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Training 10.2 patch FM2010

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Hi All,

I am having problems with training on the new patch. I am currently using tugs training but say at half time some

players are at 78% condition then at full time they are around 65% condition. I have never had this problem before

so maybe it is the new patch.

Also if I have another game in a few days the whole team who played the last game will be around 88% so I have to

change the full team. The problem is when I am managing a team with a small squad I do not have enough players.

Has anybody else had this problem? Does anybody have any other training to keep the fitness up?


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Yeah, it's another "improvement" from the last patch. Well, it wouldn't actually have to be literally a "bug"... one could say they thought it would make intelligent substitutions more important, and as such they did rise fitness decreasing through a match a bit; which would make some sense in theory, but after 75 mins a player falls to a fitness similar to the one of a player with a friggin' broken leg :p

Anyway, it's not a training issue, so stick with Tugs. Good news is, it happens both for your team AND AI controlled ones, so it's still usually fair. Only real issue is how to manage both the league and an european cup when you're not managing a top team with dozens of (good) reserves. Again, I bet they did it to encourage doing some turn over, which was, to be honest, absolutely unneeded before. In a way this makes things better and more challenging, though maybe a bit too much.

What you could do is change to a less straining tactic: offensive and high speed tactics tend to tire your players way faster now, so a more conservative style of play kinda pays off now. I was using an overload tactic that was utterly killing my midfielders' fitness (around 60-65% after a full match): same tactic with counter mentality made them save about 10% in fitness... and guess what? Even the results score wise are better, probably for that very reason.

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Ok Thanks for the reply. It is a strange thing to add into the game making the players so tired after playing

45 mins and be at 78% condition! I suppose the only good thing is it being the same for the computer team!

I will stick to tugs training then and maybe change the tactics I am using as you suggested!

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I do not think that the AI benefits from the same conditions...Or something is wrong anyway. I am using Tug's training as Liverpool. I have the standard Liverpool team, plus a few cheap signings ( most of my buyings are bargains ) + Zarate bought in the third season from Lazio.

Now i am on 31 March. I have to play Man City, who happen to be first. I am checking their squad, and before our game, their squad is almost all with 100% condition, while my squad has condition problems.

Now, first my squad is rotating a lot, because of the condition problem. My top player has played only 31 games ( 3 from them as a sub ). Now their top player has played 48 games ( only one as a sub ), and he is.... 100% condition, with of course all the last 5 games playing for the city...Also the second and the third, and almost the all first team. That means that either they play very slow, and their players sleep on the field, but that is not an option since Man City has a very offensive tactic with 15+ shots each and every game, and good possession, or that the AI has a suprinsigly good training schedule, or that AI is cheating.

So, what should i do? I can not fight teams that can use a top player 50 games per season 100% condition, while i have to rest mine to be sure they do not get overused and injured. I have played 7 preseason games to build fitness, i have almost full stars in Fitness coaches, what should i do? Tell the players to sleep on the pitch?

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I do not think that the AI benefits from the same conditions...Or something is wrong anyway. I am using Tug's training as Liverpool. I have the standard Liverpool team, plus a few cheap signings ( most of my buyings are bargains ) + Zarate bought in the third season from Lazio.

Now i am on 31 March. I have to play Man City, who happen to be first. I am checking their squad, and before our game, their squad is almost all with 100% condition, while my squad has condition problems.

Now, first my squad is rotating a lot, because of the condition problem. My top player has played only 31 games ( 3 from them as a sub ). Now their top player has played 48 games ( only one as a sub ), and he is.... 100% condition, with of course all the last 5 games playing for the city...Also the second and the third, and almost the all first team. That means that either they play very slow, and their players sleep on the field, but that is not an option since Man City has a very offensive tactic with 15+ shots each and every game, and good possession, or that the AI has a suprinsigly good training schedule, or that AI is cheating.

