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Old friends reunited

Super Saddler

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Moving house is one of the most stressful times in peoples lives. Having to watch how you pack all the wifes cut glass and priceless ornaments shes collected over time as well as the sentimental stuff that you don't like but get left and you just dont have the heart to throw it out.

Our move was stressful. Removal men turning up late, contract problems at the last minute and children in tears saying goodbye to their friends. I just couldn't wait to go. I had begun to hate the area, it was crime ridden, worn down estate, derelict at night as people were too scared to walk out on their own.

Cheryl and I had met at the local park, when I jokingly asked if she wanted a push on the swings. She laughed and had me pushing her for 30 minutes. She says that I am easily under the thumb and knew right from the start that we were made for each other. We've been married for 18 years and have 3 lovely children. Kirsty is 16 whos attracting boys like bees around pollen, Ellis is 14 a bit of Jack the lad and Chloe 12 all sweet innocent when shes on her own but easily led when shes out with friends.

Cheryl was some high flying PA/Executive for a national company based in Manchester and I had my own knick knack shop. I also managed the local football team some way down from the Premier League, but it was an enjoyable thing to do. Cheryl's job was the reason why we moving the Chief Executive was moving bases to Reading and wanted her to go with him. It was a change for us and after lengthly discussions it was really an opportunity we couldn't turn down. Cheryls was concenrned as I had no career plans when we moved but I wasn't that bothered as I would re-open my little business in Reading. I was more worried about the kids, new school and new friends a big change for them at important times in their lives.

We were moving into a luxury house provided by Cheryl's company part of the relocation deal. It was so different from what we were used to nobody looking over your garden fence trying to make idle conversation with you or looking at the latest designer clothes you've got hanging on the line. I wanted a quiet garden which I could pot around in without being disturbed I knew I was going to like it here.

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Moving house is one of the most stressful times in peoples lives. Having to watch how you pack all the wifes cut glass and priceless ornaments shes collected over time as well as the sentimental stuff that you don't like but get left and you just dont have the heart to throw it out.

Our move was stressful. Removal men turning up late, contract problems at the last minute and children in tears saying goodbye to their friends. I just couldn't wait to go. I had begun to hate the area, it was crime ridden, worn down estate, derelict at night as people were too scared to walk out on their own.

Cheryl and I had met at the local park, when I jokingly asked if she wanted a push on the swings. She laughed and had me pushing her for 30 minutes. She says that I am easily under the thumb and knew right from the start that we were made for each other. We've been married for 18 years and have 3 lovely children. Kirsty is 16 whos attracting boys like bees around pollen, Ellis is 14 a bit of Jack the lad and Chloe 12 all sweet innocent when shes on her own but easily led when shes out with friends.

Cheryl was some high flying PA/Executive for a national company based in Manchester and I had my own knick knack shop. I also managed the local football team some way down from the Premier League, but it was an enjoyable thing to do. Cheryl's job was the reason why we moving the Chief Executive was moving bases to Reading and wanted her to go with him. It was a change for us and after lengthly discussions it was really an opportunity we couldn't turn down. Cheryls was concenrned as I had no career plans when we moved but I wasn't that bothered as I would re-open my little business in Reading. I was more worried about the kids, new school and new friends a big change for them at important times in their lives.

We were moving into a luxury house provided by Cheryl's company part of the relocation deal. It was so different from what we were used to nobody looking over your garden fence trying to make idle conversation with you or looking at the latest designer clothes you've got hanging on the line. I wanted a quiet garden which I could pot around in without being disturbed I knew I was going to like it here.

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We had been walking around Basingstoke for ages looking for a suitable little shop for me to re=open my knick knack shop when we came across Cambrose Stadium home of Basingstoke Town. "How nice is that little ground?" I said. She glanced at me with a blank look on her face "What?" "That football ground its nearly on our front door step, I'll just go and get a fixture list so I can bring the kids". Ellis was really into his football a mad Man City fan whilst Kirsry like oggling at the players legs an Chloe came as she didn't want to miss out on anything.

I obtained the fixture list and notied that there was a friendly the following night. "Oh come on Cheryl our first night out in Basingstoke"

Now Camrose Stadium holds 6,000 supporters and we turned up the following night to a deserted ground. The friendly was against Londaon tigers so the game was no crowd puller so you could choose your seat.

We sat behind the goal. 30 minutes into the game Chloe looks at me and asks "What colour are Basingstoke playing in Dad?" Basingstoke play in yellow and blue darling" I replied.

A mere 1856 supporters witnessed the 2-1 victory for Basingstoke Town. "They didn't play too bad, did they dad" Ellis said. "Can we come again dad" Kirsty asked. Chloe chuckled outload and said "Which one do you fancy Kirsty"

"A bit lapse at the back don't you think Ellis, but ok, I mean no match for Real Madrid but there ok, don't know much about the opposition either so can't really comment, we should make this a regular event" I said.

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What was about to happen was most strange. We agreed to go into the bar following the match for a drink. Whilst at the bar I could feel somebody watching me. Cheryl nudged me and informed me that a bloke at the end of the bar kept looking at me. We return to the table and join the kids.

A sudden tap on the shoulder "Well it don't heaven believe it, if its not Paul Masters what are you doing in Basingstoke" I look puzzled not recognising the voice and not recognising the face.

"You don't remember me do you, Dave...."

Before he could finish the sentence I knew. "Oh blow me down it can't be Dave Hunt"

"Yes the Dave Hunt from all them years ago, we had some great times together didn't we"

Now David Hunt was another jack the lad a bit like my Ellis. We went to school together, traunted from school together, played football together and got drunk together. "I can't believe it, it must be 20 years sine I last saw you" he asked.

