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Postal Strike (UK) - Will we get our game??

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of course there is nothing they can do about the RM strike but what they CAN do is at least try not to let the people who ordered online suffer because of it. those who buy from the shops will not be affected. those who buy online will be they can do something about that by allowing the early dispatch because of the strke (wouldnt suggest this at all if there were no strikes planned because then that would be biased towards the online orderers) but they should at least try get the game out on time to those who prefer online shopping.

Say theoretically that something was to go wrong with the supply to shops which could be avoided by sending them to said shops early but SI refused, would that be the same? Or would that be unfair? The fact that online shoppers got there's on time whilst others had to wait? Would you be concerned about the physical shoppers who had to wait while you played your copy?

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I live in a town that is 24 miles from Ipswich, which is the nearest place to purchase FM2010 instore. This is why I use online services a lot of the time. If I go by train to Ipswich, it will cost me £10 return. Is this fair on me and others like me. We do not all live in a big city.

Again, it may not be fair, but it isnt SI/SEGA's doing is it? If you want it for release then you'll have to look at other ways of getting it as it looks unlikely if delivered by Royal Mail.

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I live in a town that is 24 miles from Ipswich, which is the nearest place to purchase FM2010 instore. This is why I use online services a lot of the time. If I go by train to Ipswich, it will cost me £10 return. Is this fair on me and others like me. We do not all live in a big city.

that maybe true but it is not SI / SEGA's fault that Royal Mail is on strike and they are not under any obligation to change there release date because of this.

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of course there is nothing they can do about the RM strike but what they CAN do is at least try not to let the people who ordered online suffer because of it. those who buy from the shops will not be affected. those who buy online will be they can do something about that by allowing the early dispatch because of the strke (wouldnt suggest this at all if there were no strikes planned because then that would be biased towards the online orderers) but they should at least try get the game out on time to those who prefer online shopping.

Retailers do not need SEGA or SI to give them permission to ship early, almost all the major online retailers have been shipping the likes of Forza and Bordelands from as early as last weekend to make sure they got them to us for release date . If FM is to be sent out early than that will be the choice of retailers and not SI/SEGA

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Perhaps i worded it wrongly. When i say stitched up, perhaps i should have sent they could have been more transparent that it is now The Hut running it, and is overseas which could impact delivery anyway, without postal strikes :)

The homepage of the website clearly says that Zavvi is part of The Hut Group and so does the first paragraph of their terms and conditions. They'd be on dodgy ground if it didn't. Anyone ordering stuff from a site they haven't used before without giving the T&Cs at least a skim read (which would be more than enough to spot a couple of references to The Hut) should think about checking them in the future and thank themselves lucky that nothing has gone wrong in the past.

Then of course there was all of the publicity about Zavvi rising from the flames, which, as you'd expect, mentioned The Hut a fair bit.

As for the overseas bit, Play's warehouse(s) are in the Channel Islands and Amazon ship some of their goods from there too. Would you moan about them being "overseas"? Probably not.

I'm a little bit disappointed that I won't be able to play the game on day of release, but I paid around half the price I paid last year when I paid full price at Play and didn't end up receiving a copy :D Good job I was impatient enough to buy it in HMV the day after and Play didn't mess me about with the refund. As a Royal Mail employee and one very much at the bottom of the food chain, there are more important things in my life than getting a game on day of release. I'm not suggesting that you need a reminder, but some of the people getting really worked up about things need to remember we are talking about a game.

I have ordered plenty from The Hut/Zavvi over the last 2-3 years and their delivery times have been comparable with Amazon and Play, so I'm not especially worried.

Next week's industrial action might not take place, who knows what might happen in the next 5-6 days?

Sorry if the post seems as if I'm getting at you, but I don't like seeing people moan about reputable companies when they haven't really cause to do so.

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Say theoretically that something was to go wrong with the supply to shops which could be avoided by sending them to said shops early but SI refused, would that be the same? Or would that be unfair? The fact that online shoppers got there's on time whilst others had to wait? Would you be concerned about the physical shoppers who had to wait while you played your copy?

just out of interest what scenario would cause local retailers to not recieve thier copys for everyone across the country?

