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Nothern Ireland Tactics Help

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Started a new demo game with Northern Ireland, but having problems with actually understanding what is the best way in which making the tactics work with them. I've made a couple of tactics with other teams and some work with other teams. I want to have balanced and controlling 4-5-1 tactic, but don't exactly know how to make it work with Northern Ireland in order to qualify. I'm having problems with what playing style would work ex. should passing be short or takling aggressive?, player roles for each players and player duties. I know that some of these should have been decided by me in order to fit my style of football, but I'd like to know which would fit to help me along.

My Northern Ireland team are talented but feel that they're not talented enough to qualify without a good set of tactics. My defender are my strongest players and consist of solid and talented players like Jonny Evans and Aaron Hughes. My starting midfielders are also strong but my subsitutes are poor. Players like Chris Brunt and Steven Davis can changes games with their passing and vision. My weakness are my forwards, Healy isn't good enough anymore and he is my only real goalscorer and starter for the forwards.

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Really really appriciate help! I played Poland away and lost 4-1! I had lots of possesion but my tackling was bad. My players are also not taking their chances. My passing was good with the exception of some players and am being told to push more players forward.

I play a 5-4-1 balanced tactic. I play short passing but will probably switch to direct, I don't let my players be creative and usually press the opposition, although I feel my tackling is too poor and might change it. My crossing is fine, drilling them to Healy creates lots of chances and corners. Finally, I don't let my players roam.

My team is fairly default although I have Evans covering and Hughes as a ball playing defender that duty is to be a stopper. Brunt plays as a supporting winger, Davis plays as advanced playmaker on attack and Corry Evans plays as a ball winning midfielder on defend. Healy plays as a poacher.

Is there anything that jumps out as being a bad combination or anything?

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