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kimz 8.0.2 tactic WITH NO TWEAK AT ALL!!! the best tactic for fm08??? RATE IT!!!

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Originally posted by mick23:

Is everybody who's having success with this using the opposition instructions or not? I don;t normally bother but if they're important to the success, I will do.

I've been using opposition instructions. Also using close down for people with high creativity and show onto weaker foot for 1 footed players.

Won 27, drew 2 with Arsenal so far.

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Played 4 games with my Swindon team in league 2.

Morcambe 0 - 5 Swindon

Swindon 6 - 2 Luton

Barnet 3 - 1 Swindon

Swindon 2 - 1 Exeter

Im playing really well at home and that last game agoinst Exeter could of easliy been six.

I must admit other than my first away game I find I am struggling somewhat away from home. Anyway tweaked anything away from home???

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Right, after trying every so called 'Great/diablo/you can beat Arsenal away' super-tactic, and having them fail miserably with my FC Moscow side, im deciding to try this one...4 games into my season with 2 wins and 2 draws so far, but playing pathetic football.

I will report back tonight, i am very hopeful, all fingers and toes crossed, as the tactical ball-ache of FM08 8.0.2. has me at my wits end.

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Best tactic for 2008 so far for me - 8.0.2 anyway. Encouraged by the start with everton (was a new game) signed samba and VDV. after 7 games ive won 6 Drawn 1. Very impressed.

B'ham 5-0

Newc 2-0

Pompey 1-1

Man yoo 4-2

Hammers 2-0

Tottenham 4-2

Chelsea 5-0

Watching the chelsea game the CD's could not pickup Yakubu (lone striker) so looks like it exploits the game engine. Will report at end of season.

Thanks You very very much for sharing!

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Watching the chelsea game the CD's could not pickup Yakubu (lone striker) so looks like it exploits the game engine. Will report at end of season.

Yeah exactly the same for me with Adebayor.

Ade banged in 6 in a 6-0 win. DCs left him open space.

God, the bugs are endless :/

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Early doors and all's good, especially away from home, seem to be getting some goalfests too, but I think that is the norm for 8.0.2, I've barely kept a clean sheet in this patch (I have Eneyeama in goal).

I was 8 games without a win as Norwich (season 4, 3rd season in Premier):

Wigan (LC) - Away - 3-2 win

West Ham - Away - 4-2 win

Derby - Away - 2-0 win

Middlesboro - Home 1-1 draw

Spurs (LC 1/4 final) - Away - 6-3 Loss (went down to 10 men after Steven Thicot was sent off int he 11th minute though)

Arsenal - Home - 1-1

Liverpool - Away - 4-2 win

More than these good results though, my pay and passing just looks a whole lot better... icon14.gif

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I'm wondering. Do you tweak the tactic when the opponent go 4-2-4?

What do you do if your team gets a players sent off?

no, im not tweaking at all if the opp go 4-2-4, it cost me a draw againts good teams sometimes icon_mad.gif

but i will change my DL/DR with fresh one, sometimes DC too.

but dont forget about the opp instruction...

if one of my plater is sent off, the empty slot is my right AMC if leading, and L/R MC for draw or lost

wish it help... icon_wink.gif

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By this do you mean that I should tight mark and hard tackle every one of the opponent's outfield player apart from the DC?

i've used to give those opp instruction to all opp player

maybe not marking tightly pacing striker make it better

And I notice that the defenders in your tactic are set up to man-mark. Should I assign them to the opposition or just leave them as is?

i never assign them to the opp, as it will go wrong when the ai rotate their player..

good luck...... icon14.gif

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Originally posted by teeyougee:

Decided to try out this formation with Arsenal in season 3. Great results so far icon_smile.gif

WON 6-0 (A) - Preston (they're 14th in the league)

WON 4-0 (H) - Galatasaray (used my 2nd team)

WON 5-0 (H) - Sheff. Wed (they're 16th in the league)

WON 1-0 (A) - Man. Utd

WON 4-2 (A) - Fulham (Bad idea to tight mark fast strikers)

WON 4-0 (A) - Galatasaray (used my 2nd team)

Very happy with this formation icon_biggrin.gif But I'm peed off that I paid £49.5M for Robben, who plays well as a winger. Now he's sitting on the sub bench icon_razz.gif

retrain him as AMC.... icon14.gif

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Originally posted by marco_atk85:

I'm just wondering why I am the only one who can't profit from this tactic. I'am playing with Coventry. I used this tactic so far 4 games. And I lost all of them 1-4, 1-2, 1-2, 0-4.

The problem SC has a lot of off target shoot. I tried 3 different SC but every time I have 2/10 , 1/7 or sth like this. And also I couldn't figure out why I conceed that amount goal.

maybe your team talk... or low morale...

btw, i'm working on v2, so this tactic can work with lower team... icon_wink.gif

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This is the best tactic I've used from here. I started with QPR and picked up a bunch of AM (Piatti, Kalouda, Alejandro Gomez) because it seemed like that was a position the AI had a hard time dealing with, but I hadn't been able to create the right tactic for them. My offense has looked great in the 5 games I have used this (5-0-1, blew the draw in minute 88).

