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Could this be changed in the skin?


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Was thinking of a way to make the tactics easier to use but then thought maybe it could be changed in the skin if possible?


Something thats really annoying me is something that could be so simple to fix.

Ive noticed after making my own tactic based around my best players that if all of a sudden a few players need changing alot of things need changing regarding my tactic.

For instance if David Beckham is starting as he has a rating of 16 for Long Shots (although not amazing) i would probably set him to Shoot From Distance Often.

However if hes injured and i put Modric in his place who has a rating of 7 for Long Shots my tactic would still be set as Shoot From Distance Often.

Or if i play Wilson Palacios and as he has a rating for Hold Up Ball of 18 i would set this to YES.But then if he was injured and i played O'Hara there as his rating is only 9 i would then change it to NO.

Imagine if you change 2 or 3 players for every match and then theres all the different settings (23 in total) thats alot of time spent going through each setting for those players you have changed.

Wouldnt it be easier if you could go through your whole team instead of just your starting 11 and set each players settings.

Hope ive explained it for people to understand

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Can't be done via skinning. There's nothing stopping you creating multiple tactics and saving them though if you really want to have a load of presets. So have one tactic with settings for Palacios and one with settings for O'Hara etc.

That said, I don't think having pre-sets would work as tactics depend on far more than who is playing in what position. It all depends on, opposition, their style and personnel, player condition, weather and so on. As an example, if you had Beckham in against a team that played a high defensive line and you had a quick striker you wouldn't want him taking long shots, you'd want him playing through balls more often. If Beckham has played a few games recently and is tired but you have no replacement, then you'd have him doing different things, spraying more balls and running less. If it's windy then you'd have him playing less high long balls to wingers. Heck, even having o'hara instead of palacios might mean your have different settings for surrounding players.

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Not really something you can skin in - the best way of doing would be by editing the tactical template files as shown in the linked thread (though I'm not sure if these work for the new tactics in FM2010, or just apply to the classic tactics).

Though it may be possible that the new player role/duty instructions are contained in a file like the tactical template.xml file, so if you can find the file and it's editable you might be able to create your own roles and duties.

Though it would be nice to be able to save your own roles and duties settings in game like you can with tactics.

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