to get some first team experience and get to match fitness. He told me he hoped he would return a better player. A few minutes later I get an one e-mail alert and then another, my my, it seems I'm in demand. The first is Zwolle rejecting my bid, apparently I didn't offer enough to even make them consider releasing him. I'll spend a bit more time thinking whether he's worth a renewed bid. The next is Sam Allardyce asking if I can give him a call urgently. I pick up the receiver and dial.

Big Sam Wants Richardson For Reebok Stadium

"Hi, Sam, it's Chris Marsh from Leeds here, I heard you wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes mate, good to hear from you so soon, hope you're settling in well. It was a good win against West Brom that, congratulations. Right, down to business, I want to look into the possibility of buying Frazer Richardson from you, I'm willing to offer £50,000 plus %25 next sale clause and Scott Jamieson, hes a promising D,ML but unfortunately I don't believe he has a future here."

"Well I thank you for your time Sam but I'm gonna have to decline mate. I believe Frazers got a good future here, and unfortunately we have an abundance of D,ML's at the moment. Like I said to Perrin, if you want to enquire in the future then feel free. Good luck this season mate, I wish you well."

"Alright mate, no hard feelings, but don't expect any favours when we play you next season. I'll speak to you soon no doubt, see ya kiddo." He laughs as he says it and I hope that we do get to play him next season. As I'm recovering from that the e-mail alert goes again, two e-mails from Milwall and Burnley politely informing me that they don't want to pursue their interest in Jonny as my demands were deemed unrealistic.

I look forward to the final friendly against Shrewsbury, it should be an easy end to the friendly games and a good way for the lads to show me one last time who should be in the team. I'm thinking of starting off the new lad but I'll wait to see how he recovers from the press conference.

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Thursday 28th July (Transfer update)

I read a headline from the Sun newspaper, apparently I've had my contract offer accepted by Heinz Muller and another recently out of contract Dutch striker has reportedly been approached by Leeds.

German goalie signs for new manager Marsh

In an interview with German keeper Heinz he expressed his delight at having clinched a deal with promotion contenders Leeds.

"I'm very very happy to be able to say I've accepted an offer from Chris Marsh and will hopefully be joining Leeds very shortly, I'm sad to be leaving the Lillestrom faithful and hope they understand, but I feel I needed to move to further my career."

The article goes on to detail the particulars of Heinz's career and I'm glad to see he refused to tell them how much he's going to be on.

I look at the other article linking Dutch striker Frank Demouge to Leeds, he has an impressive history for one so young and I make a note to get Danny to find out more about him.

Friday 29th July (Gay Meadow, Shrewsbury V Leeds United, Friendly)

Before we even get to the stadium I receive a message from Rose saying Norwich have just tabled a bid for Simon Walton currently on loan at Bristol City. I tell her it can wait, but she also informs me that I've had bids accepted for Ax and Hooiveld, this is good news and I tell her to hang fire and I'll deal with it ASAP.

I decide before the game that I'm going to give debuts to Berkleef and Rooijen. I also make major changes to the starting 11, a few of the players seem suprised but understand that everyone needs a chance to shine. The formation of previous games seems to be working so we'll stick with it.

Starting Line Up:

Sullivan, Harding, Kilgallon, Kelly, Marques, Pugh, Berkleef, Miller, Wright, Rooijen and Cresswell

Kick Off:

A disasterous start, Shrewsbury get a free kick on the very edge of the area and Sullivan is powerless to save a pin point shot into his near post. We respond well however and Miller is playing with real passion making tackles and starting moves all over the pitch. New signing Rooijen has a shot sting the hands of the keeper who parrys it and a waiting defender collects. Shrewsbury are proving more resilient than I gave them credit for, the rest of the half we threaten but never finish, roll on the second half.

I give the lads a rousing speech and question whether they have the will to win the game. The lads seem fired up and I reckon we'll equalise at least. I reckoned correctly and it takes until the 75th minute for us to equalise, Healy puts Cresswell through and bang, we're back in business but we dont threaten to score until the end when Blake tests the keeper from distance, producing a good safe from their man. The final whistle is blown and at least we didn't lose, I tell the team it was a good effort and I let the debutants I think they did well.

Final Score (Shrewsbury 1-1 Leeds United)[i/]

My Man Of The Match: I don't think I could single out any particular player as we were fairly average again. Dan Harding would probably get it for being consistent in the manner of his performance.

