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A couple of questions (a cry for help)


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Hey. :D I'm attempting to create my first ever skin and I've encountered a few problems that my limited knowledge and experience has failed to resolve!

I'm starting over as I've made a bit of a hash of it, but I'd just like to know if/how I can do the following things:

1) Recolour the < o > calendar bar bit. I've tried but as of yet been unable to change this bit, resulting in an odd looking white section in the bar. :(

2) Change the 'Continue' text colour and Calendar text colour without changing the colours of the menu bar, ie. without making the user's name and/or competitions white as well..

Thanks. :)

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3) Making the search text box bigger.

4) Adding a background to the squad screen, ie. with an image as the main background, creating a translucant background for the squad screen, as exists at present with the player registration box on the same screen.


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1 - That should be a graphic or several graphics, not sure where exactly it's located.

2 - Those colours will be set by the files in the settings folder, or they'll be set in the xml file that controls those functions.

3 & 4 - Have a search of the forum I've posted how to edit these (links might be in the skinning bible thread).

5 - Screenshot would be helpful, different menus have different graphics.

6 - the graphics should be located in \skins\fm2010-widgets\graphics\button\tabs\

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Thanks. :)

1 - I assumed it would be graphics but it's not seemingly any of the calendarbar graphics, so I'm a bit stumped.

2 - I knew it'd be XML-based, but I'm not sure of the text/code to implement such specific things.

5 - I'll look to get a screenshot later, but essentially I mean that changing menu graphics changes the appearance of buttons (eg. news, player search, squad list etc) but not the ones with drop-downs/breadcrumbs, ie. manager name and competitions.

6 - That's the graphics for the tabs themselves isn't it? There's the tabs bar, then the bar they're on top of which has its own tabs, ie the sub tab bar. I can change the sub tabs no problem but not the bar itself. :confused:


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5 - If you look in the menubar.xml file it will tell you what graphic each button uses:

e.g. Home button graphic is controlled by this graphic: button/menubar/button_first

Manager menu is this one: menu/menubar

The actual graphics will then be located within that location within the graphics folder, however the graphics folder can be located within any of the skins folders (as far as I can tell their really isn't any order to what skin folder the graphics will be in, apart from the dark skins only containing graphics that that skin modifies from the default skin).

The Calender bar graphics should be located in: \skins\fm2010-widgets\graphics\interface\calendarbar

The Tabs background for the dark skin should be located in: \skins\fm2010 dark-widgets\graphics\interface\actions

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The problem with the continue button colour is because various items in the menubar.xml file have their colour set as the continue button text. If you open the menubar.xml file for the the skin (you may need to copy the fm2010 skins version into the panels folder for your skin if it doesn't have it's own one) locate the code that says colour="continue button text" and change the name of the colour to a different colour defined in the files in the settings folder.

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I don't think you can modify the calender bar, the following lines in the calendar timeline view.xml file seem to control the bar, the first table controls todays date's contents the other one controls the other days:

<widget class="table" id="ttlt" layout="-1" box_style="thin_border, transparent" fixed_size_rows="false" auto_size_rows="false" height="25"/>

<widget class="table" id="tltb" layout="-1, -1, -1, -1" box_style="thin_border, transparent" fixed_size_rows="false" auto_size_rows="false" height="25"/>

Normally you'd have a load of code between those lines telling the game how to display the content within the table but as you can see there is nothing there so it seems to be hardcoded.

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Okay thanks. Would adding code between them not potentially override any hardcoded instructions?

So, by that logic, if I want the text colour for the calendar to be different to the continue button I have to leave the bar set to colour name="continue button text" and then change the colour type for the continue button, so essentially the continue button text no longer controls the continue button?

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:thup: I think I'll leave it but thanks for the help. Ideally I'd like to be able to have different colours for 'today' and other days if I can work out how.

I'm not very good at this. :p Managed to work out the changing text colours in the footer though - by looking at an FM06 skin.

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Can't work out some of the buttons. Any idea where the buttons for "_ Unread", "Go To Inbox", "Accept", "Reject", "Assistants Advice", "Selection" or "Views" are? I'm sure I'm being dim here, but I can't quite find where they should be. :o

Also the ones in player profile - ie. Squad, Transfers and Contracts etc. I'm useless. :o

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Go to: Inbox and Go To: News - I assume you mean the red ones that appear on the Home/Overview screen then they should be located in button/custom/unread/button.

The Main Menu - I assume you mean the startup screen this is controlled by intro.xml from the screens folder.

The Processing Box is controlled by the progress panel.xml file from the panels folder, that file should tell you what graphics are used on the processing box.

The Blue selection graphic should be located in \fm2010-widgets\graphics\table\hilight

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Thanks very much. :) I worked out 3/4 of those myself, but intro.xml makes sense now.

Is there any way to change the layout of the news page? The graphics I'm using are causing the boxes to overlap so if possible I'd like to move them apart or make the boxes smaller rather than change the graphics. Can't find an appropriate XML though.

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Can't work out what files are wrong here. \menu\menubar\ and \menu\menubar\first button button_disabled_right look fine, as do all of the right sided graphics in \button\menubar. :confused: Any ideas which files it should be to get the colours matching?

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Your news screen should be controlled by the various files called subscribed news...xml the competition news screen should be controlled by the same files but they are just called news...xml

The right curved button should be part of the spacer and be this graphic: interface/menubar/spacer_edge

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