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SFraser's Training Schedules for FM10

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sorry can someone break it down for me in brams very thick guide?

do i put my older say 30 plus players on veteran

say the lads between 25 and 30 on first team

and the others on developing

or am i missing the trick?

Veteran is for players past their peak and starting to decline physically (usually this is around 30 as you say)

First Team is for players who play in the majority of your games and therefore cannot handle such high training workloads in addition to their playing demands. Has less to do with age and is more about preventing overexertion. This links in with the points made in my previous post.

Development is for young players who may have just earned a full-time contract, who still have a lot of improving to do in order to be ready for first team football. They need to work harder, hence the higher workloads, to ensure they make the grade.

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Been using these for a while now, and I hate to say it... they definitely increase physical injuries during training; heavy falls, sprints etc.

Pretty bad 'uns too.

These didn't happen on other schedules I've used, and it's because alot of the schedules are set to Heavy.

I understand the logic and maths behind these schedules, and the players definitely improve, but unless you've got a deep squad capable of enduring the additional injuries, I think these schedules are asking for trouble.

Perhaps review whether the schedules need to be classes as Heavy - especially for the first choice players, where it seems counter-intuitive to me.

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What changes have people done to the schedules? remember they were only base schedules (the test ones) and the others were set up for SFrasers game for his players. And he had a big squad. If people haven't adpated them then no wonder they get injuries. I use them on 3 seperate games I've got running and he longest injury I had upto now is for 14 days. I get 1-2 little knocks during a month but a player is normally out 2 days max. But that happens on the others I used anyway.

Id be interested in seeing the changes you all made :)

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Great thread SFraser, I finally feel like I understand the basics of training now.

Cleon, I've used the philosophy and modified SFraser's schedules to have less physical training and more creativity/attack, as I play predominantly with Milan: I have a lot of older players and I prefer a small squad (20 max). I've been able to avoid heavy injuries so far. Cheers everyone.

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Veteran is for players past their peak and starting to decline physically (usually this is around 30 as you say)

First Team is for players who play in the majority of your games and therefore cannot handle such high training workloads in addition to their playing demands. Has less to do with age and is more about preventing overexertion. This links in with the points made in my previous post.

Development is for young players who may have just earned a full-time contract, who still have a lot of improving to do in order to be ready for first team football. They need to work harder, hence the higher workloads, to ensure they make the grade.

cheers mate

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JL - Sfraser has said elsewhere that it's no problem for players to be unhappy with the training workload if their morale can be lifted elsewhere - through results and your man-management.

My squad is doing well under this regime so far, but I've only played a few gameweeks.

Some queries though:

The categories 'first choice' and 'development' are inappropriate for me. With a small squad some of my first choice players are teenagers and backups are in their upper 20s.

Secondly, in order to give my (undeveloped) kids as much gametime experience as possible I have them turn out habitually for my U19 AND reserve fixtures - i.e. two games per week. Accordingly, should i reduce their fitness schedules or reduce the number of games they play?

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What changes have people done to the schedules? remember they were only base schedules (the test ones) and the others were set up for SFrasers game for his players. And he had a big squad. If people haven't adpated them then no wonder they get injuries. I use them on 3 seperate games I've got running and he longest injury I had upto now is for 14 days. I get 1-2 little knocks during a month but a player is normally out 2 days max. But that happens on the others I used anyway.

Id be interested in seeing the changes you all made :)

I really like these schedules. What i've done is just dropped the training intensity to heavy or high medium to the point where all players are happy with their schedule. Also, i used the one test schedule to do some indiviual schedules for certain players like midfielders with 6 for natural fitness and 10 for stamina. They are slowly improving i think.

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Here are a few screen's I said I'd get for you Sfraser.



Massive improvements from the start of the season to 1st of January 2010. I've not gone any further yet but will post his stats at end of season again for you. He's using the developing WF schedule.

I'm just on the way out now, but will post the other 4 or 5 players when I get back home.

how have you done to make his determination raise from 15 to 19 ? tutored by someone? who?

