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The turf is always greener on the moor

Tyrone the Magazine

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Il start off with the usual stuff. FM2005 5.0.2, no editor modifications of my own. England top to bottom, players loaded from Spain, Germany, Scotland, Holland, Ireland, N.Ireland, Portugal, France and Italy with a huge db. No idea why that many countries icon_rolleyes.gif . Any people or places named are made up and any connection to real people/places is coinsidence (except for players and staff etc). My other story will be continueing for any people following that icon_smile.gif

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Il start off with the usual stuff. FM2005 5.0.2, no editor modifications of my own. England top to bottom, players loaded from Spain, Germany, Scotland, Holland, Ireland, N.Ireland, Portugal, France and Italy with a huge db. No idea why that many countries icon_rolleyes.gif . Any people or places named are made up and any connection to real people/places is coinsidence (except for players and staff etc). My other story will be continueing for any people following that icon_smile.gif

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Sam woke up to the sound of his alarm buzzing in his ear. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stumbled to the bathroom where he performed the morning rituals. After a refreshing shower he felt awake as he reached the bottom of the stairs the letterbox rattled, the local paper dropped onto the mat. Picking it up he turned instantly to the back page to see the news that his team, Burnley, had a new manager. Stan Ternant had left the club in May after not having his contract renewed, Burnley had only just survived a relegation battle. The favourite to succeed him was Chris Cotterill but he had taken up a better offer elsewhere. Sam was surprised at the choice of new manager, it would certainly be a talking point later on.

John Robinson was halfway through his second cup of coffee when his paper came through the door. Turning straight to the sports section he saw the headline declaring him as Burnley’s new manager. He had signed the contract yesterday and today he would be having a press conference something he wasn’t looking forward to. It was daunting he was a relatively unknown quantity, only fans and local journalists will probably know who he was. An uneventful playing career and some good work with local teams earned him a job with the coaching set up at Turf Moor. Personally he felt his appointment as first team manager was a cost effective solution for the chairman. Burnley after all were a club in financial turmoil and needed to sort that out immediately.

Arriving on site Sam noticed he was one of the first to arrive only Rob and Phil had gotten there before him. He was a bricky and was currently working on a new housing estate on the edge of town. All the lads on site were Burnley fans so there will be great interest and gossip going round the site today. Getting out of his car he noticed Phil and Rob looking through the story in the local paper.

Sam: What do you make of this then (waving paper in front of him)

Rob: Thank **** you’re here

Sam: Nice to see you too, what’s so special about me being here?

Phil: You’ve got keys to the hut haven’t you?

Sam: Yeah why?

Phil: We want to listen to the radio see what they have to say

Sam: So why don’t you listen to it in his car?

Rob: Cos my radio is knackered

Sam: Well it’s a good thing Andy trusts me with the keys then isn’t it.

By lunch time everyone was dying to get to the pub for a pint and a pie but also to see if sky had any developments. Sam and his friends pilled into their cars and went down to their local where they knew Ted the landlord would be glued to the TV. There was to be a press conference at 3pm but also a fans forum at the stadium tonight from 8pm. They would certainly be going to that. Sam was a prominent figure in the Burnley supporters association as well as a vociferous one. The authorities may consider Sam and his friends as hooligans, they consider themselves as die hard supporters.

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John had just finished his first ever press conference and his hands were a little shaky. He was a little dazed from all the flashes from the newspaper photographers. All the questions that had been bombarded at him made his head spin. This he managed to hide from prying eyes as he confidently strode out of the conference room at Turf Moor. He was followed out by Barry Kilby club chairman and they walked to his office which looked out onto the Turf Moor pitch.

Barry: Now then John how was that?

John: A little unnerving but I’ll survive.

Barry: Good good, now we have gone through it at the contract negotiations and just now at the press conference but let me just go over what I want from you. I’m not expecting miracles nor do I expect failure all I ask is for you to stabilise this club. I want to be secure in this division, both in terms of league position and financially. At the moment we are failing in both aspects. Now I can’t offer you any transfer funds and if possible I would like you to trim £10k off the wage budget. I know the squad is small but you will have to manage. Are you ok with this?

John: Yes I understand the predicament and I am up to turning it around.

Barry: That’s what I like to hear now down to business, tomorrow will be your first training session with the players. Before that you have a fans forum to deal with tonight. That will be tough, but it’s necessary we need them on our side from the beginning.

John: I agree the fans are the most important part of this club and they reassuring about my instalment. I intend to let my team do the talking on the pitch.

Sam finished work for the day and headed home to get cleaned up. Making himself a quick sandwich he began eating it as he was halfway out the front door. He headed for The Crown, his local, for a couple of pints before heading to the ground for the forum. The pub was heaving locals all talking about the new manager, he pushed his way to the bar where Phil and Rob were waiting with a pint. It wasn’t far from the ground and they strolled over and got themselves prime seats for the forum. Sitting with a table full of drinks their smoke filling the already smoky room they started the applause as John Robinson and Barry Kilby entered the room.

Barry: Ok everybody this is Mr John Robinson your new manager. Mr Robinson will say a few words then we will open up the floor for some questions, John.

John: Thanks Barry, hello, I know my appointment will have been a surprise to you all. I have played and worked for this club and it is my boyhood club and I like you want this club to be playing at the highest level.

Barry: Mr Harrison would you like to kick us off

Sam: Thank you Barry, firstly I would like to say congratulations to you Mr Robinson…

John: Please all of you call me John..

Sam: Ok John, what are your plans and ambitions for the club?

John: As I have no doubt you are all aware of the status this club is in, I would be lying if I said it is easily fixed. Firstly I aim to stabilise the club, get us to the point where we aren’t looking over our shoulder but looking forward. It will take time but I am confident we can do it. My long term ambition is to get the club rooted in the premiership.

Fan: What about the financial security of the club and how will that effect you?

Barry: I’ll field this one, you all know fine well the club is struggling financially and we all at the club are trying to turn that around. We need to secure the clubs financial future before we can really move forward. Therefore I am sad to say there are no transfer funds available except for a little we may get from player sales. The financial side is the boards side of things and will only effect John as to how much money he has to spend.

Fan 2: So what are your plans for altering the team this season then?

John: Well I will be limited to players I can get in on loan and possible free transfers. I also aim to take advantage of the clubs youth system, they are the players of tomorrow and I intend to get them ready for that.

Rob: So realistically what do you expect from this season?

John: I expect the clubs championship status secure and a good couple of cup runs. They will be vitally important as the money generated from them could save the club.

The questions went on for a good two hours and by the end of it John was exhausted. He had been warned about Sam Harrison but from what he saw he was just a passionate supporter who wanted the club to do well. There was no doubt about it, this was a challenge. He couldn’t afford to hire anybody new, players or staff. What he had was all he was going to get. Tomorrow he would meet with the players and his staff, the people that would get him through this hard task.

Sam finished his cigarette and stepped inside his house. It had been a long day and he was tired, he had a lie in tomorrow. He didn’t work weekends and he wanted a lie in before he went to observe the training session. Burnley football club was his life, its all he was bothered about. He sat down with the carton of chips he picked up on the way home and a can of stella he got from the fridge. Lighting up another cigarette he pressed play on the remote and proceeded to watch his favourite Burnley tape.

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Thanks BoN icon_smile.gif

They made their way to Gawthorpe Hall, Burnley’s training ground. The five men Sam, Rob, Phil and two other mates Steve and Dave were all life long Burnley fans and travelled to every game including pre season games where ever they may be. Burnley’s pre season games had been arranged before John Robinson had been appointed as manager. They were to face Scunthorpe, Crusaders (N.Ireland), Hayes and Colchester away. At home they would play two games against Dundee United and Galatasaray, the later would be an amazing fixture. Sam and his friends had all already got their tickets for these games and just needed travel arrangements to be made.

When they arrived at Gawthorpe Hall the team had just come out after lunch for their afternoon training session. As expected it was assistant manager David Kevin who was leading the session with new manager John Robinson just over seeing. Senior player Mark Yeates was also a coach at the club, noticing that Sam had turned up he came to the side to talk to the voice of the supporters association.

Mark: Sam nice to see you here again

Sam: You know me Mark I have claret running through my veins, you couldn’t keep me away

Mark: That’s true have you got your tickets sorted for the games?

Sam: Yes we’ll be there on Tuesday at Scunthorpe cheering you lot on. How’s he getting on?

Mark: John? He’s getting on fine, staying in the background for the minute letting us get on with it. This early on its all about fitness rather than tactics.

