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Oceanian project


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i've actually built an oceanic league before, and am planning on a building a massive league in FM10 with all Australian, New Zealand, most Oceanic teams, some from Singapore, Brunei, and possibly other smaller South East Asian nations.

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I was going to mainly focus on the NZ league and try go down as far as I could recall...

maybe far enough for my tier... which would be about 10th i guess...

but then I'd have to create alot of cities where the populations are like 5-10000 :p

So I might just jack your DB :p

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Well, we will have to create a lot of teams for New Zealand, coz there are only15-20 i previous edition of FM............ but I'd like to challenge for OFC Champions league and Club World Cup with Auckland City or Waitakere against Samoan and Fijian teams............

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if you go down in the NZ league, what stats will the players have then? only 1s or 2s ? no way, there is a natural end to this, you just CAN NOT go further down without having the player stats all reduced to 1. if a player has a "2" in finishing he´s the leagues best player.

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that is a main issue with FM, personally i believe all stats should be out of 100 instead of 20, it gives you much greater lee-way to build smaller leagues. i love building leagues for nations like Fiji, Samoa, etc, but get sick of them all being BSS/BSN level, when in all honestly they should be much lower

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Hey RR, I'm happy to build most of the db, if you want to add your amazing photoshop skills to it that would be incredible.

I've already drawn up a plan of attack for a super Australasian League comprising of a Premier League, First Division, Second Division split into 4 regions and a Third Division split into about 8 to cover Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, and South East Asia.

With possibly a smaller semi-pro league of the lesser clubs in the region in order to create a sort of 'Feeder League' for the APL.

Would love help on this, I'm hoping the new editor allows us to share work a lot easier.

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Hey RR, I'm happy to build most of the db, if you want to add your amazing photoshop skills to it that would be incredible.

I've already drawn up a plan of attack for a super Australasian League comprising of a Premier League, First Division, Second Division split into 4 regions and a Third Division split into about 8 to cover Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, and South East Asia.

With possibly a smaller semi-pro league of the lesser clubs in the region in order to create a sort of 'Feeder League' for the APL.

Would love help on this, I'm hoping the new editor allows us to share work a lot easier.

Good plans. mate. But I think it would be to much to have 8 regions in third league, it is just too much and there are no so many clubs there. You should create new clubs then, and research is very heavy for that part of the world, I cant find much information for myself, like Fijian and Tahitian football. I suppose it would be 100 times harder to find something about American Samoa and Northern Mariana Clubs.

I will make every league from Oceania (Tahiti, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Fiji, Papua New Guinea) to have one division with 6-8 teams and I will alter New Zealand Championship to have two 12 teams tiers. Winners of those leagues will qualify to Champions League (2 groups, each 5 teams, home and away round robin, 4 teams to next round from each group, then 1/4 finals, then semifinals and FINAL, each round home and away). Winner of CL qualifies to World Club Cup.

I will also create OFC Nations cup in new system. Same as CL (10 teams, 2 groups) only played in one country, held every 4 years.

I hope you agree with me to create something like that, although it is not as it is in real life. :thup:

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The 8 regions would be spread across a large area, I was thinking 3 for Australia, 1 for NZ, 1 for Oceania, 1 for Singpore, 1 for Malaysia, and 1 for smaller Asian nations (i.e. Brunei, thanks to the initial idea from RR). None of these were going to be big divisions (10-12 teams) and have no relegation, meaning no need for the usual "Lower Leagues".

Your db sounds awesome though, would love to play it once it's done.

The way I see it, the more people building leagues for this region, the better we all have to get to compete, always a great thing!

oh, and for real life, pfft, what's that? Once I open the editor real life goes the way of the Dodo, or intelligence in my current assistant at work (great body, nothing upstairs!).

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The 8 regions would be spread across a large area, I was thinking 3 for Australia, 1 for NZ, 1 for Oceania, 1 for Singpore, 1 for Malaysia, and 1 for smaller Asian nations (i.e. Brunei, thanks to the initial idea from RR). None of these were going to be big divisions (10-12 teams) and have no relegation, meaning no need for the usual "Lower Leagues".

Your db sounds awesome though, would love to play it once it's done.

The way I see it, the more people building leagues for this region, the better we all have to get to compete, always a great thing!

oh, and for real life, pfft, what's that? Once I open the editor real life goes the way of the Dodo, or intelligence in my current assistant at work (great body, nothing upstairs!).

Your assistant must be sexy (if it is SHE) :thup:

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I was actually planning on a NZ league and and Oceanic Islands league.

The NZ league will be the real clubs of NZ. Based on the real structure.

The Islands league will have 2 divisions - one 10 club leage featuring 1 club from each OFC nation (fantasy clubs) and one 10 club league featuring one club from each OFC affliate nation.