Very strange condition hasn't improved... while its the most intensive training on the schedules

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how have you done to make his determination raise from 15 to 19 ? tutored by someone? who?

Very strange condition hasn't improved... while its the most intensive training on the schedules

Yups Eduardo tutored him.

I also had him in the wrong schedule for 6 months thats why his stamina didn't improve

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all players are unhappy with these very intensive trainings, what's the solution ?

i thought bout this just in case i forgot to rest them and put it down to medium.

Ps Cleon how many days rest do you suggest

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Hi SFraser just like to say keep up the great work. Ive turned to using your training schedules as i feel they cover a much more in deph type of training. I just have one quick question i have lennon, bilyaletidinov, salvio and a youngster raul. They are all wingers and i was wondering what would be the best training schedule to use from yours for out and out wingers?

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Having never really paid a lot of attention to training over the many years, other than some rough and ready Defender, Midfielder and Forward attempts in the past, this time around I have actually begun to look more closely at things, even though a lot of what was being said was going right over my head. And so, I began to look around for training schedules and have downloaded 2 or 3, including your own a couple of days ago. The first thing that hits you is how completely different all these schedulses are which highlights the fact that somewhere along the line, "the missing piece of the puzzle" as was previously mentioned has eluded everyone. Reading through the theory you are working on makes sense, even though I'm still having trouble with ratio calculations, and so I have begun to use your schedules in a career game I have going at the moment. But there are one or two initial queries I have:

Pre-Season: Since there is not a pre-season schedule with the pack, you do not follow the general thinking that intense pre-season fitness trg is required, and leave all players on their existing schedules?

Set Piece Trg. None of the CM trg schedules have any form of set-piece trg assigned, though the AM schedules (less veteran) do which I find quite anomolous considering set-piece trg covers amongst others free-kicks and the propensity for CM's to be freekick specialists. So my question is, should these schedules have set-pieces included and what would be the trade off?

Long and Short Term Injury Schedules: Some clarity required on the definitions of Long and Short Term. My personal belief is that anything under 14 days is short term, and anything over that Long Term. Additionally, at what point would you move players in these schedules?

I have only just put these schedules into use, and at first found players very tired after games, however a couple of months down the line and the recovery rate is acceptable, still have to rotate one or two, but I usually would anyway playing 3 games a week. The injuries received do seem a little high, now whether thats down to the schedules, or just over physical opposition hard to say, as I reckon it's about a 50/50 split in match injuries to trg injuries.

Be interested in your feedback on the above points.

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Tactics has 5 attributes (anticipation, decisions, off the ball, positioning and teamwork), and for goalkeeping (aerial ability, composure, concentration, handling, kicking, one on ones, throwing). You can check these when you view your player profile >training >attributes >training category(you can select which training category you want).

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sfraiser, i downloaded your training, and when i viewed it i was astonished to see what was been trained on each play, for example, defenders were having light defending training and most other things, but intensive aroebic? is this correct? or has something gone wrong in mine haha.

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Tactics has 5 attributes (anticipation, decisions, off the ball, positioning and teamwork), and for goalkeeping (aerial ability, composure, concentration, handling, kicking, one on ones, throwing). You can check these when you view your player profile >training >attributes >training category(you can select which training category you want).

thx for the reply.. it helps alot.

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I have not been able to get to my computer for the last week or so and have been unable to respond to your posts. There is quite a lot to deal with here and I will try and get to the important points without this post getting too long.


Quite a few of you are reporting lots of injuries, while myself and a few others see no noticeable injury problem while using these schedules with top quality sides. Indeed it was Manchester United with their facilities that these schedules were first developed for.

This does not mean that the schedules are "overly physical" or are not contributing towards increased injuries, because there is no "one shoe fits all" solution to training. What this means is that when using these schedules some combinations of players, coaches, facilities etc. are producing more injuries while other combinations are producing less. If we can find out what these combinations are and how they are working to determine injuries then it will be possible not only to fix the problem but to understand the problem in such a way that the best solutions can always be taken for every club and every player.

