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Tina's Super Saints of Paisley


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Spiro, you're moving too quick for the story! Be patient ;) Scottlee, thank you so much for taking the time to read through everything. Such a nice thing for you to say that you think this is the best work so far.


Thursday 2nd July 2009

Sol Campbell stood in front of St Mirren Park, a smile on his face. The 34-year old offered his hand to Tina as she and Gilmour made their way across to him and his agent. Sol had been without a club since leaving Portsmouth at the end of last season, though that in itself was a completely different story to what occurred with Notts County. Having joined, he left after just one month, leaving the club and consequently having Notts cancel his contract. His dedication was the only thing that bothered Tina, but his skill and talent, despite his age, was second to none.

Sol,” said Tina before taking his hand, “I’m glad you could make it.

The former England international smiled, “As soon as my agent got the call from Stewart, I couldn’t resist coming up for a look around,” he replied, shaking Gilmour’s hand as he mentioned his name.

Fancy a tour?” asked Gilmour, smiling and pointing towards the facilities.

Sol simply nodded, and motioned for the agent to stay where he was. “After you,” he said to Tina.

The trio walked into the stadium, and began with a walk around the pitch before heading inside and checking out the corporate facilities. Sol seemed pretty impressed with the set up in Paisley, something Tina had been worried about. After playing in London with Tottenham and Arsenal and then down south with Portsmouth, he might have had high expectations for any future club he would join. Sol would be a massive coup for the club, but Tina was under no illusion that he would be dedicated to joining. Not at this early stage anyway.

I have to say that the standard here is very decent,” said Sol, Gilmour smiling at the comment.

We do what we can here with what we have. I’m proud when I say we are debt free club. We owe nothing to anyone. Except to the fans of course, but we have given them plenty to smile about lately.

Sol smiled, “I saw the cup final on television. I’ve picked up the FA Cup myself three times, all the proudest moments of my life. I can understand how you would have felt.

Eventually they ended up at Gilmour’s office, and just by chance, a contract lay on the desk. Sol smiled, “Someone is thinking in advance.

Gilmour shrugged, “It doesn’t pay to not be prepared. Plus, we might be being cautiously optimistic, but we were hoping you could check over the contract, just in case you do want to sign.

Sol admired the cheek from Gilmour, “I think I just might have a gander at it.

Sol sat down at the desk, picked up the contract and began to peruse it. As he did so, Tina glanced at Gilmour and smiled. The coup was getting ever closer to becoming real, and the club would be noticed for their intentions. “Without sounding like I’m rushing you, Sol, would it be possible that you could let us know your final decision before Saturday? I know it’s asking a lot, but we need to get players in quickly for the upcoming Euro games.

The London man smiled, “I understand. I will need to chat with my agent first, but let me say, it’s pretty much a yes from me. Can I take a copy of this contract?

Gilmour nodded before pulling a copy out of the draw in his desk. “Here you go,” he said, smiling profusely.

I’ll be back tomorrow to sign it, providing my agent says the contract is fine.

We look forward to seeing you, Sol,” replied Tina, before they all headed back to the front gates of the stadium. They didn’t walk the whole way, watching as Sol’s agent was speaking to someone in a blue tracksuit.

Tina turned to Gilmour as they watched Sol leave, “That guy in the suit looks a lot like Mark Venus,” she said, squinting to try and make him out.

Gilmour turned back to stare as well, “You’re right, he does actually look like him.

Tina shrugged, “We might have just pulled off an excellent signing,” she said, smiling.

Gilmour smiled back, before heading inside. Just outside the gates, the man stood with Campbell and his agent. “How would you like to come and look around Celtic Park?” he said, smiling broadly.

Sol looked at his agent, "I practically gave those people my word."

The agent shrugged, "All is fair in love and war. Celtic might pay more," he muttered.

Sol smiled, "You could be right."

The agent nodded, "Can do no harm in checking the situation out."

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Thanks alot guys. And thanks for getting us to the 1000 views mark! :)


Gilmour had been busy today. After sorting out the whole Sol Campbell thing, he immediately set about sorting out two more scouts to join the backroom staff. The wheels had already been in motion since Tina took over, but they joined the club officially today. Spaniard Jesus Maria Zamora and former Stoke man Peter Hoekstra join Mirren, Zamora on £200 a week and Hoekstra bringing in £425. Valter had also been busy sorting out getting in touch with Erich Beer, and that went well too. The German agreed to join the club, but would remain in Germany on a scouting role. As soon as he finishes there, he will stay in Europe on the same basis. He will also be the chief scout for any sides that Mirren get to meet in Europe.

The day ended on a high.

Friday 3rd July 2009

A day off already. Tina didn’t mind, not at all. It gave her the perfect chance to relax with Cassie, and perhaps even watch a game on television.

Do we have to watch football?” muttered Cassie, half looking up from her Heat! Magazine, whilst she cuddled into Tina.

Yeah, we do sweetheart.


Because I like to,” replied Tina with a cheeky grin.

Cassie sighed, “Fine,” she muttered, elongating the e in fine for extra emphasis. Tina just kissed her forehead.

There were forty six teams in action in the UEFA Cup First Qualifying Round, St Mirren already having their spot sealed in the Second Qualifying Round. The match on television was Motherwell’s trip to Armenia to take on Banants Yerevan.

The Scottish Premier side never looked comfortable in Armenia and struggled to get going at all. It took a second half goal to dispatch the resolute side, Jamie Murphy grabbing it with a fine volley.

It was nice to see them pick up the victory, but they will have the work still to do in the return tie.

The best game of the round was served up in, funnily, Armenia. Mika Ashtarak hosted Icelandic side Keflavik, and put on a real dynamite show. Forward Ara Hakobyan scored five goals in the first half to give his side an insurmountable lead, the game itself finishing a massive 6-2.

The biggest sides in the first round, Rosenborg and MTZ Ripo picked up victories, Ripo thumping TNS 5-0 at home and Rosenborg stumbling to a 3-1 victory over Irtysh Pavlodar. The All-Irish tie between Distillery and Sligo Rovers ended scoreless, while Linfield picked up a 1-0 victory over Slovenians Rudar Velenje.

As the night progressed, nothing could have prepared Tina for what she was about to see on Sky Sports News.


It was announced today that former Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur centre back Sol Campbell has joined Celtic on a one-year deal. The signing comes as a bolt out of the blue considering there was no mention of a deal from either party in recent weeks. Campbell apparently was set for a fitness trial at Newcastle United, but that fell through after the arrival of Danny Simpson on a season-long loan from Manchester United. The rumour mill persists that Campbell was on the verge of signing a deal with SPL side St Mirren, but that must have fallen through as he today joined up with The Bhoys. Campbell will be competing for a starting spot alongside Gary Caldwell, Glenn Loovens and Stephen McManus....

Tina was furious. She muted the television. “Cassie, pass me my phone,” she muttered angrily, stirring Cassie from her magazine.

You alright?

No! Celtic have stolen my player!

Cassie turned to the television and saw the article headline on the sidebar. She passed the phone to Tina. After flicking through the speed dial, she called Gilmour.

Stewart! I am going to kill Mark Venus!

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Shame about Campbell, although signings like him coming to the SPL in FM always make me laugh. Can't believe I'm saying it, but FM must make our reputation slightly too high because former Premiership players, unless they're Scottish, rarely end up here and even then it's only to the OF.

Enjoying the story so far, Gav, although one small thing. St Mirren never just get called "Mirren", it would kind of be like calling Port Vale "Port" or something.


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Losing out on Sol was a massive kick in the face. Jen, thanks very much. If I make other errors in judgement, please point them out. Your Scottish game knowledge is always good to have on board :)


Stewart! Tell me what went wrong, please.

Tina slouched into his office chair as soon as she had entered the room, and she was far from happy. Stewart was less than happy as well. To miss out on a star of Sol’s calibre was very disappointing. “I wish I knew,” he muttered, seemingly lost for answers at this moment.

I have some good news though, Tina. It’s from our new found scout in Spain. He faxed over a list of recent releases from the top Spanish academies. I thought you’d like to take a look.

Tina smiled, “That sounds like a plan. Hand it here,” she replied, taking the list from his hand. She began to read through it when Gilmour received a call. It was 8pm at night, so Tina believed it to be either his wife or someone close. She could hear a woman’s voice and thought she was right. As she perused the list, she was quite interested in a few of the names. She didn’t know them, but the fact that they came from the Barcelona, Real Madrid and Real Sociedad’s academies made them interesting prospect. And they were only sixteen.

Gilmour came off the phone with a smile on his face. “Would you like some good news to end this day on?

Tina nodded, “I wouldn’t mind some.

Well, the bids we placed for your players have been accepted.

Tina sat up, “You mean Perea and Occean?

Gilmour smiled and nodded, “Yup, those two. They’re coming across tomorrow for a meeting to discuss contract details.

Tina got all excited, “You’re not kidding me?

Nope. They both accepted the offers that were made. I guess it helped that they were both transfer listed.

Tina smiled broadly, “Those two would be awesome to bring here. But we NEED to make sure it stays between me and you.

Well the only other person who knows is Ian Currie. If it gets leaked, we know that it has to be one of three, and it isn’t likely to be me or you.

True. Does Ian have any word on that winger I wanted?

They turned down the offer made I’m afraid. It’s up to you if you want to pay more, but I’m not sure it’s worth it.

Tina frowned, “For his age, I would agree. Which means I need a replacement option. Can you fax Ian at his hotel and ask him please?

Gilmour nodded, “Sure thing. Be right back.

As he left, Tina sat in thought. The loss of Sol still brought feelings of anger, but she was determined to get one over on them. And hopefully Sol would play against St Mirren in due course. Gilmour came back three minutes after he left, “Done and done. Anything else we need to do?

Not that I know of.

Oh yeah, there is one thing. I saved it until last. And it’s very good news indeed. I got a call whilst I was faxing Ian.

From who?

The agent of Fabrice Fernandes. He becomes a St Mirren player tomorrow morning.

Tina looked shell shocked, but in a good way. “What?! You’re not kidding are you?

Was I kidding earlier?

Oh my god. Thanks Stewart.

“It’s no problem. He’s coming for around ten am, so be in the media room for then. By the way, how come Cassie didn’t come along tonight?

She was more than happy to have control of the television and Coronation Street.

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Saturday 4th July 2009

As predicted, Fabrice Fernandes arrived on time, ready and willing to begin training. The 29-year old French winger was happy to be there and excited at the prospect of European football, but he didn’t stay quiet on a reported Celtic interest as soon as St Mirren had offered him a deal. This didn’t go down well with Tina, but she let it drop for now. At least Fabrice DID turn up and didn’t run off with the The Bhoys. The more pressing matter of the day was the transfers. Valter headed up training for Tina along with Andy Millen, allowing Tina to concentrate her efforts with Gilmour in securing more new team mates for Fabrice.

Oliver Occean and Edixon Perea arrived at roughly the same time, Perea coming across from Brazilian side Gremio while Occean only came the shorter distance from Lillestrom in Norway. The contract negotiations went fairly okay, but Tina found herself slightly disappointed with Gilmour as he put limits on what she could offer the strike duo. Hopefully that won’t affect their chances of joining the team, but only time would tell. Both players were offered the same basic weekly wage of £3,400 along with extra fees and such, along with a relegation wage drop, such as Tina had in her own contract. The only problem is that both will need to apply for immediate work permits, something that could bring major problems.

SPL sides seemed to finally come alive today, with some sides beginning their summer shopping. Motherwell secured a rather large coup in the form of freebie Khalilou Fadiga on a free transfer from Germinal Beerschot while Hamilton snatched up former Chelsea trainee Joe Keenan from Hibernian on a free.

St Mirren also had an offer accepted for 29-year old Greek Salernitana defender Georgios Kyriazis at lunch time. Georgios is an excellent defender that would bolster the St Mirren defence no end, his tackling and heading something that were recommended to Tina in a scout report from Erich Beer, who had been forwarded it. Sort of like a CV, if you would. The fax had contractual details already on it, Georgios wanting £2,300 a week and his club wanting a fee-cum-deal of around £330,000. Not a bad fee at all for a very decent defender. Brescia are also trailing him, and are reported to have made an equal bid to that of Tina.

Gilmour’s phone began to ring, “Gilmour here.

Hi, Stewart. It’s Jesus. You know the fax you sent me detailing me the players that Tina wanted to bring in from the academies.

Yeah, what about them?

I managed to negotiate a deal with some for you. Kenan Kodro almost agreed terms immediately, his father seemingly happy to send his son to a good club with good prospects.

Gilmour smiled to himself, “That’s excellent work, Jesus. When is he coming across?

He and his father are coming to check out accommodation for the youngster, seeing as he is only sixteen. He will most likely need someone to supervise him.

Of course. I’ll speak to the strikers of the squad, see if one of them will take him on as understudy.

