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Your suggestions please- 32 challenges!

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I have created a new league structure (to replace the german leagues) of two leagues with 16 teams in each, 4 cup competitions (1 FA style, 1 within each division and one super cup for the winner of the two smaller cups- the cups make up for a 30 game league).

I have created 32 new clubs. These clubs are currently identical except for name/kits and that the 16 clubs in the top league have rep 8000, the lower league has 7000. The clubs are named after the 16 german states (two for each state) and have rivalries set- although this can all change.

-Clubs have chairmen with identical chairman stats but random personalities, but no other staff (which means the team can either be empty or have 'key staff added' and start with a fairly terrible squad).

What I am looking for now are 32 different challenges a club/manager can face in FM, to give each club a bit more personality- This is where you come in!

Can you please help me out by coming up with a unique challenge for each club, just suggest any different situation a football club can be in, or things which should be present in a league to make it more fun.

Looking forward to your great suggestions :)

EDIT- I have reduced the reputation of the existing german clubs, so that most new clubs will be more desirable to existing german league players- HOWEVER, should I release all players from the real german clubs instead? What are your thoughts?

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As one of the challenges one of the clubs in the second league must gain promotion, win the top division, the German cup, the Champions League and the Club World Championship with a squad of all German players and all the trophies being won in the same season.

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Some great ideas so far! I've decided I will get rid of the previously existing teams from the old german league and distribute their players between the new teams, I will get other players from other teams as well, in order to have some established teams (I think one challenge will be to start with an empty team).

Keep your great ideas coming!

Oh and I think I'll nudge it towards having half of the league battling relegation, the other half being potential winnners.

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