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A question, if i buy from steam can i get it at midnight??

I believe that was the case last year.

I haven't seen anything from SI to confirm that, but nor have I gone looking for it as I don't intend spending £30 on a game I can get for £18. That and I'm one of those sad people who like to own certain things. I'll download an album from iTunes/Amazon/Play if I like a couple of single from it or they have something on offer that takes my fancy, but make sure I buy CDs by bands I'm fond of.

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I dont know, i did say theoretically. I was just trying to compare, thats all :)

cant think of a single scenario in which online retailers would have thier copys but local shops would not. if it was delivery problem even the online retailers would suffer and everybody would be in the same boat. just trying to make the people who ordered online happy by being able to have the game to play on release.

Funny how those getting the game by mail are moaning they might get it a little late but I bet over the years they've been the first on here to say when they have gotten it early. Life evens itself out. ;)

Don't be lazy and just go to the shop. :D

i myself have ordered online yes, moaning? not quite. i dont mind getting the game late as i have already posted in this thread (or another one in GD i lost track of it) and even if i did get early i would not start it as i will be waiting to download the patch on the 30th.

a worldwide release to try get as many people happy on the 30th as possible would be the best way but online shoppers are set to suffer.

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The homepage of the website clearly says that Zavvi is part of The Hut Group and so does the first paragraph of their terms and conditions. They'd be on dodgy ground if it didn't. Anyone ordering stuff from a site they haven't used before without giving the T&Cs at least a skim read (which would be more than enough to spot a couple of references to The Hut) should think about checking them in the future and thank themselves lucky that nothing has gone wrong in the past.

Then of course there was all of the publicity about Zavvi rising from the flames, which, as you'd expect, mentioned The Hut a fair bit.

As for the overseas bit, Play's warehouse(s) are in the Channel Islands and Amazon ship some of their goods from there too. Would you moan about them being "overseas"? Probably not.

I'm a little bit disappointed that I won't be able to play the game on day of release, but I paid around half the price I paid last year when I paid full price at Play and didn't end up receiving a copy :D Good job I was impatient enough to buy it in HMV the day after and Play didn't mess me about with the refund. As a Royal Mail employee and one very much at the bottom of the food chain, there are more important things in my life than getting a game on day of release. I'm not suggesting that you need a reminder, but some of the people getting really worked up about things need to remember we are talking about a game.

I have ordered plenty from The Hut/Zavvi over the last 2-3 years and their delivery times have been comparable with Amazon and Play, so I'm not especially worried.

Next week's industrial action might not take place, who knows what might happen in the next 5-6 days?

Sorry if the post seems as if I'm getting at you, but I don't like seeing people moan about reputable companies when they haven't really cause to do so.

I wouldn't know about The Hut's T&C's as ive never ordered from them. All ive been trying to do throughout this thread is give people a realistic overview of how the postal system works, and the likely consequences in different scenarios as ive experienced working in different divisions of Royal Mail at different levels.

I have nothing against The Hut at all, it could be in Timbuktu for all i care. All i was trying to say is that with it being an overseas shipper, there would likely be a chance of a delay anyway due to UK customs checks, whether be at a port or on Royal Mail premises :)

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There's no effective way to bring the release date forward and to treat all customers fairly - the operational process of getting games to stores is hugely complicated, takes a lengthy period and is well under way. We can't just change it to bring the release forward, I'm sorry.



You were able to bring the release date forward a few years ago when shops like Asda,Tesco and HMV sold the game earlier than the official release date so I dont really understand how it would be difficult to do this again this year.

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cant think of a single scenario in which online retailers would have thier copys but local shops would not. if it was delivery problem even the online retailers would suffer and everybody would be in the same boat. just trying to make the people who ordered online happy by being able to have the game to play on release.

I say again, i did say theoretically. When you ordered online, did you anticipate there would be a national postal strike on the day? TNT, who do a lot of local store deliveries were also out on strike recently, i suppose that could count as a scenario :D

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I wouldn't know about The Hut's T&C's as ive never ordered from them. All ive been trying to do throughout this thread is give people a realistic overview of how the postal system works, and the likely consequences in different scenarios as ive experienced working in different divisions of Royal Mail at different levels.