John saw Mark and Sam having the little chat and walked over and introduced himself to Sam properly. He needed Sam as he would be his main connection to the supporters. Discussing the state of the team John and Sam drew the same conclusions that the side needed more wide players and at least another striker. The only way that was going to happen was through loan signings.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by virtex:

Good start btw icon_smile.gif and are you coming to Deepdale on Saturday? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

hmmmm I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not. But I'm a Newcastle fan and this is a story. So no I wont be going to Deepdale on Saturday. Keep tuned to the story though icon_wink.gif

Cheers Dave icon_smile.gif

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It was now early August and the new season was about to get underway. Sam was working away on a blistering hot building site. He had just come back from seeing the team play their last pre season game against Colchester. Burnley had done quite well pre season and everyone in the town were hoping it would continue into the season. The first match, against Scunthorpe, was basically a game to get the players used to playing again. It ended up 0-0 followed up by an inevitable defeat at home to Galatasary. They had played very well against the European heavyweights and it was a night to remember. Dundee United were dispatched 3-1 followed by a victory over Crusaders by 2-0. Hayes were thrashed 5-0 and Colchester were beaten 2-1. So all in all from six pre season games they won four, drew one and lost one. Scoring 12 and conceding only 3 keeping three clean sheets. Not bad at all for a side tipped to be battling relegation.

As the pre season wore on John involved himself more and more into the training sessions. By the time the last two weeks were upon them he had them knuckling down on the tactics he wanted to employ. He also knew his best 11 that he wanted to field as often as possible. Fortunately the results had gone their way so the fans hadn’t yet got on his back despite the fact the season was yet to get going. The players liked John he was a nice guy and was someone they wanted to work hard for. He was quiet but held their respect and despite what some would say a lack of qualifications for the job he was very adept at organising the team and telling them exactly what he wanted.

After work Sam and co went to the pub for a cold beer to refresh them. They were discussing what they had seen over the past month or so. What had pleased them was the way the team played, flowing yet direct football which seemed to be paying dividends. Also that goals were coming from all areas of the pitch, the main strikers Moore and Blake had five between them. The wingers Valois and Branch had three between them, Hyde and Chaplow the central midfielders chipping in three as well. Defender Lee Roche also got on the score sheet. Sinclair, Hyde, Chaplow, Blake and Moore looked on top notch form which was a good sign. Phil looked round for a paper, non of them had seen one today as the paper boy was on strike. Turning to the back page they saw an article confirming the loan signing of Aaron Lennon from Leeds. Also a quote from the manager saying that he wouldn’t be getting any more players as he felt what he had was sufficient. Sam was shocked and arranged an emergency meeting with the chairman and the manager.

Barry entered the conference room followed by John and saw that Sam was sitting patiently. After inquiring what this was all about his answer was the newspaper slapped down on the desk. Sam wanted to know why this had been allowed to be printed. Before Barry could utter a word John decided to answer the question. He told Sam that he wouldn’t be able to get any more players as everybody knows Burnley have no money. Sam tried to argue that people may know but they don’t want to hear the fact that they can’t get anybody. John assured him that he will still be trying for loan signings but he said the article was a boost for the players they had. The fact that John had publicly said he wouldn’t need anybody new had invigorated their confidence. Sam couldn’t argue with that and he was learning that his new manager was a smart man.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Tyrone the Mag:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by virtex:

Good start btw icon_smile.gif and are you coming to Deepdale on Saturday? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

hmmmm I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not. But I'm a Newcastle fan and this is a story. So no I wont be going to Deepdale on Saturday. Keep tuned to the story though icon_wink.gif

Cheers Dave icon_smile.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry mate, I've got you mixed up with Gino the Burnley fan. Apologises!

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by virtex:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Tyrone the Mag:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by virtex:

Good start btw icon_smile.gif and are you coming to Deepdale on Saturday? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

hmmmm I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not. But I'm a Newcastle fan and this is a story. So no I wont be going to Deepdale on Saturday. Keep tuned to the story though icon_wink.gif

Cheers Dave icon_smile.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry mate, I've got you mixed up with Gino the Burnley fan. Apologises! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

No worries icon_smile.gif

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Saturday had finally arrived and so had the new season, as they boarded the coach destined for Coventry Sam counted heads checking everybody was here. Once underway he got a chance to read the pre match report in the paper. It confirmed the loan signings of Steven Cooke from Aston Villa and Alexis Nicolas from Chelsea. Nicolas was a central defensive midfielder and Cooke a more attacking minded midfielder who could play anywhere in the middle of the park. Both would likely start on the bench, Sam agreed with the paper’s predicted line up.

GK: Danny Coyne - 30, Welsh: Former Grimsby and Tranmere keeper will be vying for the number 1 jersey with Jensen

DR: Michael Duff - 26, N.Irish: Signed from Cheltenham in the close season, a toss up between him and Roche as to who gets this position during the season

DL: Mo Camara - 29, Guinean: Ex Wolves full back, his pace gets him this spot ahead of others

DC: Frank Sinclair - 32, Jamaican: Experienced defender formerly of Chelsea and Leicester, his experience and skill will be invaluable.

DC: John McGreal - 32, English: Centre back played for Tranmere and Ipswich before Burnley. Is simply the best option to partner Sinclair.

MR: Graham Branch - 32, English: Been with the club a while but another who has played for Tranmere amongst others. His pace and dribbling skills earn him the nod.

ML: Jean-Louis Valois - 30, French: Played for a few clubs, his skill and experience put him ahead of other contenders.

MC: Micah Hyde - 29, Jamaican: Talented midfielder joined Burnley after spending many years at Watford.

MC: Richard Chaplow - 19, English: Very talented youngster with a bright future. His ability earns him his place.

SC: Robbie Blake - 28, English: Joined a while back from Bradford, useful forward.

SC: Ian Moore - 27, English: Another former Tranmere player, an important part of the Burnley squad

Sub GK: Brian Jensen - 29, Danish: Talented keeper signed from West Brom will be pushing Coyne for the number 1 spot.

Sub D: Lee Roche - 23, English: Man U youth product can play right back or central defence, decent player who will be pushing for a starting position

Sub M: Steven Cooke - 21, English: Loan from Villa will be supplementing the winger contingent at the club.

Sub M: Alexis Nicolas - 21, Cypriot: Loan from Chelsea will be useful to have to change the feel of the team. He will give a solid defensive feel to the centre of the park.

Sub SC: Rhys Carpenter - 18, Welsh: Young striker will be looking to earn some experience.

John was looking at the same paper, he and his team were already at Highfield Road. The journalist had predicted his team perfectly. Despite the fact they were away and the underdogs he wanted his men to be positive and look to attack. Believing that attacking down the wings was their best bet. He had confidence that his defence could cope with Coventry’s talented front line. The pace and fitness of his front two should give them the upper hand on the older central pair of Coventry.

They arrived in Coventry at about one o’clock, already having their lunch on the way down Sam and co set about finding a pub. There was about 30 or so of them, none of them were expecting trouble all they wanted was a quiet drink. In the city centre they found a pub and basically invaded it, 30 burley Lancashire men cramming through the doors of a small midlands pub. There were a few Coventry supporters in there looking on as the group ordered their drinks. When it was clear that was all they wanted they got back to what they were doing. At half two they all piled out of the pub right into the path of a large group of Coventry supporters. Both groups ground to a stop and just stared at each other, Sam came out last and saw what was going on. His presence was felt by both sides as he calmed the situation down as quickly as it started. It was if he was psychic as 10 seconds later a police van flew round the corner and 8 or so policemen got out and escorted the Burnley fans to the ground.

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Saturday - 07/09/04, Championship game 1

Coventry v Burnley

@Highfield Road

By 14:50 they were in the ground listening to the team line-ups over the PA system. He loved Turf Moore but Sam loved away days, the atmosphere of all the die hard supporters all in one area was electric. Today being the first game of the season it was extra special. When the teams emerged onto the pitch they went crazy, the players applauding the faithful followers. Robinson followed his men into the arena that was Highfield Road, he had done all he could do it was now down to them.

Both sides had a couple of early chances to take the lead but spurned them. It was a slightly edgy to and fro opening twenty minutes. Coventry scored first, a smart passing move saw McSheffrey completely unmarked in the box. After receiving the ball from Whing he turned and beat the keeper at his near post. Everything about the goal infuriated Robinson, the fact McSheffery wasn’t picked up and that he beat the keeper at his near post. The Burnley fans fell silent and were jeered by the home fans, Sam managed to get them singing again but they were a little subdued. Coventry really started to turn the screw and dominated the rest of the half.

The first half was a stop start affair, referee Lee Probert liked to blow his whistle. He had already booked two of John’s men, he had a sinking feeling it was going to be one of those days. Giving them hell over the goal he tried to get them ready for the second half. Hearing the cheer of the crowd Sam and friends finished their drinks and made thei way back to cheer on and inspire their team. They noticed Carpenter had come on for Blake, they assumed this was because of the knock he picked up in the first half. Coventry also had made a change during the break.

It was Coventry that were the dominant side in the opening exchanges of the second half. There was an awful few minutes for Frank Sinclair, firstly he was given a yellow card for nothing as the referee proved he was card happy. Then from a nothing cross he headed past his own keeper to give Coventry a 2-0 lead. Robinson just looked away in disgust, there was no need to do it he could have chested it down and walked it out. Coventry piled on the pressure and it was 25 minutes into the second half before Burnley had their first opportunity of the half. Then followed a disgraceful refereeing display as Branch picked up a yellow card for a nothing challenge. He then picked up a second a minute later for another nothing challenge. Robinson and his men went berserk and in the melee that followed Carpenter received a yellow card too. The Burnley supporters were furious and going crazy and the Coventry fans couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Many Coventry chances later Burnley managed to pull one back in the 89th minute. An incisive counter attack was finished by Hyde with a great finish.