Good good. I’ll get back to you with news of the others, but don’t be disappointed if you miss out. Roma have already offered a contract to Gustavo and Sevilla want Alex, so just be warned.

Duly noted, Jesus. Take care.

Gilmour turned to Tina, “Kenan Kodro is on his way to St Mirren.

Tina smiled. That was good news indeed. As the day wore on, more transfers took place. Hearts were almost resigned to losing left winger Andrew Driver after the excellent few seasons he made for them, a £1.6million fee seeing him move to Premiership new boys Stoke City. His transfer is the first of the new season to involve a cash fee.

The day ended excellently for Tina and Gilmour’s transfer attempts, two more youngsters signing up to join the St Mirren youth system. Belgian pair Kenneth Leemans and Andreas Luckermans both sign up after failing to make the grade at the academy in Anderlecht. Leemans, a goalkeeper, and Luckermans a left winger, both will go straight into the St Mirren Reserve squad. Both were recommended by Erich Beer, St Mirren fighting off Brescia for the signature of both young men.

Despite happening only yesterday, the disappointment of losing out on Sol Campbell was now firmly behind the club. And that was to be further highlighted and forgotten as Tina made one more call for the day.

"Is that Keaghan Jacobs?" she asked, a rather gruff man picking up the phone.

"It is his father. I will go get him."

Tina sat waiting, and eventually Keaghan picked the phone up. "Hello?"

"Hi, Keaghan. It's Tina Powell."

"Tina! Excellent to hear from you. What can help you with?"

"Do you have a club yet, Keaghan?"

"Not really. I play part-time for the local team whilst I search for a new club."

"Well, do you and your brothers fancy a comeback tour of Scotland?"

Tina laughed as all she could hear on the end of the line was a massive YES.

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Woah Woah Woah. You've got Jesus scouting for you? Is that what the bible men by being a 'fisher of men?'

Comedy gold.

But this is Gavrenwick's thread, so no more praise for you I'm sorry.

Gav, lovely to hear about the four brothers once again, they're Saffies if I recall right? Just in time for the World Cup.

I guess you had to add them into the database for this, is that right?

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Haha, I forgot to put the accent into his name! Thanks very much Dechardonay. Yup, they all Saffies, and nope, they were just unattached! (after loading all players from Saffieland, of course). Entombed, the permit problems will soon become apparent.


Sunday 5th July 2009

Things were looking up now. The disappointment of the previous two days was gone, the fans expressing their joy at the arrival of Fabrice Fernandes on the internet and the meetings with Perea and Occean going excellently. A press conference had been called to set the scene for this, and it was where Tina and Fabrice, along with Gilmour, found themselves.

Miss Powell, the arrival of Fabrice is your first meaningful signing for the club. Does this give an indication as to your tactical nous and how you will be approaching the season to come?

Tina smiled at the reporter, “It doesn’t really give anything anyway. Fabrice is a terrific player, and he is an outright winger who can play both sides. That itself will make him a valuable commodity for the match squad.

Fabrice, how excited are you to get stuck in and push for a starting spot?

The Frenchman replied in very decent English, “I am really looking forward to it. It has been nine years since I last played in the SPL, and it doesn’t look all that different to me!

The response brought a round of laughter, be it fake or meaningful. Fabrice wasn’t lying though. He made four appearances for Rangers on loan at the end of the 2000-2001 season, scoring one goal. His English was also fairly good because of his years at Southampton, and the season he spent at Fulham in the same season he made the short visit to Ibrox.

Tina, reports are suggesting that you are making a move for Oliver Occean and Edixon Perea. Are these substantiated claims?

I have made bids to acquire the services of both. And both were here today for contract talks with their agents.

Did they go well?

I can’t really say. The talks went okay, and as such, we are hoping to hear back from the players’ agents soon. Obviously providing that people don’t try to hijack our deals again.

Is it true that Celtic offered you a deal, Fabrice?

Yes, it is. I felt more comfortable at coming to St Mirren than Celtic, mainly because of my previous, albeit short, connection with Rangers. The fans in Glasgow are passionate, and would have been on my back if I had failed to hit instant form. I also didn’t want to turn down the chance to work under Tina, the first female football manager.

Gilmour stood up, “We’re going out to unveil him to the fans now, so if you’d like to follow us.

Everyone got up to leave the media room and headed out to the pitch, Fabrice following closely behind Tina and Cassie, who had just arrived with the couples camera. Tina had asked her to take pictures of this back at the house earlier.

Fabrice stood in between Tina and Gilmour, cameras flashing frantically as he held his new St Mirren shirt with his name on the back. No number had been designated yet. As the whole event came to an end, Tina got down and stood next to Cassie.

You never told me this Fabrice man was so handsome!” smirked Cassie.

And I think that if you want to sleep on the sofa tonight, you should carry on talking.

Depends if you will join me on the sofa.


Cassie leant over and whispered into Tina’s ear, “Not even if I wear the pink lace underwear?

Cassie! I’m at work here. Behave yourself. But now that you mention it, that underwear is very fetching.

Cassie smiled, “Fabrice is certainly handsome.

Tina just laughed, “I’ll see you on the sofa. As I sleep in the comfortable bed.

Cassie just frowned in response, "Think I'll go meet Fabrice," she said with a smirk.

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Tina and Cassie were sat in Tina’s office. Cassie was writing up a report on a corpse that she had examined yesterday, her boss wanting the report to give to the police as part of their investigation.

How’s the report coming along?

Cassie frowned, “Not so good. Something about it isn’t right and I can’t pinpoint it.

Tina smiled at Cassie, who hadn’t lifted her head from the laptop screen the whole time she spoke, “I am sure it will sweetheart.

She finally looked up, “I’m going to go get a coffee; might help me think. Do you want one bringing up?

Please. You know how I like them,” replied Tina, before looking back down at the list in front of her. These were more scout reports that had been drawn together extremely quickly. This one was from Erich Beer, who had been in contact with an old Italian friend of his. Two days ago, Tina had made a loan bid for someone, and finally, the responding call came back. Her phone made her jump, the sound of Bullet for my Valentine’s Hit The Floor resonating around the office.

Teach me to put it on loud,” she muttered, “Tina Powell here.

Hello Tina. This is Alex Manninger, from Juventus.

Tina was slightly confused as she knew who he was, “What can I do for you?

I’m calling on behalf of my manager Ciro Ferrara. It’s in regards to an offer you made for one of his young strikers.

It made sense now, “Oh, I understand now!

Juventus manager Ciro Ferrara couldn’t speak English. “Well, Miss Powell, Ciro wants to say that he has accepted the offer you made for Ciro Immobile.

Tina fisted the air, a broad smile enveloping her face, “Really? Well I promise that we will take care of him.

He says thank you. He also says that Ciro is really looking forward to first team football and at working with you.

Well that’s excellent news. We were really hoping that we could get Ciro to come across, and you’ve made that possible.

Thank you, Tina. Apologies for how the call had to be done, but we know it was fairly late and finding a translator was virtually pointless. Anything else you need to say?

No thank you, Alex. Unless your available for transfer yourself?

The Austrian laughed, “Not this time. Ciro will be in Scotland tomorrow says my boss. Best of luck for the coming season.

You too.

As soon as the call ended, Tina jumped for joy. And her happiness was extended when Gilmour came into the room. “Some good news Tina,” he said, dropping four pieces of paper onto the table. “The contracts for the South African boys are here. And we heard back from Nolberto Solano. He will be joining on a free transfer, but won’t be arriving until the end of the Peruvian season, so he will join on the first of January two thousand and ten. And Caiaffa arrived this evening, he will be in training on Tuesday.

Great work, Stewart. I just heard back from Ciro Ferrara. Ciro Immobile is a St Mirren player. He travels across tomorrow.

Where’s he going to be staying?

Valter said that he will put him up while he learns English.

Then thats sorted. And now I think it’s time you go home, Tina.


Gilmour turned and pointed to Cassie outside, “I think someone could do with some love.

Tina smiled, “I’ll see you tomorrow.


Ciro Immobile - Juventus - Season-Long Loan

Fabrice Fernandes - Unattached - Free

Alejandro Caiaffa - Unattached - Free

Keaghan Jacobs - Unattached - Free

Devon Jacobs - Unattached - Free

Sheldon Jacobs - Unattached - Free

Kyle Jacobs - Unattached - Free

Nolberto Solano - Universitario - Free (Moves on 1.1.2010)

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Thanks Spiro. Been trying to wheeler deal my way around, in order to bolster all areas...


Tuesday 7th July 2009

A day off. Cassie was extraordinarily happy to have some time with Tina, especially on their own. It had been a hectic first week in her new job, but Cassie was feeling kind of lonely. The pair were sat in a cafe, relishing in the moment.

You alright, Cassie?

She smiled in return, “Yeah, I’m alright. Just kind of missed you this week. And that report was an absolute pain.

Tina pulled her partner next to her and gave her a massive cuddle. She felt the same way too, the week having tired her out. It had been frantic trying to sort out the rebuilding of the squad, and on some nights Tina got home and Cassie would be in bed. The waiter came across with their coffees, planting them on the table before retreating to his counter once more.

How did the report come out?

It was fine. It just took an awful long time to explain what I meant. I do sometimes regret becoming a coroner.

Well to be honest sweetie, being around dead bodies all the time can’t be too great for you.

It isn’t. And Jenny is leaving soon, leaving just me and Roger there. The workload is going to be overwhelming.

Well let’s just hope that not many people die and lower your workload.

Cassie smiled at the gesture, “Let’s hope indeed. So what did you order me?

It’s a venti.

Good choice.

The pair sat and cuddled in silence, sipping on their Starbucks coffees. An hour went before Tina’s phone rang, and it was obvious who the caller would be.

Stewart. What can I do for you?

The chairman sounded frantic, “I’ve been on the phone to Phil Gartside all afternoon. We came to an agreement over the signing of Ricardo Vaz Te.

Tina sat upright, “Really? Don’t be pulling my leg here.

Gilmour laughed down the phone receiver, “Not kidding. We agreed at one point one million pounds. But that comes with a positive; we only pay him three thousand four hundred a week. He wanted more, but he had fallen out with Megson, and it was causing disruption. So in the end Gartside has agreed to pay him the other two thousand five hundred until his old Bolton contract ends.

They were that desperate to get rid of him?

Yup they were. Anyway, I need to tell you that Alejandro Caiaffa arrived into Glasgow airport this afternoon. You’ll need to come meet him, Tina. He will be looking for a friendly face.

Tina frowned and looked at the girl she loved resting on her shoulder, “I can’t right now,” she muttered, away from Cassie’s ears.

Tina, Alejandro needs someone here he knows. He hasn’t got anywhere to stay yet.

Tina rubbed her eyes, “Sh*t. I’ll be along in twenty minutes.

Where do you have to go?” asked Cassie, wanting to know but also not wanting to look at Tina.

Tina closed her eyes, “I need to go meet a player.

I knew today was too good to be true,” muttered Cassie in response, before wolfing down her remaining coffee.

I’m sorry, Cassie. I’ll make it up to you later.”

Don’t worry about it,” she muttered, before standing up bag in hand. “I’ll see you back at the house later.

Cassie left some money on the saucer before leaving. Not even a kiss.

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Wednesday 8th July 2009

Last night hadn’t gone too well. Alejandro had arrived fine, and after sleeping on the sofa left in the morning for training and took his stuff. He would be staying with Fabrice Fernandes, the guy having just gotten a house with three bedrooms. Cassie however didn’t speak to Tina when she got home. Tina knew she would be okay, but hated it when things were so like this. She would most likely have the huff on for another week or so. After that, she’d be fine.

The Ricardo Vaz Te deal was finalised today. The winger-cum-striker is a brave move by Tina. Having failed to live up to his hype, his Bolton career had stumbled and fallen, the man himself making just three appearances in his last two seasons. The £1.1million fee is a hefty one, making him the highest paid for player in St Mirren history. That previous accolade went to Thomas Stickroth, who St Mirren paid £400,000 for from Bayer Uerdingen.

Ricardo immediately hit out at former boss Gary Megson, who was seemingly the blame for his lack of appearances. He spoke out in the media saying, “Gary never gave me a chance to prove myself, and consistently limited my appearances in the first team. I performed fairly well when I was given the chance, but it was never enough. My move to St Mirren is nothing short of a relief.” That’ll go down well with the Bolton manager.

Tina had turned down the chance to reveal Vaz Te as she needed to wait for a call from the Home Office about Edixon Perea’s work permit application. They were a pain in the backside, but they were needed if players were to play here. Tina was also expecting in the same call something to be heard about Oliver Occean’s permit, but whether they’d be on the same call was unknown. The phone eventually rang.

Tina Powell here.

Hi Tina, it’s Phil Johnson from the Home Office. I’m calling to let you know the decisions regarding the two permit applications Mr Perea and Mr Occean applied for.

