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Can the PA get higher???

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Just a question here guys. Don't know whether its been answered before so please bear with me. Ok, for example, i have a player with a CA of 65, and a PA of 90. If i play him every game and he is banging in the goals, can his PA change to about 100 or 105 based on a very good training regime and or match ratings.

I think thats realistic because IRL if you give a young player a few chances he might improve beyond expectations.

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As much as we would all like that to be true the PA is fixed. The PA represents the maximum ability a player can reach. A scouts rating or assitant manager rating may expect a player to progress to be a 4* player but with a he might improve beyond their expectations and be a 5 or 6* player but his PA won't be any higher.

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Games such as this do need some specifics, and PA is one of those. It doesnt change.

Incidentaly, you are aware that even if you play a player in every match and he performs well, he may never reach his PA! There are a great many factors that go into a player attaining his maximum PA.


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I have a player of which Genie scout said his highest potential rating was 79% for the position fast striker (FS). Now, a year later, Genie scout says his highest potential rating is 81% for FS. The player did really well last year so aperently doing well does seem to change something. I have had this with other players too. The PA remained the same though.

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The genie algorithm for estimating how good the player can be is completely wrong. It assumes a uniform increase of stats over all the departments, which rarely happens.

So if finishing for a striker increases disproportionately to, say, his passing, then after a year, genie recalculates and rates him higher. That is my understanding of the whole thing. Just look at the PA value on genie, his age, and decide if you want him or not. Don't focus ont he percentages.

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