It was one hell of a first game for Robinson, with a bit of luck it could have been a different story. Today was one of those days where nothing went their way. He just hoped the home game against Ipswich on Tuesday went their way. Sam was thinking exactly the same thing as he was waiting to be let out of the ground.

Coventry 2 v 1 Burnley

Goals: Coventry: McSheffrey 25, Sinclair 57og - Burnley: Hyde 89

Bookings: Coventry: Whing, Suffo - Burnley: Duff, Sinclair, Branch (x2 – Red), Moore, Carpenter

MoM: Wood (Coventry)

Att: 12,450

Ref: Lee Probert

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tuesday - 10/08/04, Championship game 2

Burnley v Ipswich

@Turf Moor

First home game of the season, an evening tie against Ipswich who were hoping to gain promotion this season. This would be a tough test for Robinson’s men, they needed to bounce back from the defeat against Coventry. Sam and co emerged from the pub into a sea of claret and started to wind their way to the ground. Picking up a programme en route he read his managers comments on the opening fixture and his hopes for this evening. They got to their seats just in time to cheer with the rest of the Burnley fans as the team sheet was read out. The only change from Saturday was on loan Steven Cooke replaced Branch who was suspended.

Hearts sank is Ipswich scored a very early goal. After a good move it was a deflected shot from Westlake in the first minute that stunned the home crowd. Robinson couldn’t believe it, after everything he had said about a good solid start this happens. Burnley responded straight from the restart with a good move of their own. In the end a great shot from Cooke was tipped just over the bar. This was Sam’s cue to get the crowd behind the team as he stood up and rallied the crowd. From then on Burnley dominated the game earning five corners in the first 20 minutes, Ipswich only managing one attack during that period. They were playing good football too which made Robinson a bit happier it was just a shame they needed to concede to kick start them. It kept the fans optimistic they could see Ipswich were reduced to one or two shots from way outside the area. All Burnley needed was better composure in the area. Sam also noticed that Ipswich were playing a dangerous game in trying to play offside so high up the pitch. It was that dangerous game that allowed Burnley to equalise two minutes before the break. Duff heading to Blake slotted through the perfect ball for a perfectly timed run from Moore, who went on unopposed to slot it past the keeper.

The second half started where the first ended, all Robinson had to say at halftime was keep doing what you’re doing and don’t lose you’re concentration. It wasn’t long before they had the lead. A well worked move of their own saw Cooke send the ball to the far post dragging keeper and defenders with it, where Valois passed it into the middle for Blake to put it in the back of the net. The crowd went wild, it was what they deserved but it was also a relief, there was only going to be one winner now. Blake could have nabbed himself a couple more but in the end his goal was the winner as Burnley just dominated the game until the end.

Burnley 2 v 1 Ipswich

Goals: Burnley: Moore 43, Blake 50 - Ipswich: Westlake 2

Bookings: Burnley: Valois - Ipswich: Marney

MoM: Blake

Att: 14,044

Ref: Michael Ryan

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Saturday - 14/08/04, Championship game 3

Rotherham v Burnley


Another away day for Sam, Phil and Rob as they made the short coach trip to Rotherham. This game could turn out to be crucial as Rotherham were potential relegation battlers. Burnley had been made favourites to win by the bookies but nobody connected to the club allowed themselves to be kidded into believing this was a guaranteed three points. After sinking a few pints the three made their way to the ground along with the other Burnley fans and a police escort. When they got into the away end Sam noticed a familiar face standing next to him, however it was a familiar face he had never met before. His name was Mike Webster with him were his close friends Jim and Pete. They had both noticed each other at games and both realised they were vociferous die hard Burnley fans but had never introduced themselves to one another. Today was that day, they were both so much alike both in character and in stature Sam being a little taller. Together they would prove a fearsome partnership along the Burnley ranks and be the orchestrators for getting the fans psyched.

There were two changes from the team that beat Ipswich on Tuesday, Branch replaced the injured Valois on the left wing. Nicolas came in for Hyde in the centre of the park to give it a more defensive feel. Robinson wanted to start cautiously and get a firm grip on the game before they got more adventurous. It was an edgy first ten minutes, Rotherham just putting pressure on the Burnley back four. Then from a nothing free kick the ball found its way to Barker who fired a superb shot past Coyne to make it 1-0. Robinson should be used to it by now, he just hoped his team could respond like they did against Ipswich. He almost got his wish as Moore led the charge but the deflected shot looped into the keepers grateful arms. From the keepers kick the ball found its way to Mullin 30 yards out on the left edge of the Burnley box, his swerving shot left everybody gobsmacked as it hit the back of the net. Coyne just watch it go past him nobody expected him to shoot. Robinson couldn’t believe it, neither could the fans 2-0 down after 15 minutes. After that it was an end to end half both teams having chances to score, Burnley arguably having the best ones.

At half time Robinson decided to change things round, young loanee Aaron Lennon came on for the non existent Branch. Hyde took over from Nicolas and resumed his normal role. Hopefully this would give them more attacking impetus. The game continued to be an end to end affair with plenty of chances for both sides. In the 67th minute a Sedgwick corner made its way to Gilchrist at the edge of the area and he fired a shot through a body of players after taking a slight deflection it ended up creeping in at the far post. The Rotherham started to taunt the Burnley fans, this Sam and Mike couldn’t take and they organised a mini riot. Bottles were flying and the Burnley fans were trying to get to the Rotherham fans but the police and stewards managed to stop them. The game was still going on, again there were clear chances for Burnley to score. Blake totally unmarked received the ball from a free kick, one on one he hit it straight at the keeper. This drove everyone crazy Robinson the already agitated fans and the players.

‘It would be unfair to Burnley to say Rotherham dominated anything more than the first 15 minutes. After that it was a free flowing end to end game of football. It could have turned out much differently but the luck was with them and not us. I didn’t take notice of the trouble I was concentrating on the game. I understand there was no arrests, so lets hope it wasn’t as bad as it was made out to be.’ These were the words of John Robinson that Sam and co were listening to on the radio as they were travelling back to Burnley.

Rotherham 3 v 0 Burnley

Goals: Rotherham: Barker 11, Mullin 15, Gilchrist 67

Bookings: Rotherham: Gilchrist - Burnley: Camara, Hyde

MoM: Pollitt (Rotherham)

Att: 9,777

Ref: Paul Taylor

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Tuesday - 17/08/04, Championship game 4

The Crown – pub

Rob: It’s gonna be a hard game today, they are top of the league

Sam: Hold on, just three games in though doesn’t mean anything

Phil: It means they are a damn sight higher than us

Sam: It’s to be expected though we’re battling to stay in the league, they are battling to escape it. Don’t start with they are the top of the league stuff already

Rob: Well they are unbeaten seven scored two conceded, we are what…one win two defeats three scored six conceded.

Sam: I never said it wasn’t going to be hard but don’t write them off just yet. The game we did win was at home, against may I add promotion hopefuls.

Phil: True but after the last game its bound to have an effect. 3-0 against a team we should be beating if we want to stay in the league. That will have had an effect on the lads. Morale will be down, confidence especially.

Rob: I wouldn’t be surprised if he changes things round a bit, brings Yatesy and Grant in, a bit of experience and guile.

Mike: Well there will definitely be changes as Hyde and Sinclair are in the Jamaica squad and have flown out.

Sam: Mike where the bloody hell did you come from. What are you doing here, this aint your local?

Mike: My local got torched the other night police think Tommy the landlord did it for insurance money. Wouldn’t surprise me if he did he was an odd bloke but friendly enough. Anyway enough doom and gloom I have a feeling about today lads, we are going to be ok.

Phil: If you say so.

Burnley v Leicester

@Turf Moor

The group of fans made their way to their beloved ground in the hope their team would pull off the unexpected. Sam, Phil and Rob sat in the same end as Mike, Jim and Pete but at different sides. Unsurprisingly that end was always the loudest and most fearsome. As they took their seats the teams were being read out. There were a few changes Jensen replaced Coyne in goal, this was for morale reasons. Coyne was very disappointed with the last game and it hit him hard, Robinson needed players to be on their top form today. Roche came in for Sinclair who was on international duty. Yates did the same for Hyde, he was preferred to Nicolas both for morale and experience reasons. Valois regained his place on the left wing and Lennon got his first start. He was preferred over Branch and Cooke as he was still confident in his ability.