Tina smiled to herself. The fact they were doing both together made it easier for her, and meant she didn’t have to stay in the office. “Everything is good, I hope.

I’m afraid all is not as great as you may be hoping.

Give me the good news first then please Phil.

Well, Mr Perea has had his accepted, with no problems at all. But Mr Occean is a different matter. He hasn’t appeared in enough matches for his home country Canada, so we have been forced to turn his application down.

Tina wasn’t sure what to think. She wanted Perea more than anything, but with him she needed Occean. The two would have made a formidable force in the SPL. But now she would need to look elsewhere to try and make it work. Thankfully she had some ideas in mind. Now she had to tell Gilmour who was currently away on business. She pulled her mobile out of her pocket, but noticed a text had come from Cassie. She wasn’t in the mood for it, and made the call first.

Gilmour here,” replied the voice at the other end.

It’s Tina. I just heard from the Home Office. Edixon got his permit, but Occean didn’t. So when you can, sort out the money for Perea’s club. I’m going to need find a second choice now.

Alright Tina, I will get straight on it after my meeting later.

Tina rummaged through her desk drawer and found the striker scouting lists. She had circled Occean and Perea, but now she just crossed the Canadian’s name out. There were two names at the top that she had contemplated and now one of them would hopefully end up in Paisley. A good thing about these two was the fact that they wouldn’t need permits. Aaron McLean or Marlon Harewood?

Tina picked up her phone again, and clicked for the message she had received from Cassie.

Won't be home til late tonight. Post mortems to process and only me here. I love you. x

Tina smiled. At least she got a kiss this time. She had also finished processing the choice in her mind and made the call to the chairman of the player she wanted. And it wasn’t the two that were on the top of her list. On the third ring, there was an answer.

Dean Hoyle, Huddersfield Town FC chairman.

Tina Powell here. You have a player that I would sincerely love to purchase off you.

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Thanks guys. Shame he won't arrive for awhile, but I can keep hoping he will make an impact.


Friday 10th July 2009

A quiet day for the club as Tina only took one important phone call from anyone. It was from Hamilton boss Billy Reid. In her search for a goalkeeper, Tina had made a rather big £500,000 bid for Czechoslovakian Tomas Cerny, that was duly turned down.

"I'm sorry Tina, but I just feel that while the bid is excellent, I will struggle to find anyone to fill his boots. Tomas was imperative to us staying up last season, and a replacement will be impossible. I also don't think the fans will take it well if he leaves. So for those reasons, I need to say no."

Tina frowned, "I understand Billy. It's a perfectly valid reason to say no. I'll be in touch soon."

Billy let a chuckle out down the phone, "As long as it isn't to steal my goalkeeper, then I will look forward to it."


Saturday 11th July 2009

Today was the day that most of the St Mirren squad had been looking forward to during training this week. UEFA issued the news that clubs in the UEFA Cup would need to register their twenty five players for the upcoming Second Qualifying Round. Tina had given the lads the last two days off after a very vigorous first week of her charge, they were looking slightly tired. But all attention was now in Tina’s office as she and Valter worked on their twenty-five.

The goalkeepers are the easiest thing to decide on,” said Tina, writing down the names of Gallacher and Howard. “There isn’t much point in registering a third because the rules here say that anyone under the age of twenty-one doesn’t need registering.

Valter nodded, “Good point. That means we can take Kenan Kodro, Jon McShane, Alej Caiaffa, Keaghan and Ciro without the need to register?

Tina nodded in reply, “Yeah. I think. In all honesty, the squad works itself out when you look at it.

How so?

Well our squad is so small right now that the numbers equal out. We just take everyone.”

It’s that easy?

Yup. In defence we will take Mair, Millen, Potter, Innes, Barron, Camara and Ross.

Fair point. Midfield?

Murray, Brady, Caiaffa, McGinn, Fernandes, Jacobs, O’Donnell, Vaz Te, Johnson and Dorman. They’re all excellent choices, and the squad size indicates that we might aswell include the youngsters as players on the list.

That’s true. At least then there is no issue with them being in the side.

Exactly. And the last thing we want is any issues with registration.

The strikers?” asked Valter, though he knew what the answer would be.

Simple really. Ciro, Edixon, Wyness and Mehmet. This was easier than I thought. We had the right players for the job, and didn’t need to worry about the home grown problem as our better players already are from the St Mirren academy anyway.

Valid point. Well I’ll go and get this list faxed and submitted to UEFA if you’re happy with it?

Tina smiled, “Very happy with it.

Valter nodded and took the list with him to be faxed off. Tina relaxed in her chair, seemingly happy with how easy the whole process had been. If she had more players in her squad who weren't Scottish, then it wouldn't have been so easy.

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Sunday 12th July 2009Elgin vs. St Mirren

Borough Briggs

Pre-Season Friendly

GK; Paul Gallacher

DR; Jack Ross

DL; Mo Camara

DC; Chris Innes

DC; Lee Mair

MC; Hugh Murray

MR; Fabrice Fernandes

ML; Ricardo Vaz Te

MC; Alej Caiaffa

ST; Edixon Perea

ST; Ciro Immobile

Subs; Mark Howard, Andy Millen, David Barron, Keaghan Jacobs, Allan Johnston, Tom Brighton, Andy Dorman, Dennis Wyness, Billy Mehmet

Here it was. Tina’s first competitive fixture since the 7th February, when Livingston won their last game against St Johnstone. But a lot had passed since that moment. Weirdly, Mackay, who scored the only goal, was a St Johnstone player now. This friendly wasn’t Elgin’s opening pre-season fixture, the side had suffered an embarrassing 2-0 defeat at the hands of Newtongrange just six days ago. Tina will have to be careful over the fitness of her players though, with the UEFA Cup Dacia game just three days away.

As the team arrived at Borough Briggs, they were welcomed by the club chairman who was more than happy at having an SPL side visiting his little stadium in Elgin. The club were currently a Third Division side, as they had been since they joined the league. Chairman Graham Tatters was extremely welcoming for Tina and the boys, even giving them a meal before the game. He was more likely hoping to fatten them out before his Elgin team lined up against them, but tuna sandwiches weren’t really the right option for that. “Go out there and give it all you have guys. Would love the season to start off well with a victory here, and wouldn’t mind a few goals either. This is the chance for all of you to impress me, so don’t waste it.

Despite it being the middle of July, and extraordinarily warm, it somehow still found a way to rain. As the drizzle fell to the pitch, Tina stood in the dugout with Valter by her side.

If there is one thing I hate then it’s bloody Scottish rain,” muttered Valter as he pulled up the collar on his jacket. Tina smiled in response, before turning to see Elgin manager Ross Jack (not to be confused with Jack Ross, the full back!).

Tina,” he said before offering his hand out, “I must admit it’s an extreme pleasure to meet you.

Ross had been the assistant manager at Ross County, (you fed up of the coincidences yet?) before leaving in December 2008, and then picking up the manager’s job here in January 2009. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Ross.

I do hope you’ll be kind to our team today, but we won’t say no if the chance of an upset comes along!

Tina couldn’t help but laugh, “We’ll try not to thump you.

The fifty-year old smiled before heading back to his own dugout. Tina and Valter shook hands with his assistant David McConachie before sitting back under the dugout shelter, the rain still coming down.

The two team captains, Hugh Murray and Paul Kaczan, shook hands and flipped for the kickoff, which went Elgin’s way. The teams lined up in their formations, a simple 4-4-2 for both, before Elgin kicked the game off.

St Mirren start by easily dispossessing Elgin, Frizzell less than impressed with Caiaffa’s smooth move of nipping the ball away and playing it to Ross. The full back immediately plays it back to Caiaffa who pokes it to Fernandes. The Frenchman pulls inside before setting up Perea. The new boy needs no second asking, as he takes a touch and slots it past Gibson with ease to send St Mirren ahead. Tina smiled, “Now that’s a goal I wouldn’t mind seeing again.

Elgin called for offside, with left back Dempsie yelling almost in the linesman’s face. Not surprisingly he doesn’t get booked, but does receive a stern telling off from referee Sam Craig. Elgin gain some advantage when Murray goes off for some treatment, leaving St Mirren with ten on the field. But the pressure flops when they lose the ball to Vaz Te. The former Bolton winger races away down the centre, where Murray should be, and plays the ball to Caiaffa. He then flicks the ball into the path of Perea who then smashes a first time shot at Gibson, which the keeper somehow keeps out. It falls into the path of Immobile, but his effort only finds the side netting.

We’re looking decent going forward,” said Valter, “Even though it is only Elgin.

Tina smiled, before listening to Ross on the sidelines. He seemed far from happy at how his side had started. As the clock ticks on, Elgin straighten out, but that falls apart at the hands of Caiaffa. He receives the ball just outside the box after a poor corner from Fernandes, but defies everyone when he picks out Vaz Te in the box. The ball is timed perfectly and finds the winger superbly, Vaz Te taking one touch to trap the ball before slotting past Gibson. Ross is absolutely furious on the sidelines and he doesn’t hide it. “Get your arses moving!

It doesn’t take long for the third to arrive, albeit with some slight luck for St Mirren. A long ball through the centre bypasses everyone and goes straight to Gibson. Somehow though, the goalkeeper finds a way to drop the ball, something that would be a major mistake for any keeper, but especially when Perea is lurking. The striker snaps at the chance and pokes the ball over the line for the third of the game with just fifteen minutes gone.

Tina smiled at Valter. It had been an excellent start, and the striker, this time, made his way to the touchline to hug Tina and Valter. His ambition and hunger for goals is clear, as his next effort is a forty yard piledriver. Sadly for him, it goes well over. "Calm down, Ed! You will have plenty of time for goals!" yelled Tina from her area. As the game goes on, the situation of Murray is monitored closely, but another tackle, this time by Gunn, leaves him needing more treatment. "Let's get him off, Valter. I'm not risking him."

Valter nodded, and motioned for Dorman to strip down for action. He does so, and awaits the substitution to take place. As Murray lies on the sidelines, Elgin try to get ambitious and take advantage. The long ball goes over Innes, but the defender inadvertently launch a counter move. Caiaffa plays a long ball over the top for Ross to run on to, and the full back sends a spectacular cross hurtling across the backline. Vaz Te meets it at the backpost, and despite a poor first touch on the ball, he sidefoots it past Gibson for his second and The Buddies' fourth. It's almost too easy.

Murray finally manages to make his exit after the goal, Andy Dorman replacing him after only twenty four minutes. Elgin finally manage to stem the tide, settling back into a 4-5-1 formation if only to bolster their midfield and prevent St Mirren from coming at them with such brutality. The abundance of midfielders seems to prevent Dorman and Caiaffa making such an impact as they had before, but a chance does fall to Immobile, Dorman playing him in before the Italian flashes a powerful shot over Gibson's bar. The striker was on his wrong foot anyway.

The travelling St Mirren fans, amounting to no more than two hundred, are up in arms when Ross breaks down the right. Cooke comes to meet him and hacks him down, the St Mirren fullback crashing headfirst into the ground and splattering mud everywhere. The veteran says nothing to Cooke though, and somehow the winger escapes without punishment, much to the chagrin of the travelling supporters. Ross takes the freekick, crossing into the centre for Immobile. The Italian takes no touch, hitting a superlative thirty yard volley past Gibson and into the top corner to register the fifth goal of the game. Such ease for the away side.

Valter smiled to Tina, "Now I believe you when you said that this guy is talented."

Tina looked back at her assistant, "As if you ever doubted me."

There is no end to the attacking from St Mirren, Elgin wasting the kickoff and losing possession immediately. They can't be feeling too good about themselves right now. Ross earns a corner after his cross is blocked by Cooke. Fernandes takes it, and somehow bends it so well that it hits the crossbar. Gibson looks on in shock as it bounces away, cleared up the field by captain Kaczan. The sloppy play by Elgin repeatedly costs them possession, and Vaz Te sets up Perea with a fine chance, one that he hits poorly allowing Gibson a morale-boosting save. The passing between Immobile, Vaz Te and Perea is just sublime. The passing between sets up the Portuguese winger for a hat-trick opportunity, one that he sends into Gibson's outstretched palm and not the back of the net.

The classiest moment of the match so far occurs when the added time board goes up, letting Elgin know they have two more minutes to cope with what they are receiving. Thankfully for them, Vaz Te and Immobile both waste great chances for another goal, allowing the time to run down and letting Elgin into half time with just a five goal deficit.

Tina smiled at Valter. It felt good to be back.

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Out of curiosity, I went looking for info on those Jacobs Saffie brothers you've got in this save. I found this:


...Keaghan has also made Wikipedia:


...yeah, I was bored (trying to get a kid to sleep by ignoring her), and thought it might be interesting to share. Hope they get a turnout for you...

