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Off Top Thread

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I am a huge fan of these things just to take a break for you sign up to have a rant, a moan or just a general chit chat with fellow CSE'ers and thought as Owen just scored a hat-trick; that would be a perfect excuses to start/finish the debate - Question

Should owen go to the world cup?

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a what?

Before this site was updated, all those who did Challenges, Sign Up's and Experiments(CSE'ers) had our own off topic section; All i want to do is recreate this even if only to a 10th of what it was

Oh ok :)

They are like warnings. They can lead to bans :)

Also read my PM :D

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Just to add a few thoughts about the social group/off topic thread discussion a while ago.

It is a shame to see that this group is becoming less popular now, especially since it was the only one that was kept open while the others were deleted. It is because it is just a bit more inconvenient than having an off topic thread? (I appreciate that this was the reason for it being set up).

Off topic threads are strange in my opinion, we have a whole forum for off topic stuff yet people are scared of it and want a section within their own little communities (which I can see the logic in to an extent), however they very rarely work.

The two existing ones I can think of are LLM and FMS, both of which are forums used by fairly mature, eloquent users. The off topic threads in there tend to be used sensibly, you don't really get the spamming or the arguments that others have had. Now compare that to the threads in GPTG. Much younger audience, much more spamming and every one of them that I can remember has been closed for getting out of control.

I think this forum is somewhere between those two and while the people that have been using this group have been using it entirely sensibly and maturely, we do have some other younger/less mature members that might quite like to use an off topic thread (you might be able to guess the type of user I have in mind). This is what could tip it towards the chaos that occured in the GPTG threads.

The old off topic thread is still about, it hasn't been deleted, so anyone who was not familiar with it can see what it was like. Initially it served a great purpose since we had just moved forum software and it was a great place to help people out, the later pages are where it tends to get a bit dodgy. The other problem it had was there were some users who posted in there extensively but barely posted anywhere else in CSE, it was almost an OTF-lite. Since closing it, some of those people have disappeared and have found their feet in OTF.

I don't think the off topic thread will be returning. SI/the mods in general have a poor opinion of them and recently the moves have been to shut them down rather than start them up.

before this is inevitably closed.

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