As the first half kicked off everybody expected an early goal from the visitors such was the confidence in the team. 30 seconds in the ball made its way to Scowcroft inside the Burnley area, fortunately his shot was well wide. You could hear the whole crowd breathe a breath of relief. The first few minutes was all Leicester, then a good move ended up with Lennon chipping a delightful ball to Blake who forced the save. McGreal headed over the resulting corner. Jensen found Valois with a precise goal kick, Valois controlled it sublimely and passed it to Blake in the centre. He played a perfectly weighted ball to the overlapping Moore who tucked it under the keeper. The crowd went wild and the noise almost took the roof off. Robinson showed no emotion but inside he was happy. After that the game became one controlled by Burnley, they didn’t dominate the game as Leicester still had shots, but tame ones. Rather it was a game where they controlled the tempo and played it their way. Burnley looked comfortable and it was if they knew they weren’t going to lose. The rest of the game carried on like this and Burnley pulled off a well deserved victory.

Burnley 1 v 0 Leicester

Goals: Burnley: Moore 10

Bookings: Leicester: Keown

MoM: Clemence (Leicester)

Att: 15,820

Ref: Nigel Miller

Mike: I told you I had a feeling

Phil: That was a fluke

Jim: We played well

Pete: And we deserved it, its just our away form that’s crap

Sam: Speaking of which Cardiff on Saturday

Rob: Should be fun

Mike: Don’t you know it

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Saturday - 21/08/04, Championship game 5

Cardiff v Burnley

@Ninian Park

Today would turn out to be a very eventful one. As usual the group travelled down by coach and found a pub where a lot of away fans would meet. They were enjoying the day out and there was a good atmosphere in the pub. However, they were all apprehensive of the game, the past away games hadn’t gone their way. They feared this one would go the same way, but it wouldn’t spoil their fun. When they emerged from the pub they slipped away from the main group and police and met up with Mike and friends. Having sunk a couple of drinks with Mike they all left and made their way to the ground. On the way they were confronted by a group of Cardiff fans eager for trouble. Sam was never one to back away from a fight and they were away from the watchful eye of the CCTV cameras. As the groups engaged one another Sam saw Pete smash a wooden board over a Cardiff fans head. He then realised there was a helicopter overhead, he grabbed Rob and Phil and a couple others and darted from the scene.

They made it into the ground just as it was kicking off, there was no sign of Mike and co. It didn’t take them long to realise Robinson had made some drastic changes for this game. He had gone for a 4-1-4-1 formation swapping Blake up front for Nicolas just in front of the back four. Other than that the team was unchanged, he obviously hoped this increased defensive outlook would earn them at least a point. The first 20 minutes were evenly contested but hugely uneventful. Mike, Pete and Jim had made it into the ground just in time to see Burnley awarded a penalty for a foul on Valois. This is just what Robinson wanted, a way to keep a defensive outlook and be able to get a lead. It was Valois who took it but it was saved, Robinson thought he must be cursed anywhere other than Turf Moor. The game carried on as it had been, even but uneventful until the 43rd minute. A Cardiff corner eluded everyone, Thorne chased the ball and crossed it back into the box for Kavanagh to head home.

At half time Robinson reverted back to his usual 4-4-2 formation putting Blake on for Nicolas. He told them to go out and press all over the park and to get forward as much as possible. They went out and did just that, however their attacking intent may have given them more chances but it did the same for Cardiff. This led to a more entertaining end to end game forcing both keepers into saves. Instead of holding back and soaking up the pressure Cardiff went forward themselves looking for a winner. Blake was playing on the shoulder of the defenders who were pushing high up the pitch. When Duff launched a 70 yard cross field ball Blake was in behind the defenders and left with a one on one situation which he came out on top of. From there they went chasing a winner themselves. This led to a tense high paced last 15 minutes, despite many chances for both teams the game ended a draw. A result Robinson and fans would be happy with.

Cardiff 1 v 1 Burnley

Goals: Cardiff: Kavanagh 43 - Burnley: Blake 75

Bookings: Cardiff: Robinson

MoM: Hyde

Att: 13,142

Ref: Alan Kaye

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wednesday – 25/08/04, League Cup Round 1

Burnley v Leeds

@Turf Moor

John was hoping for a good cup run, not only for the fact it would bring in some much needed money but also as a slight distraction from the league. However, the visit of Leeds made it seem like a league game but instead of three points at stake it’s a place in the next round. He reverted back to his preferred 4-4-2 formation and made a few changes. At the back Roche and Sanokho came in for Duff and McGreal, Branch replaced Lennon on the right wing. The dressing room had a positive atmosphere and the players were all worked up and raring to go.

The first 25 minutes was controlled by the home side. All of Burnley’s attacks were coming from the left side through Valois. However there wasn’t always someone on the end of his crosses and if there was their contribution was less than satisfactory. Leeds managed to get themselves a couple of attacks but they also came to nothing. Burnley looked much the better side and all the players were working hard for each other. Valois was clearly the danger man for Robinson's team and after a cross field ball Branch forced the Leeds keeper into a smart save.

The second half was exactly what Robinson ordered at half time, more of the same. Leeds barely got out of their own half and any flurries they did make into the Burnley box ended in the attack being snuffed out. The one man Robinson had worried about before the game was his defender Sanokho, but he had performed well. Despite Burnley’s domination it was clear that they would never score no matter how many chances they got. Unsurprisingly Leeds took the lead through a swift counter attack in which Jensen allowed a Ricketts shot through his fingers to be shot home by Johnson. The ground was stunned it was a game Burnley should have won comfortably instead they were out of the cup.

Burnley 0 v 1 Leeds

Goals: Leeds: Johnson 85

Bookings: Burnley: Roche, Hyde, Chaplow

MoM: Ricketts (Leeds)

Att: 14,444

Ref: Michael Ryan

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Saturday – 28/08/04, Championship game 6

Burnley v Wolves

@Turf Moor

This game was expected to be a spectacle with great end to end football on display. There was a huge crowd packed into Turf Moor among them Sam and co. as usual. Quite why there was such expectation eluded John, it was also something he didn’t linger on. He got on with his team talk outlining to his players what he wanted them to do. Again he went for his favoured 4-4-2 but had decided to change some of the personnel. Roche moved into the centre of defence for Sanokho as Duff came back in as right back. Lennon replaced Branch on the right wing and they all ran out to the roar of the Burnley fans. The game was a huge let down, it was one of the most boring games Sam had the misfortune to witness. Wolves dominated the possession but neither side had any real chance at goal all game. The only real chance there was Kennedy put away superbly. Miller’s attempt was blocked by Sinclair but the rebound fell to Kennedy who fired it over the stranded Jensen. A large but disappointed crowd trudged out of the stadium and a disappointed John Robinson trudged to the dressing room.

Burnley 0 v 1 Wolves

Goals: Wolves: Kennedy 8

MoM: Kennedy (Wolves)

Att: 22,583

Ref: Kevin Wright

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Tuesday - 31/08/04, Championship game 7

Leeds v Burnley

@Elland Road

John was discussing the season so far, albeit only a month in, with club captain and coach Mark Yates. Yates was currently sidelined with a torn groin muscle which he picked up in the game against Leicester. They agreed it had been dismal so far they were out of the league cup, lost their last two, hadn’t won in three, only won two so far, hadn’t scored more than one goal in a game five games. These things needed to be corrected, other than the cup of course. To help with this they brought in Adam Proudlock in on a three month loan from Sheffield Wednesday, he was a talented right winger who will hopefully provide some balance to the team. Also Simon Lynch was brought in on a three month loan from Preston, a striker who will push for a starting place. This was their second game with Leeds in a week this time it was for three points and they were away. Rather surprisingly the ref was Kevin Wright who refereed the last Burnley game.

Starting with a more defensive outlook Robinson went for a 4-1-4-1 formation with Nicolas coming in for Blake and sitting in front of the back four. Proudlock was put straight in on the right and McGreal came in for Roche at the back. Lynch and Blake were on the bench to allow a quick change to an attacking stance. Fortunately for Robinson Ricketts and Radebe were out with injuries for Leeds but it would still be a tough match. The game started out at a very high tempo and both sides had chances in the opening stages. Deane tried a cross for Leeds but it struck Duff and deflected into the net, Jensen had been fooled as he advanced to collect the cross. A terrible start for Robinson and with a defensive line up it will be tricky to get back into the game. It was a very open game and the first half was end to end both teams getting chances. Leeds getting the slightly better chances but neither side managed to convert them.

At half time Robinson changed the team round, he switched to his normal 4-4-2 formation. He swapped Blake and Lynch for Nicolas and Moore up front. Moore had spurned all his chances and wasn’t looking good. Robinson told them to go out and attack and really get at Leeds. This change paid off immediately as a nicely worked move was finished off by Blake. Leeds then started to come back into it, when a chipped ball from Deane in the box found Nunez his header floated over the stranded Jensen into the net. Jensen was to blame his positioning was appalling. Then Johnson found himself in the box his initial shot was parried by Jensen when it should have been saved, Johnson got on the rebound and slotted it into the empty net. Robinson had his head in his hands he couldn’t believe it. After some good build up a beautiful ball from Chaplow found Lynch in the box and he beat the keeper at his near post to give them a chance. Another Chaplow through ball found Blake this time, going shoulder to shoulder with the defender he got a shot off and it nestled into the back of the net. Relief washed over Robinson like a tidal wave, this game was taking it out of him. Sinclair gave away a free kick at the edge of the area, Crainey fired a beautiful shot that hit off the post and in, unstoppable. Then somehow Wright found himself one on one with Jensen, he fired it past Jensen who didn’t even try. Robinson couldn’t believe what he was seeing as entertaining as the game was to the neutral it was a disaster for Burnley.