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The half time talk could obviously only go one way. “I am really impressed with how you’ve done out there, guys. I did say you needed to impress me and you have clearly done so. I’m going to make a few substitutions though, not because of poor performances, but because of fitness and injury worries. Wyness and Johnston are coming on for Ciro and Fernandes. Other than that guys just go out there and keep this performance up. Some more goals would be nice!

As both sides emerged for the second half, Ross Jack looked like he had been chewing wasps all day. His side trudged out, though this side was completely different except for Gibson still being out there, and seemingly not wanting to play the second half. Tina smiled to herself. They were ripe for another beating. As St Mirren kick off, they immediately pour forward. Caiaffa and Ross work the ball down, the central playmaker sending a forty yard effort well wide of goal in a shot he will be happy to not perform again.

Tina looks on as her side continue to push forward, and they almost gain their sixth of the day. A terrific ball over the top by Dorman finds Wyness who works his way to the by-line. Instead of crossing the ball, he sidles down the line before being cancelled out by Holliday to earn a corner. Johnston sends the corner in, but achieves nothing as Gibson plucks it from the air. He is then replaced by Robertson, Ross Jack seemingly not happy with any of his players’ performances. Thankfully for Johnston he earns retribution by earning another corner kick. The veteran Scotsman sends it in, but despite finding Innes at the backpost, he struggles to reach it and sends his header over.

Tina frowned, “I think that corners are something that needs a lot of work.

Valter nodded at her before motioning towards Johnston, “I’m not sure he’s the best option anyway. Tina, we should look at bringing some other people on.

Tina nodded and sent word for Brighton and Jacobs to warm up. They would be replacing Vaz Te and Caiaffa. A late choice is also made to bring Barron on for Ross at fullback, the veteran looking slightly tired. Former Livingston teammates Caiaffa and Jacobs hug as they replace each other. Jacobs is in the thick of the action almost straight away, a foul by Cameron on him warranting a blow of Craig’s whistle. Despite a heated discussion, he also escapes with no booking, something that irks Jacobs as the tackle was poor.

The first real chance of the half falls to substitute Brighton as he is played in by Johnston. Despite working his way into the box, he pulls the trigger with his favoured left foot at an angle that doesn’t suit his effort, and Robertson easily palms it away for a corner. Johnston’s corner is woeful and cleared from the near post by MacLeod, much to the ire of Valter.

He can’t take them. That’s obvious.

Tina frowned, “Lay off him. It is the first game of the season.

Johnston silences Valter in his own way when he plays a superb crossfield ball to Brighton. The winger-cum-striker pulls out wide before crossing to the centre where Wyness is. The hero of last season sends his header into the path of MacLeod, which then ricochets out for a corner. Johnston curls it in to the backpost where Dorman rises above his marker and heads it towards the net. Robertson gets down well to stop it with his legs, MacLeod on hand once more to get rid of the ball. Lee Mair pumps the ball back to the front line for Wyness to make a bold run in from the left before meeting three defenders who eventually clear it for a corner.

Make this one count,” muttered Valter.

He doesn’t, but gets a reprieve as MacLeod is down on the floor. Perea clears the ball out to allow him to receive treatment. Eventually though Elgin register their first effort on goal, a long range effort by Calder hitting Mair before bouncing towards Gallacher, who makes a good save to force a corner. The corner is poor and easily cleared, allowing Jacobs to run onto it. He doesn’t get anywhere as MacLeod comes across to smash it out of play. The final two substitutions occur for St Mirren, Millen and Mehmet coming on for Perea, who receives a standing ovation from all corners of the ground, and Innes.

The pressure from St Mirren continues with Dorman playing a great pass to Brighton. He takes it into his stride, but his cross is blocked out by Holliday for a corner. Johnston’s corner picks out Mair at the near post, but the defenders effort flies way past the wrong side of the post and out for a goalkick.

The game quietens down as St Mirren pass around the back allowing time to run down. It couldn’t be any better for Elgin, who happily chase the ball with the aim of keeping the scoresheet at just five nil. And they manage it too.

As the full time whistle blows, Tina shakes hands with Ross Jack, though he doesn’t look as happy as he did when they first met. “Good game, Ross.

Not in the slightest,” he spat back, “But there is no denying the squad you have there. Good luck in your battle against relegation.

Tina frowned at his reply. Granted they would be in a relegation battle, but to hear it from someone who doesn’t have that to worry about is slightly annoying.

The players all shook hands and headed in to the dressing room with Tina and Valter. “An excellent start to our campaign guys. I’m really happy with today’s performance, and I think that it has set us up nicely for the upcoming game against Dacia. We need to train hard for that game, so continue to prove yourself to me and you’ll play in it.

Tina was happy with the performance. But the big one would be in three days.

Elgin 0

St Mirren 5 (Perea 2, 15, Vaz Te 10, 24, Immobile 34)

Attendance; 1,096

MOTM; Ricardo Vaz Te (8.9)

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Keaghan came on as sub, Entombed :)


Monday 13th July 2009

The well played victory over Elgin had gone down a treat on the St Mirren Fanzine online, the fans more than happy at seeing their new players all grab decent goals. But there were still some issues with Tina’s squad.

How can you tell me that there are hardly any good options for goalkeeper?

Valter avoided looking Tina in the eye, “The scouts have given you what they can find.

Valter, at most, there are three men on this list I would sign for the club. And two I cannot afford.

The Italian smiled, “Want me to call up the other one then?

Tina laughed, “Don’t make me laugh. I’m angry with you and the scouts. But yes, put the bid in. In fact, put the bid in for this guy as well,” she called before pointing his name on the list as Valter took it.

Valter nodded, “Righto. I’ll go see Gilmour now and get the faxes sent off.

Tina sat back in her chair, and rolled her sleeves up. With the Dacia game on Wednesday, she was desperate to continue in her task of recruitment. St Mirren only just managed to stay up last season, and it was evident they needed new blood.

So how did the squad currently look? Up front the squad looked good with the arrivals of Perea and Immobile, but with the loss of Occean, there is still a place to be filled. Tina currently has bids in for three forwards to fill the spare spot; Hamed Kavianpour, Nicola Ventola and Stephen Ayodele Makinwa. Both Makinwa and Kavianpour are bids of around £300,000, while Ventola is currently unattached.

In midfield, Tina is pretty content with her wingers. The arrival of Vaz Te and Fernandes did much to alleviate her woes, as did that of Keaghan Jacobs. In the centre, there are some good players, but Tina wants one more to fill out the team. The only name being bandied around is former Ajax and Tottenham man Edgar Davids, who is currently unattached.

As backup for the centre, two men are vying for a spot in Tina’s side, though one has qualities that the other doesn’t. Paul Wotton and Brahim Hemdani are both excellent, but both have their own attractions. Wotton is an excellent player, who is great at set pieces and penalties, while Hemdani is a terrific player to have in defensive, stronger than Wotton but not a technically superior.

Valter returned after just five minutes, “The faxes have been sent, Tina.

Tina smiled, “Thank you Valter. Now I just need to decide on which of these players I want most.

I’m sure the decision will come to you,” smiled the Italian before he turned to head back out. He stopped momentarily though, “Though I think you should have a rest now. Let the decision come to you on its own terms, whilst at the same time, calling Cassie.

What do you mean?

We all know that you fell out, mainly because you told us. Go sort it out. She’s a good one here, so don’t let her go.

How do you know?

My wife told me that the love between you two is stronger than what we have, and we have a very happy marriage when I'm fudning her handbag habit successfully.

Tina smiled, “I’ll see you tomorrow.

Valter nodded, smiled, and left her. Tina picked up her phone and ran her fingers down the buttons until Cassie’s name came up. She pressed the green phone key, and it began to dial.

Tina. You’re calling me midday. What’s wrong?

Nothing is wrong. I just really wanted to hear your voice, to speak with you.

There was an awkward silence, something that the couple hadn’t experienced in a long time. “Cassie, I’m going to come down and see you. I think we could do with talking.

Tina gave Cassie no chance to reply, hanging up and grabbing her car keys.

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She thanks you, Dechardonay.


Tina stood in the doorway of the morgue where Cassie worked and watched as she wrote her report in the backroom. There were two bodies lying on trolleys, both obviously covered with sheets. Cassie looked up and smiled, coming out of her office and going to Tina.

Hey stranger,” said Cassie, before propping herself against the door frame. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Tina squarely on the lips. “What brings you here?

I just...” started Tina before shying away, “I wanted to see you. Not been a great week for us, has it?

Cassie frowned, “I’m sorry. I had a lot on, and after we had that tiff, I just couldn’t find myself to say sorry.

Don’t worry. We’re fine, and I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have ditched you on that moment.

It’s your job, Tina. The hours are hardly regular; for the both of us. At least you don’t stare at dead bodies for hour on end.

Tina smiled, “Nope, but I do have to watch dead performances for hours on end.

Cassie moved in for another kiss, but was interrupted when she heard a door behind her. Roger Clarke appeared, clipboard in hand. “Tina!” he boomed through his grey caterpillar-style moustache.

Tina smiled before shaking his hand, “Hi Roger. Great to see you. How are ya?

I’m fine, thanking you my child. Are you keeping my only work colleague away from her duties?

I wouldn’t do such a thing,” replied Tina.

You’ve got an hour, Cassie. I’ll finish up with Mr Gennaro here.


We have no idea. He has no records anywhere on the planet. But he has whole cards and identification with him. A complete mystery. Anyway, we have an hour, let’s not waste it,” Cassie said with a smile before taking Tina’s hand and dragging her out. The pair headed to a pub and took seats in a corner, Cassie laying into Tina whilst sipping her orange juice.

Tina, I need to tell you something. It’s the reason I’ve been so distant lately.

Tina stiffened slightly. The sentence that had come out of Cassie was one that no partner was ever fond of hearing. “I’m listening,” she said quietly.

Cassie smiled before tugging on Tina’s hand, “Don’t worry. The problem is that someone from my past came back the other day. I thought I had gotten rid of them, but just the sight of them tore me apart. I couldn’t tell you because you had just started a new job, and it wouldn’t have been fair. Anyway, he came back into my life and it was a major shock to the system. I didn’t, and still don’t, know how to handle it. I can’t imagine the hate I would feel if I saw his face again.

He, thought Tina. “Was he an ex-partner?

Yeah, and I used to adore the guy. But he cheated on me too many times, and I eventually kicked him into touch. He moved away and the whole thing was gone with him. But he moved back this week. I bumped into his adorable grandma, who told me so. It knocked me off completely.

Tina tightened her grip on Cassie’s hand. “Any idea why he’s back?

Not really. His Gran said that he was back after being relocated by the Home Office.

What does he do?

He sorted out visa’s and work permits for anyone looking to study or work in the UK. I’m guessing it’s now for Scotland, but like I said, I haven’t a clue. I’m scared of bumping into him, Tina. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t got nice feelings for him, but I don’t know what I would do in seeing him again.

Tina kissed her on the forehead, “We will work through it together,” she replied before laying her head on Cassie’s.

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Thanks guys. Dalbe, glad you spotted it. Dech - you have no idea!


Tuesday 14th July 2009

Tomorrow would see St Mirren and Tina welcome Dacia Chisinau. It was such a big day, and one that needed immense preparation for. Tina and Valter had just finished the morning training session, leading to her being back in her office. There was still recruitment to be done, and one man was desperate for a move. The only problem was his nationality.

I know how you feel about it,” said Tina, fiddling with her fountain pen as she spoke, “But from now on it’s out of my hands.

The person on the line was the agent of Verona goalkeeper Rafael, a Brazilian born short-tempered but excellent reflexive keeper, “My man has no international caps, such as the chance of him getting a permit is impossible. We will have to pursue our options elsewhere. I’m sorry Miss Powell. Rafael really would have joined your club, but it just isn’t possible. I do know someone who I agent for who might also be interested; he’s a goalkeeper. Best of luck.

As the line went dead, Tina screamed. Permits had plagued her start here in Paisley, and the chances of Hamed Kavianpour receiving one was even less possible. She sighed and buried her head in her hands. Some transfer needed to go right. Kavianpour had agreed terms with St Mirren, but the permit was almost surely going to be turned down. The Iranian was determined to try though, and the application was processed. Tina’s other goalkeeping target is Austin Ejide of Bastia in France. He came on high recommendations, and despite turning down St Mirren’s initial offer of £150,000, they negotiated for £330,000. Tina’s phone rang, but it wasn’t who she wanted it to be.

Valter, what can I do for you?

I just heard from the press office that they have sold seven thousand tickets to home fans for the upcoming game tomorrow. It’s expected to be a good crowd, but it certainly won’t be a sell out.

Excellent news, Valter. I haven’t been so lucky to receive good news though.


Rafael won’t be coming. He said he wanted to, but he knew he wouldn’t get a permit, so he and his agent pulled the plug. And rightfully so.