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Tuesday 2nd August (Cruel To Be Kind)

I call Sam and get him to bring me Crainey, Butler, Gregan, Wright and Moore. Unfortunately I have some bad news for them, I've felt that I've witnessed enough over pre-season to warrant me putting them on the transfer list as I feel we have some promising youth coming in and their wages are a major drain on the club.

The meeting is only a very short one, I thank each lad personally for helping Leeds through their darkest days and tell them I'll make sure they get a good club to go to and that it's nothing personal. Its a testament to their utter professionalism that they take it like men and express their delight at having helped preserve a historic club. I get Rose to make the necessary arrangements to allow clubs the opportunity to buy my players. Ive already heard that Luton are interested in Crainey

There is a hidden agenda to this meeting also as I have already done deals with several Dutch clubs and have captured the signings of several talented dutch players.

Players In:

Berkleef, Giorgio - AML -£16k

van Rooijen, Joris - ST - £75k

Hooiveld, Jos - D,DM - £170k

Bevaart, Mark - DC - £110k

Demouge, Frank - ST - Free

We only have 4 days till our first match, a tough opener at home to Crystal Palace so I'm keen to get the players training. I'm hopeful that we'll see much more transfer activity over the next few days and I'm sure Kens likely to have something to say as we're 22k over the wage. budget

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Saturday 6th August - (Elland Road, Leeds United V Crystal Palace, Championship opener)

Before we get out onto the pitch I tell the lads that who ever's playing will do me proud no matter the result, the lads are champing at the bit to get out there and show the screaming Elland Road faithful what they're made of. I feel a tingle of apprehension as I wonder how many fans will turn up for the season opener, apparently early reports put the standing at 20,000 plus, I hope I send them home happy.

I've made the decision before the game that I'm going to give debuts to Bevaart and Demouge. I don't make too many major changes to the starting 11, I think it'll be mainly the same team that impressed against West Brom. The formation of previous games seems to be working so we'll stick with it.

Starting Line Up:

Bennet, Harding, Kilgallon, Kelly, Bevaart, Lewis, Derry, Douglas, Blake, Demouge and Cresswell

Kick Off:

After a wonderful start to the match, Kilgallon sends a header from deep into the path of Blake who threads it through to new lad Demouge who sublimely puts Cresswell through to hammer it home past the onrushing keeper and to the rapturous delight of thousands of Leeds fans. A few minutes later the fans are going mental again, Kelly sends a brilliant long ball up the right flank to Cresswell who crosses for "the General" Derry to poke home much to his delight. He kisses his badge and aims a salute in the direction of the dug out. I can hardly contain my excitement at the start we've made and the players response to me. Bloody hell it keeps on getting more exciting, new boy Bevaart gives away the ball in a bad position and Andy Johnson punishes us. 2-1 to us, just as I think Palace are going to get back into it Demouge gets set free on the left and launches a fantastic ball into the area, whipping past their back line and who pokes it home? Its "the general" Derry again and he can scarcely believe his good fortune. He drops to his knees and blows a kiss to the fans. They're loving this. Palace dominate for the last 5 minutes and get a few corners forcing some brilliant saves out of Bennet keeping us in it. Poor Bevaart looks out of sorts but I think I'll give him an extra 10 minutes. I give Bevaart some encouragement and tell him he can do it, I make sure the rest of the lads know I'm delighted with them.

It looks as though my faith in Bevaart is paying off when he misses a header and Morrison hits a stunner from outside the area to bring Palace to within one of us. A few minutes after kick-off Kelly plays a beautiful ball into the path of Blake who slots the ball past the keeper. 4-2 and the fans have at least got their moneys worth today, I hear over the PA that there's almost 28,000 here, not bad for my first game in charge. Just as we're looking comfortable again Marco Reich hits a spectacular 30 yarder past the wrong footed Bennet to bring them within touching distance again. Luckily we hang on to win a cracking match 4-3

Final Score (Leeds United 4-3 Crystal Palace)

My Man Of The Match: Definately "The General" Shaun Derry, grabbing two goals and really leading by example.

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Sunday 7th August (Post Celebration)

I greedily scan the Sunday papers for a write up on my first competitive win at Elland Road. A few have mentions of our 7 goal spectacular but mainly concern themselves with the build-up to the Premiership, the ones that do are mainly criticising each teams defensive lapses, but if they'd been there then they would know each and every goal was brilliant. Apparently a few of the home supporters were intereviewed and said they'd never seen such an exciting match in a long time and said they hoped I would conjure more of the same.

