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Is there a limit on the number of clubs the game includes?

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It looks like the game isn't including all clubs of a nation if they aren't in a playable league. That's regardless of chosen db size, the same clubs are missing with a small database as in a large database. Anybody knows if there's a limit, and how the clubs are chosen? It definitely isn't by reputation, as there are some clubs with much lower reputation showing up in a search than the clubs that are missing.

The only recurring theme I can detect is that the clubs showing up have all been in the db for a long time, and as such have a low ID, whereas the ones missing are newer and have high IDs. The missing clubs aren't just clubs I created, they're also other clubs that have been added to the official DB, but in rather recent times.

Anyone knows more about this, and if there's a way to force a club to be in the game, even if it's not in a playable division?

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I'm pretty sure the clubs that get chosen are by continent, then reputation, and by selected leagues that you are running. You may not get some clubs with a fairly high reputation that are in south america if you only running european leagues for instance.

In the new game there are more options to retain more players when you start a game, in the retain players from drop down menu, so you could use that to retain many clubs. Otherwise you can download a ultimate retain players.ddt that someone posted on this forum that will retain many more players regardless of your database size but it will also mean a much slower game.

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Thanks. The clubs with lower reputation than the ones missing were from the same, active nation.

I was able to force the inclusion of the missing clubs by giving them a player and then retain the players, but it's odd that I had to do that.

I do not think its odd, seems sensible not to include a team when it has no players :)

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