That is a kick down below. Any word from Ejide?

They renegotiated with Gilmour, and settled at three hundred thirty thousand. I’m happy with that, though still awaiting news on the others.

Good. Well, I’ll get back to what I was doing. Meet you in half hour for the fitness session?

Certainly. Catch you later.

As she put her phone away, Tina was suddenly hit with a worrying though. Ejide is Nigerian, and he hasn’t played enough of Nigeria’s games internationally. If he fails to get a permit, he will be the fourth to have unsuccessfully applied. A knock on the door brought Tina out of her thoughts. It was certainly a blast from the past. Mark Shields stood with his bag slung over his shoulder.

Mark!” exclaimed Tina, getting up and shaking his hand before offering him a seat.

Hey there Tina.

What can I do for you?

I was wondering if I could ask you some questions, an interview if you will?

Tina smiled, “You still working for the Livingston Post?

He returned a smile, “Nah, I work for the The Paisley Daily Express now. Chief football reporter.

Well done. Anyway, of course you may ask me some questions. I’m always willing to help my favourite, and probably only liked, reporter.

As Mark made his way through his prepared questions, Valter had come into the office stating that the afternoon training was about to begin. "Just one more question if you please, Mark. Places to be," she said with a smile.

"It's fine, I've got enough here. I appreciate you finding time for me, especially as I know there is a massive match tomorrow."

"Anytime for you, Mark. I'll look forward to reading a hopefully positive piece tomorrow morning."

Mark nodded with a smile and took his leave. Tina picked up her files and made her way down to training with Valter. It was all important that they picked up no injuries today as they prepared for the ever impending Dacia game.

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Wednesday 15th July 2009 St Mirren vs. Dacia Chisinau

St Mirren Park

Europa League Second Qualifying Round First Leg

GK; Paul Gallacher

DR; Jack Ross

DL; Mo Camara

DC; John Potter

DC; Lee Mair

MC; Hugh Murray

MR; Fabrice Fernandes

ML; Ricardo Vaz Te

MC; Alej Caiaffa

ST; Edixon Perea

ST; Kyle Jacobs

Subs;Mark Howard, Andy Millen, David Barron, Keaghan Jacobs, Tom Brighton, Andy Dorman, Ciro Immobile

Fitness was going to be an issue today. Yesterday’s session had brought up problems with nearly all players, and it was a common one with no real place of blame. Having only played one pre-season game so far, St Mirren looked slightly tired as they warmed up.

The morning and mid-noon had brought no news of any sort from anywhere for St Mirren, but it had seen a bid from Celtic for Timmy Simons for £3,000,000. The fact that Celtic can lump out this amount of money on such an old player says much about how the SPL functions these days. No one team is even close to displacing the common top two. Not financially anyway.

The night time was beginning to descend upon Paisley by now, a warm summer sunshine bathing the stadium from behind a cover of clouds, but the light was holding its own. The morning had seen a second fitness session in the hopes of worming out those who just weren’t going to be up to the game. It had worked, too. Innes and Immobile were both replaced due to concerns. K.Jacobs and Potter take their places, with Immobile just making it onto the bench. One new face in the side is that of Kyle Jacobs, brother of Keaghan, who plays as an attacking midfielder or forward. He never made an appearance for Tina at Livingston.

Mark Shields’ piece on St Mirren’s coming chances in this game were well written by himself, but he was quick to play any chance of St Mirren doing much in Europe. “St Mirren, whilst they are a well controlled club with no debt at all, currently just do not have the finances or structure to deal with a run in Europe, or become consistent performers in it.” Today would prove that to be true or false.

Dacia arrived in Paisley just after 4pm, and immediately set about training. Tina had watched them as they looked like an exceptionally drilled unit under Moldovan manager Sergiu Botnaras. Last season his side went out to MSK Zilina in the same round as they are in now. Tina was truly hopeful that they could do it again. Sergiu came over to Tina as the players took to the field. “Miss Powell,” he said in English, but with an extremely heavy and thick Romanian sounding accent. He could have easily passed for a vampire.

Pleasure to welcome you hear Sergiu,” replied Tina, but the Moldovan didn’t like the way she had spoken.

It’s Mr Botnaras, thank you Miss.

Tina felt humbled, but Valter saved her from the moment, “I’m Mr Berlini. We hope for a good game here today, but don’t be cross if Tina’s side give you a thumping,” he said, emphasising Tina as he spoke it.

Sergiu nodded before continuing his scowl at Tina, turning to his assistant and then leaving to his own dugout. “What a pompous man,” muttered Tina.

The way St Mirren were going to line up is something different to how they did against Elgin. The 4-4-2 from Elgin was now a 4-5-1, with Jacobs sitting in an attacking midfield position with the intention to get forward. That’s the intention, anyway. The decision to replace Potter for Innes was a fitness thing, though the massive centre back hadn't taken it too well. But then who would if they were being prevented from playing in Europe? Caiaffa is preffered over Dorman and O'Donnell, his creativity flair something that the 4-5-1 would require. The pressure will be on Jacobs to provide a good debut, but having seen Keaghan do well for her, Tina knew that these Jacobs' boys had the talent and guts to step up to the plate.

The players sat in front of Tina knowing this was a massive game, but Tina knew they had to be told of how it is only the first game of the season. Starting a good few weeks before everyone was going to take its toll, “Alright guys, we all know what those people outside are expecting from us. They want us to put on a show, dispatch a European side and show everyone that we can perform amiably in the cup. But we also know that Scottish teams have a habit of performing so awful in Europe that they become a laughing stock. So, I say we opt to change that today. Let’s give our fans something to be proud of, and not look like walkovers. Dacia are a good side in their home country, but here they hold nothing of a reputation. It’s time to show THEM our reputations and quality.

Valter smiled to himself. This girl has an exceptional way with words. “Time to go and play football!” he yelled before being followed out of the dressing room by everyone else.

As the players walked out, they were greeted by a strong crowd of just over 7,000 Buddies fans cheering on their players. It had been a long time since St Mirren welcomed European football to Paisley, but now it had returned. As Tina led her players out, she realised that most of the fans wouldn't have even been born when they were last in Europe.

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Murray and Demchenko square up to decide who kicks off, with Murray winning the toss and opting to kick the match off rather than cede it to Dacia. A strong start is what’s needed here.

After passing back straight away and playing with it, St Mirren go forward with Ross on the right. The fullback overlaps with Fernandes before having his cross cleared away to Camara. The left back, now in central midfield after picking the ball up, plays it to Perea who breaks out wide on the right, before trying to cross and earning a corner. It’s a decent corner from Fernandes, but Djachenko is equal to it, punching it a fair distance. Potter lumps the ball back to the front line, but it’s reckless and gifts possession to Dacia.

The first shot of the game comes from Murray moments after the loss of the ball by Potter, but his effort is tame and loops over the defence straight into the easy hands of Djachenko. His kick however isn’t so good, and St Mirren come right back at them. Vaz Te makes a break down the left, but despite putting a good cross in, Perea can only watch as Popov clears the ball for a corner. The corner finds Perea too, but his header goes over.

The attacking play by St Mirren, Jacobs’ role as a trequartista doing wonders to get Perea into excellent positions. He and Vaz Te combine beautifully on ten minutes to set up the striker, but his shot is a wide, but decent effort. Jacobs himself has a shot on goal after Djachenko’s poor goal kick, but his shot also goes wide. But despite the positive play, St Mirren are struggling to break into the box of Dacia who are just sitting back happily and soaking it all up.

We need to work it into the box!” yelled Tina from the sidelines, Valter relaying the instruction to a passing Hugh Murray.

And the words worked. Almost. A superb run on the left by Camara sees him go past Vaz Te before laying a sneaky ball to Jacobs who had broken from his marker. The minute midfielder takes the ball past Popov before hitting a furious shot towards goal, Djachenko stinging his hands to save it from going in.

The incentive to get forward however nearly backfires for St Mirren, a counter move forcing them to re-think the ease with which they had started. A poor clearance by Potter saw Volkov snatch the loose ball from a wandering Murray. His shot was dipping every nano-second, but Gallacher was more than pleased to see it go over. As was the Paisley faithful and Tina herself. “Too god damn close, that.

Patience is a virtue, they say, and on this occasion it turned to be true. A very suave move started at the back with Camara. His pass then found Murray who plays it to Jacobs.

Come on!” yelled Tina, watching on as Jacobs threads it for Fernandes. The Frenchman has only one thing in mind, and despite ignoring the instruction of working it into the box, fires a shot goalwards. The ball bobbles on the ground in front of Djachenko, his outstretched palm in the wrong place diverting the ball into his net. Tina glanced a look to Bantaras, who's face is almost red in anger at seeing his goalkeeper flap for a save like that.

Tina turned to Valter, "What can I say," she said before clapping, "I told him to do that."

Valter laughed to himself, "You told the keeper to palm it into his own goal?" he replied, looking at Djachenko who had only just got back up after the calamity, his teammates consoling him.

Tina was right. Bantaras is livid on the sidelines, yelling in his native Moldovan at his players who wouldn’t look him at him. And whatever it was that had been said seemed to work in reviving his players’ motives. They poured forward and almost struck a goal, Yarkin forcing a save from Gallacher, his first of the game at that.

Dacia needed something though, to completely bring them to life, and they just couldn’t grasp it. And it was noticeable as they sat back; seemingly happy to take a 1-0 defeat back to Moldova, but that in itself was a flawed plan, especially when Vaz Te had the ball. A superb run on the right sees him reach the by-line and then work his way into the box. His shot was poor and blocked, but captain Murray made no mistake of slotting the ball home with a simple side foot finish to double the scoreline.

Tina hugs Valter as the crowd roar once more. Paisley is alive tonight, the good feelings flowing into the back of the stands at half time.

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As the half time entertainment occupied the crowd, Tina’s team-talk was on going, yet it was made all the more easier as everyone went quiet to listen to Bantaras yell at his men. It was almost comedic at how high his level of anger was.

We still have a job to finish guys,” finished Tina, “We need to keep our performance levels up, but don’t think that I don’t know how tired some of you may get. I’ve got three subs, and I need to keep them for the most tired of you. Don’t get annoyed if I need you to keep on the field for ninety minutes.

Bantaras’ team talk seemed to have worked on his men, and the non-return of Popov certainly seemed to have been part of the same plan. His side came out much more confident, “We need to be aware of away goals Valter,” said Tina, biting her nails. “We can’t afford to give them one, and then suffer the misfortune of a one nil defeat in Chisinau.

Perea, seemingly overwhelmed at playing in Europe, constantly wastes his chances, made even more annoying by how well timed his efforts to score are. A corner from Fernandes finds him unmarked in the box, but his header is just a poor choice on his behalf. The whole miss is made worse when he his hit in the face by the gloves of Djachenko, the keeper making no mistake in getting the ball forward to take advantage. The referee halts the match though, and Mairi takes to the field. “He’s okay Tina,” said Mairi over the headset, “Just a clash.” And right she was as he retook the field a minute later.

The more interesting player of the game is Jacobs, who is playing superbly in attacking midfield. His passing is a constant threat, and more than often sets up the forward players for chances. His best pass is a slight nick of the ball to flick it through to Fernandes, who then gives it to Caiaffa. The Colombian pokes his effort with power, and despite Djachenko’s haphazard save, Dacia survive again. But you fans knew what was going to happen. As the ball lands at the feet of Jacobs, the young forward thumps a superb 20-yard volley past a stranded Djachenko, who respected the excellence and made no effort to perform a pointless dive.

That guy has some talent,” said Valter in awe, smiling at Tina as the Jacobs, Jacobs, Jacobs chants begin.

Sadly for the young forward, it would all end too quickly. “Tom, Ciro, you’re both up.

Valter relayed the substitutes to the fourth official, and the numbers of Jacobs and Perea popped up. The three goal lead was excellent, and to take that back to Moldova would be terrific. And there should be a fourth when the two subs combine to work well. A cross from Caiaffa is headed down by Brighton and flicked to Immoble, who after taking a touch, smashes his shot into the side netting.

We should have a fourth,” said Tina, looking at Valter and smiling.

Put it down to Italian innocence,” replied Valter with a smile before Tina turned his smile into a frown.

You haven’t been innocent since nineteen ninety four.

The swing of play shifts though, and Dacia come back at St Mirren with some venom. And by god they come with force. After switching to what looks like a 4-2-4 for the period, their attacks finally become meaningful for the first time of the game. Makarenko bursts past Potter with alarming ease, but his shot is well parried by Gallacher, Murray just about getting rid of the ball.

Take a breather every so often guys!” yelled Tina from the sideline, desperate to not pick up any strains to her players. They don’t listen weirdly, and push forward once more. The passing becomes sluggish, but it doesn’t stop the players from grabbing the fourth. A run from Potter of all people allows Immobile a break in the box, he turns his defender and shoots but has to watch it be parried into the path of Vaz Te, who smacks the ball into the roof of the net past a desperate Djachenko. “We have a fourth!” screams Tina before giving a massive hug to Valter.