I have to admit I am now fully looking forward to the Preston match and hope as much as the fans do for more of the same. After perusing the papers, I take a glance at my desk and see that there's a pile of faxes all relating to bids for my players. Newcastle, Sunderland and Wigan make enquiries for Richardson, while Wolves make a bit for Wright, Sheff Utd come in for Gregan , Swansea for Paul Butler and Crainey is wanted by Luton Town.

I reply to the Richardson enquiries with a thanks but no thanks, I accept a £425,000 bid for Wright, £110,000 for Butler, £120,000 for Crainey and £320,000 for Gregan. Hopefully they'll all be able to reach a deal enabling me to bring in some new talent.

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Monday 8th August (First Transfer Departures)

As I'm walking through the car park thinking how lovely is is today, Jermaine Wright and Stephen Crainey shout me over. They inform me that they've made the decision to accept the contract offers from their potential suitors, have made the necessary accomodation arrangements and that they wanted to tell me personally. I thank them again for all their hard work for the club.

"Jermaine, Stephen I really do wish you the best of luck with your new careers, I'm sure the rest of the lads and everyone here feels as I do. I hope you serve your new clubs with the same style and grace as you served us, don't play too well against us though eh?!" I laugh and the guys smile and shake my hand and go off to their respective cars.

I get to the office and find a memo from Ken and a couple of notes from Rose.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Chris,

Bloody good match on saturday, I enjoyed it

immensely, keep it up and oh yes, good bit of

business you did for Crainey and Wright. I'll

make a business man of you yet.

Warmest regards,


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thats nice, a bit of appreciation from the chairman, at least I know hes watching the matches as there wasn't a doubt he'd be watching over transfers. The notes from Rose are slightly dissapointing, Paul Butler's failed to agree terms with Swansea, apparently over a not high enough salary which is funny as I didn't pick Paul as the greedy type. Sheff Utd had apparently cancelled their bid for Gregan as I stupidly wanted what he's worth in return for him, silly me. They'll be back I think to myself, they'll be back. Neil Warnocks not one to give up that easily.

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Tuesday 9th August - (Deepdale, Preston North End V Leeds United V, Championship)

On the journey across the Pennines I tell the team that it's going to be a very tough game, Preston can beat anybody on a good day and we don't want it to be today. We'll be going with the legendary away support that Leeds enjoys and I want the lads to pay them back for coming here today.

I've made the decision before the game that after Bevaarts abysmal performance it's only fair to give another lad a chance. I don't make too many major changes to the starting 11, I stick with the same framework we had against Palace, the changes are Richardson out for the new boy Bevaart, Einarsson in for the injured Blake and Healy on for the rested Demouge. The formation worked well against Palace, but I think I'll need to start tweaking it soon if we conceded too many again.

Starting Line Up:

Bennet, Harding, Kilgallon, Kelly, Richardson, Lewis, Derry, Douglas, Einarsson, Healy and Cresswell

Kick Off:

Another a wonderful start to the match, we press early and are rewarded, although somewhat luckily with a goal. Lewis takes a throw in which is headed back by Lucketti, Lewis launches a ball at a tight angle that I'm pretty sure took a slight deflection and beats the keeper at his near post as he's wrong footed and dives too late. We're still looking dangerous when Einarsson is pushed in the box, Penalty Derry steps up and unfortunately blasts it into the keepers arms. I'm yet to see how this almosts costs us. We push on and threaten but Preston are looking more lively and Nugent who I told to the team to shut down gets the ball and fires a stunning ball past Bennet. We get to half time without anymore incidents. I tell the lads that although I'm slightly dissapointed that we're drawing, we can still win it.

It looks like my team talks done the trick and we start brightly, Einarssons all over the park winning tackles and having some decent shots.

We're looking most likely to score when their keeper launches a seemingly harmless ball up the park, Anyinsah headers it to Nugent whos in space and tries his luck from distance, the ball takes a wicked deflection and its going too fast for the keeper to change his direction. However Bennet suprises me and almost gets to it, but it goes just inside the post, no keeper could have saved that. After that I go mad with the players and shout for Derry and Cresswell to come off for Pugh and Demouge. The lads fight with a renewed determination and we wont give up, Demouge gets through in the box in the 87th minute and equalises and I start to breath easier, at the kick off I gesture to the lads "Just one more". The lads nod and win every tackle and every loose ball, they look like they mean business, Demouge gets a fantastic ball from Douglas and floats it in to the box, will there be anyone to meet it?! GOAL I can't believe it Einarssons got above his marker and thundered a header past the keeper, we've stolen the winner in the 90th minute and the away fans are going wild, my staff and I in the dugout are euphoric, Preston kick off and 4 minutes later we're top of the Championship. As the lads come of the fans are giving them a standing ovation and I shake and hug every one of them.

