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How to defend good

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I have huge problems with my defending. The players won't mark, won't tackle or do anything right. The opponents players wonders around, finds space and passes around me. My players doesn't do anything. I can't have hard tackle, since they all gets massive amounts of card.

The pressure (closing down) is okay I guess. 8 notches for the keeper. The same mentality for the DC(d). Plus 1 for the DC(a). Plus 3 for my full back. Plus two for my defensive midfielders. A bit higher for my 5 attacking players.

How can I defend myself better? Please.

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Do not pay attention to BFE. It seems he is trolling the forums looking to aggrivate people. This is the third thread in a row where he has posted completely pointless replies. Despite his remark being correct here, he has offered no more of a soloution that to simply annoy you, which is what I think his aim is.

Defence doesnt start with the defenders. You must ensure your midfield players are doing their bit too.

Have you setup using the wizard or tailored something yourself? It sounds like it might be something of your own making.

Can you please give us alittle more information.

What formation do you play?

What is your tactic?

What is your philosiphy?

Where is your defence line?

Which sorts of team give you the most problems?

with more information, we are able to assist you further.


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I have not used the new wizard, for sure.

I have changed my formations from time to tome, to see if it gets better or not. Most often, I play an simple backline with 4 defenders. The full backs on support, while mye centre backs have defend duty. I tried playing with two defensive midfielders (most for using both Veloso and Camacho), but I changed to one since I needed that player higher up on the pitch. Therefore, one defensve midfielder, which sometimes plays as a simple central defender, with different duties from time to time. Most often defend.

Then, I have two wings pushed up as AML and AMH. Wingers with attack as duty. In the AMC I play Gourcuff as advanced playmaker attack. Up in front, Forlan and Agüero. Which roles I should use on them, I don't know.


Philosophy: Very Fluid

Starting Strategy: Control (since Attack didn't make chances)

My team gets problems against everyone. Poor one kan play around me easy.


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Okay.... now, thats a very attacking formation. You should expect problems with this. For me it looks like one of those "I'll score one more than you" formations.

You are leaving yourself exposed down the wings. Are your DL/R roles as fullbacks or wingbacks? more specifically, whats their FWR setting?

If this is mixed or often, then you are leaving so much space. IMO, and assuming this is the case, your DM is not enough cover for your formation with attacking DL/R's.

I would set them to supporting Fullbacks (role), this way they will still cross and attempt throughballs, but they will rarely roam forward. To be honest, with that many men upfront, you dont really need them.

The very fluid philosophy also encourages the DL/R forward, where as it 'should' technicaly also encourage the wingers back, I doubt it does, simply because they are to far forward. I might be wrong here, but your tactic might acualy do well with a rigid setting as you quite clearly want your attacking players to attack and your defensive players to defend.

I would suggest that the opposition have the time and space to pass around your players simply becuase there are not enough of them. By the time the front guys make it back, they have probably scored or already lost possession.

I am guessing that you are fairly prone to counter attacks with this?

In relation to closing down, I would have the front lot on full... make them work and track back, whereas I might look at fairly low levels for the back guys simple to get them to hold their shape whilst the front guys make the journey back.

If they hold their shape then the opposition have to go through you, rather than around you. Remember, anytime someone closes the opposition down, they leave a gap where they were. If the oppositon have more men forwards (or less but quality players) they will simply move into this space AND likely drag another defender with them.

Hope some of that helps.


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What I've observed so far is that people tend to instruct their fullbacks to play way too aggressive. Also the predefined settings seem to be inappropriate to me. The fullback/wingbacks task is not to tackle the ball but to shield the center and to prevent crosses. For me it works best if Tight marking is unticked, zonal marking on and relatively low pressing. Otherwise they are prone to loose a one on one situation (tight marking, high pressing) or get drawn from their positions attacking players in the center and leaving the flanks unprotected.

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Follow-up to my last question. I've changed my tactic a bit, even the formation. It's like this:


As you see, it is a pretty narrow formation. I play through the middle, something that works quite well. However, the problem is the opponents wingers who gets to much space to work on the ball. That is the zone on the pitch where they make most of their chances. How can I get my midfielders, or whoever, to cover that space when not attacking? I'm absolutely not changing the defending, unless you guys have something brilliant I can do.


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Get your MCLR's to man mark the wingers or the wingbacks.

Try playing wide and see what happens.

Also.... take a leaf out of the masters of this formation. Have a watch of some chelsea games from Fm, I think you can still do thisthrough clicking on their results.... see how they do it.


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aunmar you can try to heighten the closing down of your CMs. This might help a bit. And if you could post a screenshot of the instructions of the fullbacks maybe we could comment on them as well. I've read that you don't want to change anything in your defense but in this formation it's essentially the fullbacks who are providing width. So their setup is quite important

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It's okay to tweak the defense, but I like the formation and wont move the players around.

Here is the setting of Azpilicueta (DR). DL is exactly the same.


I will try setting the time wasting (14) to 1, play wider and have much closing down on my central midfielders. Will reply back, but other tips is great too!

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Your fullbacks are not contributing any width because they are restricted almost entirely to defending tasks. I would greatly increase their closing down (maybe sth between 10 and 12 notches) and also their creative freedom (around 10 to 12 notches too). As instructed now they behave very passively not pressing the opponents wingers at all. Closing down more often should certainly help to shut your flanks. And I would set the fullbacks on zonal marking. Otherwise your flanks are completely open if the opponents winger cuts inside drawing your fullback with him

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Thanks for the feedback, people. It have worked very well. At the moment I'm trailing Barcelona two points behind, in January. My ball-winning midfielders (Veloso and Camacho) are winning the ball much more after I set them to man mark the opponents wingers. Thanks!

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