St Mirren Park was rocking now. The fans sang a whole array of songs for the final twenty minutes, but to no avail for a fifth. The few Dacia fans that did turn up praised every pass and shot that St Mirren had, the final whistle seeing a standing ovation from all corners for an excellent performance.

A clean sheet, four goals, no bookings and one foot in the next round. Not a bad debut for Tina. Not bad at all.

St Mirren 4 (Fernandes (1st) 31, Murray (1st) 45, Ky.Jacobs (1st) 59, Vaz Te (1st) 70)

Dacia Chisinau 0

Attendance; 7,331

MOTM; Fabrice Fernandes (8.3)

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Thursday 16th July 2009

Paisley was still on a high from the events of last night, the celebrations going on for hours. You’d have thought they’d won a trophy. But now it was back to work as usual and on with the recruitment drive. It hasn’t been an interesting few weeks in regards of SPL movement, with St Mirren being the busiest of all the sides.

The main piece of great news was the disappearance of Andrew Driver, who trundled off to Stoke for a wealthy £1,600,000. Driver was a product of the Hearts youth system, and in recent seasons built up a healthy reputation that has finally seen him move to the EPL. Hearts fans have wished him well, knowing all too much that the Hearts owners have constantly messed around with the club leaving many players feeling alienated and wanting out.

Rumours continue to fly that Celtic are close to signing Timmy Simons, but things are quiet on the Dutch end. It’s reported that they have had a £3,000,000 offer accepted, but are having trouble working out the contract with the experienced Belgian midfielder. Celtic do however have a player arriving in January; Seoul midfielder Ki Sung-Yong having agreed the £1,700,000 transfer a short time back. Rangers on the other hand haven’t made a move for anyone, Hristo Stoichkov extremely quiet on the transfer front, despite knowing that they do need some reinforcing.

Paul Wotton was also proving to be more of a pain to sign than Tina first thought. After having a £9,000 bid accepted by Southampton manager Alan Pardew, but Wotton turned down the first contract offered to him, despite it being exactly what he requested.

Why did he turn it down?” asked Tina, rather seething and incredulous with the whole facade.

Valter shrugged, “Gilmour said that he didn’t get offered what he asked for, and wanted a more clarifying role.

This guy has annoyed me. He’s got one more chance, I’ll give him that. But I don’t appreciate it when people take clubs for a ride.

Gilmour was just as annoyed that he had to draw a second contract, despite having offered what he actually wanted.

Well like I said, one more chance.

Valter nodded, “Gilmour expects to hear back within the day, but he isn’t keeping his hopes up, especially after the whole debacle.

Yeah, I won’t keep my fingers crossed.”

Valter was about to say something when Tina’s phone rang. The extension number wasn’t one completely unknown to her. It was Italian. She knew who the call was from, and was glad that Valter was on hand.

Tina Powell here,” she said, before Valter translated into Italian.

Eventually the phone ended up in Valters’ hand, the assistant conversing with Lazio manager Davide Ballardini for almost twenty minutes. “He wants one hundred seventy thousand and forty five percent of the players next sale price. That’s the lowest he will go.

Tina nodded, “Offer it.

The player in question was Lazio’s twenty year old French goalkeeper Vincent Degre. Degre began his career with FC Metz in his native France before moving to Lazio in 2007. The move didn’t work out for him though, the seemingly talented keeper making no appearances for Lazio and then falling out with the hierarchy for refusing to move to Pescina on loan.

As the call with Ballardini came to an end, Valter handed Tina her phone back. “I’ll go speak to Gilmour now. Some good news at last?

Tina smiled to herself. Valter was right; they FINALLY had a keeper incoming. But the biggest news for St Mirren was to come. And by god, big it would be.


Last season was one to remember for St Mirren as they avoided relegation and made it to the Tennants Cup Final. But this season has the premise to be so much bigger. And with rising female manager Tina Powell at the helm, anything is possible.

Powell, 29, spent the most of last season in her first job with perennial crisis club Livingston. Despite the season looking so excellent, and the League Cup Final place already secured, it all turned sour when financial problems hit the club. The club went out of business leaving Tina and the players with no jobs. An accident then left her hospitalised and on the brink of death, but after making a full recovery, she impressed enough to take the helm at St Mirren after the departure of Gus MacPherson last month, having the agreed the job way back in April.

And now, seventeen days into her reign, she has already made the headlines. With St Mirren playing in the Europa League this season, Tina was always going to have to prove herself early on. That was backed when St Mirren chairman Stewart Gilmour gave her a surprising war chest of £4million to spend on players. Thus followed the arrivals of big money Edixon Perea, Ricardo Vaz Te and Ciro Immobile. Many others joined on free transfers, including five former Livingston players who were unattached. Rumours speculate that Vincent Degre is close to a deal, as is Southampton man Paul Wotton. But the biggest news fell today in a signing that shocked the SPL.

Former Ajax and Tottenham man Edgar Davids became to newest addition to the The Buddies’ army, signing a reported £1,600 a week deal until the end of the season, with the possibility of an extra year. All this on the same day that Hearts signed fellow Dutchman Kiki Musampa, but his Dutch counterpart stole the show with his shock arrival. He is to be unveiled in the coming days. There was competition for his signing from Heerenveen, AZ Alkmaar and Bari, but the Buddies have pulled off a tremendous coup.

I am so happy that I joined St Mirren,” Davids, 36, told us. “My career is winding down now, but I never got the chance to play here, so I decided to snap at the opportunity. I feel I have plenty to offer Tina’s side, and can’t wait to get my head down once more.

And after the excellent 4-0 drubbing of Dacia Chisinau in the Europa League just yesterday, St Mirren Park is buzzing with a new found aura of excitement and optimism.

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And at last, I've caught up, after finally reading each story from One Hit Wonder till now. I'm ashamed to say that though I've read much of Gav's other work, I'd neglected all of his best! I love it, Gav, and it's especially interesting that I can track your astronomical improvements as a writer literally from post-to-post in this series. Congratulations on all the awards you've won for this series, Gav, you absolutely deserve it :thup:

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Thanks guys. Steve, that is one of the nicest comments I've had in awhile. Thank you so much, and hope you keep along now!


Friday 17th July 2009

Today was an important day. Despite not actually being in the Third Qualifying Round yet, St Mirren and Dacia would both be in the draw for the aforementioned round. Most of the teams would be either ors, but the rest would be teams entering at this round alone and for the first time. The so called 'bigger' sides.

There are so many tough teams in this seeded pot,” muttered Valter as he ran over the list in his hand.

The pair watched as Motherwell/Qarabag Agdam would play Roma. Not a good draw for the SPL. Fulham were drawn against Distillery or Sevojno. Aberdeen are given a winnable tie against either Zimbru or M.Netanya. The full draw for British teams was;

Aberdeen vs. M.Netanya/Zimbru

Distillery/Sevojno vs. Fulham

Austria Wien vs. St Pats Athletic/Juvenes Dogana

Gandzasar/Rosenborg vs. Derry City/KR

Sigma Olomouc/Crusaders vs. Hapoel Tel Aviv

Qarabag Agdam/Motherwell vs. Roma

Basel/HB vs. Vaduz/Bangor

The agonising wait for the sight of St Mirren came at the latest point. They were the last unseeded team to come out, and there was only one seeded team left in the pot.

Please, no...” muttered Tina as that final name in that came out.

St Mirren/Dacia Chisinau will play PSV Eindhoven.

Well there goes our chances of success this season,” sighed Tina, watching on the television as the PSV contingent present at the draw cheered between themselves. They loved it, and most likely had picked up a very winnable draw.

Valter knew it best to say nothing to Tina. He left her to mull over her thoughts in her office. After around twenty minutes, her phone rang.

Tina Powell! It has been awhile since we did business, but I knew to expect that we would deal once more.

Six Alex Ferguson was ringing from Manchester about the loan bid made for his hot property striker Febian Brandy. Tina had been a keen follower of him last season, but due to his loan commitments to Swansea, couldn’t take him on herself.

“Sir Alex, it’s excellent to hear from you. I assume you’re ringing to give me good news over Febian?

That I am. I think you could do with some good news after that really harsh draw in the Europa League.

You got that right. Don’t know what to do about it.

Let me give you a number of someone who would be more than willing to help you in that respect,” he said before relaying it off, “Now, regarding Febian, I’m really happy for him to be coming up to join you at St Mirren for the season. He’s happy to do that too, and as such will be joining you tomorrow if your chairman pushes the deal through.

Tina smiled to herself, “That’s excellent news for me, Sir Alex. I’ll get Gilmour to send the registration papers off.

Excellent. And don’t forget, if there is anyone in my youth set up you fancy taking on loan, don’t hesitate to ask. I can only say no, after all.

“Thanks very much. I’ll let you get back to your business.

“Take care, Tina, and best of luck this season. And don’t forget to call that number. He might just be interested in helping you out regarding PSV.

Tina looked at the number in front of her as she put her phone back into her pocket. Some more great news on the transfer front would follow as the call from Vincent Degre’s agent was most pleasing. He was asking for just £275 a week, less than Valter and the scouting team had expected him to want. He must seriously be craving a move out from Lazio.


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Thanks Entombed. It'll be hard work.


Saturday 18th July 2009

The sinking feeling of being drawn against PSV Eindhoven still weighed heavily on Tina. It was a big thing for the club, but one couldn’t help noticing the gulf in class. At least on paper anyway. But today was a day off, and Tina was happy to be spending it at home. Her phone was with her just in case, but she wouldn’t be going to St Mirren Park today. Not once.

Okay,” yelled Cassie from the kitchen, “For lunch we have the choice of tomato soup, which you know is a firm favourite of mine. Or we have the alternative of sharing a cheese and garlic bread pizza.

Tina was sat on the sofa watching a live T.V. friendly that involved Celtic and RW Essen. She was only half watching it as she was slightly pre-occupied with some sheets of paper that Valter had given her. The game was currently at half time, and the Glaswegian side were a goal up thanks to Marc-Antoine Fortune in the 7th minute.

“I’ll choose the pizza sweetheart,” replied Tina, “You’re too good to me.

Yeah, I know,” she replied from the kitchen.

Tina smiled to herself before retaking up her viewing of the sheets. On the page was the itinerary for the trip to Moldova in just three days time. They were travelling across on the Tuesday as to be fresh for the game on the Wednesday. Cassie had decided to not come on the trip, work commitments preventing her from doing so. The morning had started well for Tina, with Gilmour calling early to let her know that Paul Wotton was now a St Mirren player. For all of his humming and haring, he had finally signed the contract. Brahim Hemdani was also due to become a St Mirren player, the former Rangers man exceedingly happy at not needing to move from his home in Scotland. That would be it for defensive acquisitions now. The side was suitably shaping up, and that brought a smile to Tina’s face. But the bigger smile would follow as her partner parked down next to her on the sofa, laying a hand on her knee.

I’m going to miss you when you’re in Moldova,” mumbled Cassie before she lay her head on top of her hand on Tina’s knee.

I won’t be gone long,” replied Tina, “I’ll be back before you know it.

You better be otherwise Roger will work me to death.

Tina gave a wry smile, “Be the first time that you’ve managed a full day, I’m sure.

Says the football manageress.

Hush you, I provide a valuable community service I do,” replied Tina as she ran her hand through Cassie’s hair, “Now go check our food; don’t want you burning it, you know, like usual.

I do not burn food!” grumbled Cassie as she got up to check.

Tina smiled before turning back to her notes. Valter had given her the run down on the league fixtures that St Mirren would experience at the start of the season. Thankfully, neither of the Old Firm would make an appearance in the opening five fixtures of the season.

Saturday 15th August – Hibernian (a) TV

Saturday 22nd August – Dundee United (h)

Saturday 29th August – Kilmarnock (a)

Saturday 12th September – St Johnstone (h)

Saturday 19th September – Aberdeen (a)

Sky had acquired the rights to view the start of season fixture against Hibernian along with the Aberdeen vs. Celtic game at Pittodrie. Tina couldn’t help but think that they wanted to broadcast this game because it was Tina herself, but she would revel in it no matter what. The second Dacia game wouldn’t be on television though, but seeing as it would be on Moldovan soil, that didn’t surprise anyone.

This pizza is nearly done,” said Cassie as she returned from the kitchen, “You can have the burnt half.

I don’t think so Madame.

Within those fixtures would be a reunion between Tina and Dave Mackay, who is currently plying his trade with St Johnstone, the side he joined after the liquidation of Livi. It would a fitting reunion for the pair, who became a force together last season. It wouldn’t be in the same capacity this time round, but hey, they would always be friends.