Leeds 5 v 3 Burnley

Goals: Leeds: Deane 3, Nunez 57, Johnson 58, Crainey 87, Wright 89 - Burnley: Blake 46, 75, Lynch 66

MoM: Wright (Leeds)

Att: 22,387

Ref: Kevin Wright

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Coming away from the Leeds game John had racked up a couple of injuries left back Mo Camara had twisted his knee towards the end of the game. Valois Burnley’s best player so far this season had also picked up a knock. Fortunately they had a couple of weeks off thanks to international games being played. John had been pleased with his latest acquisitions Lynch and Proudlock, both had played well and looked promising. Shame was he only had them for three months, he wished he could have them longer but it wasn’t to be. Sam was a little depressed Burnley’s recent form was nothing to be proud of and he could see it was going to be a struggle again this season. However the main factor in his unhappiness was the fact he was out of a job, after finishing the building on the estate he had no other work at the minute. Sam liked to work he wasn’t one for sitting about doing nothing so being out of work saw him wander about aimlessly looking for something to do. England would be his focus over the next two weeks, Rob, Phil, himself and a couple of others were flying out to Austria then on to Poland to see England’s world cup qualifiers.

The England games were far from John’s mind, of course he would be watching the games. Chairman Barry Kilby, his assistant David Kevan and himself will be watching them together whilst talking about the season so far. John found himself a little worried about this. He wasn’t sure what Barry would make of the season. It was still early days but the early days turn into later ones and before you know it the end of season is upon you. Arriving at a rather posh Chinese restaurant he was guided to a private suite where Barry and David were waiting for his arrival.

Barry: Here he is, please sit John and don’t worry it’s just a little get together

John: I thought we were here to discuss the season so far?

Barry: No we are here for Chinese food and football. Sure we will talk about the club, but informally so sit down and enjoy yourself

John: Ok thanks, Dave.

Dave: John

They ordered their food and set about putting the world to rights. Amongst which was Burnley FC. There was nothing for John to worry about, he knew it was a difficult task. All he was told was that the league form was ok as long as their current losing streak was put to an end soon. They were sitting in 17th place and certainly looked capable of staying up. Surprisingly Sunderland, Wigan and Reading were all below them, something that amazed the three men. Barry like everyone at the club was disappointed with the cup exit, but that was now in the past. One good note was that the clubs finances were on the up, over the past month they had made a sizable profit. They were still in the red but if things keep going as they were they would soon be in the black. The only debt they had to pay off was a loan from Barry which would be paid off by 2006. So next season would be the season of progress, this one as he had planned would be not to go backwards.

Finishing their delicious meal they settled back and switched on the huge plasma screen. England were about to kick off against Poland after disposing of Austria 2-0, goals from Vassell and Beckham. John couldn’t help thinking about the upcoming match. It was a huge game, they were at home to local rivals Preston North End. On top of that the game was televised adding more stress that John would rather not have. He would have some personnel problems to overcome for Saturday. Camara’s knee was still sore and he was a major doubt for the game, Sinclair had picked up a knock on international duty with Jamaica. Yates was still out for at least a couple of weeks, Lynch on loan from Preston wasn’t allowed to play. Finally a keeper crisis Jensen had performed poorly in the past few games and his confidence was low for it. Coyne was still a little down but John hoped playing would sort that out and decided to go with him. Fortunately Valois had gotten over his knock, a small mercy as Valois had been a diamond in the dirt so far. But that was to come, he allowed himself to enjoy the England game, which they ended up winning 3-0, goals from Owen and Vassell.

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Saturday – 11/09/04, Championship game 8

Burnley v Preston

@Turf Moor

Sam had enjoyed his little holiday, even more so for seeing England win twice. Now he was back watching Burnley, as much as he loved his club he often found it hard work. After the recent run of results he wasn’t optimistic for the outcome of this game especially given the league position of the two clubs. Burnley were 17th and Preston were 2nd, the only saving grace was that Preston was local rivals and going by the cliché that the form book goes out the window in derby games. The TV coverage meant it was an evening kick off and a drunker crowd, which will lead to a great atmosphere if not a rowdy one. Reading the local paper this morning he noted manager John Robinson’s comment that he was looking forward to the game with their rivals. Also that McGreal had been added to the list of injuries. 19 year old Paul Scott had been called up to the first team to play as left back to cover Camara. Sam noted that despite being the home side Robinson decided on a defensive approach 4-1-4-1 system, also adding Grant to the midfield for Hyde for even more defensive abilities. That wouldn’t please the crowd who wanted a high tempo blood thirsty match.

Burnley: GK: Coyne, DR: Roche, DL: Scott, DC: Duff, DC: Sanokho: DMC: Nicolas: MR: Proudlock, ML: Valois, MC: Grant, MC: Chaplow: SC: Moore: Subs: GK: Jensen: D: McGreal: M: Hyde, M: Lennon: SC: Blake

Straight from the off Preston bombed forward and forced a corner kick out of Burnley. The first 20 minutes were dominated by Preston who got a further two corners. After they had withheld the opening stages Robinson emerged at the touchline commanding his men to get forward a bit more and not sit back as much. This saw Burnley start to dominate the game as Preston were caught out by the sudden change in attitude. They earned a couple of corners and Moore was only just stopped from scorning by a last ditch tackle. Preston found it really hard to come to terms with Burnley’s attacks and conceded three more corners. Duff almost scored from a corner, his header thundering back off the bar and cleared to safety. Eddie Lewis was sent off for a second yellow card immediately after the first. He picked up the first for a foul, then the second for dissent after disagreeing with the first. This was fortunate as he was one of their better players.

At half time Robinson went back to the 4-4-2 formation swapping Blake for Nicolas. He told them to go out and really get at 10 men Preston, force all the issues and to get stuck in. It would come as no surprise that Burnley were dominating forcing many corners from their rivals. The fact that they couldn’t find the back of the net would come as little surprise also. Preston defended resolutely and any time they did roam forward it would end abruptly. They were never completely out of it and had a chance to knick the game but the ball was cleared. Scoring never really looked on the cards for either side and for Burnley’s attacking Preston was equal in defence and so a 0-0 draw was a fair result.

Burnley 0 v 0 Preston

Bookings: Preston: Lewis (x2 – Red)

MoM: Valois

Att: 22,091

Ref: Martin Atkinson

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Saturday - 18/09/04, Championship game 9

Reading v Burnley

@The Madejski Stadium

Next up was an away game to struggling Reading. A lot of people thought Reading would be pushing for a playoff spot not languishing in a relegation place. However that was the situation and a preferable one for Robinson and Burnley. He stuck with the 4-1-4-1 formation making a couple of changes. Camara regained his spot from Scott and Lynch got the nod over Moore at the front. Robinson hoped that Lynch’s confidence would see him play a better game than Moore.

Reading kicked off the game and immediately they forced a corner from a Convey cross. It was Convey who took the corner and found an unmarked Forster who headed home. Robinson was shell shocked, totally unmarked and a free header basic schoolboy stuff and his team couldn’t do it. All it needed was a defenders presence and that would have put him off. Instead there was nobody but Reading players. Reading were rampant and Convey was on fire he produced a devastating cross for Forster to fire home for his and Readings second. The game went into a bit of a lull then Burnley started to come into it, Valois coming very close to scorning after a great move.

The half time break saw what was becoming a regular occurrence Robinson changed the formation to a 4-4-2 attacking style. Once again Nicolas made way this time for Moore, Grant also came off for Hyde. Robinson decided to throw everything at Reading and saw that he had nothing to lose. Lynch picked up a knock and had to be replaced prematurely by Blake. A Burnley throw in deep inside their own half made its way back to Coyne, his kick found Hyde. He spotted Blake’s run and found him with a perfect through ball, Blake ran to the edge of the box and crossed to an unmarked Moore to slot it home. At last they had found a way back into the match and Robinson ran to the touchline to get his team raring for an equaliser. A look of surprise and delight crept across Robinson’s face as Convey was replaced by Goater. Burnley’s attacking outlook allowed Reading to counter but Burnley’s defence got their act together and snuffed all attacks out. An equaliser looked like it would never come, in fact it looked more likely that Reading would get another. A beautiful cross field ball from Moore found Valois on the edge of the area and his cross made sure chaos ensued in the six yard box. The ball was loose and people were scrabbling for a touch. In the end it was Chaplow that got a touch and stabbed the ball home for a 90th minute equaliser.