I have nothing against The Hut at all, it could be in Timbuktu for all i care. All i was trying to say is that with it being an overseas shipper, there would likely be a chance of a delay anyway due to UK customs checks, whether be at a port or on Royal Mail premises :)

Fair enough :)

The pedant in me wouldn't have been happy had I not made the point about the location of Play's warehouses, though.

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Not getting it from Steam then, IMO should come at at midnight but ahhh well.

I can pretty much guarantee it will be available from midnight. It was last year and if it wasnt, it would discriminate against Steam users as you could go to a shop at midnight and buy it. Im not sure whether the clock on Steam runs at US time, that may be an explanation for the 6 hour difference?

Of course, i dont work for SEGA so my guarantee is pointless :D

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I say again, i did say theoretically. When you ordered online, did you anticipate there would be a national postal strike on the day? TNT, who do a lot of local store deliveries were also out on strike recently, i suppose that could count as a scenario :D

i placed my pre-order after the strike was already confirmed ;) as i have already stated i dont mind getting the game late just trying to get as many people happy on the 30th as possible without 500 "my game was late" or "my game still hasnt come" threads almost certain to appear on release date.

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i placed my pre-order after the strike was already confirmed ;) as i have already stated i dont mind getting the game late just trying to get as many people happy on the 30th as possible without 500 "my game was late" or "my game still hasnt come" threads almost certain to appear on release date.

Absolutely, im the same and would like nothing more than everyone playing away from the 30th :). The fact is, even with this current strike, and if online retailers did release early, most of the copies would be caught up in the mail system anyway. As i said earlier, for every strike day, it can take 3-4 days to clear the backlog. That means that if next weeks walk outs do go ahead, the chances are the backlog from these current strikes would not yet have been cleared, thats despite how much of a pretty picture Royal Mail are trying to paint about how they are "coping".

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yes that is what im trying to say. if online retailers sent it out early it will still get caught but will have a much greater chance of getting to us on 30th. if they dont dispatch until the day before chances are we wont get it until early november. people who buy from local shops will not be affected so allowing online retailers to send early seems a worldwide situation to keep everybody happy.

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yes that is what im trying to say. if online retailers sent it out early it will still get caught but will have a much greater chance of getting to us on 30th. if they dont dispatch until the day before chances are we wont get it until early november. people who buy from local shops will not be affected so allowing online retailers to send early seems a worldwide situation to keep everybody happy.

I might have got the wrong end of the stick from Matt's post, but as I read it things are out of SI/Sega's control on that front as there is no way to speed up the manufacture/distribution of the product. I'm sure they would if they could.

As for retailers sending the game out to people, how will SI/Sega know when they have done so? I doubt there is a set date when retailers are able to send it out, but most know better than to do so a long time in advance of the release date. I'm pretty sure nobody will get their knickers in a twist about retailers sending pre-ordered games out so that most people get them on day of release, some the day before and some the day after, but the same probably wouldn't be the case if companies started to ship games out 2-3 weeks early. With that in mind, I'm sure some retailers will ship the game out slightly earlier than they normally would, which is certainly the impression you get from the emails Zavvi have been sending out.

But they have to have the game before they can send it out, which goes back to my first point.

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I can pretty much guarantee it will be available from midnight. It was last year and if it wasnt, it would discriminate against Steam users as you could go to a shop at midnight and buy it. Im not sure whether the clock on Steam runs at US time, that may be an explanation for the 6 hour difference?

Of course, i dont work for SEGA so my guarantee is pointless :D

Well if they are willing to release the STEAM version at midnight as it makes it fair because some people are buying it from the store at midnight then they should try something to help the people who pre-ordered to be able to get their copy at the same time as everyone else too?

yes that is what im trying to say. if online retailers sent it out early it will still get caught but will have a much greater chance of getting to us on 30th. if they dont dispatch until the day before chances are we wont get it until early november. people who buy from local shops will not be affected so allowing online retailers to send early seems a worldwide situation to keep everybody happy.

Exactly! Atleast it gives the pre-orders more of a chance... the argument that it won't make a difference is void.