In the short term the best solution is to switch a player to a less physically intensive schedule if possible, and if not possible then try and cut each Category Intensity by one-third to one half. This will not be easy as it will require a lot of juggling and tweaking. Simply reducing physical categories or knocking everything down to "medium" will destroy the balance of the schedules.

In the long term it is essential to get detailed feedback on injuries so that we can find out exactly what the factors are that are producing excess injuries in a club. The high levels of physical training are not producing the same levels of injuries for everyone so they must be working with other factors to produce different levels of risk.

Consider for example how weather, a very physical game, and high levels of Injury Proneness produce greatly increased risk of injuries during a match. A similar process will be at work in Training. High levels of physical training combined to poor facilities combined to poor coaches combined to high "hardness of training" in coaches combined to Injury Proneness in players will be producing a certain level of injury risk.

The next time anyone receives an injury in training, could you please take note of as much of the following information as possible, and post it here. I would be most appreciative.

  • Type of Injury Received in Detail
  • Level of Training Facilities
  • Time of Year
  • Players Injury Prone Attribute using FMScoutGenie
  • Star Quality of Coaches taking Physical Training
  • Coach Level of Physical Training Attribute
  • Number of Players Training Physical Categories
  • Number of Coaches in each Physical Category
  • Coach Workload in each Physical Category
  • "Hardness of Training" Coach Attribute for each Coach taking each Physical Category using FMScoutGenie
  • Players Match Exercise and Fitness on day of Injury using FMScoutGenie
  • List of Players Physical Attributes
  • Any Particular Injury Trends at your Club
  • Schedule the Player is on

I understand that this is a large list and do not expect anyone to post it in full detail. As much information as possible is ideal and certain information is more useful than other information, such as injury trends, training facility level, coach hardness of training etc.

For example:

My training facilities are level 20. I have had very few injuries overall. Most of my injuries occured during Pre-Season or the start of the League when players had low physical fitness. Most of my injuries are Aerobic based injuries of twists, pulls, strains. My Aerobic Training Category has 32 players on Intensive, a Light Coach Workload, 4 coaches involved in some way and a 4 star rating. My facilities are unlikely to be the problem, my Intensive Aerobic for 32 players has only produced 4-5 injuries in several months, most injuries occured when players were unfit.

Of the 4 coaches involved in Aerobic Training one is a Fitness coach that is my primary Aerobic coach and takes no other training. He is rated at 4 stars for Aerobic. He has 17 for Fitness Attribute. He has Hardness of Training 10. He is unlikely to be the problem here.

My 2nd coach is a general purpose Fitness Coach. He is taking both Aerobic and Strength. He has a rating of 3 Star for Aerobic. He has 12 for Fitness Attribute. He has Hardness of Training 17. This guy could be the problem.

My 3rd Coach is my Assistant Manager who is involved in all categories. He has a rating of 3 stars for Aerobic. He has Fitness Attribute 20. He has Hardness of Training 14. He is very unlikely to be the problem.

My 4th Coach is my Reserve/Yth team manager. He is rated 1.5 for Aerobic. He has Fitness 2. He has Hardness of Training 12. He might be the problem.

Of the players that got injured during Training, one is 19 year old AMC with injury proneness 9, is on Intensive Aerobic, played 513 minutes in 4 months, and the other player on his schedule is 22 and was injured at game start.

The next is 18 year old ST with injury proneness 3, is on Intensive Aerobic, has played 369 minutes in 4 months and there are no others in his schedule.

The next is 18 year old CF with injury proneness 3, is on Intensive Aerobic, has played 261 minutes in 4 months and the other player on the schedule is 29 and has never been injured.

The next is 22 year old WF with injury proneness 7, is on Intensive Aerobic, has played 546 minutes in 4 months and the other player on the schedule is 24 and has never been injured.

