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SFraser's Training Schedules for FM10

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This probably is due to them playing at a very near or maximum ability level. Once this is reached you will not see many changes for players aged from like 24 to 31 or 32. You could technically force a shift though by either having him injured or not playing for quite some time, this way he loses CA which you then can fill back through playing him and support the areas where it should go by a somewhat biased schedule.

Thanks Declyn, it didn't cross my mind that they may have reached PA.

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Hi Guys,

On the player profile screen, does anyone have an idea on how long the 'Show recent attribute changes' arrows are there for.

I've have developed some schedules based on these ideas and Prozones spreadsheet, but I'm not sure if any of the attributes are really changing apart from the one or two. For most players they seem to have remained static, this is over 3 seasons.


The arrows can come at any time of the month obviously, and stay for a month after they appeared.

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This methodology is yielding great results for me. The key is giving the youth players as much football as is possible for them to perform well.

For example, I got this young striker on loan from Man City and he scored 10 goals in 11 apps for me. So I broke the bank to buy him. I never get players like this generated at my club :(


I put him on

str: 3


gk: 0

tac: 3

ball: 5

def: 2

att: 5

sho: 5

setp: 2

His game isn't based around pace (he plays with his back to goal, turns his man and smashes it home), so I'm not going for hard gains in that department. I just want his shooting to be increased so that he is utterly lethal. I would, of course, prefer it if he wasn't so wholly one-footed, but no-one's perfect. We're on course for promotion and I reckon he can score just as easily in the Prem.

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This methodology is yielding great results for me. The key is giving the youth players as much football as is possible for them to perform well.

For example, I got this young striker on loan from Man City and he scored 10 goals in 11 apps for me. So I broke the bank to buy him. I never get players like this generated at my club :(

I put him on

str: 3


gk: 0

tac: 3

ball: 5

def: 2

att: 5

sho: 5

setp: 2

His game isn't based around pace (he plays with his back to goal, turns his man and smashes it home), so I'm not going for hard gains in that department. I just want his shooting to be increased so that he is utterly lethal. I would, of course, prefer it if he wasn't so wholly one-footed, but no-one's perfect. We're on course for promotion and I reckon he can score just as easily in the Prem.

You should put a higher focus on Strength as long as he's young. Technically and Mentally he looks fab but his Stamina is just awkward for a going-to-be Premier League regular.

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You should put a higher focus on Strength as long as he's young. Technically and Mentally he looks fab but his Stamina is just awkward for a going-to-be Premier League regular.

Possibly, but he is fairly static during games. His strike partner is the more energetic of the pair, looking to regain possession and working the channels. Fowler just finds a yard or holds off his man (15 strength at 17 years old is ample for me) and scores. He hasn't finished a game <70% yet. But I agree, extra stamina would be nice to have.

Disappointingly, it seems that his goalscoring 'form' has been eradicated by the his permanent signing. Really frustrating because he now needs to build up a head of steam again.

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I think the name 'Fowler' is a big hint here...:D

'God' himself was bereft of any great physical abilities, but scoring goals was as natural as breathing to him.

Maybe a bias towards his mentals (which seem to be coming along nicely) would produce a 'God' of your own....

:thup: good luck with him.

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Ive never really bothered with training in FM other than downloading something like tugs, but this has made me look at it more. Its been a good long read.

Is there an skin or something which adds numbers to the training screen?

Are the schedules in the OP updated to the latest finding so i could use them as good starting guides?

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I need some help. I've been trying to figure out whether strikers/forwards really need defensive training? I know that the only stat increase they can benefit from is in concentration, however, I'm not sure if it's worth training them in this category on more than one notch (3 clicks). I ask because for example in Jenko's schedules, which are based on SFraser's theory, do not include defensive training in schedules for strikers. Can concentration increase naturally or with age?

Initially, I've made schedules for each of my forwards. None of these schedules had any defensive training. What I've noticed though is that for some of the forwards, the concentration dropped by one, and for others, there was no drop at all in this area, even though all had no defensive training. Why is this?

One more question. I have a striker who is 19 years of age. He is pretty much a world class player at this point, however, he really lacks in concentration, which is only 5. Is it worth giving him defensive training of more than one notch?

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I need some help. I've been trying to figure out whether strikers/forwards really need defensive training? I know that the only stat increase they can benefit from is in concentration, however, I'm not sure if it's worth training them in this category on more than one notch (3 clicks). I ask because for example in Jenko's schedules, which are based on SFraser's theory, do not include defensive training in schedules for strikers. Can concentration increase naturally or with age?