The only issues I've had are my back 4 and GK being asked to play really well. That area is definitely the weak point of my team and it has shown, though I've only conceded 4 goals in the 5 games, with 2 coming in the draw.

The other issue is picking up a lot of fouls. I can live with that though.

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Guest Craig MacKay

Im using it with Scottish first division side St.Johnstone and im flying - played 8 won 8. I am rotating my AMC's around to find who works best in each position and my striker can be either a strong target man or a fast skillfull player but it still works!

Excellent tactic. My only problem with it is loosing too many goals but who cares when you score more!

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The thing with the cbs not picking up the lone striker must be an exploit as I have seen it with many lone striker tactics. In my blackburn rovers game using my own tactic Gouffran got four against Arsenal then 5 against Chelsea playing as the lone striker, just because the cbs did nothing. Will give your tactic a try and report back on how it does for my rovers team (finished 4th last season)

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Ended top of the league by a clear margin with 98 points.

Played 38: 31 wins, 5 draws, 2 losses. Goal difference 120-41

Was beaten in the quarter final in champions league 8-6 by Juventus on aggregate. I lost the first game 3-2 away and was hoping to secure a place in the semi final. Don't really know what happened but I conceded 5 goals in the first 30 minutes of the game after telling them "you can win this" pre-match. I let them have it at half time and ended up losing 4-5. Very strange game. That's the only game the tactic looked a bit shady though.

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First impressions.....I like it, I like it a lot! Beat Roma 2-0 away, beat Charlton 6-5 at home, beat Oldham 5-0 at home and beat Reading 2-0 away. Not exactly the best teams to see it against but I don't care, they are usually games I would draw or lose. Well done sir

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Originally posted by eple:

Ended top of the league by a clear margin with 98 points.

Played 38: 31 wins, 5 draws, 2 losses. Goal difference 120-41

Was beaten in the quarter final in champions league 8-6 by Juventus on aggregate. I lost the first game 3-2 away and was hoping to secure a place in the semi final. Don't really know what happened but I conceded 5 goals in the first 30 minutes of the game after telling them "you can win this" pre-match. I let them have it at half time and ended up losing 4-5. Very strange game. That's the only game the tactic looked a bit shady though.

"you can win this" team talk never work in my opinion,

i will tell my player wish luck(average - low morale) or for the fans (high morale) if im not favourite

"to many conceding issues" is my concern now

still working on its defence now, but so far not satisfying me yet... icon_confused.gif

i will upload ver 1.1 soon, after finishing defence problem....

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Originally posted by kimz:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by excisePT:

Osasuna 1 - 4 R.Madrid

R.Madrid 7 - 0 Middlesbrough

A.Madrid 0 - 1 R.Madrid

R.Madrid 6 - 1 Espanyol

so far so good :nice:

are you tweaking during game? i hope not icon14.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

no i'm not!

more results ..

Middlesbrough 3 - 4 R.Madrid

Athletic 0 - 2 R.Madrid

Leganés 0 - 2 R.Madrid

R.Madrid 3 - 0 Zaragoza

R.Madrid 5 - 1 CSKA Moscovo

On National team..

Brasil 5 - 0 Croácia

Brasil 4 - 1 Costa do Marfim

Loving the results, and loving how my teams are playing football!

Thankz kimz, icon_wink.gif

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I think this tactic is far from perfect or the Diablo tactic!!

First season i played with this game i scored alot goals but conceded also a record of goals.

It look likes every chance te opp. gets is a goal, tweaked also a little bit but i don't like this tactic icon_wink.gif

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I started a new game with Bradford and tried this tactic.

Not that good Imo i was drawing alot of games, untill i noticed the opp instructions. But it is worst with the opp instructions loosing every away game and drawing/ loosing more at home than winning.

I reckon ive got the best team in League 2 by miles with the players i have brought in, Morale was supberb and used opp instructions and kept wingers above 80% subbed them when they went below 80.

My latest defeat is away at Brentford 1-0 despite again having better of possesion, had 16/4 shots on target they had 14/6 shots on target.

Is it really important to have a strong striker up front, because tbh i dont have a strong striker up fronteither Malcom Christie or Bogdan Stancu and they both miss chance after chance?

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To make this a little more solid defensively, remove the farrows from the fullbacks, and set their forward runs to mixed. I was conceding a few on the default settings for this tactic, but have conceded "just" 4 in 12 since making this change. As an attacking tactic, this is very effective in my opinion, although the quality of chances seems a bit hit and miss.

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I started using this tactic with Histon in the Blue Sq North. I was doing ok sitting 8th but 5 games later with this tactic i was 1st!

Won all 5 games, conceded loads but always scored more. Some unusual scores like 4-3, 5-4 etc but in fairness i didn't touch the OI.

