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Are you struggling with FM10 ????

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Well its been a while since been on here mainly go on looking and commenting on other peoples tactics but thought it was time I produced a thread. so here goes...

I am guessing if you are reading this that you "Are you struggling with FM10."

Well here is my advice to yourselves. I started my first game with Everton in the EPL lost all confidence of my players by season one and was sacked by big Bill Kenwright. Finish in europa cup spot and did pretty poorly overall so deserved to be sacked. This was using various different from the forum. From possession to crazy china tactics (using various versions and changing them when felt the "AI" had cussed the tactic out").

Instead of retiring and re-creating manager to take back over my team and try again I decided to take time out and read about the new features of FM10.

I sat there thinking...

why would they put shouts in if they where not important?

why would they allow you to change your teams mentality so quickly during matches? (THIS IS SO SIMPLE BUT YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE TEAM MENTIALTYS !!)

why have they allowed you to select "roles" for players?

Once you answer the questions you start reliesing that the game isn't about this one "killer" tactic. Its about believe this or not managing your chosen team.

Let take a example you are arsenal (my chosen team now), you are playing top of league Chelsea (UNBEATIN!!) who are getting results. You need to ask yourself the following questions for every match?

Q1)What team mentality should I approach this match with?

Q2)What do my scouts think I should do?

Q3)Who should I man mark (via actual player settings)?

There are other questions but I think you can go to deep and mess your team up if you fiddle too much in my eyes so they are the main ones.

With the questions ill now answer my example...

A1) I decided to start with balanced and I watch the game via 3D mode with extended highlights and read the commentary. (I will expand on this during game !!)

A2) Scouts told me the usual if honest, I should man mark drog and pazzini and also try and exploit the wings (LAST BIT IMPORTANT !!)

A3) This was answered in A2 really but to make it clear:-

Position Marked

RDC Drog

LDC Pazzini

DM Lampard

Ok am set, I go to play and I see my team are struggling from off... so what to do now ??

They are going to be out powered so time to use shouts, play ball to feet... and stay on feet (Stop players getting booked and sent off!!). Change mentality to defence. This means depending on how you set up you get midfield and defence behind ball. They close down and block long shots and tend not to break as quick as "counter" but your team still counters depending on how your team is set up still!!.

I now notice my team are holding there own, most of highlights are in there half, I am getting good CCC (clear cut chances), there shots are mainly from very far out.

I think as you can see now you need to use your "management" skills to recognize what is going on and how to react. If struggling see what your assistant says and go from there, all the information is in front of you all you have to do is understand it and use it to your advantage.

Trying to blitz through the game looking for the clear tactic isn't going to win you the league, the double or anything really. I believe the AI understands how your teams mentality is always the same and just counters it i.e...

You Computer

Attacking Defensive/Counter

Balanced Attacking

Defensive Controlled

Controlled Balanced/Attacking

I think you get the picture am trying to paint (well write :p). Design your formation, use the in built formation creator, pick the correct roles for players (you know what position they should be via it being highlighted when a player is in the position in basic mode).

I believe in start from balanced team mentality and go from there use your skills and have fun. I think you will enjoy it a lot more and win a lot more....

Peace out


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