The next is 34 year old RB with injury proneness 15, is on Medium Aerobic, has played 154 minutes in 4 months and there are no others on his schedule.

The only other Training Injuries in 4 months was a damaged foot which is a collision injury and cannot be determined as to cause (possibly defending or ball control), and a strained neck caused by Jumping to Catch a Ball which is not an Aerobic Injury but a Goalkeeping Injury though you can be forgiven for making the mistake.

Now we could immediately jump to conclusions and state that Aerobic Training is far too high and is causing injuries to players. That arguement would probably be accepted in many other places but it wont be accepted here because the game is not that simple and the arguement does not fit the available evidence. What does fit the evidence is the arguement that Young Players are suffering from Injuries under Intensive Aerobic training, and old players that are Injury Prone are suffering under Aerobic with only Medium Intensity. Five players out of 32 is approximately 1/6th of those being Trained and there is a clear pattern to the problem here. Young and old players exclusively are being injured and young and old players have the exact same feature, a lack of Stamina.

If we put together all the evidence then the pattern, causes and issues are completely obvious. A lack of Stamina combined to Hard Training combined to Intensive Aerobic Schedule is causing Aerobic based injuries. Some players cannot keep up with the Intensity of the Training Schedule under a particular coach and are being injured because of it.

That is the source of the problems at my club. I will either move low Stamina players onto a less intensive Aerobic schedule when they are under peak condition or remove my Hard Coach from training Aerobic.

Now you can choose to ignore this level of advice and detail and knock down your Schedules to medium or whatever you think is sufficient, but I would like to investigate this issue thoroughly to find out not only what is going on at my club, but what goes on at all clubs and with Training in general. If we can work together to find out what particular issues may be affecting your particular club, we can piece together information and ideas and tests to find out the precise conditions that affect injuries, rates of changes etc. and find out what is necessary to know in order to effectively manage the Training of players at clubs.

Keep in mind that the obvious, stand-out trend is rarely true or false just like with tactical issues, but is often a symptom or indictor of something a bit more complex and bit deeper seated. It may not be that complex an issue but we cannot know that untill we find out the precise details and reinforce or discard potential causes. Keep in mind also that what I have written here for my club is highly unlikely to apply to your club. The "example" above, like my tactics, is a situation caused by the particular features of my club and these will not be the same as many others.

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a quick background

i'm starting as liverpool and have 4 to 5 star coaches

so far i have reduced the training schedules down to heavy for developing and medium high for 1st team and vets i dropped down to medium. i had a couple of injuries mostly from physical training so i dropped them a notch, so far so good.

i'm still in preseason so i will probably reduce 1st team schedules some more if necessary

will post how it goes

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This is a excellent detailed OP SFraser and a superb training schedule.

I have used this training for nearly one full season now with my Gateshead side.

I have got top training facilities and excellent youth facilities.

My coaches are 4 - 4 1/2 star in all training categories.

I have noticed great improvements in my players stats compared to the Tugs training that i used for the previous 8 seasons. I have not had the injuries other people seem to be getting. I get a few but not to the extent most people are complaining about and i have not made any adjustments to the training schedule Sfraser has uploaded for us.

Thanks for the best training schedule for FM10. :thup:

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One more thing to add about injuries. Even if the amount of Aerobic or Strenght trainig are reduced you would still get some injuries as you can't avoid all injuries. I've actually had players, that were on light trainig in both aerobic and strength, getting injuries that comes form training in one of these categories. At the same time I've had 4 star coaches and top training facilities. But the better coaches and facilities then the number of injuries will be fewer.

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I have not been able to get to my computer for the last week or so and have been unable to respond to your posts. There is quite a lot to deal with here and I will try and get to the important points without this post getting too long.


Quite a few of you are reporting lots of injuries, while myself and a few others see no noticeable injury problem while using these schedules with top quality sides. Indeed it was Manchester United with their facilities that these schedules were first developed for.