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Well if they are willing to release the STEAM version at midnight as it makes it fair because some people are buying it from the store at midnight then they should try something to help the people who pre-ordered to be able to get their copy at the same time as everyone else too?

Exactly! Atleast it gives the pre-orders more of a chance... the argument that it won't make a difference is void.

Even if pre orders did arrive on release day, you wouldnt get it at midnight :D

Actually, the it wont make a difference argument is not void, as if they get released right now this very second, its unlikely to make a difference.

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I might have got the wrong end of the stick from Matt's post, but as I read it things are out of SI/Sega's control on that front as there is no way to speed up the manufacture/distribution of the product. I'm sure they would if they could.

As for retailers sending the game out to people, how will SI/Sega know when they have done so? I doubt there is a set date when retailers are able to send it out, but most know better than to do so a long time in advance of the release date. I'm pretty sure nobody will get their knickers in a twist about retailers sending pre-ordered games out so that most people get them on day of release, some the day before and some the day after, but the same probably wouldn't be the case if companies started to ship games out 2-3 weeks early. With that in mind, I'm sure some retailers will ship the game out slightly earlier than they normally would, which is certainly the impression you get from the emails Zavvi have been sending out.

But they have to have the game before they can send it out, which goes back to my first point.

yes this is what i was trying to say. all that is needed is for online retailers to send the game a few days earlier than they usualy would to avoid the congestion of the strike and then everybody is happy. people who buy from shops get it on release day, online shoppers get thiers 1 day early/on release/one day after they are happy. you cant fail to please.

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Even if pre orders did arrive on release day, you wouldnt get it at midnight :D

Actually, the it wont make a difference argument is not void, as if they get released right now this very second, its unlikely to make a difference.

But surely its better then sending it out on the 29th-ish? Atleast its in the queue? Even if it moves at 1 metre a day it will still be 7 metres further then it would be if it were to be sent on the 29th :p

All in all, we're all in the same boat... i've already stated in this thread that i will keep the faith and not cancel my pre-order with zavvi and just want everyone to get it on the 30th if at all possible - and if not, make it slightly more likely... (Tesco - "every little helps" :p)

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But surely its better then sending it out on the 29th-ish? Atleast its in the queue? Even if it moves at 1 metre a day it will still be 7 metres further then it would be if it were to be sent on the 29th :p

All in all, we're all in the same boat... i've already stated in this thread that i will keep the faith and not cancel my pre-order with zavvi and just want everyone to get it on the 30th if at all possible - and if not, make it slightly more likely... (Tesco - "every little helps" :p)

As Bren D says, they will probably send them out a bit earlier. A lot will depend on when the retailers recieve their copies from the manufacturers though.

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Has anyone had ant experience in the past with pre-ordering FM?

I was wanting know if you actually get the game arrive on your door step for the 30th Oct or is that when it gets posted out? (not taking the postal stike into account)

I've ordered it with Zavvi this year as I couldn't turn down the £17.99 offer, just wasn't sure when it arrives?

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Has anyone had ant experience in the past with pre-ordering FM?

I was wanting know if you actually get the game arrive on your door step for the 30th Oct or is that when it gets posted out? (not taking the postal stike into account)

I've ordered it with Zavvi this year as I couldn't turn down the £17.99 offer, just wasn't sure when it arrives?

Games are usually sent out so they arrive around about the day of release, so the day before or the day after shouldn't be too much of a surprise. But who knows what will happen with the strikes.

I can't really moan about FM turning up late, I got my mitts on Windows 7 a few days before Dixons were planning on sending it out. Swings and roundabouts.

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You seem quite clued up with postal info, does mail get delivered on Saturdays as well? Just thinkin, that if there is a couple of days delay, we still mite get it on the 31st.... hopefully! I get back from prague on the 1st & booked Monday off work, so was hoping for an all nighter on the Sunday.

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You seem quite clued up with postal info, does mail get delivered on Saturdays as well? Just thinkin, that if there is a couple of days delay, we still mite get it on the 31st.... hopefully! I get back from prague on the 1st & booked Monday off work, so was hoping for an all nighter on the Sunday.

I'm not Baker.Simon, but yup there is a Saturday delivery.

