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Whats the true benefit of coaching stars?

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Well, there were discussions about that back there for FM9.3 (thread link -> http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=107528&highlight=star ).

So, there are two theories what coaching stars do:

-> more stars helps develop player faster/better;

-> more stars allow to train more players nad keeps workload light, but has no effect on developement itself;

Can anyone 100% confirm/deny any of theese two ideas?

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stars = pain in the ass

i dont know what the stars do, but everytime i need a coach i have to whip out my damn calculator. and in fm10 every season i lose my good coaches and there is no way of me stopping them from leaving. its a really really really really pain in the ass.

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As far as I remember, the later opinion dominated last year, but I hope it's not true.

When you start a game with a decent team, they usually already have enough coaches to keep workload light. And then there is no point in getting better coaches...

I'll be interested to see if anyone tests this...

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When you start a game with a decent team, they usually already have enough coaches to keep workload light. And then there is no point in getting better coaches...


P.S. I just don't get why someone from SI can't answer that question once and for all if the stars affect workload or training quality.

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My experience has been that the higher the coaches star rating, the lesser training workload (the intensity sliders that you set) is required to hit the same training level (the bar chart that tells you how much impact the training is having on the player).

My first priority is to get a decent fitness coach, so that I can reduce the physical training workload. thereby reducing the likelihood of injuries and allow me to increase the workload in other areas.

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