I'm hoping that you will be able to have these new comps feed into existing compe - i.e. I'd like the NZ and Islands Leagues to provide qualification into the O-League for a chance to play in the Club World Championship (or whatever it is called)

I have written to SI re: adding in some of the OFC affiliate nations and I'm hopeful that they will be added.

(If anyone wants to know about the Federated States of Micronesia national team, I'm the man... well, I know how to contact the real man, anyway!)

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I always want to know about national football teams that arent in the database, especially if its the national team of the Federated States of Micronesia. Could add the state and perhaps some clubs and NOT let them play Fifa qualifiers, which makes players from this nation even more interesting/obscure. Do you also have contacts who can help with Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, or Palau?

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I always want to know about national football teams that arent in the database, especially if its the national team of the Federated States of Micronesia. Could add the state and perhaps some clubs and NOT let them play Fifa qualifiers, which makes players from this nation even more interesting/obscure. Do you also have contacts who can help with Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, or Palau?

Well, we wont be able to add new nations, we will only be able to update existing nations and their competitions, and create brand new competitions, but they must be from existing nations, or new international competitions.

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And of course the reply by Ter:

If you mean create a new nation called "New Nation" and add a competition called "New Nation League" and create teams to play in it then I don't see why not. Although I've not tried to do anything like that before. It will be interesting to see what sort of things people try out with this.

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Hehe, actually, thats not true:



Originally Posted by roberto922 View Post

Will it be possible to create entire new nations and make the leagues playable?

Miles Jacobson:

Yes, it will.

Well, if it is true, it is great, but I read on some thread that we wont be able to create totally new nations. If it is true, than we can create Niue, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, French Polynesia, Pitcairn Islands, Norfolk........many Oceanian nations that are not in the game at all, and create even qualifiers for Oceanian nations cup. That's good. :thup:

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Just got told that it is too late for SI to add in nations for FM10 so we will have to create such nations as Federated States of Micronesia. I only wanted to add in 7 nations - those that are affiliate members of the OFC:

* Kiribati

* (Federated States of) Micronesia

* Niue

* Palau

* Tuvalu

All of these are associate members of the OFC, but not yet FIFA members - Niue is in the process of gaining FIFA membership (strange that such a small nation has had meetings with FIFA about jpoining the family).

The following teams are not members of the OFC, but may become members within the next few years:

* Nauru (They have played one officially recognised game in the OFC - the only thing holding them back the lack of a stadium, but one is being built)

* Wallis and Futuna (Already in FM... no idea why they were added, but if they are in all of the above should be in!)

As somebody has already pointed out, giving these nations players may be a problem as the 1-20 range on attributes is very limiting.

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Have read more (see link above posted by Erol) and now find that editor won't allow addition of new nations (unless you re-name a pre-existing one)

Another thing that worries me is that the new leagues will need to be "owned" by a nation.... that would sort of rule out any super league wouldn't it??

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Oh dear, it would, unless it is tied to a competition that doesnt set rules for foreigners (Dutch league), but the only prize/television income that would support a superleague is the English. Bah, its a pity really.

About Niue, its never polite to talk politics on an editors forum, but I think we all know why Niue has entered talks. If they get in they will most definately vote for mister Blatter at the next Fifa elections, and since every country counts for one vote, it easier to buy Niue's vote than for instance France's.

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Oh dear, it would, unless it is tied to a competition that doesnt set rules for foreigners (Dutch league), but the only prize/television income that would support a superleague is the English. Bah, its a pity really.

About Niue, its never polite to talk politics on an editors forum, but I think we all know why Niue has entered talks. If they get in they will most definately vote for mister Blatter at the next Fifa elections, and since every country counts for one vote, it easier to buy Niue's vote than for instance France's.

I like Mr Blatter, but I think it is about time to elect new FIFA president, 12 years is enough for one man as FIFA chief. :)

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hit a bit of snag regarding Oceanic football, I can't find any decent websites for their leagues. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm really looking for current line-ups with info (positions, DOB, etc) in order to build the leagues as accurately as possible.

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This was a problem i encountered when doing my A-League databases over the years. Since FM10 doesn't come out for a while I would suggest firing off emails to the clubs and seeing if they would be willing to provide the information. As they get back to you, just collate it and then input it once it's all sorted.

Although there is some Oceanic information around the place that i have foudn over the years. Unfortunately for you mate, I had to recover my harddrive last night and i opted for a deep cleansing of my laptop...hence, i have not kept the bookmarks for a lot of those sites.

However, i am in the mood for research for my new db. I will do some searches to see what i can find for you and send them to you at a later date.

Conversely, just go to the OFC website and see if you can get match day squads for champions league teams as a starting place.

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