Initially, I've made schedules for each of my forwards. None of these schedules had any defensive training. What I've noticed though is that for some of the forwards, the concentration dropped by one, and for others, there was no drop at all in this area, even though all had no defensive training. Why is this?

One more question. I have a striker who is 19 years of age. He is pretty much a world class player at this point, however, he really lacks in concentration, which is only 5. Is it worth giving him defensive training of more than one notch?

As he is only 19, concentration won't rise much because of his age, mentals are very, very difficult to train unless you have lots of training there but with defensive training he has 2 technicals and a mental, the technicals will rise way much more than you probably want them to. If you need concentration, put it on intensive but he will rise alot more in tackling and marking than he will concentration, I'd wait until he's older before doing this when mentals start going up faster.

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As he is only 19, concentration won't rise much because of his age, mentals are very, very difficult to train unless you have lots of training there but with defensive training he has 2 technicals and a mental, the technicals will rise way much more than you probably want them to. If you need concentration, put it on intensive but he will rise alot more in tackling and marking than he will concentration, I'd wait until he's older before doing this when mentals start going up faster.

I see, thanks Jenko. However, at what age should I give them some defensive training? Is 21 considered to be the point at which the physical attributes are harder to train and mental stats begin to be easier?

Also, what about the strikers for whom I noticed a drop in concentration and others that did not have this drop? Do you know why this happens? All of them had no defense training but for some the attribute went down and for others stayed the same.

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Basically, it is when they get very old, I'd say 21 is the age physicals get harder to train but mentals are not ready to rise yet, without testing thoroughly, I'd take an educated guess at 29 when they start going faster, technicals go steadily and don't have particular trends but mentals and physicals do.

I'm unsure as to why some went down, maybe they weren't getting enough game time? If not then they'll lose some CA which means a few attributes will go down and if there's no training there, defensive is a likely choice to go down moreso if the player is young when he won't be getting mental boosts without intensive training there.

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Basically, it is when they get very old, I'd say 21 is the age physicals get harder to train but mentals are not ready to rise yet, without testing thoroughly, I'd take an educated guess at 29 when they start going faster, technicals go steadily and don't have particular trends but mentals and physicals do.

I'm unsure as to why some went down, maybe they weren't getting enough game time? If not then they'll lose some CA which means a few attributes will go down and if there's no training there, defensive is a likely choice to go down moreso if the player is young when he won't be getting mental boosts without intensive training there.

Well, the thing is, these players were getting a lot of game time. One is 20 years old and other is 26 years old, but then I also have 23 year old striker who is also playing regularly and his concentration did not go down at all.

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So the 26 year old and the 20 year old both went down? Injuries or anything? With minimal defensive training this is to be expected though, the 20 year old was probably because of his age and it may have went into other areas like physicals where it's be easier. Did they get any gains in other areas?

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So the 26 year old and the 20 year old both went down? Injuries or anything? With minimal defensive training this is to be expected though, the 20 year old was probably because of his age and it may have went into other areas like physicals where it's be easier. Did they get any gains in other areas?

No injuries of any kind. The 26 year old did have a gain in creativity, workrate, and positioning. The 20 year old had a gain in long shots, off the ball, and positioning. However, here's another somewhat weird gain for the 20 year old. I'm training him on only 2 notches (10 clicks) in tactics, yet he gains a point in positioning, while at the same time I'm training him intensively in Aerobics and he gets no gains there.

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SO the 'focus' is the relative weighting for each category, right?

So to maintain a striker, you have 4 for Tactics, Ball Control, and shooting. Does this mean that theoretically, over time the player will slowly improve these at the expense of all the other ones that are less than 3?

Because surely if you wanting to literally maintain every stat you'd just have all the focus' the same as that would mean they all get the same amount.

Bear in mind I do know the difference between the baseline and the focus.

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SO the 'focus' is the relative weighting for each category, right?

So to maintain a striker, you have 4 for Tactics, Ball Control, and shooting. Does this mean that theoretically, over time the player will slowly improve these at the expense of all the other ones that are less than 3?

Because surely if you wanting to literally maintain every stat you'd just have all the focus' the same as that would mean they all get the same amount.

Bear in mind I do know the difference between the baseline and the focus.

