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I need urgent help regarding the psp

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Can someone just make a file to download ie leeds 4 evas harchester united file so i dont have to bother doing the editor rubbish as i really (and i have tried many times( cant do it so can someone download it put it in a link and sent it to me so i can download or something.

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If you had done everything step correctly then it would work. Just check back over what you have done for any errors. For example the folders must be named with capitals "COMMON" without the quotation marks. Then you must place the changes.txt in the file directory: #\PSP\COMMON\FMH2008\changes.txt with # being the drive that your memory stick appears as when connected to the computer.

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ive just thought of why it may not be working, you are calling the file "changes" and removing anything else e.g [1] etc. as this will stop it fromworking and you dont have to put.txt on the end as it will be done automatically

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still cant do it as you lost me on 8 to 12. what do you mean replace it with the other file. what other file? you do know i have no changes txt file on the psp as i dont have no idea how to make one. I guess i have no choice but to givve up and be miserable as i have no chance of doing it. icon_frown.gif

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1.download this file

2.connect your psp to your computer via usb cable

3.go to start, then my computer

4.click on the drive your psp is in

5.click into the folder called PSP

6.click on the folder called COMMON. if there isnt a folder called this, create a floder called COMMON (name with capitals)

7.in this folder, create another folder called FMH2008 (again use capitals)

8.copy and paste the changes file that you downloaded into the FMH2008 folder

this should work. if it dosent let me know

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  • SI Staff
Originally posted by joe bush:

I did most of it but got stuck on 7 and 8 and got lost again.

I just want to download the file why do the idiots at fm making it soo ****ing hard to download?

Its actually a sony requirement with regards to where files have to be placed on the PSP (without conforming to these we aren't allowed to release the game).


The idiot at FM icon_wink.gif

PS - If you're having hassles with this do you have a friend or parent who is slightly more PC conversant who you might ask for assistance?

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Originally posted by Marc Vaughan:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by joe bush:

I did most of it but got stuck on 7 and 8 and got lost again.

I just want to download the file why do the idiots at fm making it soo ****ing hard to download?

Is that a yellow card offence :S

Its actually a sony requirement with regards to where files have to be placed on the PSP (without conforming to these we aren't allowed to release the game).


The idiot at FM icon_wink.gif

PS - If you're having hassles with this do you have a friend or parent who is slightly more PC conversant who you might ask for assistance? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

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  • SI Staff
Originally posted by LSD:

oops that went all wrong...

"Is that a yellow card offence :S"

LOL icon_biggrin.gif

Not at all - just trying to let 'joe bush' know that sometimes things aren't fully under our control with directory layouts or how console games operate .... and inject a little humour icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by joe bush:

I did most of it but got stuck on 7 and 8 and got lost again.

ok mate

when you create the folder called COMMON, click into it.

when you're in the folder,create another folder called FMH2008. Click into the FMH2008 folder.

Right click on the changes file you downloaded, click copy. Go back into the FMH2008 folder, right click in it and select paste.

Any more problems let me know...

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Thank you idiot at fm icon_biggrin.gif

go away LSD icon_cool.gif

thank you for all the people desperatley trying to help me

whats this changes file? anyway i didn't know what you meant when trying to download it as you didnt say anything about it in the instructions and clicked on the fm 2008 file and it was blank so got really confused.

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in my first post in this thread, there is a link to the changes file. the changes file is the file which contains the edits your game picks up.

so, click on the link. then when the website opens up, click on the download sign. download the 'changes' file to your desktop.

then go into the FMH2008 file you made(if you have made it). copy and paste the downloaded changes file into the FMH2008 folder

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