So, what should i do? I can not fight teams that can use a top player 50 games per season 100% condition, while i have to rest mine to be sure they do not get overused and injured. I have played 7 preseason games to build fitness, i have almost full stars in Fitness coaches, what should i do? Tell the players to sleep on the pitch?

It shouldn't happen... at least it never happened to me. In my first season, since my middle table team had no matches in europe to play, I constantly had the advantage in condition over all my opponents in the league, and happily cruised at 100% condition against teams with most key players at less than 90% since the beginning. Did you check -when- was the last match played by City compared to you? Maybe you had a couple less days to recover than them.

Recovering rates should be the same as before, it's just that the players are more tired after a match so it takes a little longer: 6-7 days between matches are still enough for them to go back to 100%, while 3-4 days tend to make them recover to 88-94% rather than 95%+ as it was with patch 10.1.

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You were right...they had a game 5 days before, i had a game 3 days before...Gr mr. Sadly i have overlooked that. Although my top players never hit even the 40 game barrier any season.

I need a doctor to give them drugs :))

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Just checked, and Buonanotte, after exactly 7 days from his last game played, recovered to only 97%, as an example. So i have decided to lower the sliders 3 clicks at the right, and see after 1 month the results. If they are still tired, i will lower the training sliders another 3 clicks to the right. The only ones untouched are the keepers, who seem to have no problem playing.

I need a training schedule that in 5 days lets a player recover to 100% after a full game played. I think i do not ask for much :) I will see how it works.

EDIT: Buonanotte is a player with 16 stamina, 24 years old, so he should be able to play a game once a week will full condition. Juventus sold him to me for only 1.7 millions, lucky bastard am i

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Just checked, and Buonanotte, after exactly 7 days from his last game played, recovered to only 97%, as an example. So i have decided to lower the sliders 3 clicks at the right, and see after 1 month the results. If they are still tired, i will lower the training sliders another 3 clicks to the right. The only ones untouched are the keepers, who seem to have no problem playing.

I need a training schedule that in 5 days lets a player recover to 100% after a full game played. I think i do not ask for much :) I will see how it works.

EDIT: Buonanotte is a player with 16 stamina, 24 years old, so he should be able to play a game once a week will full condition. Juventus sold him to me for only 1.7 millions, lucky bastard am i

Be careful not to lose too much in stat gaining though. I have had the impression SI actually wanted to prevent any easy way to let you have a 100% fitness ready team at all times, to better emulate the need for some turn-over (and as such an advantage to top table teams - actually I don't know if this is the only factor behind this, but I've got to admit since 10.2 AI controlled teams are much more realistic through the seasons, not as easy as before to see Catania win Serie A and Inter struggle in the lower half of the table... though Catania is still ridiculously "overpowered" :p ). This means that solving the issue reducing training regime might end up crippling its effectiveness too much in long run.

In my current game I have Buonanotte too (amazing player, and always fun to watch this David run past the opposition Goliaths :D ) and he doesn't suffer very much from this fitness problem, probably 'cause I play him as trequartista and he hasn't to run all over. Even my full backs, in theory those who run the most through the match, can usually endure their load pretty well, the real trouble is for central midfielders, I more often than not have to substitute them at half time or shortly after.

Still I would say that beginning a match with 95+% condition is pretty good, and anyway a reason to keep a steady rate of substitutions has its good points: they play more - their value rises up more - they sell for more at the end of the season :D

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I think i am brining the training back to the normal limits, i can see no improvement in condition of the players between games, although i have moved 6 points to the left the slider. Will just use the standard training and let s hope it s the best.

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I think i am brining the training back to the normal limits, i can see no improvement in condition of the players between games, although i have moved 6 points to the left the slider. Will just use the standard training and let s hope it s the best.

let us know if it helps at all.

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No help, the condition of the players are similar either with 6 points to the left, or the default settings. Also, the injuries are normal, as i am writting down now i have just a youngster who is injured, so i can say that injury status is pretty good.

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