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Economical crissis in FM10 too?

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Just been sacked in second season from Monaco and just noone wants me as a coach... Even National sides are laughing my interest off... Do I have to understad - game over? :thdn::mad:

Why this got do with Economical Criss that you were sacked?

What did you do in first season at Monaco and what was the reason for your Sacking?

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heheh :)

1st season runner up in league, runner up in french cup.

2nd season 13th in League after 11 games, 2nd in CL group(qualified for knockout).

don't think theese are such a bad results... still no national side would sigh me :(

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this might be a crazy idea, but there is an option that lets you add a new manager

Yeah, I know, but just wanted to see if someone would hire me after I was sacked. The problem, I think, is "sunday league footballer" reputation I choose in the beginning...

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I have applied every single job opportunity for three and a half seasons. No club even considered taking me (including lowest National sides)...

It must be your interview technique....take some time out from the game and ask a friend to go through some interview scenarios with you!!

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