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Hard time selling players....


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I'm into my 3rd season with Newcastle.

I have listed Nolan, Jonas, Guthrie, Barton and Ameobi and offered them to clubs for like 1 million and there are no interests!

Jonas, Guthrie and Barton were out on loan for the season and played regularly. The club that loaned them even activated the buy out clause but all 3 of them rejected to go there. Then I just chose offer them to other clubs but there were 0 interests...

How is that possible? Is it a bug?

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It's mainly because of their huge wages. I too am managing Newcastle and have my own difficult selling those bunch my finally managed to sell them, mostly for a fraction of their value or for releasing them when their contract runs out. Out of those bunch, only Guthrie and Jonas that managed to get a decent buyer in a region between 3mil to 5mil. Best advice is to just keep on loaning them out.

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I just find it not realistic...I mean Jonas and Guthrie offered at 1 million...at least some clubs would be interested right?

Yea wage plays a factor. I wish I could pay half of their wage and still ship them out. They're just deadwood.

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It's in no way realistic to be honest. I remember offering some guys worth millions for like 10k, and once even for nothing, and there were no offers. If a player was available cheap then there would at least be teams interested. Maybe the player would reject the offer because of the wage offered, but to not even receive a bid for them just isn't right. If that player were available on a free I'm sure there would be offers to him, even if the club did think he was out of their range.

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I have to agree to an extent on clubs not wanting a player for free to be a bit ridiculous, I mean clubs get really crazy for a player and then when you don't need him and offer him to them they are not interested but I guess they found that something was fishy when someone was offered to them for free, maybe its because he is rubbish.

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It is hard to sell surplus players as they never play, no form etc... Therefore as in real life it's hard to find a club that would want them. Although, as in real life also, when my best players are playing well, there is huge interest in them. It's not a bug.

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Let's hope there's an improvement with this with the 2nd patch otherwise it's turning me off and the game doesn't seem as much fun..

Why do you want to sell them? Because there crap.

Would you by a crap player? No.

It's not the game, it's realism.

Same @ Everton - Impossible to sell Hibbert & Saha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even offered for £0 or loan and no bids.

Whack em in the reserves. Mutual termination. Release on a free etc.

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I'm afraid it's really not realism in it's current form. In an Everton game I couldn't get an offer for Saha when I offered him for 0. Same for Luca Toni at Bayern. Both instances in the first season.

You can make the realism argument for some players, but to suggest it's realistic for Luca Toni or Louis Saha to receive no bids at the start of the game for nothing is just not realistic. Perhaps they don't accept offers because of wage disagreements. That's more than realistic. But for there to be no offers to begin with is nothing short of unrealistic.

Louis Van Gaal; Anyone want Luca Toni on a free.

Everyone: No Thanks.

Van Gaal: We will give him to you for free

Everyone: No Deal. Toni is so bad he is not even worth making an offer to.

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I've found it pretty hard to shift players but that is the way it is in general. It does seem a bit harder to get rid of unwanted deadwood mind! I do the following.

try and sell them face value without putting them on the transfer list

try and sell them and put them on the transfer list/status not needed slowly reducing how much i want for the player

try and ship them out on loan with club paying at least some percentage of the player wages

try and ship them on loan whilst continuing to pay their wages in full (this usually works, someone will take them and they get match time which makes them easier to sell)

offer a mutual termination (sometimes works)

release on a free (not always possible if the compensation is too much or the board considor him a valuable player which hacks me off as its the managers job to decide whose to be in the squad, not unrealistic though considoring boards seem to have more say in the running of a club these days)

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ive never had a problem getting rid of players ...barring newly joined ones of course

for players like butt , nolan etc... you need to get them on lower wages first... offer them a new deal at a lower wage and try offering them out..

mutual termination is another way of doing things.. and if they dont want it.. put them on transfer list.. stick them at not needed and keep trying mutual termination every now and then..

sme have had success in giving these players the captains armband and taking it away again , making them unhappy and more willing to accept offers or mutual termination..

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In my opinion, its way too hard to sell players on this game. The AI always hounds your star player, yet when you try to sell another DECENT/GOOD first team player, you either get no offers or if you're lucky, pennies on the dollar. For example, I want to sell a decent striker that has been the swedish premier division top striker twice, was once valued 2.5m for 1M : no offers. Nobody even wants to take them for loan. So I guess I just gotta let them rot in the reserves until their contract runs out and take a loss (by not selling them), and at the same time enjoy the wonderful thing unhappy players do for team morale.

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I agree with all the people who say it's unrealistic. I've managed two teams in FM10 now, Everton and Stevenage. Both teams are obviously at different ends of the footballing scale, and with both I have the same problem of selling players, even at £0. I'm guessing this will be sorted in the next patch as I've read of tonnes of people having an issue with it.

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Why do you want to sell them? Because there crap.

Would you by a crap player? No.

It's not the game, it's realism.

Whack em in the reserves. Mutual termination. Release on a free etc.

Not every player you decide to sell is crap, maybe they don't fit into your plans for the future or you have several players in that position and it happens he is the worst of the bunch doesn't mean he is crap. For instance if you had Xavi, Iniesta, Fabregas, Gerrard and Lampard in your squad all of whom play in CM positions and you didn't want an AM you would be forced to sell one that doesn't mean the one your selling is crap as they are all world class midfielders.

It is an issue which needs further investigation from SI but it may be a little too soon for 10.2 so were looking at 10.3 or possibly fm2011.

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  • 1 month later...

I am Beveren in Div 2 Belguim , $0 transfer Budget , no good players , cant sell anyone even players valued at $500,000 for $5,000 , best offer i can get is $0 plus 10% sell on clause.

I finally get an unsolictied offer from Lazio to pay $5,000 over 48 monthly installments for the only player on my team i dont want to sell a 41 yr old keeper.

How bad is lazio going if they need to go on a $100 a month payment plan.

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Remember you can see what a players current wages are on the contract screen, the AI wont make a bid if they know they wont be able to match the wages that a player has in its current state. And the clubs that can pay the wages often dont need the player. So its not that bad. I can usually sell most of my players.

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Get on this. I had Shay Given, I offered him out to clubs for £0, nobody was interested, nobody wanted him, so, because I hate Shay Given, I released him. A day after his release, 15 clubs interested and Spurs sign him, 6 months down the line and they sell him to Sevilla in January for £3m.

What. The. Funk. ?

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The Given thing is probably down to Man City's reputation. AI scouts won't believe that players at top clubs will make the step down, especially if they are anything but 'Not Needed By Club'

As for Newcastle, the problem is completely realistic. You've got all sorts of idiots like Barton, Nolan, Jonas, Geremi on UNBELIEVABLE money for their ability. Any team that'd actually really want a player of their standards (with the possible exception of Guttierrez) wouldn't be able to afford even half their wages and I think AI scouts act like human-employed scouts, i.e. they'll be thinking 'Joey Barton is never gonna want to come and play for Plymouth - his reputation is too high and he'll have to take a £30,000pw pay cut!'

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i noticed that you transfer list a player and set him as "not needed by club" makes it harder to sell then just transfer list him, it's odd but i can pretty much sell anyone for their current price that way but if i transfer list and put it as not needed i will have hard time selling it even for free...

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