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Defensive Mids

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I'm currently using a 4-2-3-1 formation, with two deep DM's infront of the back four.. the strange thing is though - even with my team win these two DM's never get above a 7 rating.. usually always 6.9 despite the rest of the team getting 7-0 to 7.5 ratings. It's like they're not on a level of understanding with the rest of my team. Anyone got any idea of how I can get them more involved so they play better if you know what I mean?

I originally had them both playing with defensive midfielder playing instructions, but I've changed one of them to Anchor man but still no change.

Heres just one example of what I'm talking about?


Bare in mind this happens everygame, so no need to point out the slight injury & other player getting 6.9

Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.

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They probably aren't involved enough in attacking play, which has been my main reason for not playing a 4-2-3-1 this way (Though admittedly i have not tried it) Maybe you could try raising their mentaility to get them involved in the play more, that way (In theory anyway, as i have said i haven't tried this formation) they should push up more when you have possession, but generally still say screening the defence when you don't have the ball

....this or DM just don't usually get high ratings :)

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I think it's just DMs in general, as they are often employed to do the "dirty work" it's hard for them to get high ratings, but if you are winning and not conceding too much then you know they are doing a good job.

I have Veloso as a DM and his season rating was 6.96 so I guess DMs don't get very high ratings in general, unless they are Deep Lying Playmakers maybe.

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