Final Score (Preston North End 2-3 Leeds United)

My Man Of The Match: Definately Einarsson for his never say die attitude and his marvellous winner at the death, I couldn't have asked for more from the lad. I really couldn't.

Its a nice journey on the way back to Leeds, the lads won't stop singing and smiling, some are discussing the best bits of the match. I on the other hand am looking at how to stop us conceding so much, 5 in two matches isn't enough.

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Tuesday 9th August 11:00 PM (TV Report)

Sky Sports News

...and tonight in the Championships evening games, Leeds United fought back superbly from a 2-1 defecit to win the game with 4 minutes to spare, the introduction of new Dutch striker Demouge seemed to inject some spark into the until then, lacklustre Leeds side, grabbing a goal and an assist in his brief 20 minutes on the pitch. Leeds Icelandic midfielder Gylfi Einarsson deservedly won man of the match although reports suggest it was a close call between him and Eddie Lewis.

Billy Davies is said to be "Furious" that his side conceded two late, late goals to see Leeds take all 3 points back to Elland Road, I'm sure thats a view that all Preston fans are sharing at this moment in time...

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Friday 12th August (Transfer Update)

I slam the phone down, "I can't believe the cheek of that bloody man, £525,000 for a £100,000 player, does he think I was born yesterday?"

I'm shouting at no one, the office only has me in it, Rose comes running in and asks if theres a problem. I calm down and tell her its nothing to worry about, just me letting off steam. The phone call was with the manager of Excelsior, he was replying to my enquiry for Juanito Sequeira, I politely told him where to stick his deal, in the nicest possible way of course.

It's been a fairly fruitful morning as I've spoken with the managers of several clubs and had offers and enquiries accepted or replied to.

Bournemouth require £80,000 for Brian Stock, Brians a young Welsh central midfielder and looks to have a lot of talent for a player in his division and it's been reported to me that he's got a brilliant pass on him and his flair and creativy can really turn a match on its head. I look forward to meeting with the Brian and seeing if we can thrash out a deal to bring his talent to Leeds.

Another young prospect that I'm extremely excited about is Junior Livramento of Dordrecht. He's a 17 year old midfielder, he's got pace and he's got some fantastic skills for a player his age. I've had my bid accepted and offered him what I think is a fair contract for a player his age. I look forward to hearing his response.

The final player I'm hopefully looking to capture is the attacking midfielder Geoffrey Knijnenburg of ADO Den Haag, he's known at his club as "The flying Dutchman.", hes lightning fast and hopefully strikes more than twice. Hes young, only 22 and has considerable talent for a player of his tender age. I await their response to my bid, I think it's a fair one.

It seems O'Driscoll, Adelaar and Koolhof don't want to keep young talent at their clubs.

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Saturday 13th August - (Elland Road, Leeds United V Reading, Championship)

I've told the lads I want a tighter game against Reading today, we've got to keep our goals conceded down. The players are still pleased at beating Preston during the week and I'm slightly worried that they're getting complacent. I think nothing more of it and announce the team, I've decided to give a debut to new full back Hooiveld at the expense of Richardson, other than that it's the same team we took to Deepdale.

Starting Line Up:

Bennet, Harding, Kilgallon, Kelly, Hooiveld, Lewis, Derry, Douglas, Einarsson, Healy and Cresswell

Kick Off:

What an abysmal performance, I feel intensely sorry for the fans, neither team seems to want to win. We get forward a couple of times but lack the telling ball or telling finish, I'm beginning to think it's going to be a boring nil nil. The crowd are singing their hearts out in an attempt to spur the players on, but to no avail, the half draws to a close and the teams is clapped as they leave the pitch, theres a couple of players arguing in the changing room as I get there. I tell them to knock it off and that we're not going to win working against each other, "We have to get forward, we've not produced anything remotely like a chance the whole half, thats got to change. Right get out there and justify the ticket prices."

