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Developing young players

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Any player can be developed, whether he's world class or not. It's when he reaches his CA roof/limit that he will be developed, but even then it doesn't stop as you can re-distribute stats over time through your training schedule.

Can he become world class? It depends, but the key is to make the stats that matter the best as possible. A high PA/CA isn't everything, some great players have relatively low CA/PA yet they can still do a great job. What matters is how he looks stats wise, if he has the good stats for the areas he needs.

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PA cannot be increased, it just means the player has reached and is playing at his maximum ability. However his stats can still change depending on your training schedule eg. you put him on shooting so it may go up by 2 but his defending will go down by 2.

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His PA won't be increased, it can be redistributed though. For example, when you see a few of the player's stats drop one month and then a few green arrows (in another area) appear the following month that can be a result of his CA points being redistributed based on his schedule.

You see it with older players as-well, when they start losing their physical stats they can actually put a few of those ‘lost points’ on in the technical or mental area instead.

PA can't be increased; you can reshape a player over time though.

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