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Yet another European League WIP

Terry Austin

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I thought I'd try my hand at creating a European League, but I'm taking on a fairly big project, taking it down to 10 levels (maybe more).

I Always imagined that if a European league were created in real life, then promotion / relegation should still exist between the national leagues and the European League. In other words, the Euro league wouldn't be a closed shop.

I Currently have 5 the following structure:

European Super League (1 division, 18 teams)

European Football League Division 1 (1 division, 18 teams)

European Football League Division 2 (1 division, 18 teams)

European Football League Division 3 (1 division, 22 teams)

European Alliance League Division 1 (1 division, 22 teams)

European Alliance League Division 2 (3 divisions, EAST, CENTRAL, WEST, 22 teams each)

European Alliance League Division 3 (3 divisions, EAST, CENTRAL, WEST, 24 teams each)

European Regional Conference 1 (6 divisions, EAST-NORTH, EAST-SOUTH, WEST-NORTH, WEST-SOUTH, CENTRAL-NORTH, CENTRAL-SOUTH, 20 teams each)

European Regional Conference 2 (12 divisions, EAST-NORTH 2A, EAST-NORTH 2B, EAST-SOUTH 2A, EAST-SOUTH 2B, etc, etc. 20 teams each)

I then want to create the next level as the national leagues, but may have to cheat a bit and make some combined leagues (all Ireland for example), but I'd like to make the top footballing nations have their own leagues that then feed into the Regional Conference.

My regionalism is a little shaky, Europe is such an awkward shape and I didn't want any countries clubs to have an easy ride (England in a group with just Wales, Scotland, Ireland, N Ireland and Iceland for example.)

I don't know what this kind of system is going to do to the "proper" European competitions, but I hope to be testing something in the next few days.

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I've added all of the teams, I will post some sort of background story to make the scenario more believable when it's time to release it.

I'm just starting on the cups now, takes so long (over 1000 teams in the European FA Cup), I hoped to do some tonight but took me 4 hours to get home from work!! In what should have been a 30 minute journey, so I just want to chill now.

I also need to fine tune all of the leagues, such as tv money, prize money, etc. I'm going to make it BIG, but it will be explained why so big in the back story, I also want to keep all of the original nations playable, which will also blend in with the storyline.

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Thanks, may be a while, what with Christmas time and all.

I'm still after some advice on how best to set boundaries for the regional divisions............

Boundaries are tricky, and you'll never get it exactly right. I used google maps to find the best cities to use, but remember to check these cities have co-ordinates in the game, otherwise it won't work.

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Boundaries are tricky, and you'll never get it exactly right. I used google maps to find the best cities to use, but remember to check these cities have co-ordinates in the game, otherwise it won't work.

You can set the boundaries of cities yourself. You can check co-ordinates from wikipedia

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Setting the boundaries is going to be too hard I think, as the regional settings aren't 100% accurate due to the awkward shape of the continent and the nations, plus I wanted to try to keep the regions competitive.

I might just have to go through each club.

Could be a while, although as a stop gap, I'll post the WIP xml file soon, just so you can all take a look.

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Having played around with a European League (saved under Australian nation to take it out of European competitions) I've found that in regional/sub-leagues, the AI tends to congregate teams from the sam nation together automatically - from setting the divisions up with a maximum of three teams from any one nation, I am now finding that at the 6th Level (4 Divisions of 16) divisions having nine teams from one nation!

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