This does not mean that the schedules are "overly physical" or are not contributing towards increased injuries, because there is no "one shoe fits all" solution to training. What this means is that when using these schedules some combinations of players, coaches, facilities etc. are producing more injuries while other combinations are producing less. If we can find out what these combinations are and how they are working to determine injuries then it will be possible not only to fix the problem but to understand the problem in such a way that the best solutions can always be taken for every club and every player.

In the short term the best solution is to switch a player to a less physically intensive schedule if possible, and if not possible then try and cut each Category Intensity by one-third to one half. This will not be easy as it will require a lot of juggling and tweaking. Simply reducing physical categories or knocking everything down to "medium" will destroy the balance of the schedules.

In the long term it is essential to get detailed feedback on injuries so that we can find out exactly what the factors are that are producing excess injuries in a club. The high levels of physical training are not producing the same levels of injuries for everyone so they must be working with other factors to produce different levels of risk.

Consider for example how weather, a very physical game, and high levels of Injury Proneness produce greatly increased risk of injuries during a match. A similar process will be at work in Training. High levels of physical training combined to poor facilities combined to poor coaches combined to high "hardness of training" in coaches combined to Injury Proneness in players will be producing a certain level of injury risk.

The next time anyone receives an injury in training, could you please take note of as much of the following information as possible, and post it here. I would be most appreciative.

  • Type of Injury Received in Detail
  • Level of Training Facilities
  • Time of Year
  • Players Injury Prone Attribute using FMScoutGenie
  • Star Quality of Coaches taking Physical Training
  • Coach Level of Physical Training Attribute
  • Number of Players Training Physical Categories
  • Number of Coaches in each Physical Category
  • Coach Workload in each Physical Category
  • "Hardness of Training" Coach Attribute for each Coach taking each Physical Category using FMScoutGenie
  • Players Match Exercise and Fitness on day of Injury using FMScoutGenie
  • List of Players Physical Attributes
  • Any Particular Injury Trends at your Club
  • Schedule the Player is on

I understand that this is a large list and do not expect anyone to post it in full detail. As much information as possible is ideal and certain information is more useful than other information, such as injury trends, training facility level, coach hardness of training etc.

For example:

My training facilities are level 20. I have had very few injuries overall. Most of my injuries occured during Pre-Season or the start of the League when players had low physical fitness. Most of my injuries are Aerobic based injuries of twists, pulls, strains. My Aerobic Training Category has 32 players on Intensive, a Light Coach Workload, 4 coaches involved in some way and a 4 star rating. My facilities are unlikely to be the problem, my Intensive Aerobic for 32 players has only produced 4-5 injuries in several months, most injuries occured when players were unfit.

Of the 4 coaches involved in Aerobic Training one is a Fitness coach that is my primary Aerobic coach and takes no other training. He is rated at 4 stars for Aerobic. He has 17 for Fitness Attribute. He has Hardness of Training 10. He is unlikely to be the problem here.

My 2nd coach is a general purpose Fitness Coach. He is taking both Aerobic and Strength. He has a rating of 3 Star for Aerobic. He has 12 for Fitness Attribute. He has Hardness of Training 17. This guy could be the problem.

My 3rd Coach is my Assistant Manager who is involved in all categories. He has a rating of 3 stars for Aerobic. He has Fitness Attribute 20. He has Hardness of Training 14. He is very unlikely to be the problem.

My 4th Coach is my Reserve/Yth team manager. He is rated 1.5 for Aerobic. He has Fitness 2. He has Hardness of Training 12. He might be the problem.

Of the players that got injured during Training, one is 19 year old AMC with injury proneness 9, is on Intensive Aerobic, played 513 minutes in 4 months, and the other player on his schedule is 22 and was injured at game start.

The next is 18 year old ST with injury proneness 3, is on Intensive Aerobic, has played 369 minutes in 4 months and there are no others in his schedule.

The next is 18 year old CF with injury proneness 3, is on Intensive Aerobic, has played 261 minutes in 4 months and the other player on the schedule is 29 and has never been injured.