There had been a few transfers today too, the finalised deal of Kiki Musampa on a free to Hearts being announced, despite being two days later than expected. Shaun Newton joined Hamilton on a free transfer the same day, having been without a club for a small time since his Leicester stint. Two players did also leave the SPL, Aberdeen’s talented winger Sone Aluko moving to Aston Villa for a hefty £1,600,000 fee, Aberdeen more than happy at cashing in on a player that cost them £50,000 just a season before. It’s a bold move for Aluko who will have to contend to the jeers he will receive for being a Birmingham City youth product playing for Villa. Ryan Conroy made his leave from Celtic too, joining League One side Oldham Athletic for just £6,000. It’s still exceptionally quiet on the Old Firm front, Sol Campbell still being the only player to move to Glasgow so far in this window. There are rumours that Felipe Baloy is set for talks with Celtic, but the Panamanian defender is also expected to hold the same talks with Bayern Munich. Rangers have uttered nothing, but everyone knows that will change eventually.

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Sunday 19th July 2009

Staff advice meetings are dull events. Tina had only been in this one for ten minutes, and she and Valter were both bored. Stuart Balmer had been mumbling on for that whole period, “I’ve noticed aswell from the Dacia game that Vaz Te jumps into his tackles.

Valter nodded, “He does, and it’s something that he needs to try and drop. Want me to mention it at training later, Tina?

Yeah please do. Last thing I need is him getting red carded.

I think I’ve also found a way to improve Brighton. The guy has terrific power in his shots when he tries, but that’s just the thing, he doesn’t try it enough. He usually tries to bend it in, and that in itself usually results in him NOT scoring.

You recommend him shooting with power? I’d rather he crossed the ball mainly,” replied Tina, “But I’ll see what we can get him to do later.

Stuart nodded before continuing, “I also think that you should think about naming a captain. I know you were getting around to it, but with the season approaching, getting one in place would be viable.

Tina was rather annoyed that Stuart was pushing her on something that was extremely important, “I already have my man in mind, Stuart. Don’t go worrying yourself about it.

Stuart looked suitably humbled, and Valter smiled to himself. He’d hate to get on the wrong side of Tina, and felt that anyone should be scared of her when angry.

No problem, Tina,” muttered Balmer, “I think that’s all for now.

And with that, he left. Valter took over the meeting, “The season ticket sales have been reported to now stand at one thousand and seventy one. The box office expects to sell another three hundred before the window for their sale closes.

That’s a better sale than even Gilmour expected,” said Tina as she read the sheet.

What can I say? They’re all flocking to see you,” he said with a smile before taking his leave from the room. The other coaches left too, leaving just Tina. Today had been rather pointless, and she was sure they could have told her all this down the phone. However, Cassie was working the day today, so there wouldn’t be much point in going home now.

Something about Tina’s squad still nagged at her. There was no cover at left back for the aging Mo Camara, and that was a serious problem.

I’ve completely forgot about the left back issue!” she yelled to herself, “Why didn’t anyone remind me,” she grumbled, “So much for a bloody backroom meeting.

She picked up her phone and got straight on to her scouts. First was Jesus Zamora, but that phone call came up blank. A swift and ultimately identical call to Erich Beer in Germany reaped no rewards either. “I’ve got it,” she mouthed silently.

She picked up her phone, but instead of dialling another scout, she aimed her call at Port Vale.

Micky Adams here,” came the voice at the end of the line.

Hi Micky. It’s Tina Powell from St Mirren. I was wondering if we could discuss the transfer of a player of yours.

I’m all ears, Tina. Obviously for the right money, of course.

Of course, nothing short of the right amount I’m sure.

And who is it you had in mind?

My former Livi left back Jason Talbot.


Only one transfer occurred in the SPL on this Sunday, former Fulham man Elliot Omozusi securing a contract with Falkirk. The Bairns were awfully short on centre backs, and pretty much still are. Omozusi is expected to feature heavily for his new side this coming season.

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Monday 20th July 2009

Tina had combined with Balmer, a man who was growingly becoming annoying, to take training this morning. The session had gone well, and new trio Davids, Wotton and Hemdani looked comfortable as the session went on. They wouldn’t be travelling to Moldova though as they weren’t registered when the squad of 25 needed to be. The session hadn’t lasted too long though; it was only meant as in indication as to who would be best to line up against Dacia, but that would also be dependent on how the arrival to Chisinau goes.

Celtic were dealt a blow today in their transfer hopes, as they lost another target after Tina pipped them to Fabrice Fernandes. This time it was full back Felix Dja Ettien, who had rejected a move to the Hoops in favour of remaining in Spain with Castellon. Tony Mowbray must be feeling annoyed over that one, especially after the hold up with Timmy Simons, who has yet to agree personal terms with his side. Hamilton made an interesting signing, and he comes in the shape of 31year old Bulgarian left back Kristiyan Dobrev. He signs or £35,000 from Loko Sofia, but is already recieving specialist treatment for broken ribs.

There was to be some great news for Tina, although it wouldn’t come until late in the evening.

I wish you really didn’t have to go to Moldova,” muttered Cassie as she sat in the bath listening to Tina pack up some belongings for her impending trip.

You know I have to,” she replied as she threw some underwear into the suitcase, “It’s not a matter of not being unable to.

Moldova is a long way away. It’s not like just down the road. You’ll be half way across the world.

“I know, Cassie. How are you going to feel if we get past PSV and then get a team in somewhere like Israel, or Russia?

Cassie put on a sad face, “Is that possible?

Very possible.

Shut up. And besides, I’ll just tag along.

Roger would never condone you taking MORE time off work,” smirked Tina, “You’re already a lazy bugger.

Oi!” yelled Cassie, “I do plenty of work.... when I’m there.

You’ve got the old fella under the thumb, you meanie.

He’s like a granddad to me,” said Cassie as she made her way into the bedroom where Tina was packing her clothes.

You got that right,” Tina replied, “He spoils you rotten.

As she put some toiletries into her case, her phone rang. Odd, especially at 10:45pm.

Tina Powell, here.

Hi, Tina. It’s Adrian Boniuti here. Your chairman called the other day about you wanting to add me to your backroom staff.

A friend in Italy told me that you’re a good goalkeeping coach.

That I am. I was working with Juventus for a short time last season.

Then the offer remains. I suppose you’ve called to accept? It would be slightly unkind to say no, especially after getting my hopes up.

Of course. I’m just planning my move across. Would you care to have the contract faxed across? I’m currently staying Lazio, which brings me to my second point.


Your chairman asked me to head here to tie up another loose end for you and act as translator.

This about Vincent Degre?

It certainly is. Come tomorrow, he will be your player. Davide Ballardini sends his best wishes for you and Vincent.

Thanks, Adrian.

As the line went dead, Cassie was looking at Tina with slight concern. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

Cassie motioned to the window, “It’s snowing. Heavily.

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Thanks for your continued readership, Entombed :thup:


Tina gave Cassie the evil eye, “Like hell it’s snowing. Look, I won’t be gone long alright? I’ll phone you when I’m there,” she said, as she finally zipped up her suitcase.

Is it direct from Glasgow?

Nah, we have to catch a flight to London first and then on to Chisinau. It’s going to take us around eight hours to eventually get to Chisinau. Pain in the backside if you ask me, but needs must,” replied Tina before she collapsed onto the bed.

Cassie smiled before she lay down next to her, “I love you,” she said as she reached for Tina’s hand.

I love you too,” she said, “And please remind me to not forget my passport. That’s one problem I don’t need tomorrow...” she muttered before her eyes closed and she fell asleep. Cassie kissed her on the forehead before heading downstairs. She would be working the night shift tonight, meaning she wouldn’t see Tina leave. She rummaged around in the downstairs cabinet and found Tina’s passport, leaving it on the bedside table before heading out to work. As she stepped out into the cold night air she muttered to herself, “I get the damn night shift in a morgue while you jet off to Moldova. Good job I love you,” she added with a smile, before getting into her car and driving off.


Tuesday 21st July 2009

Today had a slightly odd morning. A small press conference was held for the upcoming game against Dacia, but only one face was familiar to Tina. Mark Shields was there, and she was exceedingly glad he was after witnessing four unknown reporters make their way in. She already knew this was going to be an awful start to the day. Thankfully Mark spoke first.

Tina, do you think that your side will be able to avoid the complacency expected of them when they travel to Dacia with a four goal lead?” he asked, knowing pretty much what the response would be anyway.

I would expect nothing less from them. We have to finish out in Moldova, and I won’t be asking for a simple match. I want the win, and I will hopefully get a stylish one. Either way, we’re going for the win and I won’t take complacency as an excuse for anything less.

James King, SkySports. With such a comfortable first win, surely the second leg will be nothing more than a stroll to get through? A win surely isn’t necessary. People would expect you to just round the tie out.

Tina frowned, “Of course we’re going there to win. We need to put in a strong showing, and with PSV next providing we make it through, we need to show them that we aren’t walkovers and can do the business in both legs of the tie.

The fact you said ‘providing we make it through’ insinuates that you are less than optimistic of your chances.

It’s a figure of speech,” snapped Tina, but the annoying reporter wasn’t done.

Then why say such a thing? By the way, do you know that there are rumours that you are too inexperienced for a job such as this? People are already criticising your transfers, citing that the players are too old or too wrong for the club. What do you make of this?

I sign people I view are best for the club. You and no-one else can pass judgement on this until the players themselves have played a match or two. Edixon Perea, Edgar Davids, Vincent Degre, Paul Wotton, Brahim Hemdani, Febian Brandy, these players are top notch players that have plenty to offer my side. I think that if you feel the right to criticise players who haven’t played is yours, then you should try this job yourself and see how far you get before snot faced reporters such as yourself arrive. These players are here for a reason, and quite frankly James King, I won’t be purchasing players on the basis that you do or don’t rate them. The choice isn’t yours to make at the end of the day, which is why you aren’t the manager of the side. I am. So you know, leave the decisions to the professionals who actually know what they’re doing. This conference is over as you have riled me so much, Mr King. I also have a plane to catch for a game tomorrow that we are going all out to win. That fine by you?

King said nothing but sat there with a smirk on his face. Gilmour ushered them all out in the aim of avoiding a fully fledged riot, before returning to Tina. “Nice tirade,” he said before sitting next to her. “Don’t take what people like him say to heart. You are wanted here, and after what you achieved last season, there is no way that you are inexperienced for the job. We’re backing you one hundred percent all the way, Tina. Don’t forget that,” he said, before touching her shoulder and leaving. Tina picked up her phone and headed out.

Moldova awaited Tina and her Super Saints.

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Always good to see someone put in their place, SWalton :)


When you think of Moldova, you wouldn’t be frowned upon for wanting to think of Soviet influence. Tina did, but as she and her players arrived, she was shocked but pleasantly surprised to be mistaken. As they entered the city on a bus provided by Dacia, they saw what was known as the Gates of Chisinau, or 'Poarta Chişinăului' as they are better known in their own country.

The main surprise with Chisinau was how green it looked. For an industrial hub, especially in Moldova, it didn’t really look like one. It didn’t surprise Tina to learn that the city is one of the highest in Europe with green proportion spaces; and it certainly was obvious.

The St Mirren squad was rather excited at having made the trip across to Moldova; as any young side might be. It certainly beat playing under rainy conditions at Dundee. Edixon Perea had no idea where he even was, though to him, it didn’t seem too different to playing for Gremio in Brazil. Both cities looked kind of alike to him. As the bus trundled through, its footballing culture became obvious. Four top flight Moldovan clubs ply their trade from within Chisinau; FC Zimbru, Dacia, FC Academia and CSCA-Rapid Ghidighici. Zimbru are the bigger side from the city, though Dacia aren’t far behind them in terms of quality. Zimbru also have the national stadium at their disposal, the Moldova national side playing their home games here. The stadium was where England legend David Beckham made his international debut, England winning 3-0 on that occasion in 1996.

Dacia have only been in existence since 1999, and have enjoyed a nice rise to fame in that time, finishing 2nd in the league last season. Their stadium, Municipal in the district of Ghidighici, holds 2850 people, but is a good little stadium for the ever improving side. As the St Mirren bus approached the stadium, Dacia chairman Timur Kuriev was waiting to meet and greet them. You can only imagine his look when Tina got off first.

Tina Powell, I assume?” he said, offering his hand out.

Nice to meet you,” she said, taking the offer of his hand and following as he motioned, “I do hope that I will be treated better by you than by your manager.

Timur frowned, “I had heard of his conduct. I can only apologise for him, but I’m sure you can expect that sort of thing; after all, you’re currently a woman in a man’s based world. Some men don’t take too kindly to that.

He was very much on the money with his words. Tina was smack bang in the middle of a man’s world. With that came the abuse, unfair treatment from people such as King and general no faith from everyone who didn’t want a woman in their world. Football was a place where a man could escape from women, that’s how they always viewed it. But now the tide was starting to change.