Well normally anyway. I'm not quite sure what the plans are for the three days of industrial action next week, it'll be rolling again so different parts of the company will go on strike on different days, but the action is planned for Thursday, Friday and Saturday rather than the Thursday and Friday as per this week.

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This will make steam a lot of money, and people ordering online from websites are once again being treated like second class citizens. Surely if the demo (which I had problems downloading, so gave up) has been released then SEGA could ship FM out early.

I honestly don't understand your point here. We've provided the stock to retailers - they have a responsibility to get it to you. They have assorted postal options and I believe most of them are doing all of they can to get the game out on release day. Us moving it forward only makes it less likely that people will be treated in a fair manner - not more likely - as the retailers that take longer to get stock to store will be punished.

but whats happening now if a dis-advantage to anyone who ordered online. if they do nothing most online orderers will be left dissapointed by getting the game AFTER its official release but allowing the online retailers to dispatch early keeps that in balance with everyone getting it on release day. does the minority getting the game 1-2 days before release really make much of a difference when there is going to be a patch out on 30th nobody is likely to start and proper game until then and they have the demo to test out the games new features.

Most of the retailers I've looked at are trying to get the game to customers on release day- several of them that I've seen are looking at alternatives to the RM to make sure that happens.

Retailers do not need SEGA or SI to give them permission to ship early, almost all the major online retailers have been shipping the likes of Forza and Bordelands from as early as last weekend to make sure they got them to us for release date . If FM is to be sent out early than that will be the choice of retailers and not SI/SEGA

Actually, they are supposed to heed the release date. We're certainly hoping that they all do their very best to get the game out - for that day. The best thing we can do is clearly state that they should be trying to get the game out to customers for a clearly identified day - that day has been set in stone for several months and moving it now will make it difficult for a significant chunk of them - we have seen evidence of that previously.

You were able to bring the release date forward a few years ago when shops like Asda,Tesco and HMV sold the game earlier than the official release date so I dont really understand how it would be difficult to do this again this year.

It's possible to do but it's very unfair - my comment was that treating people fairly was the priority. It also generates masses of complaints on here from those that can't access the game until release day.

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I'm not Baker.Simon, but yup there is a Saturday delivery.

Well normally anyway. I'm not quite sure what the plans are for the three days of industrial action next week, it'll be rolling again so different parts of the company will go on strike on different days, but the action is planned for Thursday, Friday and Saturday rather than the Thursday and Friday as per this week.

Well worse case I'm buy it from asda on the monday, just be a shame to miss out on the sunday all nighter.

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Well, shop-to have just suspended their compensation promise according to forum sticky. Looks like they expect grief too next week. I wonder if it's 'cos their courier like many others has RM Last Mile?

Shouldnt be. It would be a tad harsh if they gave you free postage when delivered by Royal Mail, but then charged you for a "guaranteed" service that cant be guaranteed because its still Royal Mail. They should at least specify if thats the case.

What i'd say is that UKMail are probably working near to capacity as they are bound to be picking up the extra business from a number of contracts.

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I'm not Baker.Simon, but yup there is a Saturday delivery.

Well normally anyway. I'm not quite sure what the plans are for the three days of industrial action next week, it'll be rolling again so different parts of the company will go on strike on different days, but the action is planned for Thursday, Friday and Saturday rather than the Thursday and Friday as per this week.

No your right, your not me :p:cool:

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I've still got my pre-order with amazon in place, anyone have any ideas if this will be affected much? when am I most likely to recieve the game as I was considering booking next friday off.

edit: just found this article


I actually have no idea how much 500g is really, would a game from amazon + packaging come in at over or under 500g?

DvD and normal package It should be just under 150g, i reckon between 140g to 150g

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ASDA is open over the weekend mate, get yourself down there on Saturday afternoon, or Game :thup:

I'm in Prague from Wed - Sun :( & I dont get back til about 6pm, so they'll be closed then, so I'll have to wait til Mon morning if FM10 aint on my door step.

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I hope my fm mug comes on time :D

That's why I'm sticking with my HMV order, need my mug!

Although I think when I placed the order they said it would be about a week later than the game, but it'll still be worth the wait.

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