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A little request to skinners.... large fonts


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I'm just putting this out there, please make fonts larger than the default ones, or give the option.

I'm sure I'm not the only one to use a large widescreen monitor and the eyestrain just kills at default resolutions (1680*1050) cos the fonts are so small.

Of course, a workaround is lower the resolution, but then that isn't ideal and removes the option of playing in windowed mode. So would be grateful if skins have a "large fonts" option, even just for the default skins...


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Ditto. I don't have any problems running a 1024x768 window @ 1920x1080 on my 24" monitor. Unless you're sitting miles away there really shouldn't be an issue. Not trying to be flippant or jokey when I say this but with normal eyesight there is no way you should be straining to see text.

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well good for you two, but its for those of us who dont like sitting too close to a large monitor. just the same as a TV for example. if you have a 32 inch tv, would sitting 3 feet away from it to watch a film be comfortable? its not that i can't read it, its just uncomfortable.

i'm not demanding it be done, its just a polite request for skinners who know how to do it, perhaps just an alternate version of their skins with larger text and fonts.

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I use a 1920x1200 monitor, and don't have any problems reading stuff at the normal font size.

I use a 1920x1200 monitor and whilst i don't have any 'problems' reading the text is does need to be bigger. Widescreen users seem to have been neglected as whilst high resolutions are supported they are not implemented properly as the on screen infomation is just simply stretched. Far too much empty space, especially on the squad screen, and it looks a bit silly in my opinion.

Look at the screenshot below, you can't deny that the text/fonts are just too small. Half the screen is empty!

72887145.png w1152.png

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well good for you two, but its for those of us who dont like sitting too close to a large monitor. just the same as a TV for example. if you have a 32 inch tv, would sitting 3 feet away from it to watch a film be comfortable? its not that i can't read it, its just uncomfortable.

i'm not demanding it be done, its just a polite request for skinners who know how to do it, perhaps just an alternate version of their skins with larger text and fonts.

Whilst I know what you're saying and I'm not trying to dismiss your views, it's not really the same thing. The difference between a 32" TV and a 19" TV is that the physical image gets bigger so of course you'd feel uncomfortable that close up. A monitor is different. As you go up in size the resolution also increases therefore you don't get a bigger image, you get more desktop space. Things still use the same number of pixels to display. Monitors are designed to be used at roughly arms length, regardless of size.

Imagine you're writing something on A4 paper and your letters were 1x1cm in size. You'd sit a comfortable distance compared to the size of your writing. If you were then given a piece of A2 paper which is 4 times as big you wouldn't suddenly sit further back, you'd stay the same distance away because your writing is still 1x1cm. Bigger paper means more space to write on rather than move further back and write in bigger letters.

dave - this year widescreen monitors are brilliantly catered for in that you can customise screens like the squad screen and embrace the extra space by adding lots more columns of information.

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fair enough. but i have to disagree a bit with your there. part of not having the monitor too close is about the screen filling a large part of your visual range (especially widescreen as opposed to 4:3) for long periods of time being uncomfortable. After all, it works by emitting light at your eyeballs. And you know theres no such thing as a short FM session.

for me personally, ideally text size needs to be relative to the size of the screen. for example reading a long essay that fills a hi res screen in 12 point font which might not be as good for reading as opposed to a larger one. Too much information on a screen just clutters it and makes it uncomfortable to read. I do appreciate you might have differing preferences though. Just hope some skinners take the time out to make large text versions of their skins.

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The main reason why skinners don't release large font skins is because not all the graphics scale with the font size - vertical height of the buttons and tabs for example are fixed, so if the fonts don't fit the graphics need to be remade.

So it's not just a case of changing the font size in the settings file, but can involve a fair bit of work for something most people don't want.

You also have the same problem as people wanting widescreen skins - different sizes/settings work better at different resolutions and for different people (they also just don't work at 1024x768 which is still the commonly used resolution for FM).

Unfortantley the quickest way for you to get a larger font skin would be to modify one yourself unless you found a skinner who likes the fonts at the same size as you.

An alternative workaround depending on your monitor and graphics card is to set the game into a lower resolution, but have your monitor expand the image so it fills the screen - this will cause the pixels to be bigger, but depending on your resolution they may go blurry, you'd have to experiment until you got something you were happy with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm having to play the game on my laptop while i wait for parts for my pc, with a 1900x1200 17" screen the text size is far to small to play in a window, so i end up having to play at low res just so i'm not straining my eyes. if anybody can make a skin with bigger fonts would be great

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I use a 1920x1200 monitor and whilst i don't have any 'problems' reading the text is does need to be bigger. Widescreen users seem to have been neglected as whilst high resolutions are supported they are not implemented properly as the on screen infomation is just simply stretched. Far too much empty space, especially on the squad screen, and it looks a bit silly in my opinion.

Look at the screenshot below, you can't deny that the text/fonts are just too small. Half the screen is empty!

I just fill up the gaps with extra information using the custom views.

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