"Long story Dave, oops better introduce you, Dave this is my wife Cheryl, she starts a new job in Reading so we've moved down last week and I decided to treat the family to a night of footie, what you upto? I replied.

"Well mines a long story as well, moved to Basingstoke years ago, things didn't go too well, mom and dad passed away, marriage broke down and I ploughed my inheritance into a Business venture and I end up being chairman for Basingstoke Town."

I looked at him "Never!"

"I know, Basingstoke Town Premiership in hiding" he laughed.

"Nice set up though Dave"

"Anyway Paul you didn't say what you was upto, come on lots to talk about"

Cheryl and the gang weren't too happy that the night was not being a family thing.

"Well Dave I aint doing nothing at the moment, looking at a couple of options but nothing really caught my eye"

"Theres the assistants job here but we need somebody with experience" he joked

"That would be perfect for you darling" Cheryl chipped in. Dave looked at me in amazement.

"What experience you got bud?"

"Ermm.. coach at Marine and North Ferriby for a bit and I managed Ellis' old school football team" I replied "Not the perfect CV, oh and forgot the management of a knick knack shop"

He looks at me "Come and see me tomorrow at the ground at 10ish and we'll discuss, see if I can sort something out, if not then at least we can catch up with the gossip at least"

"Cheers Dave"

Cheryl looks at me "How strange is that, fancy coming this far and meeting one of your old mates, seems a nice chappie love, how come I don't remember you talking about him"

"Don't go there love, it was all before I met you, come on lets get this lot home"

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Ten o'clock the following morning I stand outside the gates of Camrose Stadium, wondering what my old mate Dave Hunt had been doing. He pulls up in his black shiny BMW, he jumps out and unlocks the gate. "Pull em open Paul and close em behind me will ya. You alright old fella?" he asks

"Yeah fine" I replied. "Just can't believe what a small world it is"

We walk through the club house and up some very steep stairs. I stop every now and again looking at the pictures that line the corridors. "Come into my littel den, take a seat and pass me your coat" he said.

I sit down by the side of his desk, facing Dave looking around the room thinking how well he had done for himself. "This is my life now, everything of mine is in here, its ruined my lif, but I love it here, it isn't always a bed of roses but its good. Football was once my hobby now its my life. Drink"

"No thanks" I reply

"Well ok, then Paul straight to business. I've been mulling over things and think we can offer you the Assistant Managers job. If you like?"

I look at him in amazement "You serious?" I wanted to say more but the words just wouldn't leave my mouth.

"Now Francis Vines is out manager and needs some support, I've known you a long time and I'd like to help you out, I mean you helped me out loads of times, so lets repay the favour. I can trust you, you obviously have some experience so lets not give it a go?"

I look at him again struggling to speak. "You want me as your assistant without interview, references or anyting."

"Look Paul you aint one for pulling fast ones, I can trust you, I knew what maked you tick, lets give it a trial we have nothing to lose now do we, and it gives us the chance to catch up on the good old days"

I snap his hand off as I agree to become Basingstoke Town's assistant manager.

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"I can't honestly believe it love, he offered me that job"

"Good on you, and it's something that your going to enjoy"

"I know how lucky is that, old friendships never die, I'm so lucky. It's only part time but its something. I was beginning to worry that I wouldn't find anything. I'll have to find something else to do as well, but its a start"

"Look Paul, you don't need to find another job, we can manage, spend some quality time with the kids, take up a hobby, don't stretch yourselve"

I'm so lucky to have a very understanding wife, who understands the hard work that I had endured previously. Things have turned around for us both. We have a lovely family who cause us no problems. Cheryl has got a fantastic job and I have something to do that I know I'm going to enjoy. The kids especially Ellis is well impressed with the new job.

"Free admission to the games then Dad" he asks

At least Basingstoke would have 3 extra supporters with my kids. I didn't expect to drag Cheryl to every home game but knew that she would attend when she could to show her support.

First day tomorrow evening where I'm going to be introduced to Leslie Hines at the training ground.

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Now Lelie Hines is a 45 year old Londoner and he is nothing like what I expected him to be. A short 5ft 6" who could shout loud, a big bellowing voice that you obviously didn't want to get on the wrong side of.

"So you must be my new assistant" he said looking me up and down and then glaring right into my eye balls.

"Yes, thats me, so pleased to meet you"

"Be gently with him Les, let him find his feet, I'm sure you two are going to make a good team. I've got a quick meeting so gonna have to love you and leave you two to get to know one another on your own" Dave said.

With Dave out of the way Leslie tells me about the tea, in a kind of negative way. Reluctantly praising some of the team. "Now to be honest, these guys are never going to win anything" was the comment that sticks in my hand. He showed little or even no respect. It was going to be strange working with him. Following the training sesion, which I wasn't actually part of. Leslie announced the starting line up for Saturdays opening league match with Eastleigh. No discussion with me, but who was I to comment. I honestly couldn't give my opinion after 1 training session could I?

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Saturday afternoon and me and the kids make the short journey to the ground. "Now kids you'd better behave yourselves, sit where I can see you and stay out of trouble....all of you!".

I didn't know what to expect, I walked into the dressing room the players all smiling obviously itching for the new season to start. Lelie was no-where to be seen and it was 30 minutes before kick off. "enjoy the game lads, pass it sensibly and make room for yourselves, don't put yourselves or your team mates under pressure"

Leslie stands behind me "Had your say have you?" making it clear that he wasn't happy about my short speech and giving me a gentle reminder that I was only his assistant. I immediately felt an atmosphere between the two of us. I am such an easy going chap who gets on with anybody, however I just felt that Leslie and I wouldn't see eye to eye.

