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Realizing my dream project (without prior knowledge)

Tommy Styles

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First of all, I am terrible with anything computer that is related (Not really, but just imagine I am when trying to explain me things).

Great, now we got that out of the way.

I want to create a new league with cups from scratch (in a random country). The Idea of this is to create a massive talent pool where regens can actually develop themselves and play competitive matches.

I have no clue about which structures I will use yet, but am sure I can manage to figure out something that works.

Now, I will start with editing tonight, but already have some questions (looked at the editor vaguely and surfed the forum a bit). It would be greatly appreciated if someone could aid me in answerring these questions (if the answer involves editing XML files, then please be very patient with me.)

1. I do not want players to be sold before the age of 18 (like brazil?) How do I do this?

2. I want the sponsors "home" country to be the one delivering most of the regens to my team (so Red Bull sponsored team delivering Americans and Toyota sponsored team to deliver Japanese) How (even if the country is based in farawayland)?

3. Can I let all the teams (40 odd?) make use of just 20 Stadiums (based in compcountry)?

4. What can I do to make other major countries scan my league more? Since it will (hopefully) generate a lot of talent.

That's it for now, as mentioned I will start on my project tonight. More questions will probably come up, help will be greatly appreciated!



A list of (fictional) Football Academies (like the ones made possible by Johan Cruyff and David Beckham) would be greatly appreciated!

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1~ To stop under 18s leaving base it in a non-eu country, under 18s can only move countries from 1 eu country to another.

2~ regens nationality depend on stadium location, if the toyota teams stadium is based in tokyo the majority of regens will be Japanese while if the red bull team play in new york their regens will be american

3~ To do this you would just choose 20 stadiums and then set the 40 clubs to use one of these stadia but remember this would affect number 2

4~ There is a part in the nations part of the editor where you can set where the majority of players are signed from, go to nations select a country then transfer preferences eg England has france, spain, scotland, holland, etc. just add whichever nation you base the league in to all the major nations you want to scout there.

Hope this helps.

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Brilliant! Thanks for your help so far. I have created a rough outline of the first division and it seems that all regens come from the country that the club is "based" in.

I will write down what my intentions are with these leagues tomorrow if anyone is interested and it seems like I can use some help on the details.

bedtime for now =) Editing makes me tired

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1~ To stop under 18s leaving base it in a non-eu country, under 18s can only move countries from 1 eu country to another.

2~ regens nationality depend on stadium location, if the toyota teams stadium is based in tokyo the majority of regens will be Japanese while if the red bull team play in new york their regens will be american

3~ To do this you would just choose 20 stadiums and then set the 40 clubs to use one of these stadia but remember this would affect number 2

4~ There is a part in the nations part of the editor where you can set where the majority of players are signed from, go to nations select a country then transfer preferences eg England has france, spain, scotland, holland, etc. just add whichever nation you base the league in to all the major nations you want to scout there.

Hope this helps.

Great post :)

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Agree, it was really helpful.

Right, so my project:

I am creating two leagues designed to develop young players. This means that I will create a number of (fictional and non-fictional) academies and let them play against each other. The academies come from all around the world.

So far I have created 14 teams and 1 division in which they play against each other. The league is based in UAE and teams come from all continents except the big white one. Countries have also been edited so they scout the new league for talent more often.

So far so good, but I need help on a couple of things again.

1. When the nation of the club is in Spain, but stadium in UAE, what nationality will my player get?

2. When Real Madrid wants to buy an U18 player from my Spain team (playing in UAE), will they get it?

3. My teams have no HG players (club) in the first couple seasons except the grey ones (my teams are founded in 2008) is there a way to change that?

4. All transfers seem to be my academies purchasing UAE based players, how can I affect this?

5. How can I set a limit to the amount of players to join on Loan?

Planning on adding the 2nd league and team data (style of play per nation) next, hope it will work out!

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