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On Your Managers, Database Set, Sign Up is a GO!!!

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So the following 17 managers have made it though school and completed their UEFA 'B' badges only to be told they we're too young to manage, so what did they do they scouted the biggest teams in the world, Only Barcelona, Real Madrid, United and Chelsea weren't intrested in these youth prospects everybody else wanted them

So here is how they line up

The Clubs and who they have signed on as Assistant Managers

Inter -  Joe Tompkins
Liverpool - George Reilly
Juventus - Liam Hurst
F.C.Bayern - Casey Anderson
A.C.Milan - Bjorgvin Faerseth
Sevilla - Vasily Dup
Arsenal - Manny Tiatic
At.Madrid - Dillon Cathro
Valencia - Danie Malone
Lyon - Frank Fontaine
Porto- Hugh McMaster
Villareal- Mack Stevenson
Benfica - Chip Butty
Fiorentina -Tarja Hallonen
Roma -Rob Taylor
Sporting .C.P. - Magnus Vestergaard
Marseille - George Wood

p.s. if you have any issues with names or any questions PM me; but be quick

oh and for those with a dual nationality, only your first nation was picked

Screen Shots Too Be Provided Tomorrow, I have done an intial check and all looks ok, but will check again after i've slept

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I changed the job preferences as you'd all changed to ass man, but now with Manager as main pripority,

2 managers have internation jobs and oen has just been offer a national job, but who has done what and who has gone where?

updates will be done tomorrow, with both start up screenshots and jan 2015 screenshots

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                          Started                                  Now
IJoe Tompkins                  Inter 
George Reilly                   Liverpool
Liam Hurst                    Juventus 
Casey Anderson               F.C.Bayern                           England U21(Manager)
Bjorgvin Faerseth              A.C.Milan
Vasily Dup                     Sevilla                 Unemployed (Turned down peru; Ass man job)
Manny Tiatic                  Arsenal
Dillon Cathro                  At.Madrid
Danie Malone                Valencia
Frank Fontaine                Lyon                            Lyon(Ass man)/Poland(Manager)
Hugh McMaster                Porto
Mack Stevenson             Villareal
Chip Butty                   Benfica
Tarja Hallonen               Fiorentina
Rob Taylor                   Roma
Magnus Vestergaard          Sporting .C.P.
George Wood               Marseille

p.s. if you have any issues with names or any questions PM me; but be quick

Screenshots will be take when you all hit 30 or when you all leave original club/or become manager of it

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it sounds like theres something wrong with your connection do you use sharing programs like kazaa or torrent programs? If yes then you should close them before uploading. Also you have to save you sreens in a format that doesn't take enormous amounts of space like .bmp(typical size of 1.5mbper file) you should save your screens in .png or .jpg9same picture 0,1mb). You should know that usually the upload speed of your connection is only a fraction of your download speed.

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Starting Stats


Casey Anderson




Frank Fontaine



George Wood




Geogre Reilly



Manny Tiatic




Chip Butty



Hugh McMaster



Magnus Vestergaard




Daniel Malone



Dillion Cathro



Mack Stevenson



Vasily Dup



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Current Date -

Right so as I said pretty much boring, until moments after i change you job preferences back to 20 manager

Movement of managers

George Reilly - pack it all in at liverpool to Manage a club of which the country he had never been too before; He was chosen for the job at Swansea

Rob Taylor - Seemed happy in Italy and was just about to sign a new deal, before he was snapped up by a weird forest- Nottingham Forest

Casey Anderson - Germany wasn't his best so he stayed at his job but took a role as England U21 Manager, not long after taking that job did a few more turn up in the home of football; after turning down 2 contracts elsewhere the young manager took the post at Ipswich

Manny Tiatic - Took the highest reputation job of the lot at relegation threatened Bolton

Geogre Wood - Went to the lowest rep club so far going to league one side Tranmere (Unfortunately I don't have League one or below so can't track your update very well

Hugh McMaster -After a bad spell at porto - no trophies is two years, McMaster took the first boat out of portugal and headed for the dismal shores, he hadn't look much further than the coast when he came across Sheffield Wednesday and took the helm at the now obscure mid-table club

Liam Hurst - Days after signing a contract at Juventus to keep him at the club till 2019, did he made the switch to title challenging WBA; yet they seem to have gone slightly beckwards

Dillion Cathro - Traded in Madrid for the north-west of London, to Championship club, Watford

I Did tell of two managers being on the international stage the other is Frank Fontaine, still assistant at Lyon, he took over his home nations Poland as full national team manager

p.s. I am waiting for 2018/2019 for the next screen shots till then all Updates will be in this form

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