We took out seats in the dugout, me looking for the kids, I catch sight of them and they all give me a big wave. Having only experienced Camrose Stadium for a friendly the atmosphere was slightly different. An attendance of 738 people withness our 1-1 draw. I personally felt that we were good enough for all 3 points but Leslie slammed the team when we returned to the dressing team following the final whistle. I think Leslie manages the team differently to how I would go about things but as I've been told its his team.

After the game, I meet the kids in the club bar. "Bad luck Dad" Chloe harped. I'm so glad that Leslie was out of ear shot as he would have had something negative to comment on. "Good Game" Elis added. We look at Kirsty her eyes fixed on the doorway as the players make their entrance. Her teenage mind obviously on other things. David came in and headed straight towards me. "Unlucky Paul, thought that one was in the bag, never mind, good start, how's it going?" he asked.

"Errmmmmmm....It's ok. still obviously getting settled in." I replied

"Good Good"

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Now Cheryl had started her new job, the kids were at a new school and I found myself assistant manager of Basingstoke Town, what a change to our lives in such a short time.

Now Basingstoke Town were in the Conference South. Theres not much history on the club to be honest, although a respectable 3rd place in the Isthmian League in 2001 seems one of the club's major achievements. Links had been formed with Reading and Marlow in an attempt to give Readings 2nd string some first team experience and our 2nd string/youngsters the opportunity of valuable first team games. Fans were excited about this new link and were hoping some talent would soon be joining the Camrose ranks. I learn that our arch rivals are Aldershot Town and that the bookmakers have immediately put us down as certanities to get relegated. So our major objective this season was to stay up.

Reading had given us 2 players, 18 year old James Henry an attacking midfielder and Australian young star Oliver Bozanic a central midfielder. Leslie had also rounded the free transfer market swooping for Jason Hislop a welsh chappue who was bidding for a return to the game following his release from Llanelli 2 seasons ago. Ceri Roverts was in my opiniopn a strange acquisition another welsh guy with 4 seasons out of the game with very limited experience with Portmadog. Lee Harding another Welsh lad obtained from Caersws was just as interesting and finally Gareth Davies from Newtown. It was apparent that Leslie thought that there was hidden talent in Wales. I wasn't too sure.

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Training this week has been really gruelling for the players. Leslie pushing the players twice as hard "This game is a must win" he shouts at them. It was a home tie against Dorchester Town. I knew following my research that they were a strong team just missing out on promotion last term. "I want big improvements, I don't want to be the laughing stock of the division again" he bellows. I look at the floor not looking at the players and not believing what I was witnessing. this bloke has no repect for his team, the lads won't want to play for him and he does no motivation them. I was quesitioning whether I had made the right move.

A crowd of 702 witnessed the game that followed. Dorchester cruising to a 2-0 victory. Leslie Hines angry with his players in the dressing room for the second week running with a swear word included in every sentence. The players look disinterested and couldn't care less, a bit of a change from the smiles they were showing prior to the first game of the season.

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A knock on the door and David Hunt club chairman stands on the doorstep. An unexpected visit and why on a sunday afternoon would the boss be making a visit to me.

"Hi David, what a pleasant surprise, what you doing here, whats up?" I ask

"Interesting developments Paul, very interesting" he replies

"Whats going on, tell me"

"Well..." he pauses for a short while and resumes "Leslie has resigned, he thinks too many people dislike him at the club, he has decided to call time and he has home troubles as well"

"Oh he seemed well ok to me on Saturday, obviously disappointed by the result but he didn't say anything to me"

"So I've come round to ask if you'll take temporary charge. I can't think of anybody else who would be able to step up at such short notice and I couldn't think of anybody else who I'd rather have in charge"

"Oh David, thanks for the offer but... I'm still learning" I reply in amazement. I wasn't expecting this at all. I mean 2 weeks assistant manager and a quick promotion.

"Look Paul, please lets give it a trial, I won't take no for a notice, please for a friend at least"

Well I coulnd't argue this was an opportunity that I wasn't going to take lightly.

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Being in charge at the training ground was completely different. It was something I had never done before at this level anyway. I wanted people to enjoy playing for the team and enjoy playing for me. I kept them behind after the session.

"Now look guys, I use a different tact to Leslie, He did things his way and I'm gonna do them mine" The lads looked interested again, they needed motivation and they needed to enjoy their time whlst representing Basingstoke Town. I told them that I would be picking the team on Saturday so expected them all at the ground at 10.00am ready for the trip to Bath. Now Bath have experience in the Blue Square Premier. What was our expectations I thought a draw would be a good result.

Cheryl was excited. When I'm happy she's happy. "Do your best Paul, thats all they will ask of you" she said. The kids bragging to their mates that their old man was the manager of Basingstoke. One day it will be the Premier League I joked with them. It's time to fully assess the squad, I mean my squad, my team. I have nothing and nonody to hide behind now. I make the decisions and I take the responsibility.

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The Squad


Jonty Venter 26 year old signed at the end of last season from Farnborough Town.

Mark Aneke 22 year old Nigerian signed at same time of Venter from Thurrock.


Ben Townsend 25 year old right back joined from Farnborough at start of season. Made over 50 appearances for Blue Square Premier Side Woking.

Sean Hankin 26 year old left back but can also play central defence. Another recruit from Farnborough was once a youngster with Crystal Palace before joining Torquay for £20k

Robert Watkins 21 year old left back but another who can adopt into the center. 2nd choice left back to Hankin but there will be a battle for the jersey as Watkins is keen to succeed. A youngster with Fulham who did not make the first team last season.

Jason Bristow 27 year old central defender. Long serving player with Basingstoke joining in 1999 from Reading. Attracting interest surprisingly from Scottish 3rd division side Dumbarton.

Jamie Whiskin 18 year old central defender raided from Farnborough. Not yet classed as first team material but attracting interest from Workington and Sutton Utd.