It doesn't work like that. It has been previously explained that player age affects his development as a footballer. If you gave an 18 year old the same focus for each category, I would expect to see physical attributes rise at a much quicker rate than mental attributes. So you would need to find out the perfect balance in terms of focus if you wanted to completely maintain a players stats. I'm not entirely sure it's even possible as all players progress in one way or another.

You also have to take into consideration that training isn't the overpowering factor when it comes to player development. There are lots of different factors which make a player develop such as his age, the amount of games he plays, tutoring, etc. Sometimes a player's attributes change for no particular reason. Actually there will be reasons but none that are too obvious.

Training is just a way of trying to shape a players CA into the areas you want it to go. Alot depends on the character of the player, your staff, your facilities and numerous other factors that I don't fully understand yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I have some fairly stupid questions but they could be useful to me if I'm correct :).

Do you feel you've accounted for all attributes in this very impressive theory? Maybe, just maybe there may be a few more you've not accounted for that are not on the training screen like composure wasn't I think before 10.3, or perhaps some arent actually trainable like you thought flair was? Also, are the un-trainable attributes worth 0 CA?

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Hi all, I have some fairly stupid questions but they could be useful to me if I'm correct :).

Do you feel you've accounted for all attributes in this very impressive theory? Maybe, just maybe there may be a few more you've not accounted for that are not on the training screen like composure wasn't I think before 10.3, or perhaps some arent actually trainable like you thought flair was? Also, are the un-trainable attributes worth 0 CA?

I am about 90% convinced they are all accounted for but there is no simple way of knowing for sure. There are plenty of little indicators such as whether attributes change much ingame, how they work in the editor, if they are involved in behaviour that tends to belong to a non-CA "group" etc. etc. but these are not absolute proof. That's why I am about 90% certain all the attributes are accounted for properly but I would never claim to be absolutely 100% certain about anything written here. I don't work for SI, I don't have direct access to the game mechanics in nice clear detail, so it is always possible I am wrong.

How much CA the untrainable attributes are "worth" is open to debate. While they do not gain or lose CA via training this does not mean they do not take up CA when they change by some other means. It is quite possible that the untrainable attributes still take a "share" of CA but not through the training mechanism. This is speculation though, I cannot tell you the hard and fast facts. They might take up no CA ever and change through specific ingame events or they might take up some CA while still only changing through specific game events. However they do not change through training, whatever is shifted and moved around and done by training, these attributes are not involved in it.

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I'm new to the thread, read it two times and I am not completely sure about how all this works. I do feel SFraser, ProZone, DocSander, Abaddon879 and several others deserve a compliment. I think I can come to understand what it is all about with these guys explaining it, but I never would have come up with this myself.


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I wonder if anyone could help me in constructing a schedule for this lad;


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He is a my best player in the youth intake and is rated at 3 1/2 stars so I would like to maximise his potential in a personalised schedule.

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I think your logic is more sound than the other training "systems" I have read about, but I have one issue with your rationale. Perhaps you can help me understand.

Excluding personality type (professionalism and ambition), workrate, and age, I believe there is a baseline training modifier for each attribute depending on position. You link to this chart in your thread titled "How your players work," I think that is the title of the thread anyway. But anyway, here is where I question your logic.

If, for example we look at Attack training (which is the easiest as it involves 2 attributes), we know from the chart that an AMR/L receives the following modifier to the attributes trained in attack:

Creativity *3

Passing *2

So, if I click once on the slider for attack training and assign a player with the primary position of AMR/L to that schedule, am I not, in essence saying that he will be doing .6 points (clicks) [3/5] creativity training and .4 points (clicks) [2/5] passing training?

So while your method accounts for the number of attributes affected by a particular training type, it doesn't seem to account for these modifiers. Meaning that if you wanted to train an AMR/L on crossing, you don't need to click Set Pieces 5 times to attain 1 click in crossing because the AMR/L gets the following modifiers:

Corners: *1

Crossing: *4

Free Kicks: *1

Long Throws: *1

Penalties: *1

From this, I deduce that each click on the Set Pieces slider for an AMR/L = .125 points corners (1/8), .5 crossing (4/8), .125 Free kicks (1/8), .125 Long throws (1/8) and .125 Penalties (1/8).

So clicking twice on the Set Pieces slider for an AMR/L Provides 1 full click of Crossing, and .25 clicks each for the other 4 attributes trained, for a total of 2 clicks.

Let me know what you think. Maybe this is old news.