The next is 22 year old WF with injury proneness 7, is on Intensive Aerobic, has played 546 minutes in 4 months and the other player on the schedule is 24 and has never been injured.

The next is 34 year old RB with injury proneness 15, is on Medium Aerobic, has played 154 minutes in 4 months and there are no others on his schedule.

The only other Training Injuries in 4 months was a damaged foot which is a collision injury and cannot be determined as to cause (possibly defending or ball control), and a strained neck caused by Jumping to Catch a Ball which is not an Aerobic Injury but a Goalkeeping Injury though you can be forgiven for making the mistake.

Now we could immediately jump to conclusions and state that Aerobic Training is far too high and is causing injuries to players. That arguement would probably be accepted in many other places but it wont be accepted here because the game is not that simple and the arguement does not fit the available evidence. What does fit the evidence is the arguement that Young Players are suffering from Injuries under Intensive Aerobic training, and old players that are Injury Prone are suffering under Aerobic with only Medium Intensity. Five players out of 32 is approximately 1/6th of those being Trained and there is a clear pattern to the problem here. Young and old players exclusively are being injured and young and old players have the exact same feature, a lack of Stamina.

If we put together all the evidence then the pattern, causes and issues are completely obvious. A lack of Stamina combined to Hard Training combined to Intensive Aerobic Schedule is causing Aerobic based injuries. Some players cannot keep up with the Intensity of the Training Schedule under a particular coach and are being injured because of it.

That is the source of the problems at my club. I will either move low Stamina players onto a less intensive Aerobic schedule when they are under peak condition or remove my Hard Coach from training Aerobic.

Now you can choose to ignore this level of advice and detail and knock down your Schedules to medium or whatever you think is sufficient, but I would like to investigate this issue thoroughly to find out not only what is going on at my club, but what goes on at all clubs and with Training in general. If we can work together to find out what particular issues may be affecting your particular club, we can piece together information and ideas and tests to find out the precise conditions that affect injuries, rates of changes etc. and find out what is necessary to know in order to effectively manage the Training of players at clubs.

Keep in mind that the obvious, stand-out trend is rarely true or false just like with tactical issues, but is often a symptom or indictor of something a bit more complex and bit deeper seated. It may not be that complex an issue but we cannot know that untill we find out the precise details and reinforce or discard potential causes. Keep in mind also that what I have written here for my club is highly unlikely to apply to your club. The "example" above, like my tactics, is a situation caused by the particular features of my club and these will not be the same as many others.

OK so just read this post and have reverted back to your original schedules and i will post the injuries as and when they occur. i am still in preseason and have 4 to 5 star coaches and all loads are light. i am lfc so facilities are excellent.

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Iv looked at my injuries for the last month (March) and I have tried to note down as much as I can but I dont use ScoutGenie so I havent got most of them details but I edit my training facilities and coaches at the start of the game so I do know them.

My training and youth facilities are 20, my coaches all have 5 stars except fitness which is 4.5. The fitness coaches hardness of training are 12 and 20 (aerobic and strength respectively). The coaches are currently being worked 'average' although I am trying to bring in other staff to make that 'light' soon, hopefully! All the players mentioned would have been match fit and at least above 90% condition before getting injured.

The players are as followed:

2 X 1st team CB's (same schedule) who have a pulled groin and twisted knee. These have played consistently throughout the season rotating with one other CB every 2 or 3 games (i.e. not overworked). This is the first time either have been injured and it happened the first time I pressed continue after reading your latest post! (I blame you!)

1 X Developing FB. He has gone down with strained knee ligaments but has been getting fairly regular games as I am trying to give him more games to get a CA boost. He has played 19 games overall this season (1/3rd of all games ish). Again this is his first major injury of the season (more than a couple of days).

1 X Developing CF. He has a groin strain and was previously recovering from a pulled hamstring (regained full fitness first). He would normally be playing every other game but he was only being used as an impact sub partly because of the form of my other CF and partly because I didnt want to rush him to early, ironically.