Piotr Zygier 24 year old Polish guy, Zygier has ability to play at higher level but would require extensive match experience.

Lee Harding 30 year old Welsh Chap, signed at beggining of season after 4 seasons out of the game, Coaches like him and rute him as best central defender in the team.


Tyron Smith 21 year old right midfielder another player taken from Farnborough. Does have experience in the Blue Square Premier having played with Aldershot, although not classed as first team material at Basingstoke.

Oliver Bozanic 18 year old on a season long loan from Reading. Not premiership material but could adopy possibly to League 1 standard with time. From Sydney Australia.

Ben Surrey 24 year old central midfielder currently unhappy at Camrose Stadium due to limited match involvement. Joined from Gravesend in 2005 for 2K, but has made no appearances since this transfer

Ben Wells 19 year old central midfielder. Joined from Swindon Town but unsure as to whether makes the standard of team.

James Henry 18 year old on loan from Reading for the season. Can play in centre and on the right side of the park. Coach Richardson thinks that Henry will fill the slot of Right midfield easily and can make it in the Championship easily. An exciting prospect.

Jason Hislop 26 year old Welsh guy picked up from Welsh team Llenelli. Right midfielder or can be drafted into the middle. Main strength is his pace which other members of the team tend to lack.

Dean Lodge 21 year old midfielder likes the right side of the park. No league experience with any of his previous clubs who were QPR and Kingstonian.

Travis Morgan 19 year old right midfielder joined from Notts County but with very little experience.

Matt Warner 22 left midfielder no first team experience with previous clubs Wycombe or Farnborough Town.


Michael Charles 20 year old signed from Woking but with no first team experience. Coaches think he has potential to play at higher level.

Stephen Laidler 23 year old attacking player in his 2nd spell at Basingstoke

Gareth Davies 27 year old one of the Welsh captures at the beginning of the season. Low in pecking order according to Coach Richardson. Maybe off loaded soon

Scott Fitzgerald 27 year old most experienced player in the squad with 21 goals in 102 appearances. Highest score in a season is 10 when playing for Watford in Coca Cola Championship in 2003. Attracting interest from Harrogate Town.

Martin Myo 18 year old Scottish lad signed from Raith. An unknown quality

Ceri Roberts 21year old. Another of the Welsh free transfers at the start of the season. Will struggle to find regular place in the team

Luke Townsend 20 year old. Another unknown quality.

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18th August 2007

Away V Bath

My first game as manager away against Bath. Not the easiest games to be start with. All first team players had been ordered to ground at 10.00am as I hadn't informed them of the team. "Right chaps to be honest, I don't know what to expect this afternoon, its all new to me. I want us to perform well obviously and concentrate what you learnt in the week. Pass sensibly, don't put one another in unecessary danger. Ok the team.... Venter, Townsend, Hankin, Zyguer, Harding, Henry, Laidler, Well, Bozanic, Mya, Davies. Subs Aneke, Bristow, Hislop, Fitzgerald and Whisken"

A few surprised faces but I considered everything that the coaches had told me and compromised with this line up.

As kick off drew nearer, my stomach begins to turn, never experincing anything like this before. I shout at the lads as they run onto the pitch "Do it for me" I felt alone and all eyes on me. Fingers tightly crossed.

The first 10 minutes we played exceptional football limiting the home side to any action. And it was no surprise when on the 17th minutes a corner from Laidler was headed in by Bozanic. Excitement lasted all of 7 minutes though. When we failed to clear our lines and Gilroy equalised. Further misery followed when Laidler goes down following a bad challenge and Bozanic collided with Rogers. 38 minutes on the clock and an amazing miss from Davies means that the half time score is 1-1.

Half time. A good battling display that's all I asked for and thats what I got. Bozanic and Laidler both had knocks and were replaced by Bristow and Hislop.

Bath reorganise themselves alot quicker after the restart. The ball not cleared properly lands straight at Partridge on 49 minutes who only had the goalie to beat results in 2-1 to Bath. 58 minutes and the score could have easily been 2-2 but another amazing miss from Davies means we still trail. Bath took advantage of our poor finishing adding a 3rd on 63 minutes following a long ball from Simpson to Gilroy for him to score his 2nd of the game. Final score Bath 3 Basingstoke 1

The lads disappointed with the result would have had a real battering from Leslie if he was in charge but I remained calm. "look you played well in parts, give yourselves some credit, don't put yourselves down all the time, we need to build on this performance." Obviously deep down I was gtted but I had got to get the guys confident, it had all been drained from them. The journey home seemed to last forever and it seemed a very long day.

Ceryl and the kids were back at the ground to meet me. They had wanted to come to the match but I asked if they would give this one a miss. "We saw the result love, how was it?" Cheryl asked.

"Not to bad" I responded dissapointly "theres alot to do here"

"Come on lets get you home you look knackered"

Ellis constantly asking questions about the game "I wished I could have come Dad"

"Next time matey, let me find my feet first"

"Come on love let the kids be interested with you"

"Ok you can come but homework is your priority, and chores must be done as well."

Don't get me wrong I would love the kids and Cheryl to come to every match but I don't want to embarass the kids, I don't want them to be the butt of jokes on a Monday morning when they go to school.

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25th August 2007

Another away trip facer us today. This time we were up against well fancied Lewes who are expected to finish in the top 4. The kids had never been experienced an away match before and to be honest I was reluctant for them to come. Cheryl had decided to book time off work to show support, she knew I was worried. I couldn't keep my eye on the pitch as well as ensuring the kids were ok.

A good team talk on the coach, again I instructed all the team to turn as selection would be announced during the trip.

