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Dutch lower leagues

el Chuese

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Problem with the Dutch lower classes is the split into a Saturday and a Sunday-competition.

With the editor you cannot split those leagues (yet). So you have to go with regional divisions, and forget the Saturday and Sy=unday competitions.

I'm trying to create a format as well, based on the competition end-tables of last season.

Because there are 6 districts in Holland (West 1, West 2, South 1, South 2, East and North) and 47 regions (almost 8 per district), this is a big job.

My format would be as below (note: I will put Saturday and Sunday teams together):

Topklasse A: districts West 1, West 2 and South 1

Topklasse B: districts South 2, East and North

Based on the tables of last season, BV Veendam and FC Omniworld would be relegated to the Topklasse. Omiworld to Topklasse A, Veendam to Topklasse B.

Hoofdklasse A would the be of district West 1, Hoofdklasse B of West 2, etc. etc.

Starting from the 1e Klasse, you will have to split each districts up by their repsective regions.

I will also add a Cup for every district. In real life, the semifinalists of the District-Cups qualify for next seasons National Cup. Unfortunately, with the editor you cannot assign 4 places from each District-cup to the National Cup. The editor only accepts leagues as qualifiers for the Cup.

It's not even close to reality, but until the editor can split up the Saturday and Sunday-leagues (and assign places in the Dutch cup to the semifinalists of the District-cups), it will not be possible to create a realistic Dutch league- and cup system.

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I've uploaded a beta release. This adds the Topklasse, Hoofdklasse and Eerste Klasse. As well as seperate leagues for the reserves and youth. As well as several cup competitions for the lower leagues, reserves and youth leagues. The reserves and youth leagues have promotion and relegation in their respective leagues.

Like I said it's just a beta version, but anyone feel free to download it and see if there are some problems. Hopefully there are none, as I've tested it, but if you do find something, please let me know.

Betaversion 1 (up to Eerste Klasse)

Betaversion 1 (up to Eerste Klasse) mirror

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El Chuese en myself have worked out an idea (credits to JildertRaul of ManUtd.nl) to separate the Saturday and Sunday-leagues.

It's a "little bit" more work but, we think it's worth it.

If you take a city, let's say Rotterdam, you have to create 3 different Rotterdams. One for the Saturday-teams, one for the Sunday-teams and one for the professional teams. The last one holds the right GPS-locations, the Saturday-version of Rotterdam is moved to a position which lies somewhere in the North Sea :p . We've moved Rotterdam-Saturday 3 whole points up north. Same principle with the Sunday, only we've moved Rotterdam-Sunday 3 whole points to the South.

In that way, we've created a structure which forces the game to put the Saturday-teams in Saturday-leagues and the Sunday-teams in the Sunday-leagues.

So that's one problem out of the way, but there are still a few problems left.

Because the editor does not handles play-offs between clubs of two divisons very well (to pu that mildly), we couldn't reproduce the real-life league-system. In fact, we were forced to create an additional 1e Klasse on Saturday to get the numer of direct promotion-places (6) to the Hoofdklasse. Same with the 2e Klasse, 3e Klasse, etc. on Saturday.

We've noticed someting strange in the play-off rounds, created with the editor. It seems the editor ranks the participating clubs in order of reputation, and will draw the number 1 of thet ranking against the lowest ranked team which participates in that particular round. So if you have a play-off (like in Holland), where the first round consists of four teams, and you have a total of 10 teams playing in the play-offs, the best 4 teams will play in the first round against eachother!! That is not right.

So our database will not be exactly as the real deal. But it's the next best.

We've released the first version of the Saturday/Sunday-league system. It can be found by clicking on the link below:


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El Chuese en myself have worked out an idea (credits to JildertRaul of ManUtd.nl) to separate the Saturday and Sunday-leagues.

It's a "little bit" more work but, we think it's worth it.

