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FM 2010 Editor Suggestions


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Hey all. If this is in the wrong place, can a mod please move it to the appropriate location. Thanks.

Here is a list of suggestions for the FM10 editor that i feel will benefit the FM10 editor users and feedback is most welcome. Here goes:

1) relocate the menu box to the top next to the file and settings drop-down menu buttons

2) relocate the editable fields/sections from the bottom left box to a menu bar below the file and settings buttons

3) lose recent database records button and relocate add nations rules button next to the file and settings buttons

4) after doing above 3, leave sidebar intact and that can be used for recently accessed or bookmarked items

5) in person data, combine both tabs and show horizontally

6) in player data, combine all 4 attribute tabs and injuries and bans tabs

7) in relationships, combine all tabs into one

8) combine playing and non-playing history sections

9) combine club and nation contract tabs

10) your current location in the editor is shown in either the titlebar or next to the filename in the top right corner

11) when editing a value, the relevant name along with the value, is highlighted for easier identification

12) tooltips when hovered over an item or value

13) when showing list of staff and players, more columns are shown and not just 4

14) change look of editor back to editor look in FM09 or have both ways

15) the buttons at the bottom (add, duplicate, remove, insert, sort, clear, etc...) are under the last item in the current tab or section and not at the bottom of page

16) remove confirmation box after saved .xml file

17) when editing any number, up and down arrows (keyboard arrow keys as well) allow quicker alterations as opposed to entering the value

Well, thats it. Thats my list of suggestions for the editor. Any feedback is welcome and l will post more, if i can think of any :)



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