1 X Developing CB. Calf strain - There are 8 people on this schedule and none of the others have had any injury. He had been playing every 1 out of 3 games.

1 X U17 AM - Damaged Shoulder - Plays every U18 game.

All these players have stamina of over 14 and IMO these are only small injuries which would be fairly common place in any schedule. They are all fairly short term and wont really inconvenience me too badly (except the CB's!). I tend to find I pick up most of the younger (U17 schedules) injuries after U18 games so when I remember I try to have a look at the fitness of the squad when I get the game report through and rest any fatigued players.

Out of interest Sfraser do you organise friendlies for your U18 and reserve teams? I try and organise games when I need 1st team players to get some fitness or form and because the teams (ressies and U18) are under my control I imagine the coach will pick the players somewhat regardless of fitness meaning they may play 2 games a week on a very intensive schedule.

I will try and keep you posted with more information every now and then when injuries come through but I think some in depth 'hardness of training' attribute testing is required as there seems to be some sort of correlation.

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just a quick question.

i put all my keepers bar reina on developing gk and they all are unhappy. i read in a post that as long as morale is high it doesnt matter. is it possible that they wont train aswell and not develop where as if they were happy then they will develop quicker?

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my first major injury is to agger. this 1st one since i reverted back to your original schedules although agger is injury prone. hope the info helps

* Type of Injury Received in Detail

back strain from overexerting himself in weight room

* Level of Training Facilities

20 i think i am liverpool

* Time of Year

mon 10th aug end of preseason

* Players Injury Prone Attribute using FMScoutGenie


* Star Quality of Coaches taking Physical Training

4 star

* Coach Level of Physical Training Attribute

between 16 -18 for four coaches

* Number of Players Training Physical Categories


* Number of Coaches in each Physical Category


* Coach Workload in each Physical Category


* "Hardness of Training" Coach Attribute for each Coach taking each Physical Category using FMScoutGenie

dont have fmgenie

* Players Match Exercise and Fitness on day of Injury using FMScoutGenie

last game played 30-7-09 played 78 mins. probably between 93-98% fit

* List of Players Physical Attributes









* Any Particular Injury Trends at your Club

knee, groin and hip injuries to youth players

* Schedule the Player is on

as above

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a few games into season and i am getting alot of injuries during games. most recent is carragher out with a torn hamstring and he never gets injured for me.

lost gerrard with a twisted ankle although he does get injured alot

not all my injuries keep them out long though but im using all my subs for injured players

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Right I've been reading all about these training schedules and now have them in my game.

Ive just been putting a text file together of all the important info from the different threads in one place, no. of attributes in each cat., position modifiers etc. ready to give it a go.

Now something has just struck me when looking at the position modifiers table, and apologies if this is an oversight on my part, but i need some clarification...

The test schedule shows an even 'base rate' in each category. So we have added 6 notches in Aerobic training.







But Reflexes only carries any weight for Goalkeepers.

When I look at the screenshot for Paul Scholes' attributes in the 'FM10: How Your Players Work.' thread, he doesnt have any Reflexes attribute at all. So is the extra CA gain that doesn't go into Reflexes actually being spread over the other 5 Aerobic attributes, actually providing them with 1.2 gain against the base rate?

What im trying to say is, shouldn't Aerobic training be modified by 5 notches instead of 6 for outfield players?

Its the same for Tactics training, there are 8 categories in the modifier table. Except this time 3 of them have already been discounted as Gk training and we are only modifying by 5.

Sorry if I've missed something that has already mentioned this, there is a lot to get through! It will be good to see the results though, I've always wanted to be more involved with the training side but rather than just use somebody else's schedules.


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The test schedule shows an even 'base rate' in each category. So we have added 6 notches in Aerobic training.







But Reflexes only carries any weight for Goalkeepers.