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I misinterpreted the meaning of the chart. It displays attribute weights in terms of rank, not actual modifiers.

However Attribute Weights themselves do not play a direct role in training. It is my personal opinion that all attribute modifying gameplay such as Training directly affects attributes, whereas the CA system and attribute Weights are the underlying control mechanism that governs what happens when attributes do change. These are in effect two different mechanics and they are not entireally well "meshed" or entireally well married. CA and Attribute Weights should not directly influence gameplay because they are control systems, but due to how the system works of first calculating changes and then rebalancing attributes, you inevitably get an end result where CA weights do matter, but not in the first system.

I am not being very clear because it is a slightly complex issue, dealing with mechanics I have a vague understanding of.

In the training screen attribute weights are irrelevant. When a player has plenty of "free CA" and has not hit his PA attribute weights are irrelevant. Attributes will grow and decline at a steady and similar rate. Almost a perfect 1:1 ratio when you disregard the influence of Age and of the misbalance of numbers of attributes per category. If you setup a balanced schedule according to my system so each attribute receives the same overall "training effect" and you remove the factor of Age, all attributes should grow and decline at precisely the same rate.

Add the Age factor and attributes will now grow and decline at identical rates if they belong to the same "Age Group" and the different "Age Groups" will grow and decline at different rates.

However it is when you add CA to the equation that things become complex, because there is an underlying system of CA attribute weights, of CA/Attribute rebalancing, and of gaining or losing CA through match experience/reputation etc. that is not the same as the natural growth and decline of attributes via age. What happens here to my knowledge is the following:

1. If CA remains the same and a particular attribute such as Acceleration for example declines, it will free up X quantity of CA and the system will then rebalance all the other attributes to ensure all the CA remains in the player. Thus other attributes will receive an automatic CA boost independant of training or CA growth. However if Acceleration is a "Heavy" Attribute it will free up more CA by a drop of one point than many other attributes need to increase by 1 point. Thus the gain in other attributes is proportionally greater than the drop of the single Acceleration attribute. The opposite is also true, if the system calculates an increase of Acceleration by 1 point the corresponding drop of CA in other attributes will be proportionally greater.

2. If CA increases or decreases the system will add/remove CA from attributes in proportion to their Weight so that no attributes are overly favoured or penalised.

The whole "problem" or "issue" is that the rebalancing of CA and attributes is done after a change to an attribute or to CA is calculated. This means you train a player perfectly to produce ideally no drops in many attributes, the system first of all recognised no drops in many attributes, it then notices an increase in one Heavy Attribute, it applies a 1 point increase to the Heavy Attribute, then the CA rebalancing system kicks in and reduces many other attributes by the corresponding CA amount. The Attribute Weight system does play a role in Attribute Change but it does so after the effect of training is calculated. Training is applied first, changes are "noted" and applied, then the CA system kicks in to rebalance all attributes according to CA value.

If you attempted to apply the CA weights to the Training sliders you end up with an erroneous initial input. You may add, for example, only 1/4 of an attribute increase or 4x attribute increase to the initial "count" which would then be applied to the attribute in question and then the rest of the attributes would be rebalanced in line according to CA weight and CA level.

As you can see even when understood well, or reasonably well, or better than before, it still produces an entire situation where the basic premise is easilly understood but to actually "manipulate" or calculate the precise outcomes is now an order of magnitude more difficult. However having said that the underlying CA attribute balancing system does appear to me to be Proportional which means that barring certain exceptional cases such as a 34 year old declining in Acceleration the entire system tends to work at a 1:1 ratio. This means that for the most part we need not worry about the CA Weight/Balance system, however it will sometimes throw up some unexpected results such as declines when least expected in apparently random attributes.

My Training System therefore will help you manage the "attribute pattern" of players far more effectively, you will apply training schedules to players in precisely the correct "overall pattern" but the precise details of what goes up, what goes down, when this occurs and by how much cannot be controlled or even accurately predicated. However the "overall shape" of change you wish to see will be applied but it might not be exactly what you expect.

In short, 99% of the time you do not need to worry or concern yourself with attribute weights, but they do play a fundamental role "under the hood" and this can have some strange effects that are still perfectly logical and sound in terms of the system itself, if not gameplay. The threads in the FML section regarding youngsters declining in key attributes under "perfect coaches" is testament to this fact. These human Coaches are inadvertantly "sucking CA out" of their players Key attributes thanks to their excellent coaching skills. Thankfully we FM10 managers get to manually control our Coaching Effect via the Training sliders. The FML managers do not, and it is something that will very likely have to be looked at indepth and may require a serious overhaul of that area of the game.