"Right las, yet another hard game, just keep your heads up, any improvement on last week will be a bonys. They are a good team, but don't be faced by it. Play well you will be rewarded I am sure. Ok, team Venter, Townsend, Hankin, Zygier, Harding, Henry, Laidler, Wells, Bozanic, Charles, Fitzgerald. Subs Aneke, Bristow, Hislop, Davies, Wilkins."

2 major changes made with scottish Myra and Davies removed from the team in place of Charles and Fitzgerald. A dull first half with neither team having a clear effort on goal. At hald time I freshened things up Hislop and Davies on for Bozanic and Charles. It took 3 minutes for the tactics to come up trumps. Davies making an instant impact making it 1-0. The lead was short lived when Lewes beat the off side trap with Groves levelling for Lewes.

I clock watched the last 30 minutes of the game, the second hand moving extremelyslow, "Come on blow that damm whistle" I kept shouting at the referee.

The blow of his whistle eventually came. A 1-1 away draw against a fancied team. Davies grabbing the man of the match award and he was only on the pitch for 45 minutes.

"Well done guys, good point, I'm really really pleased with that performance. That was everything I asked for, they thought they could break us down. You have done me proud today"

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27th August 2007 (Monday)

My first home game as manager sticking with the same side that grabbed that wonderful point against Lewes. I was excited it was my opportunity to show the home fans what we can achieve. Newport County the opposition travel to the Camrose Stadium for todays match.

A reduced crowd of only 268 witnessed another battling performance. I was disappointed with the attendance but that was out of my control that was an issue for the board to deal with. I just deal with what happens on the pitch and transfer dealing from my little office. Again we take the lead on 65 minutes when Stepher Laidler netting. With the clock ticking away the scent of 3 points was cruelly snatched away from us with only 4 minutes left on the watch. Nathan Davies dramatically ensuring that Newport didn't leave empty handed.

Stephen Laider gaining the man of the match award.

Club Chairman and childhood friend David showed his face for the first time in 2 weeks. "Alright Paul sorry aint been in touch but have been busy with business. I understand that things are going well"

"Things are great Dave, I'm enjoying it, its obviously a challenge but we're improving with every game. Theres a different atmosphere around the place"

"I'm glad your finding your feet. I knew it was going to work"

"Theres still a long way to go, but I'm happy with how things are going, just don't expect a miracle over night"

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1st September (Saturday)

"Right this is a must win game!!! we need to covert these draws to wins" An away trip to Hayes and Yeading was next on the agenda.

Another unchanged side, why should I change a side that isn't losing.

Liam Collins puts the home side in the lead as early as the 3rd minute. Previously my players heads would drop but no, within 12 minutes we were back on level terms Oliver Bozonic netting.

I'm not one to shout my mouth off but at half time, I lay down some home truths. "Come on you guys this lot are here for the taking. You won't find an easier place to get 3 points from. Keep pushin them, force errors, close them down quickly and get stuck in"

The more to the point team talk worked wonders. Michael Charles netting 2 second half goals with a late reply from Hayes making the score 3-2 win for us.

"Brillant, pure excellent, our first victory, I've seen this one coming, I knew we could do it. This is wonderful"

The lads beaming with excitement, smiles on their faces, even the lads that didn't play were excited. Relegation candidates I don't think so not based on this performance.

I used the mobile and phone Cheryl. They had all stayed at home as the in laws had decided to pay a visit. "Pick me up at 10.30 will you love the lads want to celebrate"

"Don't get drunk love, Mom and Dad are here and they wanted to see you"

"Ok" I signed I manage to guide the side to 3 points and can't get drunk how exciting is that. "Oh Cheryl why don't you bring them to the club show them what I'm doing" trying to gain an extra 15 minutes drinking time.

The coach pulls up outside the stadium players still beaming probably due to the alcohol consumed on the coach on the way home. The club chairman was propping up the bar. "Drinks on me" he declares

"Good work Paul. Things are going well, You know that discussion we had about temporary in charge well come and see me tomorrow and we'll talk in further detail"

"Oh ok, not a problem"

A real knees up was had by all, even the in laws celebrating and getting into the party. Now this really surprised me as they weren't big drinkers. I hoped it wouldn't become a regular occurence though!

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Thanks for support.

Me and working on a sunday never mixed well and today was no different. I had been summoned to the chairmans office to discuss my current role within the club. Dave would have known that we were celebrating last night so I hope he's gentle with me in the morning. I couldn't face breakfast, the smell of the fried eggs churning my stomach like a washing machine on a fast spin cycle.

The walk to the stadium took longer than normal probably using the time to soak up the fresh air in a bid to ease the thumping headache that I woke up with. Too much alcohol, lack of sleep or just a mixture of both.

The gates to the ground are already open, Dave must already be there, I glance at my watch, dead on time. I look up at the office block Dave is standing in his window shaking his head and laughing to himself. Do I really look that bad.

"Morning" Dave shouts and then chuckling


"Obviously a good night, look a bit worse for wear this morning matey" he guesses correctly, I just want this meeting to end quickly and for me to get home so I can return to bed.

"Yes, so please be gentle with me, and don't ask difficult questions I can't think straight, got any paracetemol"

He opens the top drawer of his desk and chucks the packet of much required painkillers towards me. "Drinks in bottom of filing cupboard"

I stand up or should I say ease myself up slowly and walk towards the filing cabinet I bend down to open the bottom drawer with a sudden jerk back up again "Whats up Paul" he asks.

"Oh nothing I just thought the floor was going to hit me in the face"

We both laugh. Never again I thought!!

I notice the huge amounts of alcohol in the bottom of the cabinet and find the pop at the back of the drawer. I look at Dave "For emergency times" he said.