When I look at the screenshot for Paul Scholes' attributes in the 'FM10: How Your Players Work.' thread, he doesnt have any Reflexes attribute at all. So is the extra CA gain that doesn't go into Reflexes actually being spread over the other 5 Aerobic attributes, actually providing them with 1.2 gain against the base rate?

What im trying to say is, shouldn't Aerobic training be modified by 5 notches instead of 6 for outfield players?

Its the same for Tactics training, there are 8 categories in the modifier table. Except this time 3 of them have already been discounted as Gk training and we are only modifying by 5.

Sorry if I've missed something that has already mentioned this, there is a lot to get through! It will be good to see the results though, I've always wanted to be more involved with the training side but rather than just use somebody else's schedules.


No you are quite correct. There several of these kinds of issues around training and my schedules. This is one of the major reasons I am looking to involve other forum members in designing and testing schedules, to find out how many attributes should be accounted for and which attributes apply where.

For example Strength has 4 Attributes for outfield players but I am pretty sure Natural Fitness cannot be trained therefore the strength balance may be slightly off. You have raised the point regarding reflexes and again it is quite possible that the Aerobic Category may be off by one notch per "group increase". This helps to explain why my Goalkeeper schedules are very good at raising Stamina and Strength.

There are several other issues as well that are completely display oriented. For example the Goalkeeping Category contains Composure and Concentration for Goalkeepers but they do not appear in any outfield Categories. However they do exist in outfield Categories it is just that SI forgot to show them in the category display. Concentration exists in the Defending Category although it cannot be seen while Composure exists in the Shooting Category although it is also absent from the display.

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Sorry for my complete lack of knowledge with regards to training, but could you briefly explain the injury routines. It was my understanding that the game automatically stopped the players training at all when they were injured. I hope I havnt been putting my poor players through rigorous training during injury this whole time

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Sorry for my complete lack of knowledge with regards to training, but could you briefly explain the injury routines. It was my understanding that the game automatically stopped the players training at all when they were injured. I hope I havnt been putting my poor players through rigorous training during injury this whole time

The injury routines are kind of "added-on-extras" that have not been fully developed, but there is a point to them.

Short Term Injury is for players that get knocks or bumps and bruises and is intended to recover condition quickly when a player returns to Light Training without distriburing much of his current attribute shape. Players should be on it untill they recover a high level of condition.

Long Term Injury is for players that have been out long enough to have 0 match practice. Because their match practice is so low they will lose CA. This CA will often come out of Physical Attributes and those attributes are hard to improve, impossible to improve if the player is at a certain age. This Schedule is designed to hugely bias physical attributes in Training to make sure the CA loss is primarilly coming for other attributes that can be recovered. Players should be on this schedule after a long period out untill they recover a high level of Match Experience, and so gain CA or at least no longer lose CA.

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An awesome set of training schedules. Slotted them nicely into my Barcelona save and while I haven't seen immediate dividends in my first choice players, I have seen a dramatic rise in the developement of my youngsters. I've got a fair chunk of them and while most won't make the grade it's nice to see that they at least will have a shot else-where in the game and at least will get me some money to work with!

I haven't really noticed a substantial amount of injuries either, but then I am at Barcelona, outside of the odd two week injury that has occured from over-exertion and adapting to the new training methods.

Ace training schedules! :cool:

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It defientley exists I had one of the SI lads confirm it, although he couldn't give me the details of why it happened as he wasn't fully aware of how the system worked due to it not been his area. However he did confirm it was true.

i've noticed this as well, it also works for captains

I made Buffon captain when he had 15 influence, his influence is now at 18. I also made Amauri vice-captain when his influence was 15, it is now 17

As for aggression I've noticed that it doesn't go down if you don't discipline the player after a red, however if you warn him or fine him then the aggression does indeed decrease after too many reds.

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Great shedules, have seen nice improvements,

however one lil question do players automaticly get one rest day after match or not cause its not showing on the display at least, and when i manually give a rest day then it does

so im wondering if you could enlight me on that part of training as well

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