Reading 2 v 2 Burnley

Goals: Reading: Forster 2, 6 - Burnley: Blake 61, Chaplow 91

Bookings: Reading: Quashie - Burnley: Sanokho, Nicolas

MoM: Forster (Reading)

Att: 10,976

Ref: Graham Salisbury

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Saturday - 25/09/04, Championship game 10

QPR v Burnley

@Loftus Road

Robinson stuck with the same formation for the trip to QPR. This would be a very tough game they were currently second in the division. However after the fight back against Reading the team’s morale had risen but for how long would depend on the outcome of this game. The only change was Moore coming in for the injured Lynch who would be out for three weeks. Despite Burnley’s defensive attitude they were far from non-threatening however it was the final ball that really let them down. The one thing keeping it level was the keeper Coyne. It really was an entertaining game and Burnley were doing well to keep it 0-0 at the break. This time Robinson decided to stick with the formation, for now. The second half started how the first ended until an unexpected shot from Gallen from 35 yards out caught everyone out as it sailed into the net. It wasn’t long after that changes were made by Robinson, Nicolas and Grant making way for Blake and Hyde. Robinson changed them to the 4-4-2 formation and told them to get at QPR and back into the game. Cooke came on for Valois who had picked up a knock. Burnley tried valiantly to get back in the game but came up short.

QPR 1 v 0 Burnley

Goals: QPR: Gallen 64

Bookings: Burnley: Sanokho, Moore

MoM: Coyne

Att: 17,057

Ref: Alan Kaye

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Saturday – 02/10/04, Championship game 11

Burnley v Watford

@Turf Moor

The visit of Watford to Turf Moor was the perfect opportunity to get a win, something Burnley hadn’t had in a while. They were currently 22nd in the league, three places behind Burnley. Robinson fired his men up and sent them onto the field with victory in their mind. He went with an attacking 4-4-2 formation with Moore and Blake up front. McGreal and Hyde came in for Sanokho and Grant respectively. Robinson wanted and needed a victory desperately as Burnley were slipping in the wrong direction.

They couldn’t have asked for a better start as straight from the kick off they put together a lovely move. From the edge of the area Moore let go an outstanding shot which left everyone standing like statues. It made a change Burnley getting into an early lead. The game was being played at a very high tempo Watford certainly weren’t holding back. Now they were a goal behind Watford needed to get back into the game. Hyde won the ball from a Watford goal kick, his one two with Valois created a gap to slip the ball to Moore. His shot snuck under the diving keeper to extend Burnley’s lead. Just before half time Moore had a chance for a hat trick as he won a one on one with the keeper but a defender got back to clear the ball off the line.

After the half time team talks were said and done Burnley had the best chance yet to put the game to bed. Moore was pulled down in the area and the ref awarded Burnley a penalty. Valois stepped up to give Burnley a three goal lead, but the penalty was saved. Groans went round Turf Moor, Robinson wondered how crucial that miss would be. Watford took heart from this and countered a Burnley attack, Helguson crossing the ball into the box and Mahon firing a shot against the bar. Unfortunately for Robinson and his men Mahon followed up his shot and headed home the rebound. Burnley were rocked by this and Watford took advantage by piling on the pressure. Burnley withheld the pressure and tried to gain back a two goal advantage. Both sides were attacking and countering, stretching each others defences. Mahon slipped a ball through a wide open Burnley defence for Helguson to go clear. He went one on one with the keeper, then played a slide rule pass to an unmarked Dyer who had an easy finish. Robinson had a feeling he would regret the penalty miss and now Watford were on level terms he knew he would. Burnley were now attacking from a winner, they didn’t want to sit back and defend for a point when they could have three. Once again Watford took advantage of the wide open Burnley defence. Helguson putting Dyer through but his shot was saved by Coyne, the rebound fell to Helguson who hit the back of the empty net. Turf Moor went silent and the crowd started to leave, Robinson went mad on the touchline as Burnley from 2-0 up ended 2-3.

Burnley 2 v 3 Watford

Goals: Burnley: Moore 1, 35 - Watford: Mahon 58, Dyer 76, Helguson 89

Bookings: Burnley: Camara, Valois, Chaplow - Watford: Gayle, Webber, Ferrell

MoM: Moore

Att: 17,262

Ref: Steve Castle

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Now the Watford game had passed they had a two week break because of internationals. This would give Burnley time to regroup and get over injuries. Last time internationals had come about Sam was depressed, mainly because of Burnley’s form also because he wasn’t working. Neither of which had resolved itself yet, Burnley hadn’t won in 10 games and he still wasn’t working. Burnley had come close on a couple of occasions to notch a win but had thrown the opportunities away. Their next game was against Stoke who were 10th, Sam didn’t hold out much hope for a win there.

Since the Cardiff incident Sam had little to do with Mike and his friends. Having a punch up was one thing but smashing a guy over the head with a plank of wood was another. Sam didn’t agree with that and he made sure Mike knew that. As far as Mike was concerned Sam was just being soft and unwilling to do what is necessary. Sam just thought of Mike as a hooligan pure and simple, in it for the violence not for the love of the club. They just kept away from each other but it wasn’t all that easy at times, sometimes when he saw Mike he would just smirk at him and that wound Sam up.

Once again John was invited to a Chinese meal with Barry, well not invited so much as must attend. As much as he loved Chinese food and watching the England games he was reluctant to spend much time with his boss. The form wasn’t good and he didn’t want to be lectured. However he wasn’t in fact very little was said about Burnley and he started to relax. That was when Barry asked about what John thought the problem was. John didn’t know what to say other than the players weren’t really good enough. In the end he blurted out confidence, all they needed was a good game or a bit of luck to get them going in the right direction. That satisfied his chairman then he changed the topic to the reserves and the youth teams who had been doing amazingly well. After a long discussion they sat back and watched the second of England’s games in this break. The first game they beat Wales at Villa Park, an Emile Heskey 90th minute winner sealed it after Bellamy equalised an Owen goal. In this game they ran out victors over Azerbaijan, goals from Campbell, Gerrard and Butt sealed the win.

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Saturday – 16/10/04, Championship game 12

Burnley v Stoke

@Turf Moor

Burnley had gone 10 games without a win, they needed one if they wished to stay out of the relegation spots. However the visit of 10th place Stoke wasn’t to be an easy task. Robinson and the team had been buoyed by the return of Sinclair, Yates and Lynch. Sticking with the same formation he used against Watford Sinclair came straight into the squad for McGreal. Lynch and Yates started the game on the bench. Robinson knew sitting back wouldn’t get the job done so he told his men to attack with all they had.

As the players took to the pitch on a wet and breezy chilly October afternoon it was Burnley who were fastest out of the blocks. They worked the ball well and had a couple of early chances. A long clearance from a Stoke defender found Akinbiyi and he muscled his way through the Burnley defence to unleash a vicious shot that rattled the cross bar. Rob Hulse was stretchered off after 10 minutes after a collision with Duff. It was Stoke who took the upper hand and started to pile the pressure on Coyne’s goal. On 20 minutes Valois let rip a crashing free kick from 30 yards out which hit the angle of post and bar before it was cleared to safety. The ball was returned to Valois on the left wing and he slipped a ball into the middle for Grant to get on the end of and give Burnley the lead. It was an open end to end game which certainly for the Burnley fans at this point was entertaining. They were again given a free kick 30 yards out, this time Blake struck it with his right foot. The ball curled into the top corner leaving the keeper stranded. As Turf Moore erupted with elation Robinson showed no emotion, all he could think of was the last time they were two up, against Watford. The first half ended as it had been all game fairly even chance wise, the only difference being Burnley took advantage of theirs.

In the second half Robinson kept with the formation and players but wanted them to be more cautious going forward, don’t expose themselves at the back. Stoke were rampant in the first 10 minutes of the second half, keeping Burnley firmly on the back foot. However Burnley did get down the other end and the lightest of de Goey’s fingertips stopped a Blake shot from going in. Although it was all Stoke Burnley’s defence were able to cope, those they didn’t clear into touch or for a corner they made sure were struck from outside the area. It was obvious to the fans they were looking to counter as a quick move down the right and a superb pinpoint ball from Proudlock saw Blake go one on one, his shot hammering back off the bar and cleared for a corner. Robinson brought on Yates and Lynch for Hyde and Moore respectively, Yates gave that extra sturdiness in midfield and the game went into a lull for 15 minutes. Lennon was brought on for Proudlock who had picked up a knock. The whole of the second half was a case of all Stoke with Burnley counter attacks. It was Burnley though who cam closest to scoring again. In the end they managed to notch up that elusive victory, the relief around the ground was audible. Although he didn’t show it Robinson was the most relieved person in the ground.

Burnley 2 v 0 Stoke

Goals: Burnley: Grant 21, Blake 33

Bookings: Burnley: Duff, Grant, Lennon - Stoke: Neal, Pavlin

MoM: Valois

Att: 13,889

Ref: Keith Hill

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At Gawthorpe Hall the atmosphere was a lot different to what it had been for a long time. It was clear to see a massive weight had been lifted off the shoulders of the players. They were smiling and messing around, finally having a good time. Not only was it a victory it was a hard fought and deserved victory. The usual crowd were at the training ground watching their beloved team train. Relief was etched across their faces, confidence was restored at Burnley. There were some players that weren’t totally happy, these were the players that hadn’t been given much chance to play. John took them into his office one by one and sorted the problems out. He didn’t want unhappy people spoiling the mood at the club, so Cooke and Nicolas’ loans were terminated. He hadn’t really played the pair and it wasn’t fair on them so they left the training ground and wouldn’t be seen at the club again. Also Graham Branch was brought into Robinson’s office, the games he had played in he was terrible. Robinson had already phoned around enquiring if anybody wanted to take Branch off their hands. In the end Rotherham offered £2k for the player, Branch left for Millmoor where he agreed a contract. That was money in the bank for the club and money off the wage bill.