If you take a city, let's say Rotterdam, you have to create 3 different Rotterdams. One for the Saturday-teams, one for the Sunday-teams and one for the professional teams. The last one holds the right GPS-locations, the Saturday-version of Rotterdam is moved to a position which lies somewhere in the North Sea :p . We've moved Rotterdam-Saturday 3 whole points up north. Same principle with the Sunday, only we've moved Rotterdam-Sunday 3 whole points to the South.

In that way, we've created a structure which forces the game to put the Saturday-teams in Saturday-leagues and the Sunday-teams in the Sunday-leagues.

So that's one problem out of the way, but there are still a few problems left.

Because the editor does not handles play-offs between clubs of two divisons very well (to pu that mildly), we couldn't reproduce the real-life league-system. In fact, we were forced to create an additional 1e Klasse on Saturday to get the numer of direct promotion-places (6) to the Hoofdklasse. Same with the 2e Klasse, 3e Klasse, etc. on Saturday.

We've noticed someting strange in the play-off rounds, created with the editor. It seems the editor ranks the participating clubs in order of reputation, and will draw the number 1 of thet ranking against the lowest ranked team which participates in that particular round. So if you have a play-off (like in Holland), where the first round consists of four teams, and you have a total of 10 teams playing in the play-offs, the best 4 teams will play in the first round against eachother!! That is not right.

So our database will not be exactly as the real deal. But it's the next best.

We've released the first version of the Saturday/Sunday-league system. It can be found by clicking on the link below:


So what if a professional team with the real location of a city relegates to one of the saturday/sunday divs, or if you take one of the lower league teams to the top? Wouldn't that mess things up with the way you use locations?

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So what if a professional team with the real location of a city relegates to one of the saturday/sunday divs, or if you take one of the lower league teams to the top? Wouldn't that mess things up with the way you use locations?

Isn't it better in this case to use only 2 locations and decide for each team in the Jupiler and Ere whether they play Saturday or Sunday in case of relegation? No real purpose for the third location then.

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So what if a professional team with the real location of a city relegates to one of the saturday/sunday divs, or if you take one of the lower league teams to the top? Wouldn't that mess things up with the way you use locations?
Isn't it better in this case to use only 2 locations and decide for each team in the Jupiler and Ere whether they play Saturday or Sunday in case of relegation? No real purpose for the third location then.

In case of the professional teams, we've come up with the idea to put both the Saturday divisions as well as the Sunday divisions in the regional competition-tab.

So far, the game handles relegations of professional teams very well. It places one club in the Saturday-Topklasse, and one in the Sunday-Topklasse.

If we use 2 locations and decide for each professional team on which day they would play in case of a relegation to Topklasse-level, you are in for problems when two professional clubs with the same day-preference would be relegated. In that case, you have one amateur-team too much in onde Topklasse, and one too many in the other. And that would cause for one team to play in the wrong Topklasse.

So the 3rd location is necessary.

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In case of the professional teams, we've come up with the idea to put both the Saturday divisions as well as the Sunday divisions in the regional competition-tab.

So far, the game handles relegations of professional teams very well. It places one club in the Saturday-Topklasse, and one in the Sunday-Topklasse.

If we use 2 locations and decide for each professional team on which day they would play in case of a relegation to Topklasse-level, you are in for problems when two professional clubs with the same day-preference would be relegated. In that case, you have one amateur-team too much in onde Topklasse, and one too many in the other. And that would cause for one team to play in the wrong Topklasse.

So the 3rd location is necessary.

Understand. Well, can't wait to get my hands on the final product....:) Great job

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I still prefer the "betaversion 1" el Chuese shared, mostly because the teams have the proper colours etc. Most of them have the default blue colours, and some that do have different colours are wrong :) (for example, Sportlust '46 has white/black striped shirts? its supposed to be just red with white shorts...)

Ok the saturday/sunday thing is realistic to get right, but i don't really mind it too much on which day they actually play, its fun anyway to have lower tier teams proper in the game :).

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I still prefer the "betaversion 1" el Chuese shared, mostly because the teams have the proper colours etc. Most of them have the default blue colours, and some that do have different colours are wrong :) (for example, Sportlust '46 has white/black striped shirts? its supposed to be just red with white shorts...)

