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SFraser's Training Schedules for FM10

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I am more with the guys who say that every player has its own predetermined path (Destiny). I don't know what variables create this path (destiny) but a lot of observations proove that, it is the case. No matter what you do with the training it won't have any impact on the player improvement apart from one case. When the players are young (16 - 18 years old) they increase their physical stats a little bit faster than later on (than 19-24 years). Actually game itself gives us hint about this. If we look at the General (youth) training which comes with the game we will see that Aerobics and Strength are the areas which get the most workload. More astonishing and obvious hint is the thing, which we (experienced players) have always tried to avoid. It is "General" training schedule which comes with the game. Have you ever wondered why the developers never put the basic training schedules for the positions or for the areas of training into the game? (I don't thing it will take too much time.) Because it does not matter !!! Game itself will develop the players along the predetermined path. This rule only changes a little bit with the extrime age (either too young, then you can increase Physical stats a little bit earlier or too old, then you can delay the rapid decline in the physical stats).

The training schedules which comes with the game is the perfect, balanced training schedule which the game recognisez. And when we try to create our own schedules we break the balance. That is why we see weird results and don't understand till the end what is going on.

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I see that this thread is not a very new one and I am unsure if I have got the number of attributes per training category right or not:

Strength 4

Aerobic 6

Tactics 5

Ball Control 5

Defending 3

Shooting 3

Attacking 2

Set Pieces 5

GK 7

Have I got it right?

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I see that this thread is not a very new one and I am unsure if I have got the number of attributes per training category right or not:

Strength 4

Aerobic 6

Tactics 5

Ball Control 5

Defending 3

Shooting 3

Attacking 2

Set Pieces 5

GK 7

Have I got it right?

Post #982.

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Finally finished reading this. Please feel free to forgive & correct me if I have misread or misunderstood some of it:

I was so pleased to stumble on this thread as I have been trying to construct regimes using a very similar base but with far less insight than SFraser, ProZone et al. Mega thanks.

First I must point out I have yet to implement schedules based on this theory.

I gather we still don't know precisely what the arrows on the profile screen represent?! (at least not publically) but does anyone know of any relationship between these and those on the general training screen?

There is a mass of multi-coulered (red thru' dark green), multi-directional arrows on the general training screen but apart from one long-term injured player and an MC who just turned thirty everyone else has only green or yellow/light green arrows on their profile page.

The MC is a good example (I wish I could get this screenshot thing to work) he has all green/yellow arrows across every category on the general training screen but has just one red arrow pointing south next to Heading on his profile page which is a surprise on it's own as I expected his physicals to decline first.

These arrows frustrate me enormously especially with when they appear, in real life there are many indicators as to how an individual is responding to physical exertion a whole host of physical/medical/chemical/psyche tests plus the expert feedback from experienced trainers & physios so this knowledge is available, so if the arrows are meant to be indicators of anything to do with training or physical progress their explanation should be in a manual, somewhere! My god the game is complex enough, maybe SI like being cruel!!

Sorry about that, my high horse just nuzzled into my hand and I couldn't resist jumping on.

Something else you have referred to are the "seemingly" random jumps in certain attributes, is it possible these will only occur a) when there is CA available, or b) when there is sufficient training in that category, or c) both

I am still not convinced about dropping Natural Fitness from the Strength base. I think one can expand one's natural fitness with prolonged exercise over an extended period of time, after all the fitness is natural to you and if you change then maybe your NF changes. plus it is number 1 on a list of 4 attributes under Strength, Training Categories on the Gen. Tr. Screen-with it's own line on the graph- it must be there for a reason and one I suspect to do with training.

Also the one Set Piece attribute for GKs. I agree with many that it's not worth training however, if the aim is to get a balanced base from which to then focus training onto categories you wish to target then shouldn't it be included with the choice to disgard or not down to personal preferences? More importantly it is there (hello NF) and can be trained.

cheers for now xxx

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I am still not convinced about dropping Natural Fitness from the Strength base. I think one can expand one's natural fitness with prolonged exercise over an extended period of time, after all the fitness is natural to you and if you change then maybe your NF changes. plus it is number 1 on a list of 4 attributes under Strength, Training Categories on the Gen. Tr. Screen-with it's own line on the graph- it must be there for a reason and one I suspect to do with training.