Young Richard Chaplow was in action for England under 19s. He played outstandingly well and was a very promising player for the future. With the little bit of housekeeping out of the way Robinson sent his scouts out looking for some free talent. He wanted to get some young faces in to nurture for the future of Burnley football club. With all the business sorted he got down to planning for the visit of Millwall on Sunday. The London club had been faltering in the league and were lingering below Burnley. It was their exploits in Europe that meant the game was scheduled for Sunday.

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Sunday – 24/10/04, Championship game 13

Burnley v Millwall

@Turf Moor

Why change a wining formula was what Robinson thought to himself when he chose his team and tactics for the visit of Millwall. He stuck with the same formation and the only change in personnel was Yates starting, in for Grant. Even the weather was good enough to stay the same, so who knows perhaps they could win two on the trot. He sent them out full of gusto and followed them out actually enjoying this part for once. The opening exchanges of the game were all won by Burnley and all the chances fell their way. Valois floated in a perfect ball for Moore on the edge of the area. His shot was blocked by the keeper but the rebound fell to the feet of Blake who had a simple tap in. The first half carried on with Burnley dominating.

Robbie Blake was substituted for Lynch at half time after he picked up an injury just before the half time whistle. The second half was exactly the same as the first, dominated by Burnley. Somehow they conceded a goal in the most bizarre fashion. Sinclair decided to pass the ball back to Coyne despite there being no Millwall player near him. Coyne decided to stay on his line to stop it, but in Enckleman style he allowed the ball to run under his boot and into the net. Robinson couldn’t believe what he was seeing they needed to worry about the opponents not themselves. The game carried on as it had been but Millwall started to play a dangerous game of pushing high up the pitch and playing the offside trap. This was beautifully broken as Proudlock spotted a perfectly timed run by Chaplow. Proudlock passed him the ball and he rounded the keeper and restored Burnley’s lead. The relief on Sinclair’s and Coyne’s faces was clear to see. When the final whistle was blown Robinson was very happy.

Burnley 2 v 1 Millwall

Goals: Burnley: Blake 13, Chaplow 87 - Millwall: Sinclair og 62

Bookings: Burnley: Roche, Proudlock - Millwall: Ward

MoM: Valois

Att: 14,254

Ref: Gavin Hall

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Saturday - 30/10/04, Championship game 14

Gillingham v Burnley


After the very close won game over Millwall everyone was very upbeat. Barry had sent John a message saying well done. It was clear that confidence was a major factor in wining this game. Robinson had brought in a few trialists to have a look over in the next week or so. The game against Gillingham was their first away game in a month and Robinson was interested to see if they could keep up the good run away from home. He stuck with the 4-4-2 formation but gave it a more defensive look. Grant came in for Hyde to partner Yates giving them a very solid midfield. McGreal came in for Roche who picked up an injury in training.

The game got off to a flying start and from the off Burnley surged forward. They were probing for a gap in the Gillingham defence but couldn’t find one. Gillingham won the ball back and countered down their right wing. A lovely one two with Pouton and Agyemang ended up with a lovely finish from Pouton. Sam in the stands couldn’t believe it, he thought they had slipped back to how they used to be giving away early goals. This would be a real test of their confidence, if they could turn this around then they were definitely heading in the right direction. When a ball from Proudlock was cleared as far as him again he teed up Yates to unleash a thunderous shot. The ball smashed off the post and settled at the feet of Blake who fired it past the keeper to pull Burnley level. The first half was controlled by the Gills but Burnley weren’t completely out of it.

After the half time team talk the second half carried on in much the same vain. The fact Burnley were still level was down to some unbelievable goalkeeping by Coyne. Robinson swapped Yates, Grant and Moore for Hyde, Chaplow and Lynch respectively. Giving them a more attacking outlook it created more chances which they just spurned. Fans started to pile out of Priestfield towards the dying minutes believing the game to be a stonewall draw. Some stopped in their tracks as Burnley surged forward one last time. Proudlock down the right gave it to Chaplow just inside him. He spotted the run of Lynch behind the defence and found him with a brilliant ball. Lynch had the opportunity to square it for a free Blake but decided to shoot. Groans were let out by the Burnley fans as the keeper got a hand to it, but the ball somehow slipped through and Blake pounced on it for the winner and they went mad. So did the bench this was a great result.

Gillingham 1 v 2 Burnley

Goals: Gillingham: Pouton 1 - Burnley: Blake 27, 91

MoM: Coyne

Att: 10,529

Ref: Clive Penton

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Tuesday – 02/11/04, Championship game 15

Burnley v Brighton

@Turf Moor

Burnley were on a roll, a good roll this time. They had won the last three after going 10 without a win. Confidence was high the players believed in themselves and the visit of Brighton was at the best possible time. Brighton were rock bottom of the league and the way Burnley were playing it was a sure three points, hopefully. Very little was changed for this game same formation and same tactics. Lennon had replace Valois who picked up an injury in training. Chaplow and Hyde came in for Yates and Grant to give Burnley an attacking feel.

Burnley ripped into Brighton from the off and had them on the back foot immediately. Brighton could only hold out for 18 minutes before the conceded. After a Burnley corner everyone stayed in the box as Lennon swung it into the area again. Moore was waiting at the back post and headed the ball across the face of goal and into the net. Five minutes later Proudlock doubled their lead after being put through by Hyde. Moore surely wrapped up the game as he made it three two minutes later. Just before the stroke of half time the game was won. Proudlock crossing the ball to the edge of the area, Lennon chipped the ball towards the far post and Chaplow stole in and headed home.

The second half could never live up to the first, all Robinson could do at half time was say same again. Burnley produced the same pressure and dominance but they couldn’t live up to the 4-0 mauling of the first half. It took only five minutes before the celebrating began again, Blake scoring after taking on the defenders. Moore sealed his hatrick after slotting the ball into the empty net from a parried Blake shot. Burnley embarrassed Brighton and delighted their crowd a month ago a scoreline like this would be nonsense talk. Today it was a reality and long may it continue.

Burnley 6 v 0 Brighton

Goals: Burnley: Moore 19, 27, 73, Proudlock 24, Blake 50, Chaplow 45

Bookings: Burnley: Chaplow - Brighton: Cullip

MoM: Moore

Att: 18,209

Ref: Mike Thorpe

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Brian of Nazareth:

nice win and welcome run of form there Tyrone icon14.gif good stuff icon_smile.gif Hope the strikers maintain their form. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks I'm surprised how easily the team has gone from the truely terrible to sublime. No doubt a run of defeats will soon come along.

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Saturday - 06/11/04, Championship game 16

West Ham v Burnley

@Upton Park

It was a clash of the clarets day, Burnley had changed into their away strip and headed out onto the field. Seeing as they were in such good form Robinson changed nothing about the team or tactics. They were next to each other in the league Burnley now 14th thanks to their recent form. West Ham were behind them in 15th, Burnley had the better form going into the game. It was an even to and fro start to the game both sides having chances. With 20 minutes gone Robbie Blake finished off a wonderful move to put Burnley in the lead. However the lead didn’t last long it took just eight minutes and a fine strike by Hutchinson from the edge of the area to level things up. Burnley started to turn the screw and hammer down on the Hammers’ goal looking to regain the lead. They managed to take the lead a second time just before half time Moore heading home a corner. The second half was evenly contested without much happening. West Ham attacked looking for an equaliser and Burnley countered looking for a match winner. In the end, literally, West Ham got a late equaliser Zamora firing home a rebound from a free kick. As if that wasn’t enough to frustrate Robinson, Zamora scored an even later winner after a mazy run.

West Ham 3 v 2 Burnley

Goals: West Ham: Hutchinson 29, Zamora 88, 90 - Burnley: Blake 21, Moore 45

Bookings: West Ham: Hutchinson - Burnley: Sinclair

MoM: Bywater (West Ham)

Att: 24,945

Ref: Martin Atkinson

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Saturday – 20/11/04, Championship game 17

Burnley v Sunderland

@Turf Moor

Sunderland were the next visitors to Turf Moor and after the defeat to West Ham Robinson hoped his team could bounce back. It was going to be a thankless task up against promotion favourites. Saying that Sunderland themselves have struggled this season and aren’t living up to expectations. Still it would prove to be a difficult game, Robinson changed nothing though hoping consistency would be the key. Valois had shaken off an injury enough to get on the bench other than that it was the team that lost to West Ham.