It has been said that in FM you must grind out results, not with this tactic - it is a joy to watch and brings the fun back.

Tried it once with Sunderland and beat Chelsea 3-2. GREAT STUFF! icon14.gif

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Well noticed some people are winning without opp instructions, and thinking back when i was not using them i was drawing alot won 1 drawn 8 but i was unbeaten.

I've lost alot since i started using opp instructions.

So decided not to use opp instructions for next game, Won 5-0 over Lincoln at home icon_cool.gif

Going to stick with out ussing OI hopefully my players are used to formation now.

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Originally posted by Barkermush:

You dont need to open the tac file.

Once you have downloaded the tactic place it in


Then it will be in your game, Underneath where you pick your standard tactics from in Archieved Tactics.

Cheers mate (Y)

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An interesting looking tactic so I thought I try it.

Maybe I dont have the right players but it was poor for me, couldn't unlock defences, the football was predictable & I was vunerable from crosses as the fullbacks were often too far forward.

Zero CF for all players?

Maybe it should be renamed the robot tactic?

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Originally posted by IMT:

Early doors and all's good, especially away from home, seem to be getting some goalfests too, but I think that is the norm for 8.0.2, I've barely kept a clean sheet in this patch (I have Eneyeama in goal).

I was 8 games without a win as Norwich (season 4, 3rd season in Premier):

Wigan (LC) - Away - 3-2 win

West Ham - Away - 4-2 win

Derby - Away - 2-0 win

Middlesboro - Home 1-1 draw

Spurs (LC 1/4 final) - Away - 6-3 Loss (went down to 10 men after Steven Thicot was sent off int he 11th minute though)

Arsenal - Home - 1-1

Liverpool - Away - 4-2 win

More than these good results though, my pay and passing just looks a whole lot better... icon14.gif

Next few results:

Man Utd (h) - Win 4-0.... icon14.gif

A.Villa (a) - Draw 2-2

Newcastle (a) - Win 4-1

I've been using the opposition instructions too., imo the BEST tactic currently around.

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Well !! i think was a great tactic, for my liverpool league only one loss all season, which was 3 games b4 end of season, to eventual winners Arsenal, who finish with 4 points in front, i did however draw 9 games, prob against poor team eg, bolton at home, wigan both home and away, but won league cup, with this, got to 1/4 finals in chamipons league, got knocked out by a lucky goal against everton in 1/4 finals of f.a cup, but with torres up front, gerrard as amc, Babel left am, and bently right winger, these were just a few who shone with this tactic, but i now have hit a problem, i stated my 2nd season with same tactic, not changed a thing, now with 3 games in i am 12th 1 win, 1 draw, 1 defeat. and it looks like the opposition have sussed out the tactic and is now not that effective, what can i do to counter this ??? but overall prob the best tactic i have download for the past 2 years, and i must try out about 40 different tactics each FM. so that speaks volumes !! well done

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Same trouble again.

I'm struggling using same tactic 2 seasons in a row. As I already posted, my 1st season was abolutely fantastic. Won Seria A, CL. Lost only 4 games. Ibra scored 36 goals.

2nd season - 4th place at the moment with 10 games left, drawn 6, lost 5. Struggling to score a goal. Seems the computer has learnt how to cope with this tactic.

Anyone experincing same problem?

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scored heaps but always seemed to give away 2 goal and even 3 goal leads!very annoying!id end up drawing a game where i had 32 shots!!!did anyone else have such a high shot count?any tweaking to convert more chances?...defensively i struggled aswell..esp away from home.

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this tactic looks very promising ...

I reduced the mentality for the middle AMC with two ticks, this appears to bring him more in the game and at the same time give away less chances ...

I also remove the farrows away from home on DL/DR which seems to give less chances away..

I do have an issue with full back getting lots of yellow cards even without using opposition instructions ..

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With some collective tweaks this could be an awesome tactic. So reducing the AMC mentality might help. Also what about full backs on mixed forward runs, and the settings for the CBs i.e marking and closing down? Come on people we can do this!

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s this could be an awesome tactic. So reducing the AMC mentality might help. Also what about full backs on mixed forward runs, and the settings for the CBs i.e marking and closing down? C

No we can't. The ai cheats! icon_wink.gif

Now, seriously, i don't really believe the ai cheats, but this tactic produces some very infuriating results. It's like playing 8.0.1 again... Lots of one on ones missed. Two chances for the opposition, two goals.

This tactic is great without tweaks and with the right players. I dominate every game, but there's always that game away when the opposition keeper becomes god and my keeper can't save the only two long shots he had to save all game.

Fm is more "realistic" now, you can have a "diablo" tactic, but you don't get a "diablo" result...

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Originally posted by Che1974:

With some collective tweaks this could be an awesome tactic. So reducing the AMC mentality might help. Also what about full backs on mixed forward runs, and the settings for the CBs i.e marking and closing down? Come on people we can do this!

we need to make the ST get more goals some how

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