Also the one Set Piece attribute for GKs. I agree with many that it's not worth training however, if the aim is to get a balanced base from which to then focus training onto categories you wish to target then shouldn't it be included with the choice to disgard or not down to personal preferences? More importantly it is there (hello NF) and can be trained.

For Natural Fitness I have never once seen an example of it increasing. Ever. I saw it decrease once in my own saves in the past 2 years and that was after a player of mine sustained repeated long term injuries immediately after recovering from the previous. In other words the only time I have ever seen NF change is once when a player of mine missed almost an entire year of football.

If NF were trainable then regardless of how high/low the intensity of Strength Training is, it would change regularly. Maybe not regularly in the same player but there would be noticeable improvements or declines across a squad. NF though is by far the most unchanging attribute in all of my saves, having seen it change precisely once in two years.

As for Set Pieces in Goalkeepers, it is possible to train a Goalkeeper in Free-Kicks or Penalties but these attributes only govern the accuracy of the Free-Kick or Penalty so there is usually no point whatsoever training these. For categories such as Defending, Attacking, Shooting they do nothing for a goalkeeper. Goalkeepers do not improve outfield technical attributes. The Goalkeeping Technical attributes are frozen in place for outfield players, and the outfield Technical attributes barring only one or two examples are likewise frozen in place for Goalkeepers.

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about natural fitness:

in one of my games I'have seen that Messi have had different injuries and only played a few games in 3 seasons.

result: all his physical stats were a lot lower than in the beginning of the game (including his NF)

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Suppose you find a youngster who has 110 CA and 175 PA but has low ambition and professionalism. Can you increase his CA to equal his PA or is he a lost cause? The Genie Scout says that I can't improve him him to his fullest.

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Hi Guys, I'm currently managing Oxford City, recently promoted to EPL and nearing the end of the debut season in EPL. Got a few players I want to develop with custom schedules. Training and youth facilities are abysmal with rating of 2 but board will upgrade at end of season.. I hope.. Anyway, can you guys just check out my schedules and maybe tell me which part I'm doing wrong or maybe which part to improve on? Thanks guys. Also, apologies to SFraser and others if my schedules seem to show that I misunderstood your theories.. My post might be long but it just goes to show how long i've thought of posting to ask for help.

Firstly, my young RB..


He has quite a bit to improve with positioning, composure, tackling, crossing maybe, pace and especially stamina. I'm torn between using SFraser's Developing FB and the following schedule.

Focus based on ProZone's Training Multiplier:

Strength 4

Aerobic 4

Tactics 4

Ball Control 3

Defending 3

Attacking 3

Shooting 2

Set Pieces 3

Next is my CB.


Mostly I want to improve his concentration and composure.. but i don't want to put too much into shooting for fear that it might train the other shooting stats instead (unless I read the thread wrongly). Looking for a balance.

Strength 3

Aerobic 3

Tactics 4

Ball Control 3

Defending 5

Attacking 3

Shooting 3

Set Pieces 0

Then, there's my "target" striker. "Target" cause I don't give him the role as target striker nor do I select him as target striker in my tactics. But he plays like it.


Would like a bit more pace, positioning cause he's the one whom the corner taker crosses to, composure and heading if possible.

Strength 4

Aerobic 4

Tactics 4

Ball Control 4

Defending 1

Attacking 3

Shooting 4

Set Pieces 0

After that, another striker. Want him to be more of a dribbler and finisher.


At first I wanted to use SFraser's First Team but he's 25 and I check his PA and CA, there's still a significant difference.. I think bout 30 to 50?

Strength 3

Aerobic 4

Tactics 4

Ball Control 4

Defending 1

Attacking 3

Shooting 5

Set Pieces 0

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Last one, my DM.


His Mental stats, tackling and strength needs lots of improvements.

Strength 4

Aerobic 3

Tactics 4

Ball Control 3

Defending 5

Attacking 4

Shooting 3

Set Pieces 0

Thanks again for spending time with my post. Hope to see valuable insights.