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Thanks for the response. I have a couple follow up questions:

If CA remains the same and a particular attribute such as Acceleration for example declines, it will free up X quantity of CA and the system will then rebalance all the other attributes to ensure all the CA remains in the player. Thus other attributes will receive an automatic CA boost independant of training or CA growth. However if Acceleration is a "Heavy" Attribute it will free up more CA by a drop of one point than many other attributes need to increase by 1 point. Thus the gain in other attributes is proportionally greater than the drop of the single Acceleration attribute. The opposite is also true, if the system calculates an increase of Acceleration by 1 point the corresponding drop of CA in other attributes will be proportionally greater.

So, when CA stays constant, but Acceleration drops (would this be as a result of age?) if you have set the players Aerobic training to "Heavy" it frees up more CA than just the 1 point that Acceleration dropped? How does CA stay constant if more CA is available for the other attributes than what was lost? Wouldn't that increase CA?

I think I just don't understand how CA works.

If CA increases or decreases the system will add/remove CA from attributes in proportion to their Weight so that no attributes are overly favoured or penalised.

What do you mean by their "weight?" Is this the number in the table from your other thread? Or the workload in training for that particular attribute? Or something else?

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SFraser, could only read 3-4 pages of the discussion, so apologies if you're seeing this for the n-th time. Can you explain what would, according to your theory, happen in this hypothetical scenario so it can aid my understanding?

Scenario: Say I choose to over train a player on technical aspects of the game while ignoring the physical/mental parts, say in the ratio of 1:1:0:1:5:4:8:5:1 for STR:AER:GK:TAC:BC:DEF:ATT:SHT:SET. Here the numbers are based on your unit notation. So 1 of strength = 4 notches and 4 of BC = 20 notches and 8 of attacking = 16 notches on the corresponding slider. Intensity level wise, this schedule is about 60% (medium) on the workload indicator at the bottom. Keep in mind that this is a young CM with good amount of free CA left.

1. How does overall training intensity relate to the picture? Does having a higher workload matter at all?

2. Training progress and training level indicators. How do they work? If I'm not seeing good training progress on these graphs despite the high training, say, on Ball control, does it mean that this schedule isn't working?

3. Sculpting a young player - How much of it can we control? I've just edited Obertan to have a 200PA. His CA is around 130 and I cloned him. So I have two Obertans and I would like to make one of them into a Ronaldo type winger / striker / finisher. The other into an AM RLC with good creativity, passing and team work. Is this achievable through the game? (In-game position, training, retraining position)?

Thanks in advance,


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Scenario: Say I choose to over train a player on technical aspects of the game while ignoring the physical/mental parts, say in the ratio of 1:1:0:1:5:4:8:5:1 for STR:AER:GK:TAC:BC:DEF:ATT:SHT:SET. Here the numbers are based on your unit notation. So 1 of strength = 4 notches and 4 of BC = 20 notches and 8 of attacking = 16 notches on the corresponding slider. Intensity level wise, this schedule is about 60% (medium) on the workload indicator at the bottom. Keep in mind that this is a young CM with good amount of free CA left.

1. How does overall training intensity relate to the picture? Does having a higher workload matter at all?

2. Training progress and training level indicators. How do they work? If I'm not seeing good training progress on these graphs despite the high training, say, on Ball control, does it mean that this schedule isn't working?

3. Sculpting a young player - How much of it can we control? I've just edited Obertan to have a 200PA. His CA is around 130 and I cloned him. So I have two Obertans and I would like to make one of them into a Ronaldo type winger / striker / finisher. The other into an AM RLC with good creativity, passing and team work. Is this achievable through the game? (In-game position, training, retraining position)?

1. Player improvement, specifically the distribution of gained CA, is determined by two things. First, a natural distribution which has been imagined to be some sort of 'development curve' which is hard-coded in the game. Second, the manager defined distribution as defined by the training slider positions. The current understanding is that a higher overall training intensity gives a greater bias towards the manager defined training distribution. That is to say a player's development will match more closely the way you arrange the training sliders. A lower overall training intensity does the opposite and effectively gives more control to FM10 to develop your player. The price to pay for more manager control however is an increased injury risk.

