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Bkgd Picture causes Staff Picture Conundrum

purple haze 18

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Okay, I created my own skin for FM09 and so have some limited knowledge about what I am doing.

I have downloaded the base default skins from the sticky as my starting point.

I have all my graphics in the right places. I can see them using the default skin. I can see them using my new renamed skin.

(I have also used the editor to add some some staff. Just a thing I do, I add some known personalities who support my team as scouts.

I see their pictures using the default skin and my renamed new skin.)

Right, here's the problem I can't get past at the moment.


I want a background picture.

I have extracted the global panels file successfully.

I have removed the comments about the background pictures.

I can now see the background picture. All seems fine. All player pics still showing.


I go into my staff section.

All my staff who are supposed to be in the game, their pictures are not displaying, just the grey silhouette.

My staff I created in the editor, their pictures are showing.

Any hints/suggestions most welcome........

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I assume you mean FM2010 (or you have downloaded the FM09 base skins for FM09, not the FM10 ones).

Make sure you haven't overwritten or deleted the config file for the real staff.

Do the images show in the default skin?

If the images show in the default skin, turn the skin cache off and reload your custom skin, if that doesn't work try deleting the cache files (instructions here: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?p=2746179#post2746179)

If the images don't show in the default skin, then more than likely you have deleted, moved or duplicated the config file.

If none of that works try re-commenting out the background code on the off chance that is breaking something.

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FM10 most certainly.

Figured it out.

Reading your reply made me systematically check everything very carefully (which I'd done twice earlier today but evidently not carefully enough).

Lo and behold, I found my old staff pictures config file in the same directory as the background image. Don't ask, I've no idea how it ended up there.

I discovered it when I commented out the reference to the backgound image in the global panels file. When I viewed the skin the background picture obviously wasn't there but the staff pictures had reappeared.

I kinda think I understand what was happening in as much that when the background image reference in global panels was telling the game to look in the backgrounds folder it was reading my old staff config file in the wrong place. I'm presuming the backgrounds folder is being looked at prior to when the staff pictures folder is traversed. With the background image reference commented out, the game did not need to traverse the backgrounds folder and hence came across the current staff config file in it's correct location.

A few lessons learnt today......

Thanks anyway.

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