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just started using these schedules for my arsenal team , now ive read about the schedules on page 1 but im still a bit unsure where certain players go ? , for instance so far ive done the following but could anyone tell me if this is pretty much correct-

all my first first choice starters that play most games have been put on the 1st choice schedules so for players like van persie ive put him on 1st choice centre foward and vermalean on 1st choice centre back and so on.

players who dont play as many games and perhaps not reached the potential ive put on devoloping schdules ,for instance bendtner is on developing centre foward.

and ive put players like campbell on veteran schedules.

is this pretty much correct.


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Some attributes are free when it comes to CA/PA point distribution depending on position, so if you train Defender in Shooting to increase his Composure, his Shooting increase won't spend PA points. At least there were some free points before so I presume it's same in FM10.

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Some attributes are free when it comes to CA/PA point distribution depending on position, so if you train Defender in Shooting to increase his Composure, his Shooting increase won't spend PA points. At least there were some free points before so I presume it's same in FM10.

By that you mean that his finishing and long shots increase won't count, right? Composure will surely be counted towards increased CA.

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I'm sure for shooting, in case that free points still apply, but composure might cost PA for each player. Someone else might know better about that research. I think that some Finish site had table with free points but can't recall for sure.

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Hello.I have read as many posts as I could and made some training schedules for my team following this rule and the results are excellent so far.I have some questions though.


1)The highest it is the more CA player will gain?Then the CA goes to attributes depending how we focus the training schedule?I know gaining CA is not only through training, but player also need match expertise.I just want to clear out if workload affect CA gain.

2)It affect player happiness with training (depending player professionalism).Does it also affect player Fitness before match?Or this has to do only with Strength - Aerobic training?

3)Same as above, does workload affect injuries?or this is again has to be with Strength - Aerobic training?As the most injuries I have seen during training is at 90% from strength training... (injured during weight training)


Can the Focus be for example 3,5 ? I mean do I have to always use the attributes multipliers?For example for outfield players Aerobic can go only to 5-10-15-20-25 clicks?Or I can put it to 17 and the focus will be 3,5?

I am asking this because I have problem Setting a general Pre - Season Training for outfield players.

If I put Aerobic to 25 (maximum) then this is focus = 5

Then strength to 15 again focus = 5

the other training areas I put them to focus 1 except tactics, which I put it to focus 2 (10 clicks)


This way my workload is too low.But I dont want to increase any area cause I have aerobic focus to max (5) and I want any CA gain to go to Aerobic - Strength mostly.

If I increase any other area , then less CA will go to Aerobic - Strength.I dont want to increase Strength too, cause I want my CA goes equal to Strength and Aerobic.

But Pre-season training is meant to be hard training, and my workload is much clicks before heavy...

Same problem with my goalkeeper.Goalkeeping have 7 attributes.The maximum focus is 3 at 21 clicks.in order to gain enough workload I must put aerobic and tactics to focus 4.

But in that way, my CA will go mostly to aerobic and tactic and less to goalkeeping.The other choice is to have a very low Workload...

Sorry for my bad English, I hope you understand :)

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Ok I understand :p Focus help us a lot to share each other our vision of training instead of talking about clicks in sliders.

But still there is a problem..some areas of training have many attributes (goalkeeping, tactics, aerobic) and if you want to focus on that areas, and spend most of the CA there, you have to put the other areas in lower focus.

that maybe result in low workload

From the other hand if you try to raise the workload, you cant really focus on specific areas of training...

This problem is bigger on veteran players because of the low aerobic training.

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one thing I've found with the schedules is that and technique and mental attributes seemed to increase however I'm struggling on the physical attributes

regardless how good my coaches or match practice I give them at my ajax team can someone give me some advice on this?

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thanks Ampalaea4

Anytime :p

Now note that Physical attributes are the most difficult to develop cause they use a lot of Current ability points.That means your youngsters must gain a lot of current ability points to use them in order to raise their attributes.