I may as well of said nothing, we give away a cheap free kick that results in Dave Kitson receiving a bloody 55 yard pass with only the goalie to beat, which of course he duly did 3 minutes after the restart. I can't believe it and neither can the fans, they boo the Reading team as they celebrate and I have to resist the urge to join in. The game continues in much the same way as the first half, our defense seems to be coping with Kitson, I'm sure he could have grabbed a couple more If he'd of taken his time. We don't seem to have any creativity or ideas going forward and full time draws closer. With 20 minutes left I bring off the dissapointing trio of Douglas, Einarsson and Healy for Rothery, Richardson and Demouge. Rothery and Demouge immediately make an impact and the Leeds team seems to wake up and starts passing with some conviction, still we can't get the goal. The Reading away fans and the manager must think they've got the 3 points today when Cresswell heads a brilliant ball through to Demouge on the 90th minute, he takes a touch forward bringing out the keeper before deftly chipping him and sending the Leeds fans into wild celebration. I jump out of my seat and show how happy I am with that strike.

Final Score (Leeds United 1-1 Reading)

My Man Of The Match: Another tough decision as we we're basically awful all over the pitch, but I decide upon Gary Kelly again as he won all of his tackles and his passing wasn't as dire as others I could mention.

I wave off the fans who are still chanting Demouge's name as the team leaves the field, they may be happy but I'm certainly not. In the dressing room I don't hold back on telling them how dissapointed I am in the result. "We've got a tough game against Cardiff next week and I want a better bloody performance than that, I can tell you that for nowt." The lads agree and express their agreement that they weren't good enough today.

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Saturday 20th August (Quiet on the western front)

It's been a fairly uneventful week. I've had no enquiries which is a good think I guess, but worst of all I've had to replies to my bids or contract offers. I start to feel a little paranoid that some other Championship club has swooped in for my targets and pipped me to them. I tell myself to think no news is good news.

I've been at the training ground with the lads again this week, it's gone rather well, all the lads are training hard and Blake looks like he'll back with us fairly soon, I consult his physio and he says between 1-3 weeks.

I'm looking forward to the match against Cardiff tomorrow, this fixture seems to have gained some notoriety in the past few seasons and I know its a match the lads both dread and at the same time look forward to. I have no doubts that it will be a passionate affair, I just want us to give a good account of ourselves, but I would love to stuff them for knocking us out of the cup a few years ago.

Sunday 21th August - (Ninian Park, Cardiff V Leeds United, Championship)

As I said to the lads in the changing room on last saturday, I want a better performance tonight as they'll be up for it and will love to beat us. I decide to recall Richardson as he knows about this match and I don't want Hooiveld stuck in a warzone this early in the season, I also swap the strangely quiet Healy with Demouge and other than that it's the same team that drew with Reading.

Starting Line Up:

Bennet, Harding, Kilgallon, Kelly, Richardson, Lewis, Derry, Douglas, Einarsson, Demouge and Cresswell

Kick Off:

We start well and threaten early, I'm pleased to see it's a different side that drew with Reading. Our hard work pays off in the 13th minute when a sublime chip from Lewis is met by Cresswell who heads it across the goal and past the keeper. 1-0 and a brilliant start for us. Suddenly the game turns, the Cardiff fans are looking restless and somethings going to happen. It does in the 20th minute, a free kick seemingly out of shooting distance curls round the wall and past the keeper, the lads can't believe it, I motion for them to keep their heads up but just 10 minutes later, nobody deals with Jerome on the left flank and his cross is met by Alan Lee, a quickfire double and we're behind undeservedly. We keep our heads up and keep fighting away but their keeper is playing inspired football. As the lads come off I tell them how happy I am with their performance. "We can win this lads, we really can."

The second half starts brightly, we throw wave after wave of attacks at Cardiff but again and again their keeper frustrates us.

Cardiff never have a meaningful attack again and we keep up the pressure, its bound to pay off soon I think. The final whistle goes after what only seems like 10 minutes, Cardiff have kept the 3 points and we have the long journey home empty handed. On the way back I tell the lads that their effort was a credit to the club and that it's a tough test going to their intimidating ground. They seem slightly cheered up and fortunately we have a 3 day break coming up and an easy game against Carlisle in the league cup coming up.

Final Score (Cardiff 2-1 Leeds United)

My Man Of The Match: Gary Kelly is my man of the moment, he played outstandingly today, marking his man well and passing with confidence.