I sincerely hope that you don’t hold those same views?

He smiled at Tina as he opened the door, “Doesn’t matter if you are man or woman. If you can manage a football team, you deserve the job.

Nice to finally meet someone who has that opinion who doesn’t work for St Mirren.

I hope you haven’t arrived here with the intention of destroying my team in our fixture tomorrow?

Tina smiled at Timur, “I truly can’t promise anything Mr Kuriev.”

The chairman smiled, “Seeing as our training pitch is being used by our own side of course, you are free to use the stadium pitch to train on.

That’s very kind of you,” replied Tina before she turned to her team that was following, “This is our stop guys. Time to get a bit of training under our belts before we head to the hotel.

And with that, Valter and Tina headed up a small training session on the pitch. Stuart Balmer had opted out of the trip; no-one really sure why. The training only lasted an hour as it was imperative that no-one picked up a pointless injury, and thankfully no-one did. As the players were loading the bus to head to their hotel, Tina stood and looked at the city sprawling beneath them. It looked extraordinarily beautiful during the dusk hours, and this was no exception. Valter stood next to her, and he smiled. “It’s a really nice place, isn’t it?

Tina smiled back, “It is. I wish Cassie was here with us; she’d have loved it.

I’m sure she would. You can always bring her back for a holiday.

Tina nodded, “It’s well worth considering. Shame we’re only here til Thursdsay.

True, but we’re here with a job to do, so let’s get prepared to do it.

Roger that, boss,” she said laughing before getting on the bus. She couldn’t help but wonder what Cassie was up to.

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Thanks Jen! Could do with a job :D

Thanks to everyone for helping Tina reach 2000 views too :)


In hindsight, Tina would most certainly wish she didn’t know what Cassie was up to. Cassie sat alone in the couples’s house, watching her customary night time television. A knock at the door frightened the life out of her. She was suspicious of answering the door, but it needed doing as the person knocked again. As she unlocked the chain from its hook, she glanced through the spy hole and was actually not surprised at the person standing there. She opened the door and frowned.

Jamie Winters. I would say that I’m surprised you’re standing at my door, but I’m truly not.

Jamie Winters stood with a bottle of wine in his hand, perched against the doorframe. By anyone’s standards, he was handsome and would draw most girls into his charm and swagger. “Cassie Frost. It’s been a long time.

Cassie looked away, “Not long enough now that you’re back in Scotland.

How’d you know I was back?

Saw your mother and grandmother not long back. They mentioned you were moving back to Scotland. I had hoped they were wrong, but it seems not as you stand on my doorstep right now.

Jamie smiled, “Miss me at all?

Are you kidding?” replied Cassie with a look of extreme disdain.

I think you should invite me in, so I can at least explain myself. I have wine.

Cassie shook her head, “Tina’s in, and she knows all about you. Wouldn’t be so good for you both to meet.

It was Jamie’s turn to shake his head, “She isn’t in. She jetted off to Moldova today.

How do you know?” inquired Cassie, slightly puzzled.

I sent off the travel papers. I work for the Home Office; I know a lot of things.

Cassie frowned, “You best come in then. It’s freezing and you’re letting all the cold air in.

Jamie smiled, with just a hint of triumph on his face, “Don’t go thinking anything into this, Jamie.

Suitably rebuffed, he entered anyway and left his coat on the rack. He sat down on the sofa, perched on one end while Cassie perched herself on the other. “Nice house you’ve got here,” he said, pretending to look around but intentionally eyeing up Cassie in the process.

Me and Tina do bits every now and then. Jamie, why are you here?” she asked, annoyed that he was dancing around the why he was really here. “You left without so much as a proper goodbye,” said Cassie as she stood up, infuriated he had the cheek to come back here.

I made a mistake, Cassie. It does happen to people, you know.

Well not to me. I don’t give second chances Jamie, especially to those who mess me around and break my heart.

You make it sound like I did it intentionally! I had a new job, Cassie. What else could I have done?

Chose the person you love? I don’t know, Jamie. What does it matter anyway? Why have you come here? To dredge all this up?” yelled Cassie, getting angrier by the minute.

I came to see you. To say sorry.

No you didn’t Jamie. You came in the vain hope of getting me back. You really need to learn to lie better.

Can you blame me? I still have feelings for you. Why wouldn’t I?

Please leave, Jamie,” muttered Cassie. The tears were beginning to form in her eyes now. She had fully regretted even letting him in.

Say you don’t still have feelings for me. Just say it, so then I at least know,” he said, standing next to her now.

Get out!” yelled Cassie, and this time, he accepted.

This is where I’m staying,” he said, offering Cassie a hotel card. She didn’t take it from him, so he left it on the coffee table. “Please come to see me,” he said, before leaving.

Cassie began crying as soon as she slammed the door behind him.

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Wednesday 22nd July 2009 – Dacia Chisinau vs. St Mirren


Europa League Second Qualifying Round Second Leg

GK; Vincent Degre

DR; Jack Ross

DL; Mo Camara

DC; Chris Innes

DC; Lee Mair

MC; Andy Dorman

MR; Fabrice Fernandes

ML; Ricardo Vaz Te

MC; Alej Caiaffa

ST; Billy Mehmet

ST; Febian Brandy

Subs; Paul Gallacher, John Potter, Hugh Murray, Stephen McGinn, Tom Brighton, Ciro Immobile, Edixon Perea

Tina looked at the player sheet in front of her. The decision to opt for a whole plethora of changes was taken easily for her. With a four-nil lead, the chance to test some other players was one to be taken.

Five changes,” said Valter as he took the team sheet from Tina.

Tina nodded in reply, “Why not? I might as well give some of these lads a chance to play in European competition. It might make them hungrier for the games to come against PSV.

Valter smiled. He knew she was right, and he took the signed team sheet off to the dressing room. Edixon Perea might not be too happy at being dropped already, but the striker will hopefully be more up for the game if he comes off the bench. Sergiu Botnaras has neglected to say hello to Tina since they had arrived, leaving chairman Kuriev to act as a liaison.

Celtic had sealed a deal earlier in the day, too with Paris Saint-Germain 18year old winger Brice Dja Djedje joining the green side of Glasgow on a season-long loan. There is apparently a clause in the deal that Celtic can sign him for £140,000 at any time during the deal, but will need to prove himself first. They’ve also reached an agreement for Monterrey’s central defender Felipe Baloy, a £1,600,000 figure being agreed upon. The Panamanian is now waiting on a work permit, but shouldn’t have any problems in gaining one.

Tina was sat with her thoughts when a SkySports correspondent appeared. It was a face she knew as Martin Salkeld came in. “Hi Tina. Mind if I get your thoughts for the upcoming match?

Tina shook her head, “Not a problem. Fire away,” she said, before she answered his questions.

There are reports that you are playing Brandy today. Many view him as the future of the England team. Would you agree on that?

Tina nodded, “I would. He’s a very exciting prospect and to have him here at St Mirren can only be good news.

As the questions went on, they all held the same theme. The transfers and the upcoming league season being the main topics, but also the spat with James King on which Tina refused to comment. As Martin finished up, Tina made her leave as did Martin, who would be in the crowd for the upcoming game.

Portuguese referee Pedro Henriques would be officiating the game today, his last game being the FBK Kaunas vs. Dinamo Tblisi.

Tina stood in front of her players who looked extremely eager to finish the job they started in Paisley. “Today’s game is all about finishing what we began, so all I’m asking for is a nice, decent win. Keep the passing short like we practiced in training, and don’t let them gain any space. Close them down quickly to earn the ball back with as much haste as possible and launch the counters as we practiced. Andy, if you try any of those shady free kicks you keep doing in training, you’ll have me to answer to.

Andy Dorman had a huge grin on his face, but he knew that she meant it. “Gotcha boss,” he said before tying up his boots.

So yeah, go out there, put in a good performance for those fans who made it across and take back a good win for Gilmour in Paisley.

The players got up and headed out for the second game of their European adventure.

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Thanks alot, meatball. Hope you stick with us. Salk - I heard he was really an impatient bugger :D


As the players emerged and the staff took up their positions in the rather minute dugouts, Sergiu completely ignored Tina. “Fine,” she muttered, “If you want to play it like that you immature man.

Dacia won the toss for the kickoff, and Demchenko rolled the ball to Yarkin to get the game underway. It didn’t take long for Colombian Caiaffa to nick the ball from his midfield counterpart and play it out wide to Camara. The Guinea international, under extra pressure today with the Guinea boss in the crowd, plays it to Mair who then pumps it forward to Mehmet. The Irishman seems to spot a gap in the goal to aim for, but so early in the game he fails to keep his effort down. The fact that he wasn’t closed down brought a tirade from Botnaras to Tina’s right.

Mehmet was to continue his one-man assault on Djachenko’s goal, the striker flashing another effort towards his goal, this time going wide rather than over. It’s great to see that the incentive to score is there for Billy, but he needs to hit the target preferably.

Dacia looked much different to how they did last week; more of a better drilled unit. They pour forward in great numbers, Yarkin stinging Degre’s new gloves with an effort that needed a good palm away. It earns Dacia a corner, and Makarenko wins it in the air from Mair, but his effort loops wide and over. St Mirren don’t take long to get out of the small pressure pocket, breaking away with a Degre goalkick.

Brandy, with his first touch of the ball since the start of the game, makes headways down the length of the pitch before centering back to Dorman. Happy to have the ball, he seems to get carried away and despite being 35 yards out unleashes a rocket that Djachenko scrambles to tip over. Fernandes’ corner is poor and easily cleared by Pakhmonov.

Dacia look extremely different,” muttered Tina, Valter nodding in agreement with her statement.

Don’t forget that we are on their patch now. They're bound to perform differently.

Despite having a nice break from yelling obscenities from the sideline, Sergiu is at it again when Fernandes breaks down the right, and despite losing the ball to Popov, can’t help but laugh when he panics and hoofs it out for a corner. “Glad he doesn’t play for us,” said Tina, smiling as she watched the whole thing unfold. Unbelievably the same thing happens again; as Fernandes’ corner is cleared to the midfield, he doubles back on himself and smashes the ball high and wide of his own goal, out for another corner. By this point Sergiu is livid. And he has every right to be when the ball eventually goes into his team’s goal.

A terrific piece of passing play for St Mirren sees Dorman run the midfield show and eventually setting up Mehmet on the edge of the box. Despite not being closed down or having anyone around, he flicks the ball over for Brandy, who hits a first time volley past Djachenko. The St Mirren fans celebrate as their new boy grabs his first goal, but are booing just seconds later as the linesmans flag is shown to be flying high. Tina is livid as she storms to the fourth official.

That was never offside!” she yelled in his face. Valter comes running across to stop her from doing anything more.

Let it go, Tina. We will score again. Don’t worry about it,” he said calmly.

Tins shrugged him off and slumped back into her seat. She was pretty annoyed, and that seat is where she remained for the rest of the half as neither side pushed forward with any momentum. St Mirren looked seemingly put off by the offside decision while Dacia were happy to not concede and face the wrath of Sergiu. As the fourth official board goes up to indicate one extra minute, the game is stopped for an injury to Yarkin.

He eventually returns to the play, and despite looking comfortable, St Mirren and Dacia head in to the break tied at 0-0.


As the players sat before Tina, they could tell she wasn’t happy. Thankfully it wasn’t for the reason they thought. “I’m pretty happy with how we have looked out there, but as such, I’m going to make two changes. Billy, you’re coming off for Edi. It’s nothing personal, I just think that Febian needs another pacey man alongside him rather than playing off a target man like you. We still need a goal, gentleman, so let’s go out there and finish off Sergiu and his team.

St Mirren start the half looking much more fresher than Dacia, the Moldovan’s looking like they had just received an unfair grilling from their manager. With that being Sergiu, it was more than likely to be true. Brandy and Perea combine well, just as predicted, Perea laying it off for Brandy, who despite being offside fluffs his chance. He scuffs his shot into the ground and is disappointed to see it roll into Djachenko’s hands.

As the half grinds on, Tina is left livid when a tackle goes horribly wrong. Perea pulls away down the right, but his stud gets imbedded in the mud and he is brought down by Ganchev, the midfielder obviously not knowing about Perea’s stud. He brings him down, and Perea goes down awkwardly. The referee calls for a foul, but neglects to produce a yellow which Ganchev rightly deserved and seemingly expected.

Tina was up again marching towards the fourth official, “Wheres the yellow? What does he have to do, ey? Break his foot?

The fourth official kept his face stern, “It’s his decision. If he doesn’t feel it deserved a booking, then it didn’t. Tina, if you come over here again yelling, you’ll be in trouble yourself.

Tina stormed back in disgust. “Take Edi off. I don’t want to aggravate anything he might have done, and to be honest, don’t want to lose my best striker.

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