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Individual instructions assigned by tactics creator ?!

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Hey I started a game with Spurs and I noticed that the tactics creator assigned different instructions to my wingers. I have Modric as AML and Lennon as AMR

They both have same role/duties: Winger, Support

Then I had a look at the "advanced" instructions. Modric had YES in roaming from position while Lennon had NO. Both instructions where grey, meaning no tick in box.

Any ideas?

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On the initial screen what did you select for roam from position. I suspect the tactics creator allows players to roam/not roam depending on their ability/attributes. From the above this would seem right, Lennon is a pure winger and should stay there. Modric is much more effective when coming in from the left and roaming.

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You are right about the difference in ability. Lennon has a 16 off the ball while Modric 17. Also Lennon is a pure AMR, while Modric is a AMLC. However, this made me worry that I will have to check with the sliders again, instead of making me forget about them...

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It'll probably depend on the tactic you set-up, ie. defending, balanced, etc.

TT & F advocates a different total of free roles (that's all roaming is) to each of these set-ups. You may find the DMC is always one; then if you have a tactic that says 2 free roles it'll be the DMC and another which could be a winger so it has to choose which one.

I'm sure that is the reason. Hope I've explained that well enough :o

EDIT: I doubt whether it'll evaluate each ones attributes, it'll just be fixed in the hard wiring of the wizard.

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