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Tuesday 23rd August (Warnock comes'a knocking)

I'm sat in the office when the phone rings, I let it ring a little bit longer before picking up. "Hello, Chris Marsh speaking."

"Good morning, this is Neil Warnock at Sheffield United. I've been considering your player Sean Gregan and I reckon I've come up with a bid that will suit both clubs."

I raise my eyebrow and doubt that this will be true but I'd like to know what he proposes anyway, "Ok, try me."

"Right, I'm willing to offer a cool quarter of a million for Sean...", I interupt him, I probably shouldn't have but still, "Sorry Neil, It's £300,000 or no deal, we can't afford to let our players walk out for next to nothing, you of all people should know that." I know it's only £50,000 more, but still that's how much Seans worth and I'm not settling for anything less.

"Right, ok Chris, I'll have to think about this, I'll ring you back sometime soon." He hangs up, I wonder if I ticked him off.

Shock of the day

I put the phone down and look at my e-mails, my jaw drops as I notice I've got a bid from Newcastle offering

£1,000,000 plus %25 next sale clause for Frazer Richardson. I've got a dilemma on my hands, a million is a lot to turn down.

I arrange for Richardson to meet me ASAP. He arrives 30 minutes later and looks suprised that I've called him in. "Anything wrong boss?", I motion him in "Take a seat lad, got some news for you." He looks expectant.

"We've had a serious money bid in for you from Newcastle United, I won't tell you how much yet, I'd like to find out how you feel about it first. Do you want to go?

He looks taken aback "Well Newcastle are a huge club, I love it here but I have to think about my career. I would like to get in the England set up one day and playing in the Premiership would do my chances the power of good. Sorry boss, I'd like you accept the transfer, I'd be stupid not to go."

I pat him on the back and tell him it's not a problem, he thanks me for allowing him the opportunity to further his career. I feel like Judas though, I'd said I wouldn't allow our young talent to go but I need to money for the war chest and his wages will be a good deduction from the current bill. I pick up the phone to call Graeme, I'm sure he'll be pleased with himself, he's got himself a good player there.

"Hi Graeme, it's Chris Marsh at Leeds, I've spoken to the player and we've decided it's in the best interests of both the player and the team to accept your bid."

"Fantastic Mr Marsh, I look forward to bringing him here. Look I've got to go as I have a meeting. I'll call you personally soon." He hangs up and I think that it was a rather short conversation, but then again what would I know about Premiership management, you probably get called to board meetings all the time.

Well a £1,000,000 in the transfer kitty is a nice bonus anyway, I'm looking forward to spending it...wisely of course. Just hope that the players aren't too unhappy at his departure.

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Wednesday Morning 24th August (Transfer News and Oh Yes, Ken Puts His Foot Down)

"Ok Mr Adelaar, July 2006, brilliant, can't wait to have him in the team. Pleasure doing business with you mate. Bye".

Get in we've just signed another target although we won't get him till next year. Knijnenburg will be a Leeds player in July and I reckon we'll need him, theres a lot of games to play and I don't think we have enough depth at the moment.

This is however my third phone call already of the day I've had so far as I've already had Bryan Stock and Sjaak Lettinga call to say they'll sign for us today.

Rose comes breezing in and lets me know that young midfielder Junior Livramento has accepted the contract offer and I wanting to sign for us. She also hastens to mention that Neil Warnock has left a message saying he's not willing to change his bid, hmm I thought I'd hacked him off but thats not a great loss. She also adds that Ken Bates wants me to call him, I wonder what it could be about? Cant be the results as we've not been playing that badly.

I pick up the phone and give him a call at his base in Monaco, "Hi Ken, it's Chris, you wanted a word?" god I sound nervous.

"Good day to you Chris, I'd just like to say I think you're doing a good job so far lad, keep it up." Well I'm not getting the sack that's a relief, we have a long conversation on transfers and he states in no uncertain terms that he won't allow the £90,000 transfer of Livramento to go ahead, my attempts at persuading him fall on deaf ears and I'm left slightly frustrated. However he's allowed me all the other transfers so I decide it's in the interests of my job to let this one go. He laughs at the end and says he hopes we have a nice time in Carlisle.