Ok the saturday/sunday thing is realistic to get right, but i don't really mind it too much on which day they actually play, its fun anyway to have lower tier teams proper in the game :).

Off course you are wright about that. El Chuese and I are working hard to get te team-colours wright. That's the problem with self-made teams, they have a prezet colourscheme of blue and white.

Bear with us, and you will find the next version is much better.

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I've been testing the database to 2026 and been having a lot of fun watching the process of certain teams. I've found it realistic that it took about six seasons for an amateur team to reach the Jupiler League and another 10 season for one to reach the Eredivisie (it bounced right back)

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First of all karax268 thanks for the feedback. One point I didn't get round to testing yet is the regens. How good will they be at amateurs, because in my version I had a few very good ones, actually most of the good ones came up at the lower leagues. They made a quick transfer to an Eredivisie or Jupiler League side and within 5 years or so I had a few 20-year olds at the Dutch team. I didn't test this yet, because after agreeing with Tobcoach about the way to go about creating this update, I started working on a little database of my own on the side, which is near completion although this is something I'm creating a sign-up for at the Dutch forum, so won't be available for download for now.

Concerning the team colours, we've decided Tobcoach will create all the teams, just to make sure there are no problems with the UID's. When finished I will get the file and change all the kits, to make them realistic as far as I can.

So I assure you that when we release the next update, (nearly) all the kits will be as how they should be.

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In case of the professional teams, we've come up with the idea to put both the Saturday divisions as well as the Sunday divisions in the regional competition-tab.

So far, the game handles relegations of professional teams very well. It places one club in the Saturday-Topklasse, and one in the Sunday-Topklasse.

If we use 2 locations and decide for each professional team on which day they would play in case of a relegation to Topklasse-level, you are in for problems when two professional clubs with the same day-preference would be relegated. In that case, you have one amateur-team too much in onde Topklasse, and one too many in the other. And that would cause for one team to play in the wrong Topklasse.

So the 3rd location is necessary.

So what if you're playing a long term game and several current professional teams relegated to f.e. the sunday group because the saturday teams managed to stay up initially? The way I understand your explanation, the 'former sunday teams' would return to their sunday group when they relegate. Would the relegated professional teams switch sides on such on occasion to balance it out, or will this bring the problem you mentioned earlier (1 group being larger than the other) back into the picture?

I'm really looking forward to the final version of this project, but I've been waiting in preparation of a longterm game, and I'm a little worried how this approach will hold up after 20+ ingame seasons.

Either way, it's an awesome job you're all doing, hasn't been said enough yet. ^^

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So what if you're playing a long term game and several current professional teams relegated to f.e. the sunday group because the saturday teams managed to stay up initially? The way I understand your explanation, the 'former sunday teams' would return to their sunday group when they relegate. Would the relegated professional teams switch sides on such on occasion to balance it out, or will this bring the problem you mentioned earlier (1 group being larger than the other) back into the picture?

I'm really looking forward to the final version of this project, but I've been waiting in preparation of a longterm game, and I'm a little worried how this approach will hold up after 20+ ingame seasons.

Either way, it's an awesome job you're all doing, hasn't been said enough yet. ^^

Thanks for the compliments, they apply on El Chuese too.

The way it should work, is as described by yourself. For the professional teams it doesn't matter on whisch side of the day they are, so if it's necessary to switch, they will switch.

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Hi there, wanted to report a few problems I encountered, to hopefully help you get a new version up and running soon.

Started a new game with the intention to manage AFC´34 in the Hoofdklasse D. When I took over the club, the club gave me a staggering 1500 euros per week salary, which immediately caused the wage limit to be way over the max, which made me unable to sign new players. The other teams in that pool had managers with about 700/850 salary per week.

Maybe it has to do with me getting a full-time contract while everyone else in that club is being paid on a part-time basis? The game generated an Ass. Man. which was also very much overpriced, they paid him 1100 euros per week. Maybe the same problem. Hoping this could be changed somehow?