"Right them, I appreciate you dragging yourself in to see me this morning but thought I needed to tell you what the board have decided to do"

"What....?" I questioned

"Well Paul, you've only been in charge a couple of games but the board are pleased with the current results and can see no reason why not to give you the job on a permanent basis, I mean you know the players now, and seem to get them to click, morale seems high and the players seem to like you. Also the other staff seem more motivated, generally the place has changed since your arrival"

I look in amazement wondering what to say "Changed for the better, I hope" was the only sentence I could think of quickly. I was too shocked. This Dave certainly knew how to surprise me.

"Well...What you reckon, you up for the challenge?" he asks

I look, stare at him across the table "Do you think I'm a fool, of course I'm up for it, I'd be daft not to accept it, its nice here"

"Right I'll get Dawn to type up the contract tomorrow and you can sign it when your next here. Now don't get changing your mind"

I couldn't belive it my headache disappearing immediately and me having the urge to go to the local to celebrate. However no I need to go staight home and tell Cheryl the good news, the kids will be pleased.

"Come on lets get you home quickly, looks like your going to pass out any minute" Dave says

"Cheers boss"

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Saturday 8th September 2007

St Albans V Basingstoke

The lads are all in high spirits they are really happy that I've been given the opportunity on a permanent basis to take Basingstoke forward (hopefully) in fact some of the lads are more happier than me. With a new manager installed players who found themselves outside the starting 11 maybe able to force themselves into the new managers team. A new manager always does things differently and I certainly wasn't go to manage this club the same way as Leslie Hines.

Another away trip faced us and this time we head to St Albans. Every team we play at the moment seems to be fancied to get promotion.

With a dire 0-0 draw it looked unlikely that any side would gain maximm points from the game. However an electric 2nd half saw Basingstoke score 3 goals to make sure all points return to the Camrose Stadium. Fitzgerald, Laidler and Townsend all on the scoresheet to make it an emphatic victory.

"This is our best performance guys, a real good performance, I can't believe how well and how quickly you've turned things around here."

Fitzgerald grabs himself man of the match award, however concerns surround Wells who complains with his left arm following an off the ball tussle.

The long journey home seemed to take for ever but who cares when you can come home and celebrate. Thats 3 more points in the bag.

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Saturday 15th September 2007

Basingstoke V Weston-Super-Mare

At last a long awaited home time and we host Weston-Super-Mare. A high attendance of 951 witness Mark McGregor put the home side in front as early as the 2nd minute. We were unable to find a way through their well managed defence. Half time and the score remained 1-0. Bozanic comes over to me in the dressing room "Look boss I can't continue any more I'm in agony". I look down at his knee to find a nasty gash. I'm tickle stomached and immediately felt sick and ordered him to go and get it cleaned up immediately.

We continued to push forward in the second half and still could not find the slightest gap to squeeze through. My players start to get annoyed and Zygier was caught kicking out whilst awaiting a free kick. The ref had no alternative than to show a straight red card.

The final score remained 1-0 and Weston-Super-Mare become the first team to defeat me. I go home subdued how times change in a week. I don't want to discuss the game and the kids keep harping on about the stupid dismissal of Zygier. Cheryl comes over and whispers in my ear "Don't take it out on the kids love, its only a game"

Now it is only a game but this is now my living. I have the bug now I want to be successful not just avoid relegation but go somewhere. And she says its only a game. I want to prove people wrong but will I be able to.

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Monday 17th September 2007

I lay my photo prints of the family on my desk, the first real move of making the office mine. David was in the office next door. "Morning mate how's tricks?"

"Ermm....not to bad, considering, bit of a set back over the weekend, but I'm hoping we can bounce straight back"

"Yes I'm sure, anyway I have got some good news for you, I've invited a couple of lads for a trial, thought you might want to take a look at them, I have a couple of contacts on the Welsh side and these lads are available"

I wasn't too happy with David's interference but if he was going to be involved then I would just have to accept it. I callled coach Steve Richards in for a chat.

"Well boss, we have Robert Fitzgerald a welsh goal keeper from Garden Village, don't ask I aint got a clue where it is, he looks ok, could be useful and a possible number 1."

"Not a bad start please tell me the other's are just as good then"

"Mark Davies hes a young left back from Welsh Champions TNS. He isn't very strong and I don't think from what I've seen today he has the ability to dislodge Hankine from the team, but thats my opinion you'll have to take a closer look at him, and then Gareth Wharlton hes a central defender"

"Don't think we need any central defender's but carry on.."

"Not much to report just that it would add additional depth to the squad"

"Ok thanks matey, by the way I'd better tell you theres a few scouts hanging around just lately sniffing around, keep it to yourself, don't want any unrest and speculation till its firm knowledge"

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Monday 17th September 2007

I lay my photo prints of the family on my desk, the first real move of making the office mine. David was in the office next door. "Morning mate how's tricks?"

"Ermm....not to bad, considering, bit of a set back over the weekend, but I'm hoping we can bounce straight back"

"Yes I'm sure, anyway I have got some good news for you, I've invited a couple of lads for a trial, thought you might want to take a look at them, I have a couple of contacts on the Welsh side and these lads are available"

I wasn't too happy with David's interference but if he was going to be involved then I would just have to accept it. I callled coach Steve Richards in for a chat.

"Well boss, we have Robert Fitzgerald a welsh goal keeper from Garden Village, don't ask I aint got a clue where it is, he looks ok, could be useful and a possible number 1."

"Not a bad start please tell me the other's are just as good then"

"Mark Davies hes a young left back from Welsh Champions TNS. He isn't very strong and I don't think from what I've seen today he has the ability to dislodge Hankine from the team, but thats my opinion you'll have to take a closer look at him, and then Gareth Wharlton hes a central defender"

"Don't think we need any central defender's but carry on.."

