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Far too many long-range goals.

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Our stats suggest its ok, but poor tactics against long shot specialists may be costly. If its your players doing it an unnatural amount of times per season I'd be interested to see the most clear cut examples - eg where they score 2 or 3 of them in one game.......
I rarely see the opposition doing it, but I score outside the penalty area more often than not. It could be down to my tactics or high level of long shooters on my team, but it doesn't feel natural at all.

Alot of times they have a better passing opportunity, but still go for the long kick(even though instructed to make the pass). Then again, it has been highly successful, so maybe they are just clever.

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the majority of my goals come from fernando torres. gerrard plays the through ball after torres destroys the off-side trap he is alone and 1 on 1 with the keeper. you would put your house on him scoring and he does it so well. gerrard comes in with a few long shots and free kicks among others but nobody apart from those 2 score above 10 per season.

So pretty much like real life then with only Torres and Gerrard scoring for you. ;)

My game seems pretty realistic, some goals from outside the box which you see every week in match of the day or the league round up. Some goals worked into the box and some crosses to head in. It's a pretty even spread in my game. Most of my teams goals come from headers though as I have 2 big strikers to aim at :D

And with the comments on goals outside the box being rare especially in lower leagues, I watch the round up every week on Granada reports and there's always a fair few screamers going in. Maybe its because the keepers aren't upto scratch in the lower leagues? Yeah fair enough, you might have a player that only has a 9 rating for long shots, but if he's up against a poor keeper there's still a good chance that shot he makes will go in!

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I just played three more games and anyone who says long shots are OK must not be playing the same game as me. My most recent game 3-0 Bayern and all 3 from about 5-10 yards outside the box. It is ridiculous.

My tactics are the out of the box standard strategy with balanced philosophy.

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Tactics have nothing to do with it in the first phase of this problem.

Not even unguarded players should be able to hit the target that often, from such distance.

It has happened to me a couple of times but nothing worrying. I am just saying what is logical here.

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I agree with what is being said and have posted this in the tactics forum, but have also been told that is is due to my tactics. However I do feel that this is a problem with the ME, I'm afraid.

1. Get decent GK with high Reflexes skill.

2. Employ formation with Defensive Midfielder.

3. Set "Close Down" in Opposition Instructions for every opposition player with good Long Shots skill.

I use this guidelines myself and very rarely concede screamers.

The goal in question that I posted in my thread and gave screenshots of was hit by a player with 9 for long shots. I was playing 2 DMs and they both had closing down, not only that but the player who hit the long shot was closed down. And my goalkeeper was a decent keeper for the league standard.

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I too noticed a lot of long range goals, so i decided to use the new Anaylis tool and look back at all of my games, Ive only played 15 matches so far but my findings suprised me. Roughly 80% of my goals where in the box leaving only 20% from long range. I think the probelm is you only really remember the long range goals.

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