Make sure that your players have the following :

Ambition : huge impact on the quantity of CA gained by playing matches (Hidden attribute - use genie scout or FMRTE to see it )

Professionalism : most important attribute when it comes to the quantity of CA gained by playing matches.The player will develop early and peak fast and have the longest careers.( also hidden attribute )

Match expertise : Give them some matches.either by sending them on loan to a team you are sure he will play a lot of matches, or by use them in matches with weaker oppositions

Potential ability : be sure there is enough room for improvement

Now that you checked all this, we are going to the training.Try to give enough focus to the physical training.The physical attributes consume more CA points.That mean that if you have i.e 4 focus on aerobic and 4 focus on attacking it does not mean that the attributes of these categories will improve in same way and time..try to keep physical attributes in higher focus than the other training areas if you want to improve them fast.

I think Natural Fitness play a small part in physical attributes development, but I am not sure about this.It is just makes a common sense :p

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Anytime :p

Now note that Physical attributes are the most difficult to develop cause they use a lot of Current ability points.That means your youngsters must gain a lot of current ability points to use them in order to raise their attributes.

Make sure that your players have the following :

Ambition : huge impact on the quantity of CA gained by playing matches (Hidden attribute - use genie scout or FMRTE to see it )

Professionalism : most important attribute when it comes to the quantity of CA gained by playing matches.The player will develop early and peak fast and have the longest careers.( also hidden attribute )

Match expertise : Give them some matches.either by sending them on loan to a team you are sure he will play a lot of matches, or by use them in matches with weaker oppositions

Potential ability : be sure there is enough room for improvement

Now that you checked all this, we are going to the training.Try to give enough focus to the physical training.The physical attributes consume more CA points.That mean that if you have i.e 4 focus on aerobic and 4 focus on attacking it does not mean that the attributes of these categories will improve in same way and time..try to keep physical attributes in higher focus than the other training areas if you want to improve them fast.

I think Natural Fitness play a small part in physical attributes development, but I am not sure about this.It is just makes a common sense :p

would you say in this case you would definitely look for youngsters with a decent stats in physical from the start if so what would your minimum physical stats be that would be worth keeping a young player around?

thanks for your explanation

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To look for youngsters with an already high physical attributes is a good option, as it is far more easy to develop him in technical - mental.However as I said, physical attributes consume much of CA and that mean that the young player that he has low CA and good physical, his mental and technical abilities will be really bad and that will make him very bad player for at least 1-2 seasons...

Recently I have read a topic http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/216801-Explanation-of-the-Impact-of-Player-Attributes-During-Match-Play

It explains how every attribute takes part in specific events on the pitch.I suggest you take a good look at this...

After that post I realized that physical and technical attributes plays about the 25-30% of how good is the player on the pitch.And also I realized that if the player is good at mental attributes he will play very successful football, while a player low in mental attributes

even with high physical and technical attributes he will not play better than the mental solid one.

I started a game to test it out.I open a real time editor ( for the test purposes) and edited my players with high mental attributes, but below average on physical and technical.

None of my players had above 13 on any physical - technical attribute except for stamina, but they had 17-18 on every mental one.I got shocked from the results!

The team was playing magical football and I didn't received any goals for many games.My strikers was always going on one on one situations with 12-13 pace..A genius player does not need a lot of physical to perform well.

I am telling this, because I would prefer my young players would be as good as they can in mental attributes even with an average physical - technical atts, cause they could contribute to the team right away, will score good average rating, assists, goals, e.t.c and that will raise their reputation and morale.and by the time , with patience, you ll get the physicals attributes up with the correct training.

The most crucial part is to understand that mental is 2 times better than physical

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Hi guys this schedule sounds good but im having problems downloading it. Well I can download it but can't seem to be able to open the file and import it into FM.

Have scanned the thread and can't actually see any info on how to import the schedules. Any help would be appreciated.

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Just thought it would be appropriate to give credit to Sfraser for theses schedules SO....I bought a newgen from my scouts recommendation in 2013 in my United save even though i didn't think he would amount to much because of his low starting stats.Here he is..


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Since i wasn't to keen on him i didn't bother customizing any special schedules for him and just put him on the Dev. WF schedule,i then started to notice growth in his stats.I'm now in 2017 and his stats just don't seem to stop going up.


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