"Not much to report just that it would add additional depth to the squad"

"Ok thanks matey, by the way I'd better tell you theres a few scouts hanging around just lately sniffing around, keep it to yourself, don't want any unrest and speculation till its firm knowledge"

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Tuesday 18th September 2007

A busy day in and out of the office today. I learn that our first opponents in the FA cup will be Team Bath in the 2nd Qualifying round. A home tie at least but a possible banana skin of a tie.

Also Tyron Smith and Luke Townsend agree to go to Marlow on loan in a bid to gain first team experience.

I decide to spend all day at the ground and prepare for this evenings home tie against Sutton United. A reasonable crowd of 641 witness us fall behind as early as the 3rd minute to a Burai goal. Sutton were instantly pegged back when Laidler equalised 3 minutes later in our first real attack on goal.

Lady luck was obviously not our side as Fitzgerald hits the post twice within 5 minutes. 3 minutes later and Sutton regain the league with a well timed run from Mcbean.

With enough chances in the second half to gain all 3 points the ball just did not want to go into the net for us. "Look guys its disappointing, it just wasn't meant to be. You played well I have no real complaints, another time it we would have romped home. Don't be too dishearted" Thats easy for me to say, the result sees us drop down to 17th in the table just outside the relegation zone. One day we will click.

Youngster Mark Davis is given a contract to think about. He has experience at Welsh Champions TNS and Rochdale and I feel he would add depth to the squad. There is still changes to be made within the team, but things are doing reasonably well considering what I inherited.

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20th September 2007

Gareth Wharlton and Fitzgerald join the payroll at Basingstoke. Wharlton with over 150 appearances for numerous Welsh Premier sides add further options to the center of defence with goalkeeper Fitzgerald certianly adding competition for the goalkeepers jersey. Fitzgerald boast over 100 caps with Welsh Premier side Carmathan.

With limited money to spend the free transfer market is the only option at the moment. Club Chairman is happy that I have decided to retain the players that he suggested rather than going to him saying the players were rubbish. I'm still finding my feet but respect Dave's decisions. We have 1 thing in common we both want wants best for Basingstoke Town.

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22nd September 2007

A trip to relegation rivals Hampton & Richmond is next on the agenda.

Prior to the match I receive confirmation that Zygier gets a 2 match ban following his sending off against Weston Super Mare.

A 4 minute own goal grants us the lead in bizarre fashion. But I aint complaining we had no luck in the previous game so maybe this one was ours.

Luck was not to be and on 17 minutes Bozanic signals to the bench that he can't continue and we are forced to bring Hislop on as a replacement. Fingers crossed that he can recover in time for the next match.

Hankin scores his first goal for Basingstoke to make it 2-0. He celebrates in style as he is surprised like the rest of the crowd that his cross finds it way into the back of the net. He claims it was a shot but we all know different. Again who cares just let us have the 3 points.

Goalkeeper Fitzgerald making his debut for us was caught off guard in first half injury time and Ryan catches him stranded to put Hampton back in the game.

However a close fought 2nd half sees neither side add to their goal tally and 3 points come back to the Camrose. "A good gritty performance, dictacted play for majority of the game." Was a comment I gave to the lads in the dressing room.

Although its close at the foot of th table the 3 points gained sees us move up the table 1 place level on points with todays losing team.

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25th September 2007

Home V Eastborne Borough

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Taken from Non League Today

This draw was enough to see Basingstoke jump 3 places up the table - but Basingstoke boss Paul Masters was far from happy.

Masters said "We had 3 glorious opportunities but didn't finish them I am disappointed we didn't score those. Its a clean sheet and we haven't had many of those so far so I suppose we have to take some positives out of the game. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

We receive good news that Wells resumes full training following his injury.

The club chairman comes to see me and informs me that he has been told that there have been a couple of scouts at the ground again. "I've been told that scouts are tracking your players Paul. Bristow is attracting interest from Scottish side Dumbarton with Fitzgerald getting attention from Harrogate. Whisken seems to be popular with Workington, Sutton and Cambridge City. A change in manager always sends scouts on the track of players so don't be too worried"

"I will be willing to listen to offers though Dave, its always interesting when other clubs come in for your players. I'll be seeking your assistance if they should though"

Dave was willng to assist bringing players into the club so I was certainly get his advice on off loading players. He had good negiotation skills and would be able to eye up whether we were getting a good deal or not. Thats the art of being a good business man. It's a bit different bartering over knick knacks than with football players.

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29th September 2007

FA CUP 2nd Qualifying Round V Team Bath

My first experience of the FA Cup and not one I'm likely to forget in a hurry.

We must do it all again as neither side could find the target. The 265 people witnessed a boring game that sees Basingstoke having to travel to Bath in a replay.

My comment to the gathering press who were hoping for a giant killing story was "We worked hard but made silly errors that made life difficult for ourselves sometimes. We certainly created enough chances to settle the tie at the first attempt and hit the woodwork early on but it just wouldn't drop for us."

The comments to the press was somewhat different to what I told the players. To only draw with Southern League oppoistion was not good enough we now face a very tricky away tie that we must overcome to win some much needed prize money.

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Youngster joins Basingstoke

Taken from Basingstoke daily:

Basingstoke have snapped up youngster Martyn Pirret on a free transfer. The 17 year old has recently been released by Scottish side Raith Rovers. Pirret who's highlight of his short career was a move to Premier side Hibs prior to his move to Raith.

Basingstoke manager Paul Masters told us "He has speed, he is like Linford Christie out the starting blocks, I hope he adapts to life at Basingstoke quickly as I'm sure he'll be a good acquisition to the club"

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Wednesday 3rd October 2007

Bath float out on Penalties

Basingstoke have finally ended the FA Cup dream of Team Bath but needed penalties to see their lower league opponents off.

Stepher Laidler look to put Basingstoke in full control netting with only seconds on the clock, however Pete Ferris equalised on the 30 minute mark. Jake Nicholls put Bath in the lead only for Matty Warner to send the tie into extra time.

