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Preparation is the key, right?

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I've wondered how everyone else prepares for their matches. So I've decided to ask you all - how much preparation do you all make for a game? Do you just set up a pre-made tactic and click play, or do you analyse an opponent statistically and try to build a team that will be most effective against each individual opponent? How effective have your methods been?


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I never build individual tactics for each team - however, I take into consideration form, morale and the feedback on advantages and disadvantages before selecting a starting eleven.

For example, against physically weaker sides, I'll select Fellaini and Heitinga in my Everton side to overwhelm them. Against slow sides, I'll have Salvio etc. to exploit them.

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I have a formation that I use all the time, I may make slight alterations like dropping the defensive line a couple of notches against a team with fast players etc... but I generally stick with the same plan. I will change my players around depending on condition. Also, if a player says that he is unsure whether we can win the game I wont play him as, for me, he has already mentally lost.

I don't tend to change much before the game, most of my changes come during the game like tactical substitutions and changes to style of play.

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