Also, when the media prediction hit at the start of the season, there were no team names showing, all was blank. I don't know if that can be changed?

Am very much looking forward to further updates! Love playing LLM and would love to LLM in The Netherlands for a change!

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Hi there, wanted to report a few problems I encountered, to hopefully help you get a new version up and running soon.

Started a new game with the intention to manage AFC´34 in the Hoofdklasse D. When I took over the club, the club gave me a staggering 1500 euros per week salary, which immediately caused the wage limit to be way over the max, which made me unable to sign new players. The other teams in that pool had managers with about 700/850 salary per week.

Maybe it has to do with me getting a full-time contract while everyone else in that club is being paid on a part-time basis? The game generated an Ass. Man. which was also very much overpriced, they paid him 1100 euros per week. Maybe the same problem. Hoping this could be changed somehow?

Also, when the media prediction hit at the start of the season, there were no team names showing, all was blank. I don't know if that can be changed?

Am very much looking forward to further updates! Love playing LLM and would love to LLM in The Netherlands for a change!

Thanks for the feedback, LeBaiton. We will look into the matters and hopefully can fix the problems you encountered.

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@LeBaiton: Which version did u download? The one at the top or the one somewhere halfway?
I think I downloaded the XML file from the mirror-link at the top of the post. I couldn't get the first link to work.

I was under the impression that both links were leading to the same downloadable file. Was I wrong to make that assumption? :)

I'll doublecheck when I get home later today.

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I think I downloaded the XML file from the mirror-link at the top of the post. I couldn't get the first link to work.

I was under the impression that both links were leading to the same downloadable file. Was I wrong to make that assumption? :)

I'll doublecheck when I get home later today.

Just checked. I'm pretty sure I downloaded the .XML file from the first link on top of the thread. Hope that helps.

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I'm wondering, do you guys have the cities labelled as "za // zo", or is that only in the stadium names.... Because if thats the case, players will be "born" from "Amsterdam za" for example... :)

For now, because it's WIP, we've labelled the cities as "za" and "zo", just to keep them apart easily. In the final version, the "za" and "zo" labels will be gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a new update available, the NLLL 2.0 update.

It contains all the clubs as far as the 2e Klasse (Tier 6), with kitcolours, and without the "(za)"and "(zo)" additions to the names of clubs, stadiums and cities.

I'm working on a logopack too, that will arrive in a few days time.

For those who want to try out the database, you can download it by clicking on the link below.

The .rar-file contains two files: the actual database and an Excel-file in which all the clubs are mentioned. You can sort on club-name, city, day, district, region and competition. Easy to use and helpfull if you want to find your favorite club.

Please give us your feedback if you think something is wrong, missing, or if you have ideas to make the database (and/or the Excel-file) even better.

One small, but not unimportant notice: the database is created with the 10.1 update. I don't know if it will work with the 10.2 update, because there are rumours that edotir-data has been changed.

The link: Filefront

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been following this for several weeks now, and I'm really looking forward to the complete version, all the way down to the 10th tier. Have to wait for my club, as it's in 9th atm ;)

If you guys need any help with clubs in District Noord, I'll be glad to help out ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

yeah think this dutch xml was created on10.2 patch its works on its own but with my update it doesnt only dutch changes i have done with my update is transfers and promotions and relagations i so wanna start new game with the new dutch leagues

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All the big updates from the Managers United forum have to be played with the standard database. I do not know if that is the case with this update too, or that it have to be played with the 10.2 datbase.

As all updates are savegame compatible, you could try to find someone who has the right specifications on his game, to create a savegame for you.

Or you could try to load this update in combination with yours and go around the problems by doing the things that makes Deus' Legends update playable with newer updates too. (See the readme in Deus' file for what to do.)

I do not know if the suggestions above will work in this case though.

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Most of the additional league files do not work with transfer and league update files. The dutch NLL2.0 file works fine with patch 3 and the 10.3 database as long as you do not load any season update xml.

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