Both sides added to their goal tally with Ferris getting his 2nd of the afternoon for Bath and youngster Martin Mya scoring for Basingstoke.

Basingstoke cruised through the penalty shoot outs winnng 3-1 with Hankin, Mya and Warner scoring from the spot.

Basingstoke awarded £3,800 for porgressing to the next round where they will play Swindon Submarine.

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Thursday 4th October 2007

Basingstoke's Welsh striker Ceri Roberts and Nigerian goal keeper Max Anelke have been given the opportunity of getting a few first team games under their belt by moving to feeder club Marlow.

Masters reports "Its the ideal time for these lads to go, they want to play football and competition here is tough at the moment. We will review the situation on a monthly basis and have the choice of calling them back when we want them."

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Saturday 6th October 2007

Welling V Basingstoke

Welling take advantage of a mistimed Sean Hankin tackle in the 12th minute which enabled Ross Gayner to put them in front. Further confustion in the Basingstoke defence leads to Welling's second goal when Coleman breaks away and no Basingstoke player was in sight. Further problems for Basingstoke when they were caught napping allowing Coleman to score his 5th goal of the season and his 2nd of the afternoon on 41 minutes.

The half time team talk allowed me to get my frustration off my chest. "Go out and improve, show me you are football players and not ballet dancers, get stuck in"

There was improvement in the second half and we didn't conceed any further goals but we didn't find the net ourselves.

Final Score Welling 3 Basingstoke 0

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Tuesday 9th October 2007

Setanta Shield South 1st Round

Basingstoke V Thurrock - Attendance 288

Henry swings over a fabulous cross which is met by Davies to put Basingstoke 1-0. Hading in the Basingstoke defence had a nightmare of a game and his 2 errors leads to Thurrock taking the lead and winning the tie. On 15 minutes he struggles to get his foot and on 52 minutes he attempts to play the off side trap but was easily foiled.

"We need to put this awful result behind us and prepare for the FA cup on Saturday or we could find ourselves out of 2 cup competitions in the same weeek. I just don't know what is going on here. I think its back to the drawing board" Masters said

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Saturday 13th October 2007

FA Cup

Swindon Submarine V Basingstoke - Attendance 787

Swindon will be looking to progress having brushed St Albans aside in the previous round courtesy of an own goal. Basingstoke will be looking to improve on the previous rounds performance struggling to beat Team Bath.

A dull first half sees us totally outplayed by lower league opposition again and we struggle to get a shot on goal.

On 71 minutes we have an extra man advantage when Turner is showed his 2nd yellow of the afternoon. We fail to capitalise.

Stepher Laidler is carried off on 74 minutes.

With no goals after 90 minutes we face another replay at Camrose. We are lucky to be in Monday's draw but hopefully we can brush Swindon aside at home in a couple of days.

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Sunday 14th October 2007

The phone rings Cheryl answers it. "Its Mark Randall for you love"

Mark has never rung me before so it was something important.

"Hi boss, Mark here, sorry to bother you at home on your day off but thought I'd better ring you. I've taken a look at Stephen Laidler and it's not good news. He's torn a calf muscle"

"Oh no. How serious is that?"

"Well honestly I'd be looking for him to be on the side lines for 3-5 months"

"What!!! No"

The loss of Stephen Laidler is a massive loss to the club and I feel sorry for him as well, he was performing well for us.

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Monday 15th October 2007


Blue Square Premier sides join the FA cup draw. Basingstoke are pulled out of the hat to face London side HENDON.

Hendon have defeated Weston Super Mare and Gloucester in the previous rounds both away from home so this tie is not going to be as easy as it looks. Anyway we need to concentrate on beating Swindon Submarine first.

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  • 3 weeks later...

17th October 2007

Basingstike 1 Swindon Submarine 2

Basingstoke crash out of the FA Cup at the 3rd qualifying stage to lower league oppositon. A crowd of just 263 witness the dissapointing display. Stoke managed only 4 shots on goal compared to the oppositions 17. Manager Paul Masters will have to pick up the pieces quickly or risk a disspointing seson at the Camrose.

Bromley make a £2,000 bid for Joe Dolan and Gloucester accept our £2,000 bid for Jamie Price.

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20th October 2007

Fisher 2 Basingstoke 1

I made numerous changes to the team letting them all know of my disatisfaction of our defeat against Swindon on Tuesday. Fisher were experiencing problems like us....lack of form. However they picked up all the points in a 2-1 win. Davies scores our goal on 75 minutes making an immediate impact when brought on 3 minutes before.

Martin Mya turns down his latest contract offer. Mya joined from Raith Rovers at the beginning of the season has made 6 appearances scoring 2 goals.

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23rd October 2007

Basingstoke 0 Havant & W 0

Struggling Basingstoke grab a vital point at the Camrose against high flying Havant this afternoon.

Basingstoke dominated the game throughout and had sufficient opportunites to clinch all 3 points especially in the second half when they missed a disputed penalty.

Manager Paul Masters declares "It was an improved performance against well organised oppostion. We need to contine to perform like this in an attempt to improve our disappointing league position."

Fans at the Camrose are extremely happy with Masters handling of the club and are questioning the Boards patience with the inexpereinced manager.

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27th October 2007

Braintree 4 Basingstoke 3

Things hadn't been good at home or at work. I was being ratty, short tempered. Things were starting to get on top of me. I normally let things go over my head without our thoughts but things at work were really getting me down. I wanted so hard to do well, I just didn't know what I was doing wrong.

A 7 goal thriller (4-3) not in our favour slumped us further down the table and involved in a real dog fight relegation battle. "I just don't know what team will turn up. One moment there excellent the next its like playing in the park on a sunday morning"

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