Wednesday Evening 24th August - (Brunton Park, Carlisle V Leeds United, League Cup 1st round)

On the coach journey up to Cumbria I decide that I'm going to name a weaker side than we'd usually field, however not that much weaker, all my lads are capable. I give Pugh his first start this season ahead of Harding who's been ever present so far. I recall Hooiveld in the wake of Newcastles bid for Richardson, I don't want him gettin injured. Berkleef, Healy and Rothery get the nod ahead of the regulars. I let the team know that beating this team should be a formality and we shouldn't even need to break a sweat. I announce the line up and I notice Berkleef and Rothery look excited.

Starting Line Up:

Bennet, Pugh, Kilgallon, Kelly, Hooiveld, Berkleef, Derry, Miller, Rothery, Healy and Cresswell

Kick Off:

As I predicted we started off well and put them under pressure immediately, our payoff came on the quarter hour mark when some good one touch passing puts Healy through on goal, to their defenders credit they close him down well and dispossess him but the ball deflects awkwardly away from them and it's young Rothery who beats everyone to the ball and puts it past the keeper. This is going to be easy I think, but I'm to be proved wrong, Carlisle show they fear no-one they get a throw in which results in a cross thats dealt with poorly by our lads, it falls straight onto the head of Nade who nods it past the keeper. The lads look at each other in disbelief and then glance over at me, I'm not happy and they know it. They get back in my good books 10 minutes later when a punt upfield by Bennet bypasses everyone and goes to the feet of Rothery who controls well, jinks to the side and then slides an absolutely world class ball round a defender to the waiting Cresswell who had timed his run perfectly to get onto it and stick it past Williams. We look dangerous throughout the rest of the half but the lads are happy to sit back and play, plus their keeper is having a stormer and their defenders are desperately trying to keep us out which denies us any further goals.

The lads come off looking happy and chatting amongst themselves. I turn to Sam and let him know that I think we could be doing a little better, he agrees but says that the lads are probably trying to rest themselves a bit. I go and tell the lads to keep it up. "Right lads that was good but I want you to play with a little bit more passion please, their fans have paid to see us give them a game and we're hardly breaking a sweat at the moment. Give them something to remember."

The second half starts off the same as the first, we get into scoring positions again and again but their keeper thwarts us. Williams is having a fantastic game. Carlisle threaten a couple of times but are easily dealt with and again it's us who counters. Their defense is looking solid when Cresswell collects the ball from a wasted Carlisle corner and fires it through to Demouge whos promptly felled by Richard Hoban, he's the last man and receives his marching orders much to the chargrin of the manager and the protests of the players. We keep looking for a 3rd but it never comes, I bring off the outstanding Rothery and Demouge, Healy and Einarsson replace them. The game draws to an uneventful close.

Final Score (Carlisle 1-2 Leeds United)

My Man Of The Match: Gavin Rothery is definately the winner of that accolade. He was fantastic in his awareness and his finishing and looked like scoring another.

We leave Brunton Park very pleased and I'm glad to say £20,000 better off.

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Friday 26th August 9:00 AM (Press Conference and Player Unveiling At Elland Road)

The press and other onlookers are crammed into the conference centre, Lettinga and Stock look slightly bewildered by all the flash photography and questions. I turn to them and let them know that it's not long now and they'll be able to go to Thorpe Arch with the rest of the lads. "You two ok, it's all a bit of a hoo hah isn't it?, I'm just getting used to it all myself. Just stay calm and smile, It'll soon be done."

The press are pretty unforgiving and I feel sorry for Bryan Stock as they question his ability to serve the club and whether he's just here for the money. He deals with them surprisngly well and professionally states that he's here to do a job and that he'll do that job well.

"Bryan, it's going to be a bit of a culture shock after joining from a team like Bournemouth isn't it?, how well do you think you'll adjust?"

Bryan responds well and doesn't say anything to insult his old club. "Yeah it's brilliant to be joining a team like Leeds but I still have a special place in my heart for Bournemouth and I'm sure I'll be playing against them in the Premiership in the future."

"Mr Lettinga, how are you finding your first day in England, are you finding it ok?" Sjaak can speak perfectly good English much to the surprise and embarassment of the reporter and informs her that he's been here before on visits and holidays and loves the country.

We pose for pictures in the ground, I stand in the middle and hold up the shirts with the lads, I can't wait to see them in the local newspapers. Hope I don't grin like an idiot I think as the press take as many photos as they possibly can in the 5 minutes allocated. After the fuss has died down I turn to the lads, "Well done you two, I think it went well, I want you to get to training ASAP and get yourselves fit and ready for the coming weeks. I'll be looking to integrate you into the squad and get you both up to speed quickly."

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