There was a very slow start to the game the first bit of action of note was a foul by Noel Hunt a Sunderland striker. Hunt heading against the bar but fouling his marker in the process. Then it was Burnley’s chance to score as Blake engineered a chance for Moore, but the under pressure striker’s shot was miraculously tipped round the post. From the resulting corner Richard Chaplow lost his marker and powerfully headed home giving Burnley the lead. Burnley then pilled on the pressure the front pair of Blake and Moore linking up well together. The game then opened up into a more even affair, Sunderland denied an equaliser on 40 minutes. Marcus Stewart was adjudged to be offside when he headed home a cross.

The visitors spurned a couple of chances early in the second half. Burnley then managed to got a foothold on the game and get themselves back attacking. Stewart timed his run to perfection this time as he got on the end of a Wright cross to level things up 10 minutes into the second half. The game went lifeless after the goal, neither side willing to commit to try and get a winner. In the end Robinson settled for a draw.

Burnley 1 v 1 Sunderland

Goals: Burnley: Chaplow 19 - Sunderland: Stewart 55

MoM: Moore

Att: 21,883

Ref: Steve Tomlin

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reading about Blake and Chaplow makes me sad thinking of the good ol' days icon_frown.gif

nice to see a few wins returning! i had to re-read the moore hat-trick a few times in disbelief. icon14.gif


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Chaplow is great in the game, however Valois is by far the best player in the team (in my game at least)

Tuesday - 23/11/04, Championship game 18

Sheff Utd v Burnley

@Bramall Lane

The steel city club were currently occupying the last playoff spot and were on a good run of form. Burnley’s draw against Sunderland steadied the nerves after the defeat to West Ham. Robinson knew it was going to be one hell of a hard game. He prepared a very defensive outlook with the 4-1-4-1 system being deployed. Yates sat just in front of the back four with Grant and Chaplow in the centre of midfield. Blake was the loan striker having to make his own chances as they came to him. The game went as everyone expected, Sheff Utd pilling on the pressure and dominating the game. Despite all their shots none of them really troubled the Burnley goal. Seldom chances fell Burnley’s way and those that did yielded nothing. As the game progressed it became obvious that it was going to be a goalless game. Everyone thought it would be a good result for Burnley. Robinson had other ideas, with 10 minutes of the game left he changed things around. He threw on Lynch, Hyde and Moore for Yates, Grant and Blake respectively. Now with an attacking 4-4-2 line up he hoped the sudden change would throw Sheff Utd and give them a chance to get a surprise winner. It was a gamble which would see them either win or lose. Fortunately it paid off as Lynch finished off a one on one chance to get Burnley a winner.

Sheff Utd 0 v 1 Burnley

Goals: Burnley: Lynch 86

Bookings: Sheff Utd: Francis, Morgan, Tonge, Cadamateri - Burnley: Chaplow, Yates

MoM: Valois

Att: 19,452

Ref: Clive Penton

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Saturday – 27/11/04, Championship game 19

Burnley v Wigan

@Turf Moor

Another team failing expectations was Burnley’s next opponents Wigan. They were sitting in the relegation spots, they should be pushing for a playoff spot. They hadn’t won in seven games and their confidence was low. Robinson knew what they were going through but sympathy had no place in his mind. His team was going to attack and harass Wigan and take three more points from them, now his team were playing well perhaps they could sneak a playoff place.

It came as no surprise to everyone that Burnley took the game by the throat right from the off. Wigan’s resistance lasted no longer than six minutes as Sinclair headed home a corner. Sam watching from the stands expected a romp from his side, but instead of turning the screw they allowed Wigan into the game. They started to string together passes and create a few chances. Then from a nothing free kick Bullard picked up the ball in the penalty area and fired through a crowd of players into the back of the net. The second half was just frustrating, Burnley performed as they should have done for the whole of the first half. Wigan were permanently on the back foot and chance after chance came the home sides way. None of them were put away as they should have and the game ended in a draw.

Burnley 1 v 1 Wigan

Goals: Burnley: Sinclair 6 - Wigan: Bullard 34

Bookings: Burnley: Camara, Valois - Wigan: Thome

MoM: Filan (Wigan)

Att: 22,599

Ref: Amy Rayner

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Saturday - 04/12/04, Championship game 20

Derby v Burnley

@Pride Park

This game like the Sheff Utd game would be a tough challenge for Burnley. Derby were currently 4th in the league as well as being the home side. Robinson approached this game as he did the Sheffield game, very defensively. Yates sitting in front of the defence came in for Moore and Grant came in for Hyde. Unfortunately Proudlock and Lynch’s loan deals had ended and their parent clubs refused to extend the loans. Robinson was disappointed to see them leave, especially Proudlock who had impressed.

There was a surprised start to the game, Burnley were controlling the early stages. After receiving a pass from Blake, Valois embarked on a mazy run through the Derby team. From the halfway line he ended up with a one on one situation that he came out on top of. Burnley had a surprised lead but a goal well worth of the effort of Valois. Robinson was ecstatic and hoped his team could hold out for the remaining 85 minutes. Despite Burnley’s defensive tactics they were equal to Derby and created many chances.

The second half started as the game should have, Derby dominated the opening encounters probing for an equaliser. Again a Burnley attack opened up the Derby defence this time Lennon and Blake liking up. Blake then unleashed a 25 yard screamer into the top corner. Things were going their way this game and it seemed they would come out on top. Derby just couldn’t find a way through a stubborn Burnley defence. As the final whistle went the fans in the away end were ecstatic, this was a fantastic result.

Derby 0 v 2 Burnley

Goals: Burnley: Valois 6, Blake 70

Bookings: Derby: Konjic - Burnley: Lennon, Chaplow

MoM: Camara

Att: 22,928

Ref: Clive Penton

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Saturday – 11/12/04, Championship game 21

Burnley v Nottm Forest

@Turf Moor

The TV cameras were at Turf Moor for the game against Forest. Last time they were on TV was a 0-0 against Preston. So whether their presence here today is a promising sign or not Robinson would find out. John decided to go with the 4-4-2 formation with Yates and Grant in midfield to give it a solid feel. Roche had picked up a knock in the victory over Derby and was out for two weeks. Chaplow had picked up his fifth yellow card and was suspended for this game. John McGreal who had been suffering from a loss of confidence and form was handed a start and new loan signing Benjamin Collett from Man U was on the bench. Collett was brought in to provide cover for the right wing as Lennon would now start there. Also on the bench was young starlet Cayne Hanley, the 16 year old had performed magnificently for the reserves and under 18s earning him a first team call up. The game itself was highly disappointing and not a good advert for the league. Robinson had no doubt Sky had regretted the decision to choose this fixture. Burnley sank to a single goal scored by David Johnson.

Burnley 0 v 1 Nottm Forest

Goals: Nottm Forest: Johnson 11

Bookings: Burnley: Camara, McGreal, Yates - Nottm Forest: Louis-Jean, Emara, Hjelde, Chipo

MoM: Johnson (Forest)

Att: 20,056

Ref: Paul Robinson

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Tuesday - 14/12/04, Championship game 22

Plymouth v Burnley

@Home Park

Robinson’s optimism of sneaking a playoff spot was all but gone after the defeat to Forest. Had they won that game then perhaps it could have become a reality. Today it was a tough away game to a mid table Plymouth. Peter Bardsley had been drafted in on loan from Man U to give extra options at the back. With Roche out he would swap with McGreal for an immediate start. Other than that it was the same team and tactics that went out on the field against Nottingham Forest.

Plymouth got off to a flyer as a Marino Keith cross was parried away by Coyne the ball fell to Norris who put it in the net. It was all Plymouth, Burnley barely got out of their half. Burnley did manage to earn themselves a free kick near the edge of the box but that was cleared easily. The way things were going it wasn’t going to be long before Plymouth went two ahead. Marino Keith obliged with a stunning shot from 20 yards out which somehow sailed over Coyne who was on the edge of his six yard box then under the bar.

The second half saw Hyde and Chaplow on for Grant and Yates. Going for broke Robinson told his charges to go and attack and try and get something from the game. The second half started how the first ended with Plymouth piling forward looking for a third. Burnley did start to come into it and put the home side on the back foot. One of their attacks led to a scramble in the box, the ball screwed out wide to Valois who chipped it back in where Blake nodded it past the keeper at the near post. Ten minutes later Plymouth put a good move together and Lowndes fired them 3-1 ahead. At that point Robinson thought it was all over. Plymouth kept the pressure on but a quick counter attack saw Valois pull the ball back to Hyde who let loose a superb shot to give Burnley a chance. When 90 minutes ticked round Robinson thought they were very unlucky. However, just before the final whistle with the final attack of the game Lennon passed the ball under the keeper to Moore who got to the ball just before his marker and toe ended the ball into the net.

Plymouth 3 v 3 Burnley

Goals: Plymouth: Norris 2, Keith 27, Lowndes 67 - Burnley: Blake 57, Hyde 76, Moore 91

Bookings: Plymouth: Friio - Burnley: Sinclair

MoM: Valois

Att: 19,078

Ref: Graham Sailsbury

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