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Trying to understand this new tactic thing :(

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Ok, so I'm Arsenal and signed a couple of players in areas I felt were weak including a couple of defensive midfielders in Veloso and Palombo and a big strong forward like Zigic (Chelsea stole Iaquinta:<). I want to play wide with Van Persie and Arshavin/Walcott supplying to Zigic's head.

Here's my team:


I wanna know what's the best role for Zigic and WHY? I got Van Persie and Arshavin as Wide Wingers who cross alot and Fabregas and Veloso as Advanced Playmakers (feel I can do that since Palombo is my Anchor man and takes care of things defensively).

Any other suggestions on some tactics would be appreciated also. Cheers <3

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I think if you have a forward who is about 12ft and has 18/20 for heading and jumping, is not fast, and you have 2 wingers who cross a lot...........perhaps a target man role?

As for the WHY, well uh, he is big and good in the area and you want him to win headers?

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What about a deep lying forward who brings people into play using his strength???

haha, if you do that then you will have no one in a forward postion in your team:p

The new wizard is easy to perfect, you must try and keep things as easy as possible, my brother has a game with Cardiff, he doesn't even alter any of the settings, every thing is set to default and he hasn't touched the wizard, and his Cardiff team is lying in 6th plave in the Championship :thup:

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If you click on a player, his role, duty and attributes will be on the page. The important attributes to his selected role and duty will be highlighted on the attributes. This is a good guide to decide what a player should be as you can compare his attributes to that which each role/duty needs.

Also reading the descriptions of each role/duty is important to understanding why a player should be selected on a certain role/duty.

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Nothing to do with your question but worth noting

- you're Arsenal

- alot of teams in EPL will set up defensively

- your two MCs set to Advanced Playmaker > Support which means both have Run from deep = rarely (based on the white box thingy on the formation screen)

- so when winger gets into crossing position he has the other winger and Zigic to aim at

- other teams playing defensively means 4 defenders as standard and maybe 2 midfielders in the box defending the cross

This is pure conjecture on my part so feel free to call bs, but if I were coding a simulation of football the pressure an attacker was under when going for a header would play some role in the probability of success. Because you aren't occupying other defenders Zigic may well be finding himself competing against multiple defenders going for a cross (again pure hypothesis).

Another point is setting Target Man Supply to head affects delivery towards him but not crosses which are affected by Cross Aim which can be set to Target Man. So you can set up a target man to receive to feet and have crosses aimed for him.

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So do you not think I should have 2 advanced playmakers then? I was going for the Iniesta Xavi kind of thing..

Atm I'm not scoring alot of goals, Van persie is the only one scoring, Zigic is doing rubbish with him as the target man, tried head and mixed supply .. nothing

You do bring up a point in my interests cos it is the 4-4-2 teams I struggle vs most..

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