2. No-one knows for sure and I for one would love to see this sorted out. What is known is that the graphs are produced from multiple pieces of data such as training slider positions, player characteristics, club facilities and probably a lot more. It is therefore impossible to ascertain precisely what they are displaying. As a result, I now don't use them at all. I prefer to track my player's progress through careful monitoring of their attribute progression (output) and relate this back to their training schedule (input). That's all that is required in my opinion and I think the graphs in their current state are pointless and misleading, the evidence for which is the much previously lauded Training Line Theory which has since died a death. I would definitely not advise using them as a measure of whether your training schedule is 'working' or not!

3. Perhaps an initial assessment for this is in my response to question 1 although it's difficult to quantify exactly. My personal opinion based on limited observation is that retraining to a new position can have a considerable effect on particular attributes. An example which springs to mind is the difference in physical attributes between AMCs and MCs. My guess is that re-training an AMC to MC would assist the development of his physical attributes over-and-above whatever is assigned in terms of Strength and Aerobic training focus. This will be true of other positionally key attributes and understanding them all will obviously aid your efforts to develop players in your desired manner.

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Hi, sorry to cut in like this but can anyone explain why one of my player, yannis tafer is seeing many of his attributes fall. i'm quite alarmed actually.

i put him on the developing ST schedule for 2 months now. he wasn't injured before and has been fantastic for me on field as you can see below. Strangely, lukaku who has the same training has not been affected but he is being tutored by Torres if that is a factor.

Am i doing something wrong?i'm really a noob at all this training stuff, thanks.



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Hi, sorry to cut in like this but can anyone explain why one of my player, yannis tafer is seeing many of his attributes fall. i'm quite alarmed actually.

i put him on the developing ST schedule for 2 months now. he wasn't injured before and has been fantastic for me on field as you can see below. Strangely, lukaku who has the same training has not been affected but he is being tutored by Torres if that is a factor.

Am i doing something wrong?i'm really a noob at all this training stuff, thanks.

It is because his Strength went up one point, and because his CA stayed constant. Strength is an attribute that takes up a lot of CA. For Strength to increase by one point alot of CA is required. If the players CA is fairly constant then that CA must come from other attributes.

You think he is declining, which is completely understandable. In truth he has remained precisely the same in terms of CA, but his Strength increased which means other attributes must pay the price. Your player is simply changing according to your Training Schedule.

Developing schedules, if they are mine, are best used for players that are gaining CA. If this is the first time you have noticed a "decline" then you should put him on another schedule that emphasises the attributes you wish to see improve. If you wish to see Strength improve then you are going to have to accept the fact that there is no free lunch and the increase in Strength must come at the cost of some other attributes.

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It is because his Strength went up one point, and because his CA stayed constant. Strength is an attribute that takes up a lot of CA. For Strength to increase by one point alot of CA is required. If the players CA is fairly constant then that CA must come from other attributes.

You think he is declining, which is completely understandable. In truth he has remained precisely the same in terms of CA, but his Strength increased which means other attributes must pay the price. Your player is simply changing according to your Training Schedule.

Developing schedules, if they are mine, are best used for players that are gaining CA. If this is the first time you have noticed a "decline" then you should put him on another schedule that emphasises the attributes you wish to see improve. If you wish to see Strength improve then you are going to have to accept the fact that there is no free lunch and the increase in Strength must come at the cost of some other attributes.

thank you very much for the reply, i see whats going on now.

yes, its the first time i've seen the "decline". i guess it means his CA is maxed out already, i figured he could still improve, sigh. i will put him on the 1st choice ST now. thanks for providing the schedules btw, great for people who are clueless about training like me

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If you look in the 'Reports' tab of the player then you can see whether your coaches are telling you something like 'Tafer is unlikely to improve in the future'. This means that his PA has been reached and therefore there are no ability points left to improve his attributes and would confirm SFraser's explanation.

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Don't forget that your player is learning a PPM so your training schedule is decreased by 20% of workload (like specified in the screen)..Perhaps your player is lacking of more workload in the training area where you see the attributes decrease.

Learning a PPM must be well scheduled in a player training life.

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At what age do you generally use the veteran schedules?

I have a DC who is 31 and I am seeing his stamina and strength starting to decline. His natural fitness is a 14. He was on 1st Choice CB schedule. Is now the time to consider him a veteran?

The change to veteran schedule means lower allocation of points to his physical stats, would you not want more training in this category to compensate for any decreases. Maybe slowering the decline?


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