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Changing attribute numbers to words/symbols


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I think this is probably asking for the impossible, but anyway..

I've often thought the level of accuracy on an attribute number from 1-20 was a little unrealistic, somehow. What would be ace is if I could replace say 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20 (or any other sort of split) with 'poor', 'average', 'good' and 'excellent' or symbols.

Unfortunately, I guess the attribute numbers aren't graphics as such, and would be hard/impossible to replace?

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It could be done in a hack sort of way. If you replaced the font used for attributes with a custom font where the numbers were actually symbols then they would be coloured in either a poor/average/good/excellent colour. It would be impossible to replace them with graphics though (other than what you can do already with 'show graphical attributes in profile' ticked with preferences).

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It could be done in a hack sort of way. If you replaced the font used for attributes with a custom font where the numbers were actually symbols then they would be coloured in either a poor/average/good/excellent colour. It would be impossible to replace them with graphics though (other than what you can do already with 'show graphical attributes in profile' ticked with preferences).

The custom font idea sounds interesting, but would you be able to have a seperate symbol for numbers over 9 or would they repeat?

And is it possible to seperate out the font used for attributes from other things?

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Well, the issue would be that you'd get two characters for double digit attributes. You can't seperate it out so that if a number is 0-9 it's one font and 10+ it's another. You could I suppose do more of a hack and increase the font size so much it just fills the container, no matter what number it'd be you'd just see a solid block of colour.

You 'should' be able to change the font for just the attributes. You can specify a font for a table to use. I say should because there are times in FM where stuff gets hard coded and can't be touched.

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That still shows attributes as a fairly exact thing though, it fills a bar to a point between 1 and 20. The OP is after more vague attributes (one of 4) so it's a little bit more like real life were players are judged as 'good' or 'excellent' instead of '14' or '19'.

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If you could change the graphical attributes, then you would be able to make it more vague by changing them but as far as i know, they're not changable are they?

The only way I can make it vague, is by changing the colour of your background and the font colour to the same so the stats are completely unseeable. Then its even more realistic, with no stats and just a scouts report and your own knowledge of the player to assess how good he is. But that may be too realistic. Which I understand, I'd like a 'poor, ok, good, excellent' set of attributes but it seems unachievable at present.

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