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Benelux/Scandinavian & Baltic Leagues

Tommy Styles

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Current state:


Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg

3 tiers, 3rd one being split up in 3 seperate groups. (all consist of 16 teams)

1 Cup, Straight knockout 64 Contenders


Norway, Sweden, Denmark

2 Tiers, both consisting of 16 teams

1 Cup, straight knockout between all 32 teams

Baltic Region:

Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

2 Tiers, both consisting of 16 teams

1 Cup, 32 Teams Championsleague style

All finances are kept as realistic as possible, by guessing and running some trial games. Teams have not been edited at all, this means not all have reserve teams and some teams are amateur or semi-pro (this will change relatively fast, depending on their success)

All leagues require Max. 5 Non-EU and Min. 6 HG (club) players. Idea behind this being that the leagues are meant to improve the standard of National football as well as bringing the clubs more success.

Ideas for improvement and new joint areas appreciated! Will add awards and perhaps some more cups later, depending on how full the calendars feel.

Will put downloads up once someone is interested and can tell me how to host?


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Sounds great. Wanted to create those myself :thup::)

Have you tested the leagues? Do they work or are there issues? Which nationality do regens have in this league?

To upload the files, you can use rapidshare or other free file hosting sites :)

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